The purpose of SAGA is to promote the individual professional development of current and past students as well as alumni of Western's student affairs and student personnel services programs.  In order to accomplish this purpose, SAGA sponsors professional networking opportunities, conferences, training workshops, an organizational newsletter, and other activities oriented toward career development.

An ancillary purpose of SAGA is to promote Western's student affairs program through sponsorship of various informational and recruitment activities.  It is also a way to have fun!

Membership to SAGA is open to:
1) Students currently enrolled in Western's M.A.E. degree program in Student Affairs
2) Students who are currently enrolled, or have previously completed, any Student Affairs course   
    offered at Western
3) Alumni of Western's M.A.E. in Student Affairs or Student Personnel Services
4) Alumni of Western's Ed.S.  program in Counseling (Student Personnel Services emphasis)
5) Current professionals working in "Student Affairs" at Western

In order to join SAGA, individuals mist meet one of the membership criteria listed above.  They must also submit an application along with a one-time $10.00 membership fee.