Weaving Small Wisdoms...
Newsletter by WiseHearts.Com

Weaving Small Wisdoms

Weaving Small Wisdoms is a free newsletter from WiseHearts.com that is delivered to your emailbox one or two times a week. All content is original writing with permission from the authors to share their work with WSW subscribers. Each issue features updates and the newest additions to WiseHearts.com - Terri's Words From A Simple Heart column, a Shared Wisdom - commentary or story by a guest author and a Shared Verse by a another guest author. As an added bonus, there's a Shared Links section at the bottom of each issue. This section offers links to the web sites of that day's guest authors, links to Weaving Small Wisdoms subscribers who collaborate on a web page or a web project and links to web sites recommended by WSW subscribers.

Subscribers are encouraged to send in original writing contributions for consideration.

Formatting the HTML Version of WSW to HTML is time consuming and I'm no longer able to find the time to do it. Updated Archives in Plain Text Format Only are always available at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/weavingsmallwisdoms/

The HTML Version (largest group of subscribers) and the Large Print Version are sent from my own computer.

Weaving Small Wisdoms

To subscribe, choose one of the following options:

***Please Note***

Both AOL and WebTV Subscribers must use the Yahoo Groups box below to sign up.

AOL and WebTV users no longer receive Weaving Small Wisdoms when I mail it
from my own computer. Both servers are trying to figure out the problem and find a
solution, but to date, this is the only way their users are able to receive the newsletter.

***If you experience any problems signing up through Yahoo Groups,
email me: terri@wisehearts.com and I will add your name to the list.
Subscribe to weavingsmallwisdoms
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To Subscribe to the Plain Text Version
Use the Yahoo Groups Box Above
Sample HERE

Subscribe - HTML - Here
(Bold & Colored Headings)
Sample HERE
Subscribe - Large Print - Here
(18 Point Arial Font)
Sample HERE

Weaving Small Wisdoms


If any of the following links don't work,
email your request to me at:


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address along with your new one.
Unsubscribe Request
Just click on the link above
and send a blank email.

For Submission Guidelines,
send a bank email to:
Submission Guidelines

Let the worlds of my mouth...

Let the words of my mouth
and the meditations of my
heart, be acceptable in
Thy sight. Psalm 19:14

Let the worlds of my mouth...

Please Note: All works in WSW are used with Permission from the Authors.
Each author owns all Copyrights to their work. You may forward the newsletter
in its entirety, but you must receive permission from the author if you want to use
an individual piece on its own. Any breach of the above information is in direct
violation of International Copyright Law. Please include the following author tag
when reprinting 'Words From A Simple Heart©' or 'Wee Wisdoms©':

© Terri McPherson
Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

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Editor: Terri McPherson

WiseHearts.Com Weaving Small Wisdoms Through The Fabric Of Life

All works, unless otherwise attributed or credited, are copyrighted by:
Terri McPherson, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

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