Ancestry of Christopher Harris (1725-1794)

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William A. LaBach
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LABACH Project Version 1549
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Gardiner, Glenn, Harris, Mitchell, Overton, Snawsell, Waters, Wright

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First Generation

1. Christopher1 Harris (Robert2, William3), son of Robert Harris and Mourning Glenn, was born in probably Louisa Co., VA February 1725. Christopher died 1794 Madison Co., KY, at 69 years of age.

He married twice. He married Mary Dabney in Virginia, February 22, 1745. Mary is the daughter of Cornelius Dabney and Sarah Jennings. Mary became the mother of Dabney Harris December 25, 1745. Mary became the mother of Sarah Harris June 11, 1747. Mary became the mother of Robert Harris August 24, 1749. Mary became the mother of Tyre Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, June 24, 1751. Mary became the mother of Elizabeth Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, May 9, 1752. Mary became the mother of Mourning Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, June 4, 1754. Mary became the mother of Christopher Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, July 21, 1755. Mary became the mother of Mary Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, June 10, 1757. He married Agnes McCord in Albemarle Co., VA, 1762. Agnes was born in Albemarle Co., VA December 21, 1740. Agnes was the daughter of John McCord and Isabella. Agnes died after February 20, 1791 Madison Co., KY, at approximately 50 years of age. At 19 years of age Agnes became the mother of Benjamin Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, November 28, 1760. At 22 years of age Agnes became the mother of Jane Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, September 18, 1763. At 24 years of age Agnes became the mother of John Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, March 14, 1765. At 27 years of age Agnes became the mother of William Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, November 12, 1768. At 29 years of age Agnes became the mother of James Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, 1770. At 31 years of age Agnes became the mother of Margaret Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, 1772. At 34 years of age Agnes became the mother of Isabella Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, April 9, 1775. At 36 years of age Agnes became the mother of Samuel Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, September 1, 1777. At 38 years of age Agnes became the mother of Barnabus Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, October 1, 1779. At 41 years of age Agnes became the mother of Overton Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, October 25, 1782.

