*Window Licker C*
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*Window Licker C* - thats ME. 5/5/03 I created this site. I have been working on it for about 4 1/2 hours so far and am quite proud of it. I woke up at around 12, put a clothes wash on, then came online with the sole purpose of getting www.windowlickers.com. Unfortunately it was already taken. So was .co.uk. I tried windowlickersanonymous.com, everyone accepted it, but they would not accept *Visa Electron* - those *Crazy Cats* so I had to use reliable old oocities.com - *MANY THANKS :-D*

So, back to me...
I love music. I listen to it a lot. I also love really salty food. Salt popcorn, plain salted chips, teaspoons of salt. Consequently, I am almost always dehydrated. Having discovered the *Internet* only a few months ago, I am still learning, but with the help of my *Window Lickers* I have learnt even *more* - esp. *Window Licker G* :-*

*Window Licker Z* is my closest ally, and whilst we have only been allies a short while, our relationship has evolved. We now have 2 joint email accounts - windowlovingpeople@hotmail.com and windowlickersanonymous@yahoo.co.uk. Feel free to add us, it makes us feel *Special*.

I have my own tartan.

*Window Licker C*

*Window Licker C*
Click one of the links below to feel fear like you've never felt it before:
*Window Licker C*'s *Word of the Day*
*A special secret message - DON'T PEEK!*
The daily grind
Back to *The Window Lickers*
*My Dad - and I  am oh so proud of him :-)*
*The Info*:
Name: *The Window Lickers*
Email: windowlickersanonymous@yahoo.c.uk
*Window Licker C* looking *cool* - check out the person in the *Horny Hat* behind though...
*Window Licker C* KISSING a window as opposed to licking it...
*Window Licker C* looking rather *sultry*...?