Raymond Craig
    Raymond  Craig  was  born  around 1940  and  became  one  of Canada’s largest drug  importers. He shared  amicable  relations with the West End Gang and  the  Montreal Mafia, including  a  friendship with mob boss Frank Cotroni, and  was  said to  be  an  intermediate between local gangs and drug cartels in South America.

     Craig began his criminal career robbing banks, before  graduating to loansharking  and  importing  large  amounts of  cocaine. He soon established  strong  connections  to suppliers in  South America  and even spent four years living in Colombia during the mid 1990s.

     These  links  were  surely  strengthened  by  the  fact  that  Craig married  a  Bolivian  woman  with  her  own  drug  contacts. Sandra Antelo  also imported large  amounts of cocaine, but made  a mistake when  she  became  involved  with  the  Hells  Angels, something her husband had warned from doing.

     Antelo  first  became  involved  with  the  famous  biker  gang  through  Michel  Rose  and  André
Chouinard, members of the club’s Nomads Chapter. The two sides reached a business agreement where Antelo would  import between 200  and 500 kilograms of cocaine  at  a time for distribution by the  Hells Angels.

     The shipments went on without a hitch for  about two years, until problems  arose over a delivery of 2,400 kilos of cocaine. The two sides could not  agree on the price of a kilo and Craig, who had warned his wife about dealing with bikers, became involved in the deal.

     Antelo would later say that her husband  urged for  Hells Angels kingpin Maurice Boucher to become involved in the  negotiations. But once the bikers  had  the  cocaine  shipment, Antelo said they  told they would pay her whatever they wanted to pay her.

     The drug importer’s wife barely escaped death in  June 2000. She was  driving on Highway 15 when a car pulled up alongside her and someone opened fire. She was miraculously unharmed.

     Her husband wasn’t so lucky. Craig was  gunned down  after  attending  an  annual  golf tournament held by reputed underworld figure Claude Faber in Ste. Adele, north of Montreal, on August 29, 2000.

     Antelo later gave herself up to  authorities and was given immunity from prosecution in exchange for her cooperation and testified at a mega trial of several Hells Angels, including Rose and Chouinard.
Independent Criminals