Ancestry of James Erwin (1796 - 1851)

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William A. LaBach
311 Duke Road #9
Lexington, KY 40502
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Ultimate Family Tree, ver 3.10 Patch
LABACH Project Version 2687
October 23, 2002

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Erwin, Irb, Patton

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First Generation

1. James1 Erwin (Andrew2), son of Andrew Erwin and Jane Patton, was born in Wilkesboro, NC October 21, 1796. James died June 1, 1851 Lexington, KY, at 54 years of age. His body was interred in Lexington Cemetery.

He married twice. He married Anne Brown Clay in Fayette Co., KY, October 21, 1823. Anne was born Lexington, KY April 15, 1807. Anne was the daughter of Henry Clay and Lucretia Hart. Anne died December 10, 1835 Lexington, KY, at 28 years of age. Her body was interred in Lexington Cemetery. At 18 years of age Anne became the mother of Julia D. Erwin December 24, 1825. At 20 years of age Anne became the mother of Henry Clay Erwin June 14, 1827. At 21 years of age Anne became the mother of James Erwin, Jr. June 18, 1828. At 22 years of age Anne became the mother of Lucretia Hart Erwin October 22, 1829. At 23 years of age Anne became the mother of Andrew Eugene Erwin Lexington, KY, October 2, 1830. At 25 years of age Anne became the mother of Mary Erwin May 1832. At 28 years of age Anne became the mother of Charles Edward (Ned) Erwin in Fayette Co., KY, November 2, 1835. He married Margaret Julia Johnson February 21, 1843. Margaret was born in Fayette Co., KY March 4, 1821. Margaret was the daughter of Henry Johnson and Elizabeth J. Flournoy. Margaret died August 19, 1863 in Mississippi, at 42 years of age. At 22 years of age Margaret became the mother of Elizabeth Julia Erwin February 1844. At 27 years of age Margaret became the mother of James Erwin 1848.

James's occupation: Attorney. At 29 years of age James became the father of Julia D. Erwin December 24, 1825. At 30 years of age James became the father of Henry Clay Erwin June 14, 1827. At 31 years of age James became the father of James Erwin, Jr. June 18, 1828. At 33 years of age James became the father of Lucretia Hart Erwin October 22, 1829. At 33 years of age James became the father of Andrew Eugene Erwin Lexington, KY, October 2, 1830. At 35 years of age James became the father of Mary Erwin May 1832. At 39 years of age James became the father of Charles Edward (Ned) Erwin in Fayette Co., KY, November 2, 1835. At 47 years of age James became the father of Elizabeth Julia Erwin February 1844. At 51 years of age James became the father of James Erwin 1848. James Erwin was a lawyer but did not practice. He engaged in business in New Orleans, LA. It is believed he first lived in Kentucky after his purchase of the estate known as "The Woodlands" in 1831. A book entitled "Like Some Green Laurel" published by LSU Press claims he had two illegitimate children by a French dancer in New Orleans. I have no proof of this.

James Erwin and Margaret Julia Johnson had the following children:

child 2 i. Emily Erwin was born on (birth date unknown).

child 3 ii. Victor Flournoy Erwin was born on (birth date unknown).

child 4 iii. Johnson Erwin was born before 1874, the first event for which there is a recorded date. He married Matilda Ward 1874.

child 5 iv. William Erwin was born on (birth date unknown).

James Erwin and Anne Brown Clay had the following children:

child 6 v. Julia D. Erwin was born December 24, 1825. Julia died 1828 at 2 years of age.

child 7 vi. Henry Clay Erwin was born June 14, 1827. Henry died August 1859 in Louisville, KY, at 32 years of age. His body was interred in Lexington Cemetery. He married Margaret Johnson.

child 8 vii. James Erwin, Jr. was born June 18, 1828. James died 1848 in New Orleans, LA, at 20 years of age. His body was interred in Lexington Cemetery.

child 9 viii. Lucretia Hart Erwin was born October 22, 1829. Lucretia died 1866 at 36 years of age. She married Frederic Augustus Cowles December 26, 1850.