At 20 years of age Christopher became the father of Dabney Harris December 25, 1745. At 22 years of age Christopher became the father of Sarah Harris June 11, 1747. At 24 years of age Christopher became the father of Robert Harris August 24, 1749. At 26 years of age Christopher became the father of Tyre Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, June 24, 1751. At 27 years of age Christopher became the father of Elizabeth Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, May 9, 1752. At 29 years of age Christopher became the father of Mourning Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, June 4, 1754. At 30 years of age Christopher became the father of Christopher Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, July 21, 1755. At 32 years of age Christopher became the father of Mary Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, June 10, 1757. At 35 years of age Christopher became the father of Benjamin Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, November 28, 1760. At 38 years of age Christopher became the father of Jane Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, September 18, 1763. At 40 years of age Christopher became the father of John Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, March 14, 1765. At 43 years of age Christopher became the father of William Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, November 12, 1768. At 45 years of age Christopher became the father of James Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, 1770. At 47 years of age Christopher became the father of Margaret Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, 1772. At 50 years of age Christopher became the father of Isabella Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, April 9, 1775. At 52 years of age Christopher became the father of Samuel Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, September 1, 1777. At 54 years of age Christopher became the father of Barnabus Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, October 1, 1779. At 57 years of age Christopher became the father of Overton Harris in Albemarle Co., VA, October 25, 1782. Christopher Harris came to what is now Madison County, Kentucky from Albemarle County, VA in 1786. Will of Christopher Harris of Madison County, KY taken from Will Book A-page 54, 55. It was transcribed by Eileen Niederkorn. CHRISTOPHER HARRISS WILL - Will Book A-pg 54, 55 In the name of God Amen. I Christopher Harris being through the abundant mercy and goodness of God tho weak in body yet of perfect understanding and memory do constitute this my last will & Testament and desire it should be reviewed by all as such. Imprimis that I will & Desire that my first Children (Viz) Dabney Harris, Sarah Martin, Robert Harriss, Mourning Jones, Christopher Harrifs, & Mary Jones should have the following negroes (excepting thirty pounds out of my son Dabneys Legacy which is to be paid by the Executors of this Part of my Will for the use & Benefit of my wife and Other Children) (Viz) Ritter and her Children, Pomp, Moses, Allice, George, Betty, Lucy and Delphy the above Negores to be Divided Agreeable to Cornelias Dabneys Seniors Will and I do appoint Foster Jones, and Christoph Harrifs as Executors of the above part of this will and as to the Ballance of my Estate I Direct that first my Debts shall be paid out of what money I have by or is owing to me the house where I live I Direct should be finished which together with the tract of land whereon I live, I leave to my Dear & loving wife during her life and at ther death to son Overton Harrifs as to the Ballance of my Negroes (David, Cate, Fanny, Stephen, and Eddy together with my House hold furniture Stock of every kind and Plantation utensels I desire that my wife may have the whole Benefit of them during her life or widowhood and if she should Marry the whole to be sold and Equally Divided amongst her & her children as to my Lands on Muddy Creek I will and Bequeath them as follows, the Drowning Creek Tract of land I will and Bequeath to my son John Harrifs the Sycamore Spring Tract to my son Benjamin Harris the tract on which my son Wm. has Built to my son Harris and the Tract Clalled the Holly Tract to my son Barnabas Harrifs and my land in Albemarle County together with the Stock that is thereon I direct shall be sold and that my sons James and Samuel Harris shall Receive of the money as much as Col John Miller & Robert Rodes shall Judge the land to be worth that I will’d to my Other sons Viz to be made Equal to them, as to my three Daughters Viz Jane Gentry-Margret Harris, and Isabel Harris my will and Desire is that Jean Gentry should Receive ten pounds and Margret and Isbel Harris to have fifty pounds apeice out of the Ballance of what my Albermarld land and the Proffits arising from that place and if that should not be Sufficient that It shall be made up to htem out of any of Personal Estate that my wife and Executors after nemtioned shall think best as to my lands on Sinking Waters my will is that if they are obtained it should be sold and Wqually divided amongst my last Set of Children and I do appoint