Frédéric Faucher
    Fred Faucher was born on December 16, 1969. Not much is public of his early  years but  he grew  up in  and  around Quebec City  and, by the early 1990s, he  was  an  up-and-coming member of  the  Rock  Machine Motorcycle Club's Quebec chapter.

     On July 14, 1994, Faucher and four Rock  Machine were arrested in a hotel room as they planned an attack on members of the Evil Ones, a Hells Angels  puppet club. Police confiscated two pistols, three  radio-detonated bombs, and twelve pounds of  dynamite. He was convicted but received a short jail sentence.
     The Rock Machine  was obsessed with becoming  a member of one of
Rock Machine/Bandidos
the "big five" biker gangs- the Hells Angels, the Outlaws, the Bandidos, the Pagans, and the Sons of Silence. He settled on the Texas-based Bandidos MC  and wrote to Swedish members and explained the violent war taking place between the Rock Machine and Hells Angels.

     Faucher, accompanied by fellow Rock Machine  members Johnny Plescio  and Robert "Toutou" Léger, tried to enter  Sweden on June 18, 1997 to  attend the Bandidos Helsingborg memory run for fallen  comrades. However, their  plans  were  cut short  when Swedish police  refused them  entry because of  their criminal records. The bikers were detained 24 hours and deported back to Canada.

     But Faucher  remained determined. On July 14, 1997, with  members  Johnny  Plescio  and Paul "Sasquatch" Porter (who  has since  alligned himself  with the Hells  Angels) flanking  him, Faucher attended a bike show in Luxembourg. There, the Canadians was seen meeting with top members of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club.

     Fred  Faucher  was the  police's prime suspect of  the July 24, 1997  attempted murder of  Hells Angels Nomad member  Louis "Melou" Roy. Roy survived, despite being struck  four times, and no one was brought up on charges.
  On September 11, 1997, the club's president, Claude "Ti-Loup" Vézina, was  arrested  and Faucher became  the Rock Machine's new leader.

     Police raided the home of Faucher's brother, Jean-Judes, who is also  a Rock Machine, in December 1999. Within the residence, cops found  photo-albums loaded with pictures of Hells Angels members and associates.

     When law enforcement discussed  a new  anti-gang law, Faucher  and  Maurice "Mom" Boucher, leader of  the  Hells
Angels, decided to meet  and call a truce. Accompanied by lieutenants, the biker leaders first met in Quebec City's  courthouse  and then  at the  trendy Bleu Marin restaurant  on Montreal's Crescent Street to come to  an agreement. A photographer from the crime  tabloid Allo Police was invited to capture the moment and he did so, snapping a now infamous picture of  Faucher  and Boucher in a friendly  handshake. The  peace  did not  last long  and, less than two months later, gang  members were back to shooting one another in the streets.

     Fred Faucher was arrested with Marcel "Le Maire" Demers, a founding Rock Machine member, on  December 6, 2000. Police reported that Faucher was at the head of  a drug ring that distributed two kilograms of  cocaine a  month in the  Montreal  area. The biker boss  was, police say, earning $250 thousand  a year from cocaine trafficking alone. He pled guilty to 28 charges and, on May 11, 2001 was sentenced to 12 years in prison.