child 10 ix. Andrew Eugene Erwin was born Lexington, KY October 2, 1830. Andrew died June 25, 1863 in Battle of Vicksburg, MS, at 32 years of age. He married Josephine Deborah Russell in Callaway Co., MO, July 10, 1853. Josephine was born in Fulton, Callaway Co., MO December 7, 1835. Josephine was the daughter of William Henry Russell and Zaenett Freeland. Josephine died March 29, 1920 in Fayette Co., KY, at 84 years of age. Her body was interred in Lexington Cemetery. At 18 years of age Josephine became the mother of Lucretia Clay Erwin in Independence, MO, June 12, 1854. At 21 years of age Josephine became the mother of Nettie Russell Erwin 1857. At 25 years of age Josephine became the mother of Mary Webster Erwin in Jackson Co, Mo, February 5, 1861. At 28 years of age Josephine became the mother of Eugenia Erwin January 26, 1864. Josephine was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census in Fayette County, Kentucky. Josephine Clay is listed on the 1910 Census for Fayette County, Kentucky as a farmer, age 75, born in Missouri. Also listed is Lucretia Simpson, daughter, 55, born in Missouri; Minor Simpson, son-in-law, 73, born in Kentucky; Josephine Simpson, granddaughter, 31, born in Kentucky; Eugene Simpson, grandson, electrical engineer, 30, born in Kentucky; and Henry C. Simpson, 13, born in Kentucky.

Josephine was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Fayette County, Kentucky. Josephine Clay is listed in the 1920 Census for Fayette County, Kentucky as a white female, age 85, whose occupation was listed as farmer. Also in the household were Minor Simpson, age 83; Lucretia C. Simpson, 65; Josephine C. Simpson, age 41; and Eugene E. Simpson, farmer, age 39.

At 23 years of age Andrew became the father of Lucretia Clay Erwin in Independence, MO, June 12, 1854. At 26 years of age Andrew became the father of Nettie Russell Erwin 1857. Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Jackson County, Missouri. Eugene Erwin is listed in the 1860 Census for Jackson County, Missouri living in the Jones Hotel with himself listed as 26 and born in Kentucky, Josephine as 24 and born in Missouri, Lucretia as 5 and born in Missouri, Nettie as 3 and born in Missouri, and Zaenett Russell as 53 and born in Maryland. Eugene Erwin is listed with real estate valued at $6,500.00 and personal property worth $15,000.00. Zaenett is listed with real estate worth $2,000.00 and personal property worth $5,000.00.

Andrew was listed as the owner of slaves on the 1860 Census of Slave Inhabitants in Jackson County, Missouri. The slave schedules for 1860 in Jackson County, Missouri list Eugene Erwin as owning one black female age 13.

