Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

1) My hero in literature, Lu Xun (1881-1936).
2) My politico-strategic heroes, Ernesto Guevara (1928-1967) and Fidel Castro (1926-).
3) One of my main guides in philosophy, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938).
4) The one who inspired me in anthropology, Dr. Claude Levi-Strauss (1908-).

1) With my Madrina, Sen~ora Carmen Lazo de Chile (Fall 1998).
2) Having "yuntaku" with my buddy Okinawan educators (2/2004).
3a) Okimoto-san and Aya-chan - two of the leading members of Iriomote Island Support Group (Earthday Tokyo, 4/2004).
3b) My partner poses with other active members of Iriomote Support group.
3c) My "niece-friend," Sawa, taking an active role in demonstrating the quality of our N.G.O.

1) With my wife - a shot from our little wedding ceremony in Okinawa (1/2004).
2) Attending a harvest ceremony at my partner's home-village in Kube, Okinawa (1/7/2004).
3) Attending an opening ceremony at INCULS, Gajahmada U., Indonesia (2/2004).
4) Playing my sanshin alongside a sanshin master in order to assist an "eisaa" dance group exercize its performance (a scene from Earthday Tokyo 2004).

1) A shot from Nakijin Castle in the central part of the main island of Okinawa (1/2001).
2) Standing under my favorite Gajumaru in Kushi Village, Okinawa (2/2004).
3) My partner with her dog in front of our favorite local store in Henoko, Okinawa (2/2004).
4) My partner imitating Mieko, the main character in "Hotel Hibiscus," at Henoko beach (2/2004).
5) A pile of sugar canes near our hideout in northern Okinawa (2/2004).
6) Coming out of a sugarcane field (1/2004).

1) My partner assisting me in my archeological puzzle (12/2003).
2) Practicing Sanshin with a group of musicians from a local village in Okinawa (1/2004).
3) Making a new year's speech at a local Okinawan village (1/2004).
4) Taking care of my in-law's farm, Kube, Okinawa (1/2004).
5) Learning how to dismantle an "ahiraa" (duck), Kube (1/2004).
6) Practicing sanshin at home (3/2004).
7) Posing alongside Vietnamese language program representatives at Ho Chi Minh Social Sciences and Humanities U. (6/2003).

Vietnam (8/2003):
1) Shot of a Vietnamese woman selling part of her Harvest on a street of Ho Chi Minh City.
2) Standing in front of a village in Mekong Delta.
3) My partner with a local Vietnamese girl.

Indonesia (2/2004):
1) Getting a primary lecture at a Batik factory in Yogyakarta.
2) A closer observation of batik artisanship.
3) Standing at the main gate of Borbudur with my Indonesian friend, Gunawan-san.
4) Sample shot of a wall in Borbudur.
5) Another example of a portion of Borbudur wall.
6) One of the Buddha figures looking calmly down upon the world (from the second-to-top level of Borbudur).

Cuba (6/18-28/2004):
1) A farview of Havana City.
2) The main entrance of Universidad de la Habana.
3) Posing with other participants of the 16th annual meeting for the Association of Cuban and American Philsophers and Social Scientists.
4) At the disciplined opening ceremony of the ACAPSS meeting to which university faculties and government officials including Presidente Alarcon attended.
5) A scene from a presentation by main delegates.
6) At the panel to which I participated, where issues regarding sustainable economy were discussed.
7) With two of my colleagues, David and Mike, at the conference.
8) With Professors Fang and DuRand.
9) At the Monday rally (6/21/5:00am) where young student groups and labor organizers wait for the opening of La Marcha Anti-Imperialista.
10) With mi gran companera Iris at the rally.
11) Other participants in their march down the streets of Havana.
12) Comandante en jefe, Fidel Castro, making his speech toward the end of the rally.
13) Los pueblos Cubanos waving Cuban flags at the climax of the rally.
14) A huge anti-Bush banner was hanged up on the side of an apartment building at the rally plaza.
15) Buddy Randy and myself striking a pose after the rally.
16) Standing by the slogan "Socialismo o Muerte!!" written on a building wall.
17) A shot of a backstreet in Havana City.
18) Large, dignified statue of General Maceo facing Espana.
19) A shot from Museo de la Revolucion.
20) Posing before the images of Camilo Cienfuegos y Che Guevara.
21) A delicious course of Cuban meal, taken in Sobrino Restaurant.
22) Hotel Ambos Mundos is famous for its ground-floor bar where Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) used to hang out.
23) Looking at a street performance at Plaza de Almas.
24) Fidel and his saying.
25) Frank Pais and his commemoration.
26) A lively seaside scene!

1) Get together with a popular Okinawan duo Tenchoh at Shimauta-Rakuen in Roppongi, Tokyo (12/2003).

1) Yuh and Daisuke studying Ryukyuan cooking (11/2003).
2) Kao, Hai and Nozomi frying "saataa andagii," a type of Okinawan donuts (12/2003).
3a) With some of my international students on our visit to Ueno Park (12/2003).
3b) My students having "yakisoba."
4a) My Japanese students preparing to attend the first day of their Spring-04 Indonesian language program at Gajahmada U., part of an overseas studies program (2/2004).
4b) My Japanese students receiving warm welcome from Indonesian students and faculty members.
5) Japanese students attending Vietnam language course at Social Sciences and Humanities U., H.C.M.C.
6a) With two of my favorite students, Taku and Masa, from Earthday Tokyo 2004 (4/2004).
6b) Taku at work - consulting an N.G.O. representative about environmental issues of his interest.
6c) Masa listening to a presentation provided by an N.P.O. representative.
6d) Misa and Mayu coming to observe the second day of the Earthday Tokyo event.
6e) With two other students of mine, Harry and Jackie, upon their arrival.
6f) Misa and Mayu helping Takeo-sensei cook a kind of Okinawan seaweed soup called "aasaa jiru."

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