my dear & loveing wife with John Sappington and John Harris to execute that part of my will that respects my wife and her Children as witnefs my hand & seal this twentyeth day of February one thousand seven hundred and ninety four. Witnefs-Hartly Sappington Christopher Harrifs Rich’d Sappington Joseph Wells At a Court held for Madison County on Tuesday the 15th day of March 1794 This Will was proved to be the last will & testament of Christopher Harris by the oath of Joseph Wells, Hartly & Richard Sappington witnefses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste Will Irvine CMC Typed as spelled in will. The following is some research on Christopher Harris done by my cousin Evelyn W. Wallace: Preparer: Evelyn W. Wallace, southern California Edited 2/2000 CHRISTOPHER HARRIS. (ca. 1725 VA-1794 KY). WIR00050 An entry in DAR LINEAGE BOOK, V. 80, p. 353 reads: "Christopher Harris (1725-94) served in the Kentucky Militia, 1780. He was born in Albemarle County, VA; died in Madison County, KY. ... Christopher Harris and Agness McCord (b. 1740), his wife, m. 1762." (Mrs. Mary Allen Mathews, No. 79960). As with many older DAR applications, this, too, has flaws. We deduce from the following deeds that Christopher's date of birth as given is approximately correct. He was of age by 1753. However, his more likely birthplace was Hanover Co., VA, the parent county of Louisa Co., which was formed 1742 from Hanover Co. Later. "the western portion of Louisa County was annexed to Albemarle County 1 May 1761," according to Rosalie Edith Davis, who has transcribed or abstracted many deeds and vestry records of both Louisa and Albemarle Cos. In Vol. 7 of the Lineage Book of the Daughters of the American Colonists, p, 277, Christopher Harris (1725-94) is said to have married Mary Dabney in 1745. No documentation is presented. (Lineage of Mrs. Virginia Field Walton Brooks, born in Jonesboro, Arkansas.) (Lineage Books were at Santa Monica PL, 369.12 D263). However, Christopher's 1794 will makes reference to Cornelius Dabney, who MAY have been his brother-in-law rather than his father-in-law. Another source states the marriage probably took place at Brown's Cove. This place may be in reference to the family of Benjamin Brown, who were neighbors of the Harrises. Christopher Harris probably was named for a relative of another generation. This name is found in a list of processioners ca. 1718, Hanover Co., VA, along with other surnames associated with the family of Robert Harris "the immigrant," i.e., Overton, Glenn, Garland, Grubbs. From The Vestry Book of St. Paul's Parish, Hanover Co., VA 1706-1786, as transcribed and edited by C. G. Chamberlayne [Richmond: 1940], p. 266: "p. [206]" "The lands of Edw Garland, Jas. Overton, Xpher Harris, Jno Glenn, Saml Reynolds, Henry Farmer, Robt Jennings & Abra: Venable being one precinct of which Edwd Garland and Jas Overton were Overseers who made this return, the within Order executed in presence of James Glenn, Saml Reynolds, Abra: Venable, Henry Farmer, Mr. Robt Jennings did not appear, for his Land and Saml Reynolds is all in one pattent and no Division." Another in St. Paul's Parish with whom the Harris family was associated was David Crawford. One of the daughters of Robert Harris and Mourning [Glenn], Frances or Nancy Harris was to marry Joel Crawford (qv), to whom David Crawford probably was related. (More reseach is needed on the Crawford family.) In 1746/47 Christopher Harris patented land. Patent Bk 28: Christopher Harris, 350 acs. Louisa Co., under the foot of ragged Mountains and on both sides of a West fork of Rockey Cr. on the Goochland Co. Line [N65 degrees W] on a ridge, adj. Mosias Jones & James Merideth; 12 Jan 1746/47, p. 25. 1 pd. 15 shillings (D. R. Hudgins, CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS, V. V, [Richmond, VA: Virginia Genealogical Society, 1994] p. 304) From Louisa Co. DB B. P. 500-501. 27 Mary 1753 Robert Harris of Fredericksville Par., Louisa Co., Gent., and Mourning, his wife, to William Keaton of same. For and in consideration that sd. Keaton and Margaret, his wife, shall by deed make over to Christopher Harris (Son of afsd. Robert) for fee simple estate, 331 acres of land and plantation of William Keaton's; bounded as in a patent granted sd. Keaton in City of Williamsburg 12 Jan. 1747. Sd. Harris have sold to sd. Keaton 400 acres and plantation of sd. Robert Harris on both sides of Rockey Creek, being land whereon sd. Keaton now lives, bounded as by patent granted sd. Harris in City of Williamsburg 15 Sept. 1752. Robert Harris Mourning Harris Wit: John Hawkins, David Watts, John (X) McCauley. 27 Mar 1752 acknowledged by Robert Harris and Mourning, his wife. (Mourning Harris, Robert's wife, is said to have been was the former Mourning Glenn. Refer to her biography.) P. 501-502. 