At 30 years of age Andrew became the father of Mary Webster Erwin in Jackson Co, Mo, February 5, 1861. At 33 years of age Andrew became the father of Eugenia Erwin January 26, 1864. His biography from History of Kentucky by Judge Charles Kerr (Chicago and New York, 1922) follows: Col. Eugene Erwin was a soldier whose record of action and high character entitles him to all the honors paid a military career in every age of the world. He was born at Woodlands, adjoining Lexington, then the home of his father, James Erwin, whose wife was the favorite child of Henry Clay. Eugene Erwin lived for several years in Missouri. He was in Missouri when the war broke out between the North and South, and immediately offered his services to the Confederacy. His military career of about two years was most brilliant. He was a magnetic leader, was idolized by his soldiers, and until his heroic death he was almost constantly at posts of danger. He was commissioned major by the commander of the State Guards of Missouri, and participated in the battles of Wilson's Creek, Lexington and Sugar Creek, also Springfield and Elkhorn Tavern. Then on leaving Missouri and joining the forces east of the Mississippi he was made lieutenant colonel and given command of a battalion. He led the assault upon the attack of Iuka, after which he was commissioned colonel and assigned to the command of a regiment. He and his regiment were also assigned prominent places in the advance upon Corinth, and after that ill-starred attack, only thirty members of his regiment were able to answer roll call. His regimental flag carried in that and many subsequent engagements was never captured, and is now in the possession of his grandson Eugene Erwin Simpson of Lexington. Colonel Erwin himself was severely wounded at Corinth, but in a month had rejoined his command. At the beginning of the battle in front of Port Gibson, May l, 1863, he was ordered to re-enforce the left wing of the Confederate command, and after a forced march of eight miles made in 2 1/2 hours brought his command on the ground at a critical moment, when the entire left of the Confederates was threatened with defeat. To save the day he advanced the head of his column to a position within twenty yards of the enemy, and for an hour and a half his solitary regiment sustained the shock of the entire Federal attack. He went into the battle with 520 men, as the official report shows, lost in killed and wounded eighty-three, and by a remarkable skill in maneuvering and in deflective strategy fought and held his position until almost surrounded, and then under heavy fire made good his withdrawal, his individual command alone standing between an overwhelming defeat of the entire left wing of the Confederate army. Then followed the siege of Vicksburg, during which the Sixth Regiment of Missouri Infantry with its commander, Colonel Erwin, was assigned to emergency duty within the city, re-enforcing points against which the heaviest attack of the enemy was delivered. The climax of Colonel Erwin's career as a soldier came on the afternoon of the 25th of June, 1863. Ordered with his regiment to support some hard pressed Louisianans, who were defending a portion of the fortifications where the Federals had exploded a mine and were crowding through the shattered parapet, Colonel Erwin, shouting "Follow me, boys" rushed forward to lead the charge. Three musket balls passed through his body. At his fall his men with a hoarse, hungry roar of rage sprang out among the enemy. Then and there occurred the bloodiest fight of that memorable siege. When the paroled army passed out of surrendered Vicksburg only twenty-five of the Sixth Missouri were able to pass out with it. The brigadier-general's commission sent to Richmond to Colonel Erwin arrived too late--it had been canceled by death. Thereafter the Sixth Missouri as an individual unit lost its identity. Colonel Erwin was not only the idol of his own men, but his exploits commanded the admiration of his enemies. After he was wounded at Corinth special permission was granted Mrs. Erwin to come South through the lines, and after the surrender of Vicksburg General Grant furnished her with a pass and transportation to return to her home.

His obituary from The Daily Citizen, Vickburg, Mississippi issue of June 30, 1863 follows: OBITUARY COL. EUGENE ERWIN. Another brave and noble spirit has fallen. On Thursday evening, June 24th, Col. Eugene Erwin of the 6th Regiment Missouri Vols. was killed while mounted upon the works with a view to leading a charge against the enemy. He was struck with a minnie ball which passed through his body, killing him instantly. For several weeks previous to his death his health had been delicate, and at times compelled his absence from the field. During the siege of this place, he had more than once been driven to his bed, and on the day of his death he was out contrary to the advice and urgency of his friends, feeling, as he said, that it was his duty, so long as he could stand, to stand at his post. No one felt more than he did the importance of every man's discharging his duty - no one did more to discharge it. Col. Erwin, at the first outbreak of the war, left his home and family and offered himself a willing sacrifice upon the altar of his country's liberty. He has borne deprivation and hardships of [the duty?]. Throughout the campaigns of Gen. Price in Missouri, Arkansas and Mississippi, and this without a murmur, he has ever shown himself an excellent soldier and a gallant officer. More than a half dozen battlefields - Elk Horn, Corinth and Port Gibson included - hear testimony to his coolness and daring bravery. He was strict in discipline, yet generous, kind and true, possessing the confidence and esteem of all his men and officers. He esteemed religion highly, and did all in his power to promote its interests. Those who knew him best loved him most; for the more intimate the acquaintances, the brighter shown the excellence of his character. But he has fallen - fallen at his post defending the cause of justice and truth. At midnight's hour amid the roar of cannon and the whistling of enemy's balls, we bore him gently and laid him in the soldier's humble grave, where he shall rest in peace till he is called forth to his reward in the resurrection morn.

He by his example speaks --

"'Twere sweet to live, yet I can die, And in the grave forgotten lie, To know I have my duty done, And nobly life's last triumph won. Know ye my comrades in the field, I die a freeman's death; Cease not to wield the battleshield With life's last lingering breath - The banner which we bore on high, Still bid it all their hosts defy - For where the war tide wild shall wave, So fit to be a soldier's grave."

