A weblog.
Art by Olivia De Berardinis, 1998.
February 2, 2006

I have been angry for some time now. Last night my anger stared me in the face and said, “let me go.” So, I started asking myself what it is that I’m so angry about. I didn’t have an answer until this morning. I guess I needed to sleep on it. I had been thinking absently about what it might be that has me so pissed off…but nothing rang quite true enough. Either that or I wasn’t being honest enough with the one person I lie to the most…myself. Why is that, I wonder…we lie to ourselves more than anyone else. It isn’t really because it’s easy…if we are honest with ourselves we know it isn’t. If I find the answer I’ll be sure to put it down in black and white for the world to read. Possibilities like my job or inheriting my temper from Dad and the temptation to blame it on my husband have all been floating somewhere in my head. Those are the easy explanations…easy but all wrong. I got to work today…hello corporate world…in my pinstripes and heels, sat down at my desk and got a little irritated. I checked my email and posted a few thoughts on the book club site. Then I decided to revisit some of the contents of the site that I have been angry that no one visits, while hypocritically neglecting them myself. There was a link to the weblog of one of my favorite writers. I hadn’t been there in months and was curious about her. Once there, as her words have always had a way of doing, she reminded me. why. i. was. so. angry.

I’m too busy. I don’t have enough time for the things that really matter. My accounting job is causing my left brain to take over my ambidextrous life. I’m losing myself in my career. All of this went through my head in some order. Still, none of it worked this time. Something long dormant instantly sounded a morning alarm in my mind. Something shook me awake. Me. That’s the key. The missing key. I am. Who? Aha! I am. Missing. My. Life. It is no one else’s fault. It can’t be. I’m not a prisoner by any means but my own. Too tired. Too scared. Which? Too Scared. Too many damn excuses for missing my life. Today I remembered. Who. I. Am.

I. Am. A. Writer.

I. Am. A. Gardener.

I. Am. A. Witch.

I. Am A. Creator. Of. Worlds.

And I have been asleep.

So, this weblog marks my beginning again. My waking. Make the time or there will be no time. Use it or lose it. That’s what they say. So, this will be my new foundation. My outlet and my factory.

I. Will. Write.

Even if no one is listening. I will be listening. I will be awake. Who was I so angry with? Me. It frustrating trying to wake someone up that won’t revive. It’s downright aggravating when you repeatedly try to make someone hear you that isn’t listening. No wonder I was so angry. I never listened to myself. I haven’t for a very long time. It’s time to prioritize. I choose being who I am as my highest priority. That will make all my other goals and priorities possible. Someone once told me that a writer writes, not because s/he wants to, but because s/he has no choice. For a very long time I thought that meant that I was not a true writer. I can’t get myself to sit down and write, so I must not have it in me. I was missing the point. Whether or not I have been putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, I have been writing in mind all along. That’s a lot of mental build-up with no outlet. I finally understand what they mean. Writing is my birth. It’s like breathing. You can hold your breath but not for long. And if you do hold it for too long, your mouth bursts open in an outward explosion followed by an immediate and violent intake of all the air around you. If I don’t write, it can be devastating to my own health and that of those around me. I finally get it. I remember. I’m not angry anymore. I am.

The TV can wait.

The kitchen can wait.

The spreadsheets can all wait.

Five minutes.

It’s time to be who I am.

It is time to write.




February 3, 2006

I'm eating lunch at my desk again today. Even though I promised myself that I'd start leaving the office for lunch, I'm eating lunch at my desk again today. I have been asking myself how to switch from my "Budget Projections mind" to my "Creative Writer mind." It occurs to me that maybe they aren't so different. The two subjects are nearly polar opposites of each other, but they are both part of me. Just knowing that helps me to get closer to the answer.

In fact, switching back and forth between different parts of my brain is easier than I thought. I just had to decide to do it. Now as far as eating lunch at my desk and working too hard on a Friday afternoon...I'll see if I can't address that next week. Today I have a Budget Projection to do.

Okay, so I'm still a work in progress.

July 23, 2007

It's been awhile. My life just got turned on its proverbial ear, but this shakeup certainly falls into the 'blessing in disguise' category. I was dismissed from my management job just over one week ago. My dismissal was generally the result of a corrup human resources department and did not follow company procedure. But, rather than hash out all of the ugly details here, I'll just say this: I am relieved. I will be consulting an attourney more for peace of mind than anything, but I am relieved to be free of such a hostile environment. I stopped by the old store after closing time and was greeted by my former staff with hugs, concern and expressions of outrage on my behalf. It was nice.

This little development also gives me more time to do just this...write. That and read the behemoth tome that is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'm half way through and thoroughly flummoxed as to what the rest of the book will hold. I can't believe this is the last one.

Well, I'm off to find ways to nurture myself spiritually, write a bestseller, enjoy the daily rain that the monsoon gods bring this time of year, find my center and...oh, yeah...find another job. But, what's the rush?

My goodness, this blog is seriously lacking in angst. My apologies. I'll try to rant better next time.