27 Mar 1753 William Keaton of Fredericksville Par., Louisa Co., and Margaret, his wife, to Christopher Harris of same. In consideration that Robert Harris of Louisa Co., and Mourning, his wife, shall by deed make over to William Keaton 400 acres and plantation, bounded as in a patent granted sd. Harris in 1752, land whereon William Keaton now lives. Have sold to sd. Christopher Harris 331 acres on both sides of the south fork of Rocky Creek whereon sd. Christopher Harris now lives; bounded as in a patent granted sd. Keaton in the City of Williamsburg 12 Jan. 1747. William (M) Keaton Margaret (X) Keaton Wit: John Hawkins, David Watts, John (X) McCauley 27 Mar. 1753 acknowledged by William Keaton. George II to Mosias Jones, David Milles, Gentlemen Justices of Louisa Co. Power granted to take acknowledgment of Margaret Keaton, who is so impotent that without great Danger of her body she cannot travel to the Court of our County. 3 Apr 1753. James Littlepage, Clk. 20 Apr. 1753 By virtue of this writ we have examined sd. Margaret, wife of William Keaton, who acknowledgted her right of dower. Mosias Jones, David Mills (Rosalie Edith Davis, LOUISA COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEED BOOKS A AND B, 1742-1759 [Bellevue, WA 1976] p. 84) (To be continued) E.W.Wallace( This is a continuation of the biographical sketch of Christopher Harris (the elder) of Madison Co., KY. A Virginia land patent of Tully Choice, Pat. Bk 31-711 indicates that his land is on the Branches of Rockey Creek and the Albemarle Co. Line [N50W] and adjoins Christopher Harris, William Keatton, Patrick Wood & William Owens. Christopher Harris's Marriages Christopher's first wife, according to Hazel Spraker in THE BOONE FAMILY, ("Harris Family" by Bess Hawthorne, a Harris descendant) was Mary Dabney. In Christopher's will (1794, Madison Co., KY), cited below, he mentions bequest of Cornelius Dabney, probably Mary's father or possibly brother. The bequest was to Harris's oldest children, implying that these were his children by Mary Dabney. A Cornelius Dabney was in King William Co. ca. 1723, but also in Hanover Co. 1733-34 (Hanover Co. Court Records), and in Louisa Co., VA as late as 1782. The latter Cornelius Dabney would have been contemporaneous with Christopher Harris but possibly predeceasing him. It is known there were several men by this name of succeeding generations. The Dabneys were neighbors in Albemarle Co. in 1768 as evidenced by the following deed, DB-5, pp. 37-38: William Dabney & his wf. Jane of Albemarle Co. to William Shelton for 200 pds. current money of VA, a tract of land on Mechams River, adj Wm. Wallace. (s) Wm. Dabney Wit: Thomas Grubbs, Elizabeth Jones, Christopher Harris, Robert Harris, Tyre Harris. 2 Jun 1768; delivery of deed acknd by witnesses on same date. Rec. Nov Ct 1768 (Tyre or Tyree Harris, brother of Christopher, found in some Louisa Co. records, later removed to Orange Co. NC from which Caswell Co. was formed in 1777. William Shelton married into the Harris family. He had a son named Tyree and so did Christopher Harris.) Louisa County VA Records Christopher Harris was a witness in Louisa Co. 24 Nov 1750 to Martin's improvements, apparently an appraisal by three men (by order of Louisa Court Oct 1750). An indication of the approximate location of the land of Christopher Harris in Louisa Co. is found in this entry in Fredericksville Parish Vestry Book: P. 35: [ca 28 Nov 1750] "Ordered that Mosias Jones and Christopher Harris do procession all the lands on the up[p]er side of Buck mountain Creek and a Cross Moormans river to the Coty. Line and up the Same to the Ragged Mountains and under them to Brown's road and down the Same to Buck Mountain Creek." (Rosalie Edith Davis, FREDERICKSVILLE PARISH VESTRY BOOK, 1742-1787, VOL. I [Manchester, MO: privately printed, 1978], p. 38 "Pursuant to an Order of Court Dated ye 24th Day of June 1752," an almost identical order was issued to Moisas Jones Gent. and Christopher Harris. (p. 51) Also living in Fredericksville Parish at the same time were Christopher's father, Robert Harris "Gent." and brother Tyree Harris. Tyree succeeded his father Robert as vestryman, but he later migrated to North Carolina. Jeremiah Glen, no doubt a relative of Christopher and Tyree's mother, Mourning Glen, was a resident in the parish also. (Mourning's father is believed to have been James Glen, but the exact identity of Mourning's parents is in dispute among contemporary genealogists.) Much later, Christopher was again ordered to procession: P. 81 [ca 1767] "Ordered that Xtopher Harris & Daniel Maupine Junr. do procession all the lands above (a hole in the page) ... res Meeting House between Moreman's river and Woods Road up to the top of the Great Mountain." (Davis, op. cit., p. 85) A William Dabney appears in the orders. He was to procession between Wood's and Rhodes Road & the River and Ivy Creek. Albemarle Co. Records Albemarle Co., VA was formed 1744 from Louisa and Goochland Cos. In Albemarle Co., there is this deed: DB A?