

Graphic Artist Wilson Ogg

The following copyrighted graphic poems may be reproduced in whole or in part as long as the copyright and authorship by Wilson Ogg is recognized.



We look together at the setting sun Whose fading glow reflects the handgrip of the heavens. With beauty unspoiled by illusion which unifies our souls rejenates our common spirit. We accept the tender grasp the heavens In our merger with beauty we part with illusion the burden of our separateness ceases. In the bright glare of our illusion we lose ourselves but gain pinnacles beyond horizons unseen In our touching, we capture a moment unveiling the nakedness of beauty A moment that contains within itself an allness that arises from the constant death and birth of consciousness. In nourishing ourselves with our captured moment beauty becomes one with us. FOREST OF THE NIGHT We are strangers you and me Before the Passage of the day we were wed In the purity of our nakedness We dance in the forest of the night Clothing ourselves with the wisdom of the morning sun As we await the judgment that is to come. We touch our teacher`s hand discovering beauty in love unadorned We listen to our heart and feel the beating pulse of the warming sun. In memory you are loyal In expection sincere In the all-enclosing moment We fade to nothingness As we enbrace the depths below and the heavens above.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST In distant but not forgotten days We saw together the film Beauty and the Beast I viewed myself as having lived from the beginning of time. In the opened state of my growth I saw in you the beauty of a flower about to unfold Our movements parted Yours being anchored to matter Mine being anchored to the self You have reached the mountain tops. I am approaching the seashore Close to the waters of the soul You were a bud in youth and freshness that has unfolded Having budded long ago I am an enfolding flower I wish for the unclothed days of the near forgotten past I will welcome returning to the purity of a stem yet to bud.

ENOUGH FOR NOW A brook winds its path through my garden From whence it comes I do not know Its origin must be in the hills far above. My friend and I one afternoon in March started our ascent along the upward path Is it not true that brooks have origins-- Else where do they stock anew their bastismal fluid? Up the hill we climb seeking help from hill people in our upward search. In the afternoon with the brook oozing from the ground below only a few feet from us The watershed is here! Exclaimed a woman. We continued our upward climb finding again my brook permeating the ground above. Evening came Knowing all things have origins We searched no further having searched enough for now But the morrow is another day. Exclaimed a woman.

LOVE`S SEPARATE PATHS I know you love that guides me down the path At times I wonder off by myself But your presence is always close at hand. You cling to your things and move among them But in time you will let me go and I will let you go for I have no right to hold you here. For love to free us We must separate Your need is to continue on your way and my need is to abide my time. When time no longer holds me here and when you are still Our paths will cross and we will again know the other`s love.

CANOPY OF LOVE My love of self is the canopy of my loving you and this canopy I cannot violate Out of my love for you.