Matticks Affair
It was thought to be bust that  finally  decimated the Matticks crew. But it was the  police that  end up defending themselves in court.

After seizing  more than 26 tonnes of hashish  at  the Port of  Montreal, more than 100 police  officers swooped down on kingpins of the notorious West End Gang.

Gerald Matticks was  arrested  at his  LaPrairie  home, while  his  brother  Richard  was  picked  up in Lachine. Also  accused  were  Donald  Driver, John  McLean, William  Hodges, Felice  Italiano,  John McLean, and Steve Brown.

Just another open-and-shut investigation for the Sûreté du Québec? Nothing was further from the truth.
A dramatic turn of  events would  turn the  tables on the  provincial  police force. As  a defence lawyer rummaged through the  stacks of evidence, he discovered  some shocking inconsistencies. As it turned out, several  waybills that  investigators said  they  had seized  a t the  customs-brokerage  business of William Hodges  had in fact been  provided to  police by Canadian Customs officials weeks prior to the bust.

The  information  was  brought  before  Quebec Court  Justice  Micheline  Corbeil-Laramee. While the Crown insisted the mistake had  been made in “good faith”, the  defence  argued that  the evidence had been planted. The judge ruled that the  evidence had  been  tampered with  and  tossed out the  charges against the Matticks brothers and their associates.

The controversy, which was  dubbed the  Matticks Affair, was far from over. Charges of  obstructing justice and perjury were brought against four Sûreté du Québec detectives involved in the investigation. The charges  produced outrage  from the  police community, who packed the courtroom to encourage their comrades.

During the trial, fellow police officer Mario Simard testified that the accused had hassled him into lying to prosecutors in charge of the drug case. Roger Primeau, another police officer, collaborated much of what Simard said  and  added that he didn’t   remember seizing  any waybills during their search of the customs-brokerage business.

The crown prosecutor of the drug case  also testified at the trial. Madeleine Giauque reportedly told the jury that the  alleged  tampering of  the  evidence was simply  an error  and not deliberate. Giauque also testified that  she was approached by  a lawyer shortly  after the  drug  bust  and  offered  a  trip to the Dominican Republic if she chose not to impose bail for the alleged West End Gang members.

The four detectives were acquitted on June 9, 1996, but the scandal continued. Quebec Premier Lucien Bouchard shortly thereafter announced that an extensive public inquiry would be launched into practices of the Sûreté du Québec. Former chief of justice Lawrence Poitras was to head the inquiry.

The Poitras Commission was  launched  in October 1996, and  over  a period of 21 months, listened to dozens of witnesses and collected 65,000 pages of evidence. The hearings cost taxpayers $20 million.

The  result  was  a 1734-page  report  with 175 recommendations  that  was  submitted to  the security minister in December 1998. In the report, the Poitras Commission called for  a sweeping reform of the Sûreté du Québec, which it said routinely broke laws during investigations. The Commission urged the government establish a “civilian body” to oversee the police force’s activities.

But while  Gerald Matticks  rubbed the scandal in the  face of  police in  an  interview with  a  Montreal Gazette reporter, it was the Sûreté du Québec that had the last laugh.

The kingpin was arrested in  a police operation in 2001 and  again  accused of importing drugs through the Port of Montreal. This time, Matticks  pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Police Investigations