-p158: 13 May 1762 Christopher Harris to Saml. Karr, Augusta [Co.] for 65 pds., 331 acres both sides S fork Rockey Creek adj. Henry Bunch, Mosias [transcribed as Morias but other records show Mosias] Jones. (Rev. Bailey Fulton Davis, THE DEEDS OF AMHERST COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1761-1807 AND ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1748-1763, p. 54) This parcel of 331 acres seems to be the same which Keaton had sold to Christopher Harris nine years earlier and which Robert Harris, Christopher's father, had earlier sold to Keaton with proviso that it was to be later transferred to Christopher. (This type of conveyance usually occurred between an older man to a younger relative or a trusted friend when the son of the grantor was underage. The relationship of Keaton to the Harris family is unknown. Perhaps he was a brother-in-law of Robert Harris.) From Albemarle Co., VA court papers 1744-1783: 1770 [p. 32] Promissory note: Philip Thurman of Albemarle Co. to Christopher Harris, dated 10 Mar 1770, witnessed by Robert Harris and Benjamin Thurman. (On back "To Mr. Robert Harvey: Sir, please pay this bond. Signed Philip Thurman.) (Comment: This may be the younger Robert Harris, Christopher's brother or perhaps Christopher's son of the same name.) (Benjamin B. Weisiger III, ALBEMARLE CO., VA COURT PAPERS 1744-1783, SLC film 1,697,895 Item 9) To be continuedPart 3 (Two other parts of the biography of Christopher Harris have already been posted. This is a continuation.) The following deeds of Louisa Co. make reference to Albemarle Co. line: Deed Bk. B-136-137 makes mention of Christopher Harris's land. The deed is dated 14 Jul 1756 is from Tully Choice of Halifax Co., grantor, to James Ennis of Louisa Co....on branches of Rockey Creek...Christopher Harris and William Keaton's corner...Patrick Woods line...Williams Owens line, corner in Albemarle Co. line...Christopher Harris' corner in the County line. Deed Bk. B-300 also makes reference to land of Christopher Harris. James Ennis & wife of Louisa to James Read of same...on branches of Rockey Creek.. Christopher Harrises and William Keaton's corner...Patrick Wood's line...William Owens line to Owen's corner oak in Albemarle Co. line...Christopher Harris' corner in Co. line. (Rosalie Edith Davis, LOUISA COUNTY, VA DEED BOOKS A AND B, 1742-1759 [Bellevue, WA, 1976]) More Albemarle Co., VA Records DB Bk 3-171 3 Apr 1762, Christopher Harris was a witness to a deed Ro. Harris, planter, to son Ro., Jr., love - on Blue Ridge, Doyle River, pat. of 521 acres 6 Dec 1753. Other witnesses were Jas. Harris and Wm. Brown. On 3 Apr 1762, DB 3-175 Benj. Brown deeded property to his daughter, Lucretia Harris. The witnesses were Jas. & Christopher Harris, Wm. Brown, and Benj. Thurman. (Of interest is the fact that Benj. Brown a few months earlier had deeded land on Doyle River [in Albemarle Co.] to Benjamin Brown [Jr.] of Hanover. But he is not specified as Benj. Brown, Jr.. Hanover Co. was the former home of the Harrises. Hazel A. Spraker in THE BOONE FAMILY states that Brown Sr.'s wife was Sarah Dabney. Lucretia Brown, a daughter of Benjamin Brown, (grantor in above deed), married Robert Harris, Jr. Refer to the biography of Robert Harris, Jr., who is inferred from DB 3-264 to have been the husband of the above Lucretia [Brown] Harris. Christopher again witnessed that deed.) (Rev. Bailey Fulton Davis, THE DEEDS OF AMHERST COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1761-1807 AND ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1748-1763, Easley, SC, 1979) Christopher Harris appears on the personal property tax list of Albemarle Co., VA, 1782. He is shown with 9 slaves, 27 cattle, 4 horses, paying a tax of 5 pounds, 14 shillings, and 9 pence. Two other Harrises are shown as proprietors in District 3: James and Thomas. Harris's first wife, Mary Dabney, must have died before 1769 as on that date, Agnes (McCord) appears as Harris's wife in Albemarle Co. deeds. Two other McCords are shown in District 3: Jane, probably a widow, and William. (Thomas Jefferson, Esq., is shown in District 2 on the 1782 tax list of Albemarle Co.. He counted 2 males over 21; 129 slaves; 106 net cattle; 23 horses; 6 "wheels for riding carriages," paying a tax of 70 pounds, 12 shillings, and 6 pence.) In Augusta Co. VA, Deed Bk 22-p. 395 indicates that Christopher Harris and Agness (--) executed a deed, 17 Nov 1778. Details were not given by Lyman Chalkley, CHRONICLES OF THE SCOTTISH-IRISH SETTLEMENT, V. 3. Chalkley abstracted many documents of what was then Augusta Co., VA. Land office records in Virginia Archives show the following Virginia land patents or grants for Christopher Harris in Albemarle Co., VA: 1. 15 Aug 1764 - 164 A on Gingsang br. in Millstone Bottom, Patents No. 36, 1764-67, p. 624 2. 17 Aug 1770 - 234 A on the side of one of the Mountains in the Blue Ridge called Bucks Elbow. Patent No. 39, 1770-71, p. 10 Christopher's father Robert Harris also patented land in Albemarle Co. in 1751. From Albemarle Co. Deed Bk 5: 14 Nov 1771 Christopher Harris and his wife Agnes Albemarle County of one part and William Crawford of the said County for .. pounds current money of Virginia 350 Albemarle Co. under the foot of the Ragged Mountains and both sides of a West Fork of Rock Creek .. in Mosias Jones's line, adj James Merridiths line to a corner in Goochland Co. line, West Fork of Rockey Creek to the first station. Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Bennet Henderson Robert Miller. Christopher Harriss Thomas Maupin Minian Mills Agness Harriss Recd of the within named William Crawford the sum of Forty pounds current money of Virginia which is the consideration money in this Deed mentioned Received per me. Christor. Harriss At Albemarle June Court 1772 This indenture and Receipt were acknowledged by Christopher Harris and Agnes his Wife parties thereto and ordered to be recorded. In 1785, in Albemarle Co., Christopher Harris was surety at marriage of John Harris to Margaret Maupin, daughter of John Maupin. The 1787 Albemarle County Personal Property Tax, List A, shows Christopher Harris as "self" charged with tax; 2-3-5-4-8. The first column indicates number of white males above 16 and under 21. Cols. 2 and 3 indicate slaves and their age brackets; Col. 4 is number of horses, etc.; Col. 5 indicates number of cattle. The same tax list shows the following McCords: Wm., Jr., Samuel and Wm. Sr. Other related families are shown: Maupin, Rodes. (Netti Schreiner-Yantis and Florine Love, THE 1787 CENSUS OF VIRGINIA, V. 2, p. 140.) Revolutionary War Service Hamilton J. Eckenrode in VIRGINIA SOLDIERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, V. I (VA State Library & Archives, 1989) lists "Harris, Christopher (Kentucky m.) Fx. Coms. 1780." No verification of this could be located at the Virginia State Library Oct 1995. Christopher Harris qualifies for "patriotic service" by virtue of the fact that he furnished an item or items of value during the Revolution. His name appears in "Public Service Claims, Albemarle County Court Booklet," unnumbered page. The number beside his name is 154: "for 572 do taken by the Wh for State use." The preceding person's payment was for items taken by militia for State use, and the "WH" in Harris's claim may be an abbreviation for militia. He was paid 4 pds., 9 shillings, and 6 pence. Virginia State Library enclosed the following paper pertaining to Christopher Harris, not all of which is legible: No. 29 I do hereby certifie that I have Received of Christopher Harris for public uses agreable to an Act of Assembly for procuring a supply provisions and other necessary [torn] in the uss of the army four Hundred & thirty seven [torn] at five pounds ... amounting to two thousand and six hundred & eighty five pounds as witness my hand this 18 October 1781. L 2685 - 537 89.6 John Key C. P. ? 537 - a 3 d 46.14.3 for Albemarle County Removal to Kentucky By 1780, Christopher Harris was beginning to make his move to Kentucky. A land grant for Christopher Harris has been recorded as follows: Original survey no: 8551 Name: Christopher Harris Acreage: 1,200 County: Fayette Watercourse: Hinkston Fk., Licking Survey Date: 1-20-1786 Original Bk & Page: 10-412 Grantee: Same & heirs Grant Date: 1-25-1792 Original Bk & Page: 14-385-386 (Joan E. Brookes-Smith, MASTER INDEX VIRGINIA SURVEYS AND GRANTS 1774-1791 [Frankfort, KY: Kentucky Historical Society, 1976], p. 84) (Note: In 1786, one Francis Eppes Harris was granted land on the same watercourse, same county. Whether there is a relationship is unknown. None has been discovered.) Jefferson Land Entries show on 17 May 1780, Christopher Harris entered 1200 A on Licking [River], North Fork, Bk. A-66 It is unclear whether this is Christopher Harris the father or his son, Christopher Harris. If correct, this date precedes the 1786 survey date mentioned above. Recent perusal of Madison Co. deeds reveals there was a deed involving this acreage, of which his heirs seemed unaware. At the time of the deed of some of the heirs, the land was then in Bourbon Co. By 1788, Christopher Harris is listed as a tithable in Madison Co., KY: 1-0-2 first col. is no. of tithables; Col 2. is blacks over 16; Col. 3 is horses and cattle. (It is unclear whether this is the older Christopher Harris or his son. However, this seems to belie the story that Christopher Harris and a large group of kinsman moved to Kentucky with many slaves. They may have sent back to Virginia for slaves, but there appears only one black over 16 in 1787.) Christopher Harris himself appears on the 1787 tax list as taxable, 1 black over 16, 3 horses, 5 cattle. Christopher Harris, appears on 1792 tax list of Madison Co., KY. He had 9 blacks, 15 horses, 43 cattle, and 700 acres of land. (Excerpt from REGISTER of the Kentucky State Historical Society). Other Harrises on same tax list: William Harrias (?) (no land or slaves); Richmd Harris (no land or slaves); Sherwood Harris (80 acres); Benj. Harris (no land or slaves). Other Harrises listed by Joan Colbert Gioe in her tax abstracts for Madison Co. were David, Andrew, James [2X], John [2X], Samuel, Thomas, Mary and Wm. Whether they were related, we do not know. Except for John Harris, these do not seem to be the heirs named in Christopher's will. Perhaps other documents would show relationships. Madison Co. deed indexes show that Christopher Harris was the grantee (buyer) in these deeds: DB A-109, Tract Muddy ?? [incomplete copy], grantor: Wallace Estill, Nov 4, 1788; recorded Jun 2, 1789 DB B-360, 200 A Calloway ?, grantor: Caleb Callaway & wf, Oct 6, 1790, recorded Dec 7, 1790 Submitted by: Evelyn W. Wallace

