Here are some various photos from 1985 to present, of shows I have performed in (aka - a timeline of watching me get older and heavier!). Some pictures were taken during performances and, because of lighting conditions and distances from stages, are not as clear as I would have liked them to be. Many others were taken backstage - usually in dressing rooms during the "down times" between scenes or while resting between matinee and evening shows. I have indicated the show, the theatre and the dates (just run your mouse over the picture for this information). In the case of other actors in the photos, I am not listing last names because some people might prefer NOT to have their names plastered all over the internet (if any of you see this and don't mind your full name and photo on this page, please let me know). I deliberately left the photos different sizes to create a kind of "scrapbookish" feel to the page. There are multiple pictures of some of my favorite shows.
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