Links Header
Sites Wolf Species Comments
Animal Ark gray wolf wild animal sanctuary ::Neveda, USA::
Gray Wolf Recovery: Wolves in North America gray wolf informational, USFWS site
The International Wolf Center gray wolf wolf organization ::Minnesota, USA::
North American Wolf Association all, including wolf hybrids wolf organization ::Texas, USA::
Wolf Education and Research Center gray wolf (Nez Perce wolves) wolf organization ::Idaho, USA::
Wolf Haven International gray wolf & Mexican gray wolf (gray wolf subspecies) wolf organization and a Mexican gray wolf breeding & pre-release facility ::Washington, USA::
Wolf Park gray wolf wolf organization ::Indiana, USA::
Wolf Recovery Foundation all (i.e., wolves from the Rockies) wolf organization, sign up for wolf recovery updates, also see Ralph Maughan's Wildlife Reports ::Idaho, USA::
Wolf Timbers timber wolf (gray wolf subspecies) wolf organization ::Ohio, USA::
The Yellowstone Wolf Tracker gray wolf informational ::Montana, USA::
Alligator River Natl' Wildlife Refuge-->Red Wolf Recovery Program-Five Year Summary* red wolf informational, USFWS site ::North Carolina, USA::
American Zoo & Aquarium Association Species Survival Plan-->Red Wolf red wolf informational ::Maryland, USA::
North Carolina Zoological Park-->The Red Wolves of Alligator River" red wolf informational ::North Carolina, USA::
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium-->Red Wolf Species Survival Plan red wolf informational ::Washington, USA::
Red Wolf Recovery Program red wolf informational, USFWS site
The IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group-->Ethiopian Wolf Status Survey & Action Plan Ethiopian wolf informational ::Oxford, UK::
Wild Conservation Research Unit-->Ethiopian Wolf Ethiopian wolf informational ::Oxford, UK::
United Nations Environment Programme- World Conservation Monitoring Centre-->Ethiopian Wolf Ethiopian wolf informational ::UK::
Friends of the Wolf all + more, except Ethiopian wolf personal webpage
Ralph Maughan's Wildlife Reports n/a (wildlife) personal webpage: informational update reports, part of Wolf Recovery Foundation website

"a"-->"b"- "b" (actual webpage of wolf-related info.) is part of/came from/linked off of the main website "a".
::location_name::-location of organization *location of Alligator River Natl' Wildlife Refuge
USFWS- acronym of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service