He leaves a wife and three sweet little girls to mourn his loss. May our Heavenly Father sustain and comfort them in their bed of bereavement and grant them all a happy reunion in .... [remainder unintelligible].

child 11 x. Mary Erwin was born May 1832. Mary died October 1832 at less than one year of age.

child 12 xi. Charles Edward (Ned) Erwin was born in Fayette Co., KY November 2, 1835. Charles died February 6, 1860 in Fayette Co., KY, at 24 years of age. He married Evaline Augusta Hicks in Fayette Co., KY, October 13, 1857. Evaline was born in Clark Co., KY 1839. Evaline was the daughter of Beverly Alsop Hicks and Mary Colson Herndon. Evaline died 1864 at 25 years of age. At 20 years of age Evaline became the mother of Edward Clay Erwin in Fayette Co., KY, February 29, 1860.

At 24 years of age Charles became the father of Edward Clay Erwin in Fayette Co., KY, February 29, 1860.

James Erwin and Margaret Julia Johnson had the following children:

child 13 xii. Elizabeth Julia Erwin was born February 1844.

child 14 xiii. James Erwin was born 1848.

Second Generation

15. Andrew2 Erwin was born in VA August 8, 1773. Andrew died April 19, 1834 War Trace, Bedford Co., TN, at 60 years of age.

He married Jane Patton. Jane was born Londerry, Ireland May 27, 1770. Jane was the daughter of Cornelius Patton and Barbara Irb. Jane died October 8, 1859 War Trace, Bedford Co., TN, at 89 years of age. At 24 years of age Jane became the mother of John Patton Erwin in Wilkesboro, NC, January 8, 1795. At 26 years of age Jane became the mother of James Erwin in Wilkesboro, NC, October 21, 1796. At 28 years of age Jane became the mother of Jane Patton Erwin in Asheville, NC, October 22, 1798. At 30 years of age Jane became the mother of Andrew Erwin, Jr. Wilkes Co., NC, May 27, 1800. At 33 years of age Jane became the mother of Anne Erwin in Asheville, NC, December 30, 1803. At 35 years of age Jane became the mother of George Washington Erwin in Asheville, NC, June 16, 1805. At 36 years of age Jane became the mother of Isaac Hevlin Erwin in Asheville, NC, May 1, 1807. At 40 years of age Jane became the mother of Mary Ann Erwin probably Buncombe Co., NC, September 9, 1810.

At 21 years of age Andrew became the father of John Patton Erwin in Wilkesboro, NC, January 8, 1795. At 23 years of age Andrew became the father of James Erwin in Wilkesboro, NC, October 21, 1796. At 25 years of age Andrew became the father of Jane Patton Erwin in Asheville, NC, October 22, 1798. At 26 years of age Andrew became the father of Andrew Erwin, Jr. Wilkes Co., NC, May 27, 1800. Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1800 Census in Wilkes County, North Carolina. Andrew Erwin is listed on the 1800 Census for Wilkes County, North Carolina with 3 white males under 10, 2 26-45, 1 white female under 10, 1 26-45, 1 over 45, 1 other free person, and 2 slaves.

At 30 years of age Andrew became the father of Anne Erwin in Asheville, NC, December 30, 1803. At 31 years of age Andrew became the father of George Washington Erwin in Asheville, NC, June 16, 1805. At 33 years of age Andrew became the father of Isaac Hevlin Erwin in Asheville, NC, May 1, 1807. At 37 years of age Andrew became the father of Mary Ann Erwin probably Buncombe Co., NC, September 9, 1810. Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Bedford County, Tennessee. Andrew Erwin is listed in the 1820 Census for Bedford County, Tennessee with 2 white males 10-15, 2 19-25, 1 45 up, 2 white females 10-15, 2 16-25, 1 45 up, 2 male slaves under 14, 7 14-25, 6 26-44, 1 45 up, 6 female slaves under 14, 1 14-25, 4 26-44, a total of 9 persons engaged in agriculture, and 3 persons engaged in manufacturing.

Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Bedford County, Tennessee. Andrew Erwin was listed in the 1830 Census for Bedford County, Tennessee with 1 male white 20-30, 1 50-60, 1 white female 15-20, 1 60-70, 6 male slaves 10-24, 11 24-36, 5 36-55, 2 55-100, 1 100 up, 6 female slaves under 10, 4 10-24, 1 24-36, 3 36-55, and 1 55-100.

Andrew Erwin and Jane Patton had the following children:

child 16 i. John Patton1 Erwin was born in Wilkesboro, NC January 8, 1795. John died August 27, 1859 in Nashville, TN, at 64 years of age. He married Fanny Lanier Williams June 13, 1815. Fanny was the daughter of Joseph Williams.

child + 1 ii. James Erwin was born October 21, 1796.

child 17 iii. Jane Patton Erwin was born in Asheville, NC October 22, 1798. Jane died October 12, 1877 Hamilton Place, Maury Co., TN, at 78 years of age. She married twice. She married Thomas Yeatman in Nashville, TN, September 1817. Thomas died June 12, 1833. Thomas became the father of James Erwin Yeatman August 27, 1818. Thomas became the father of Emma Yeatman July 1822. Thomas became the father of Thomas Yeatman June 20, 1827. Thomas became the father of Henry Clay Yeatman 1831. She married John Bell November, 1835. John was born in near Nashville, TN February 15, 1797. John died September 10, 1869 in near Cumberland Furnace, TN, at 72 years of age. John's occupation: Attorney. At 40 years of age John became the father of Jane Erwin Bell 1837. At 43 years of age John became the father of Ann Loraine Bell 1840.

At 19 years of age Jane became the mother of James Erwin Yeatman August 27, 1818. At 23 years of age Jane became the mother of Emma Yeatman July 1822. At 28 years of age Jane became the mother of Thomas Yeatman June 20, 1827. At 32 years of age Jane became the mother of Henry Clay Yeatman 1831. At 38 years of age Jane became the mother of Jane Erwin Bell 1837. At 41 years of age Jane became the mother of Ann Loraine Bell 1840.

child 18 iv. Andrew Erwin, Jr. was born Wilkes Co., NC May 27, 1800. Andrew died LaFayette, AL. He married twice. He married Mary Jane Webster Tate Camp. He married Elvira Julia Searcy in Nashville, TN, October 12, 1820. Elvira was the daughter of Robert Searcy. Elvira died July 6, 1838 in Nashville, TN. Elvira became the mother of Robert S. Erwin September 9, 1821. Elvira became the mother of Frances Ann Erwin February 23, 1823. Elvira became the mother of Elizabeth Jane Erwin March 12, 1825. Elvira became the mother of Henry Hitchcock Erwin May 13, 1827. Elvira became the mother of Thomas Yeatman Erwin December 21, 1829. Elvira became the mother of James Porter Erwin July 27, 1832. Elvira became the mother of Andrew Patton Erwin August 22, 1836. Elvira became the mother of Elvira Julia Erwin June 25, 1838.

At 21 years of age Andrew became the father of Robert S. Erwin September 9, 1821. At 22 years of age Andrew became the father of Frances Ann Erwin February 23, 1823. At 24 years of age Andrew became the father of Elizabeth Jane Erwin March 12, 1825. At 26 years of age Andrew became the father of Henry Hitchcock Erwin May 13, 1827. At 29 years of age Andrew became the father of Thomas Yeatman Erwin December 21, 1829. At 32 years of age Andrew became the father of James Porter Erwin July 27, 1832. At 36 years of age Andrew became the father of Andrew Patton Erwin August 22, 1836. At 38 years of age Andrew became the father of Elvira Julia Erwin June 25, 1838.

child 19 v. Anne Erwin was born in Asheville, NC December 30, 1803. Anne died in St. Louis, MO. She married Henry Hitchcock Pleasant Retreat, Beford Co., TN, October 11, 1821. Henry was born in Burlington, VT September 19, 1792. Henry was the son of Samuel Hitchcock and Lucy Caroline Allen. Henry died August 1839 in Mobile, AL, at 46 years of age. Henry's occupation: Attorney. At 32 years of age Henry became the father of Caroline Lorraine Hitchcock 1825. At 36 years of age Henry became the father of Andrew Erwin Hitchcock 1829. At 38 years of age Henry became the father of Henry Hitchcock 1831. At 42 years of age Henry became the father of Ethan Edward Hitchcock 1835.

