Character: The Vampire doppleganger of Willow is first shown in a parellel dimension created by a wish made by Cordelia in The Wish. She makes a second appearance in Doppelgangland after one of Anya's spells goes wrong. Havok and fun ensues as Willow and Buffy wonder what to do with Vampire Willow.
Custom Figure: The base figure is Vanessa Kensington from the first Austin Powers line (McFarlane). I trimmed the outfit down (easy since it was soft rubber) to make it lower cut at the front and the back. I trimmed down the belt to make it less visible, then sculpted sleeves and the ruffles on the bust. Her head comes from The Master from the Buffy line (Moore Action Collectibles). I chopped it down a little to size it down, and sculpted new hair. I painted her with Delta Creamcoat Craft Acrylics (Highly Recommended!).
Accesories/ Base: She comes with a goblet of blood (also from the Kensington figure), and I used Faith's (Angel series by Moore) base, as it fit perfectly for a back alley.
In Retrospect: I'm really happy with the balance of this figure as a biginning one. A small level of sculpting and painting kept it simple. A good base figure also contributed to this. I really started to learn how valuable a base and accesory was to totally round out the figure itself.
Where is it now?: Collecting dust on the shelf, waiting to have new pics taken and a new paint job. |