ASIA 21 Fiesta 102304 (Part 1)
On October 23, 2004, the School of Asia 21, Kokushikan University, celebrated its 3rd annual departmental fiesta called "ASIA 21." 200 or so motivated students initiated events that exhibited the fruits of their daily works in Asian studies. These events included fashion show, gallery exhibitions, Asian cinema, and Asian food court. Relevant guests from within and outside of the School were also called in for special lectures and demonstrations in order to enhance the quality of this fiesta. What I demonstrate here are only a fraction of this big day.
Few days before the fiesta, some students from my seminar got together at my hideout to map out the plan of our group activity. Our task was to set up a food stand representing two cultures, Okinawa and the Philippines. We started our meeting by sitting around a table and chatting about what to do as we ate bowls of Okinawan noodle.
We decided to make Philipino banana fries and Okinawan donuts called saataa-andagii. Here, we are experimenting with the fries under the guidance of Ramona, an exchange student from an university in Manila.
We fried over 50 andagii this day. Everyone did really well, and fries and andagii came out to be extremely delicious! Needless to say, we were all very satisfied!!
On the day of the fiesta, we got together at 9:00am in the morning to set up our stand named Kaibigan, which means "Welcome" in Tagalog.
Yu is here mixing wheat powder as the first step in our preparation of andagii.
We were one of a dozen food stand to be set up this day. Other stands represented China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malay, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, and Vietnam.
My students struggled at the outset since they couldn't get the amounts of ingredients quite right, but it wasn't long before everything came into order with outstanding results!
By the time the fiesta was officially opened, our group was rolling well, and my students got busy corresponding with customers who came to buy our fries!

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