At 21 years of age Anne became the mother of Caroline Lorraine Hitchcock 1825. At 25 years of age Anne became the mother of Andrew Erwin Hitchcock 1829. At 27 years of age Anne became the mother of Henry Hitchcock 1831. At 31 years of age Anne became the mother of Ethan Edward Hitchcock 1835.

child 20 vi. George Washington Erwin was born in Asheville, NC June 16, 1805. George died probably Allen Co., KY. He married Mary S. Mansfield Allen Co., KY, May 5, 1849.

child 21 vii. Isaac Hevlin Erwin was born in Asheville, NC May 1, 1807. Isaac died October 1843 Clarke Co., AL, at 36 years of age. He married Rebecca James Clarke Co., AL, March 2, 1831. Rebecca became the mother of Mary Jane Erwin Clarke Co., AL, April 27, 1832. Rebecca became the mother of Thomas James Erwin in Mobile, AL, December 6, 1834. Rebecca became the mother of Anna Maria Erwin in Mobile, AL, November 27, 1836. Rebecca became the mother of Charlotte Erwin in Mobile, AL, August 18, 1839. Rebecca became the mother of Emma Elvira Erwin in Mobile, AL, January 10, 1842.

At 24 years of age Isaac became the father of Mary Jane Erwin Clarke Co., AL, April 27, 1832. At 27 years of age Isaac became the father of Thomas James Erwin in Mobile, AL, December 6, 1834. At 29 years of age Isaac became the father of Anna Maria Erwin in Mobile, AL, November 27, 1836. At 32 years of age Isaac became the father of Charlotte Erwin in Mobile, AL, August 18, 1839. At 34 years of age Isaac became the father of Emma Elvira Erwin in Mobile, AL, January 10, 1842.

child 22 viii. Mary Ann Erwin was born probably Buncombe Co., NC September 9, 1810. Mary died July 7, 1836 Smithland, Livingston Co., KY, at 25 years of age. She married James Porter in Davidson Co., TN, September 20, 1832. James was born in County Donegal, Ireland ca 1787. James was the son of James Porter. James died before 1861.

23. Jane2 Patton (Cornelius3) was born Londerry, Ireland May 27, 1770. Jane died October 8, 1859 War Trace, Bedford Co., TN, at 89 years of age.

She married Andrew Erwin. Andrew was born in VA August 8, 1773. Andrew died April 19, 1834 War Trace, Bedford Co., TN, at 60 years of age. At 21 years of age Andrew became the father of John Patton Erwin in Wilkesboro, NC, January 8, 1795. At 23 years of age Andrew became the father of James Erwin in Wilkesboro, NC, October 21, 1796. At 25 years of age Andrew became the father of Jane Patton Erwin in Asheville, NC, October 22, 1798. At 26 years of age Andrew became the father of Andrew Erwin, Jr. Wilkes Co., NC, May 27, 1800. Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1800 Census in Wilkes County, North Carolina. Andrew Erwin is listed on the 1800 Census for Wilkes County, North Carolina with 3 white males under 10, 2 26-45, 1 white female under 10, 1 26-45, 1 over 45, 1 other free person, and 2 slaves.

At 30 years of age Andrew became the father of Anne Erwin in Asheville, NC, December 30, 1803. At 31 years of age Andrew became the father of George Washington Erwin in Asheville, NC, June 16, 1805. At 33 years of age Andrew became the father of Isaac Hevlin Erwin in Asheville, NC, May 1, 1807. At 37 years of age Andrew became the father of Mary Ann Erwin probably Buncombe Co., NC, September 9, 1810. Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Bedford County, Tennessee. Andrew Erwin is listed in the 1820 Census for Bedford County, Tennessee with 2 white males 10-15, 2 19-25, 1 45 up, 2 white females 10-15, 2 16-25, 1 45 up, 2 male slaves under 14, 7 14-25, 6 26-44, 1 45 up, 6 female slaves under 14, 1 14-25, 4 26-44, a total of 9 persons engaged in agriculture, and 3 persons engaged in manufacturing.

Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Bedford County, Tennessee. Andrew Erwin was listed in the 1830 Census for Bedford County, Tennessee with 1 male white 20-30, 1 50-60, 1 white female 15-20, 1 60-70, 6 male slaves 10-24, 11 24-36, 5 36-55, 2 55-100, 1 100 up, 6 female slaves under 10, 4 10-24, 1 24-36, 3 36-55, and 1 55-100. (See Andrew Erwin for the children resulting from this marriage.)

At 24 years of age Jane became the mother of John Patton Erwin in Wilkesboro, NC, January 8, 1795. At 26 years of age Jane became the mother of James Erwin in Wilkesboro, NC, October 21, 1796. At 28 years of age Jane became the mother of Jane Patton Erwin in Asheville, NC, October 22, 1798. At 30 years of age Jane became the mother of Andrew Erwin, Jr. Wilkes Co., NC, May 27, 1800. At 33 years of age Jane became the mother of Anne Erwin in Asheville, NC, December 30, 1803. At 35 years of age Jane became the mother of George Washington Erwin in Asheville, NC, June 16, 1805. At 36 years of age Jane became the mother of Isaac Hevlin Erwin in Asheville, NC, May 1, 1807. At 40 years of age Jane became the mother of Mary Ann Erwin probably Buncombe Co., NC, September 9, 1810.

Third Generation

24. Cornelius3 Patton was born before July 13, 1756, the first event for which there is a recorded date.

He married Barbara Irb. Barbara became the mother of James Patton in County Derry, Tamlacht Parish, Ireland, July 13, 1756. Barbara became the mother of Jane Patton Londerry, Ireland, May 27, 1770.

Cornelius became the father of James Patton in County Derry, Tamlacht Parish, Ireland, July 13, 1756. Cornelius became the father of Jane Patton Londerry, Ireland, May 27, 1770.

Cornelius Patton and Barbara Irb had the following children:

child 25 i. Thomas2 Patton was born before 1844, the first event for which there is a recorded date. Thomas died before 1844 in Coffey Co., TN. He married Jane Shaw in Ireland. Jane died in Coffey Co., TN.

child 26 ii. Daniel Patton was born on (birth date unknown). Daniel died in Bedford Co., TN.

child 27 iii. William Patton was born on (birth date unknown). William Patton lived and died a bachelor.

child 28 iv. John Patton was born on (birth date unknown). John died in Abbeville District, SC.

child 29 v. Neely Patton was born on (birth date unknown). Neely Patton lived near London, England.

child 30 vi. Joseph Patton was born on (birth date unknown). Joseph died in Asheville, NC.

child 31 vii. George Patton was born before 1843, the first event for which there is a recorded date. George died 1843 in near Franklin, Macon Co., NC.

child 32 viii. Rosanna Patton was born on (birth date unknown). She married Samuel Campbell.

child 33 ix. James Patton was born in County Derry, Tamlacht Parish, Ireland July 13, 1756. James died September 9, 1845 in Asheville, NC, at 89 years of age. He married Ann Reynolds 1794. Ann is the daughter of Francis Reynolds. Ann became the mother of James W. Patton in NC, February 13, 1803. Ann became the mother of John Erwin Patton April 14, 1805. Ann became the mother of Franklin Patton ca 1807. Ann became the mother of Thomas Patton ca 1809. Ann became the mother of Sara Rosanna Patton November 8, 1811.

At 46 years of age James became the father of James W. Patton in NC, February 13, 1803. At 48 years of age James became the father of John Erwin Patton April 14, 1805. James became the father of Franklin Patton ca 1807. James became the father of Thomas Patton ca 1809. At 55 years of age James became the father of Sara Rosanna Patton November 8, 1811. James Patton emigrated from Ireland to Philadelphia in 1783. A biography of him is on line at

child + 23 x. Jane Patton was born May 27, 1770.

