WiseHearts... Weaving Small Wisdoms Through The Fabric Of Life Wise = Learning & understanding what is true in life. Heart = The source of emotions - spirit, courage, love. ____________________________________________ Good Monday To You! January 31st, 2000 Wee Wisdom Your life is not a weak or token gift, it is big and it is powerful. Each breath, each sigh, each blink of an eye, is a new and wondrous moment. Terri ____________________________________________ Words from a Simple Heart One of the biggest crutches people use to justify the lack in their life, is a tiny, two letter word: IF Lack of exercise is justified by, "If I had the energy, or, if I had the time, I would...." Lack of motivation is justified by, "If I was good at something, or, if I knew what I wanted to do, I would...." Lack of forward movement, of doing the work that needs to be done in order to create the life you want to live, is justified and best summed up by, "If I won the lottery I would..." Focus on finding ways to regain your energy, create your time and uncover your talents. We are all good at something. It doesn't take a university degree to be a fabulous person. As for waiting on the lottery to deliver your dream life to you on a cash laden platter? Change your dream. Living in love and loving life, Terri McPherson _____________________________________________ Shared Wisdom Mother's Autograph Book I found my dear Mother's autograph book amongst her things that I keep in my attic. Every now and then I sit on the floor by myself and just go through her mementos. I thought I would share some of these entries in her autograph book with you. I know she would not mind. The most inflammable kind of wood is a chip on your shoulder. Everybody should listen to a sermon sometimes, especially those who go to church. Remorse is the egg that pleasure laid. All rumors should be fitted with girdles to keep them from spreading. Every man needs a wife because there are some things that can not be blamed on the government. Drive-in banking was invented so cars can go in and see their real owners. A lot of problems are caused by a narrow mind and a wide mouth. Some people try to push themselves forward by patting themselves on the back. The person who talks about his inferiors--hasn't any. Nature gave man one mouth and two ears so we can listen twice as much as we speak. Your mind is like your stomach it is not how much you put into it it is how much you digest. You are on the road to success when you realize that failure is merely a detour. Be careful of the words you say keep them soft and sweet. You never know from day to day which ones you'll have to eat. © Misker miskersden@miskersden.com _____________________________________________ Shared Verse Free to be me Let me sit by myself - it's so rare that I do; allowing my spirit itself, to renew. Ever busy working, gathering, talking, but not taking time for 'by myself' walking. Let my mind wonder - and drift as it will to mountains, or lakes, or some far away hill. Let me contemplate wonders of everything living. Let my arms stretch forth with arms full of giving. When a friend needs uplifting - let me be the one who is sensitive enough to know what needs to be done. Let me meditate often - to go looking for me; to understand and help others - and set myself free. © Sylvia Wagner sewsew@aug.com _____________________________________________ Shared Links Recommended by a Listmember: Rose Color Meanings, Holiday Pages with beautiful Applets, Pages upon Pages of Song Lyrics with accompanying graphics and music. Be sure to visit Karen's Klutter, the web site owner's other site, while you're there. ARose4ever's Home Page http://arose4ever.com/roses/index.htm WSW Teamwork: Bev & Terri - Love is... http://www.angelcities.com/members/wisehearts/LI.htm Today's Authors: Misker - Misker's Den http://miskersden.com _____________________________________________ If any of the following links don't work, email: mailto:tmcphers@mnsi.net with your request on the Subject Line. For information about submitting your work, send a blank email to: Submission Guidelines To unsubscribe from this newsletter, send a blank email to: Unsubscribe To subscribe to this newsletter, send a blank email to one of the following: Subscribe - Plain Text (Best for AOL below 6.0) Subscribe - HTML (Colored Text & Bold Headings) Subscribe - Large Print (18 Point Arial Font)) Editor: Terri McPherson Newsletter Archives Weaving Small Wisdoms http://www.oocities.org/wisehearts/ WiseHearts... Weaving Small Wisdoms Through The Fabric Of Life http://www.mnsi.net/~tmcphers/ Mirror Site - WiseHearts... Weaving Small Wisdoms Through The Fabric Of Life http://www.angelcities.com/members/wisehearts/ All works, unless otherwise attributed or credited, are copyrighted by Terri McPherson, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. |
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