A Thoughtful Spot - Halfway between Pooh's house and Piglet's house
A Thoughtful Spot
"Half-way between Pooh's house and Piglet's house was
a Thoughtful Spot where they met sometimes when they
had decided to go and see each other, and as it was
warm and out of the wind they would sit down there
for a little and wonder what they would do now that
they had seen each other."
Great Adventures

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High Days & Holidays High Days & Holidays
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Honey & other trappy things Honey & other trappy things
...In which we find the ingredients for setting a cunning trap to catch the Heffalump

History Pooh History
...In which we learn the story of our favorite Bear, the Man who told his stories, and the little Boy who loved him so

Grafiks & Goodees Grafiks & Goodees
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Please do not remove any graphics from this page unless they are offered to you. They were created for this site. This is the home that was intended for them, and they are quite happy here. If you need help creating or finding graphics of your own, please let me know and I will do my best to assist you.... thanks wjlpooh : )

The characters/images/text from The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh are copyright by one or more of the following: Dutton Children's Books, Disney, and Trustees of the Pooh Properties. The original characters were created/illustrated by A. A. Milne and Ernest H.Shepard. This site is not connected to, or endorsed by Dutton Children's Books, Disney, or Trustees of the Pooh Properties. All information/graphics are provided for personal use to share the love of Winnie-the-Pooh and friends with the world.