Christopher Harris and Mary Dabney had the following children:

child 2 i. Dabney Harris was born December 25, 1745. The following is some research of Evelyn W. Wallace: Submitted by E.W.Wallace DABNEY HARRIS. WIR2020 Little is known of Dabney Harris, who appears to the be the son of the elder Christopher Harris of early Madison Co., KY. His birthdate of 15 Dec 1745, apparently unconfirmed, is taken from DAR application 598925. Those of his siblings and most of the marriages are given, indicating the applicant MAY have used a Bible record. He died after Apr 1795, according to Surry Co., NC records. In Nov 1774 he was witness in Albemarle Co., VA to a will of one William Blackwell, written 23 Nov 1774, proved Mar court 1775. Other witnesses were Philip Thurmon and James Gardner. (J. Estelle Stewart King, ABSTRACTS OF WILLS, INVENTORIES AND ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA 1748-1800 [Beverly Hills, CA, 1940], p. 22) Dabney apparently moved to Surry Co., NC.(1) His name appears in Madison Co., KY Grant Deed Index. Dabney Harris, grantor; Christopher Harris, grantee; C-381, 9 Mar 1795; recorded 5 May 1795; power of attorney. "Know all men by these presents that I Dabney Harris of Surry County, North Carolina for sundry [reasons?] etc do constitute and appoint my son and Friend Christopher Harris of the said county & state my true & lawfull attorney to act demand sue for recover & ... of Christopher Harris & Foster Jones of Madison County & in the State of Kentucke Exrs to the Estate of my Deceased Father all such Legacys as may be due to me on that behalf? hereby ratifying and confirming whatever my said Attorney may do in and touching Premises in as full and Ample manner as though I were personally present in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this ninth (?] day of March one Thousand seven hundred and ninety four. /s/ Dabney Harris Teste Reuben Canterbury, John Canterbury, J. P. ----" A Dabney Harris is listed in the 1820 census of Kentucky as being in Pulaski Co., but we have no idea whether he is the son of Christopher, decd, of Madison Co., KY. A Christopher Harris is also listed in Pulaski Co.; possibly he is the son of Dabney Harris. More research is needed. (1) On Family Tree Maker CD ROM CENSUS INDEX: COLONIAL AMERICA 1607-1789, he is listed in ... North Carolina, Hardin's District. I welcome additional information. Parentage of Dabney Harris is suspected to be son of Christopher Harris, Sr. of Albemarle Co., VA and later of Madison Co., KY. Note he names a son Christopher Harris. If he is the son of the elder Christopher Harris, then his mother was reportedly Mary Dabney. Mary Dabney's parentage unknown, although Christopher Harris the elder in his Madison KY will makes reference to the will of Cornelius Dabney. Was Cornelius Dabney Mary's father? If so, does anyone know where Dabney's will is recorded? Evelyn W. Wallacesouthern California The following is a responsive e-mail from Glenn E. Harris: From: "Glenn E. Harris" Subject: [MADKY-L] Dabney Harris, s/o Christoper Harris In reference to the message posted below from Evelyn W. Wallace, I too am interested in the family of Dabney Harris born 15 Dec. 1745 in VA. I suspect him to be the father of Solomon Harris of Surry Co., NC who is my direct line. Solomon married Nancy Blackwell of Surry NC abt 1797. Nancy is the dau of David Blackwell and Sarah Harris of Surry NC. Sarah's father, Robert Harris is brother to the elder Christopher Harris mentioned below who moved from Albemarle Co., VA to Madison Co., KY and of course Dabney is the eldest son of Christopher and was grown and most likely married when he moved to Surry Co., NC where he lived in Wilkes and Surry counties in NC near his uncle Robert. It is interesting to note that Solomon Harris and wife Nancy with children moved to Garrard Co., KY in 1804 which is next to Madison Co and Christopher Harris. I have found little solid info on Dabney Harris but below is some notes I have collected, mostly from Surry Co., NC records. 1. Dabney must have died after 1800, not 1795 as stated below, as he is on the 1800 Surry, NC census, Dabney Harris, 02101-0110100. 2. Dabney apparently lived in both Wilkes and Surry counties. Found Dabney Harris on Wilkes Co., NC, Hardins District, pg 002, 1787 state census. 3. 1790 Federal census for Wilkes Co., NC; Dabney Haris (Harris), 2M 16+, 3M 16-, 6Fem, 0 slaves. (Dabney, wife, 5 sons, 5 dau) 4. Dabney Harris is on 1782 Surry Tax list; Capt. Humphries District: Dabney has one horse, 2 cows and 100 acres. (No location given). 5. From William Harris Millier's History and Genealogies, 1907 version, pgs 278-9. - "By his first wife, Mary Dabney, Christopher Harris had...Dabney Harris, who was a resident of Surry County, North Carolina on May 5th 1795, and whose son Christopher Harris at that time being a man of maturity, came to Madison County, Ky,. from North Carolina with a power of attorney from his father (Dabney Harris) authorizing his said son to receipt for his (Dabney Harris) part of his fathers estate, and from this it is known that Dabney Harris had one child but as to any other children no history is at hand." (parentheses as in original)..............Although this info is from a book I had not been able to confirm it. The power of attorney, submitted by Evelyn below, appears to be the source of this book info and indicates that Dabney did indeed have a son named Christopher. 6. From Surry Co., NC abstracts: deed books D, E and F (1779-1797) - 6 Aug 1793, Dabney Harris to John Personate, for 75 pounds, 95 acres adjacent Jesse Franklin and Mark Kenned(a)y. Wits: (X) James Franklin, Thomas Ross, William Snow. Signed Dabney Harris. (this land was most likely on Butler creek) 7. Extracted from McNeil, George F.: Abstracts of North Carolina. Land Grant Files of Grants Issued for Land in Wilkes County; Published, 1994 by Wilkes Genealogical Society, North Wilkesboro, NC. - Pg 73, Vol 1, 1778-1798, File #727. Dabney Harris received grant #724, 22 Sep 1785 for 150 acres, both sides of Glade creek of the Little river, adjoining Young Edwards. Based on Warrent/entry #1160 dated 2 Jan 1785. Grant is recorded in Book 59, pg 332. Chain carriers: Edward Franklin, Jno. Edwards. Surveyed by William Johnson. This land was in present day Alleghany Co., adj Greyson Co., VA border. However Dabney appears to have actually lived on Butler creek, on the south fork of the Mitchell river, next door to David Austin..............According to Austin family researchers, Benjamin Austin, son of David Austin above, married a Sarah Harris who is suppose to be a daughter of Dabney Harris. However I can find no one who can prove this to me. I do not have the notes with me but I believe Sarah Harris and Benjamin Austin moved to Kentucky also. 8. I am aware of the Dabney Harris and Christopher Harris names in Pulaski Co., KY but am not sure who either were or how they may be connected. I had thought that Dabney may be the son of Dabney or his grandson or the son of one of Dabney's many brothers who moved to Madison KY with their father Christopher. Could the Christopher found there be the son of the elder Christopher? 9. My info is that Mary Dabney was the first wife of the elder Christopher Harris and Dabney Harris was their eldest son. The parents of Mary were Cornelius Dabney and Sarah Ann Jennings of Hanover county VA. Their son John Dabney supposedly married Anna Harris, the sister of Christopher Harris. Hope this all helps and maybe someone out there can add to or correct this info. Glenn E. Harris