34. Barbara3 Irb was born before July 13, 1756, the first event for which there is a recorded date.

She married Cornelius Patton. Cornelius became the father of James Patton in County Derry, Tamlacht Parish, Ireland, July 13, 1756. Cornelius became the father of Jane Patton Londerry, Ireland, May 27, 1770. (See Cornelius Patton for the children resulting from this marriage.)

Barbara became the mother of James Patton in County Derry, Tamlacht Parish, Ireland, July 13, 1756. Barbara became the mother of Jane Patton Londerry, Ireland, May 27, 1770.

horizontal rule



Bell, John (marriage to Jane Patton Erwin) (i468), b.1797-d.1869


Camp, Mary Jane Webster Tate (marriage to Andrew Erwin, Jr.) (i4003)


Campbell, Samuel (marriage to Rosanna Patton) (i7525)


Clay, Anne Brown (marriage to James Erwin) (i53), b.1807-d.1835


Cowles, Frederic Augustus (marriage to Lucretia Hart Erwin) (i421)


Erwin, Andrew (i104), b.1773-d.1834
Erwin, Andrew (marriage to Jane Patton) (i104), b.1773-d.1834
Erwin, Andrew Eugene (i26), b.1830-d.1863
Erwin, Andrew, Jr. (i410), b.1800-
Erwin, Anne (i411), b.1803-
Erwin, Charles Edward (Ned) (i419), b.1835-d.1860
Erwin, Elizabeth Julia (i425), b.1844-
Erwin, Emily (i426)
Erwin, George Washington (i412), b.1805-
Erwin, Henry Clay (i416), b.1827-d.1859
Erwin, Isaac Hevlin (i413), b.1807-d.1843
Erwin, James (i52), b.1796-d.1851
Erwin, James (i428), b.1848-
Erwin, James, Jr. (i417), b.1828-d.1848
Erwin, Jane Patton (i409), b.1798-d.1877
Erwin, John Patton (i408), b.1795-d.1859
Erwin, Johnson (i429)
Erwin, Julia D. (i415), b.1825-d.1828
Erwin, Lucretia Hart (i418), b.1829-d.1866
Erwin, Mary (i436), b.1832-d.1832
Erwin, Mary Ann (i414), b.1810-d.1836
Erwin, Victor Flournoy (i427)
Erwin, William (i432)


Hicks, Evaline Augusta (marriage to Charles Edward (Ned) Erwin) (i420), b.1839-d.1864


Hitchcock, Henry (marriage to Anne Erwin) (i470), b.1792-d.1839


Irb, Barbara (i7612)
Irb, Barbara (marriage to Cornelius Patton) (i7612)


James, Rebecca (marriage to Isaac Hevlin Erwin) (i471)


Johnson, Margaret (marriage to Henry Clay Erwin) (i422)
Johnson, Margaret Julia (marriage to James Erwin) (i424), b.1821-d.1863


Mansfield, Mary S. (marriage to George Washington Erwin) (i4004)


Patton, Cornelius (i4005)
Patton, Cornelius (marriage to Barbara Irb) (i4005)
Patton, Daniel (i7517)
Patton, George (i7522), d.1843
Patton, James (i7515), b.1756-d.1845
Patton, Jane (i105), b.1770-d.1859
Patton, Jane (marriage to Andrew Erwin) (i105), b.1770-d.1859
Patton, John (i7519)
Patton, Joseph (i7521)
Patton, Neely (i7520)
Patton, Rosanna (i7523)
Patton, Thomas (i7516), d.1844
Patton, William (i7518)


Porter, James (marriage to Mary Ann Erwin) (i472), b.1787-d.1861


Reynolds, Ann (marriage to James Patton) (i7597)


Russell, Josephine Deborah (marriage to Andrew Eugene Erwin) (i27), b.1835-d.1920


Searcy, Elvira Julia (marriage to Andrew Erwin, Jr.) (i469), d.1838


Shaw, Jane (marriage to Thomas Patton) (i7524)


Ward, Matilda (marriage to Johnson Erwin) (i430)


Williams, Fanny Lanier (marriage to John Patton Erwin) (i435)


Yeatman, Thomas (marriage to Jane Patton Erwin) (i423), d.1833

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