child 3 ii. Sarah Harris was born June 11, 1747. She married James Martin in Albemarle Co., VA. James died 1799 Madison Co., KY.

child 4 iii. Robert Harris was born August 24, 1749. He married Nancy Grubbs.

child 5 iv. Tyre Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA June 24, 1751.

child 6 v. Elizabeth Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA May 9, 1752.

child 7 vi. Mourning Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA June 4, 1754. She married Foster Jones.

child 8 vii. Christopher Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA July 21, 1755. He married Elizabeth Grubbs.

child 9 viii. Mary Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA June 10, 1757. She married George Jones. George is the son of Mosias Jones.

Christopher Harris and Agnes McCord had the following children:

child 10 ix. Benjamin Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA November 28, 1760. He married twice. He married Miss Jones. He married Nancy Burgin Madison Co., KY, June 14, 1792. Nancy was the daughter of Dennis Burgin and Jane. Nancy died after 1833.

child 11 x. Jane Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA September 18, 1763. She married Richard Gentry.

child 12 xi. John Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA March 14, 1765. He married Margaret Maupin. Margaret was born 1767. Margaret was the daughter of John Maupin and Frances Dabney. Margaret died 1859 at 92 years of age.

child 13 xii. William Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA November 12, 1768. He married Anna Oldham in Madison Co., KY, February 4, 1790. Anna is the daughter of Jesse Oldham and Elizabeth Simpson.

child 14 xiii. James Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA 1770. James died ca 1798 Madison Co., KY. He married Susannah Gass Madison Co., KY, December 2, 1790. Susannah was the daughter of David Gass and Sarah.

child 15 xiv. Margaret Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA 1772. Margaret Harris never married.

child 16 xv. Isabella Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA April 9, 1775. She married John Bennett Madison Co., KY, October 2, 1794.

child 17 xvi. Samuel Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA September 1, 1777. He married Nancy Wilkerson.

child 18 xvii. Barnabus Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA October 1, 1779. He married Elizabeth Oldham Madison Co., KY, November 19, 1803. Elizabeth was born ca 1787. Elizabeth was the daughter of Richard 'Ready Money' Oldham and Ursley Duke Williams. Elizabeth died after 1836.

child 19 xviii. Overton Harris was born in Albemarle Co., VA October 25, 1782. Overton died October 10, 1827 Madison Co., KY, at 44 years of age. His body was interred Madison Co., KY. He married Nancy Oldham Madison Co., KY, April 10, 1810. Nancy was born Madison Co., KY December 27, 1791. Nancy was the daughter of Richard 'Ready Money' Oldham and Ursley Duke Williams. Nancy died September 28, 1858 Madison Co., KY, at 66 years of age. Her body was interred Madison Co., KY. At 26 years of age Nancy became the mother of Tillitha Harris Madison Co., KY, October 13, 1818. At 29 years of age Nancy became the mother of Christopher C. Harris 1821. At 35 years of age Nancy became the mother of Ursula Nancy Harris January 28, 1827.

At 35 years of age Overton became the father of Tillitha Harris Madison Co., KY, October 13, 1818. At 38 years of age Overton became the father of Christopher C. Harris 1821. At 44 years of age Overton became the father of Ursula Nancy Harris January 28, 1827.

Second Generation

20. Robert2 Harris (William3) was born St. Peters Parish, New Kent Co., VA ca 1696. Robert died 1765 in Brown's Cove, Albemarle County, VA, at 69 years of age.

He married Mourning Glenn Hanover Co., VA, January 13, 1720. Mourning was born in New Kent Co., VA ca 1702. Mourning was the daughter of James Glenn and unknown. Mourning died 1776 in Brown's Cove, Albemarle Co., VA, at 74 years of age. At 21 years of age Mourning became the mother of Anna Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 31, 1724. At 22 years of age Mourning became the mother of Christopher Harris in probably Louisa Co., VA, February 1725. At 25 years of age Mourning became the mother of Tyree Harris Louisa Co., VA, April 8, 1728. At 26 years of age Mourning became the mother of Mary Harris Louisa Co., VA, February 10, 1729. At 29 years of age Mourning became the mother of Mourning Glenn Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 27, 1732. At 31 years of age Mourning became the mother of Lucy Harris Louisa Co., VA, April 12, 1734. At 33 years of age Mourning became the mother of Sarah Harris Louisa Co., VA, May 24, 1736. At 38 years of age Mourning became the mother of Robert Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 8, 1741. At 41 years of age Mourning became the mother of Rachel Harris Louisa Co., VA, June 24, 1744. At 43 years of age Mourning became the mother of Frances Harris Louisa Co., VA, January 27, 1746. At 50 years of age Mourning became the mother of William Harris in Virginia, November 15, 1752.

At 27 years of age Robert became the father of Anna Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 31, 1724. At 28 years of age Robert became the father of Christopher Harris in probably Louisa Co., VA, February 1725. At 31 years of age Robert became the father of Tyree Harris Louisa Co., VA, April 8, 1728. At 32 years of age Robert became the father of Mary Harris Louisa Co., VA, February 10, 1729. At 35 years of age Robert became the father of Mourning Glenn Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 27, 1732. At 37 years of age Robert became the father of Lucy Harris Louisa Co., VA, April 12, 1734. At 39 years of age Robert became the father of Sarah Harris Louisa Co., VA, May 24, 1736. At 44 years of age Robert became the father of Robert Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 8, 1741. At 47 years of age Robert became the father of Rachel Harris Louisa Co., VA, June 24, 1744. At 49 years of age Robert became the father of Frances Harris Louisa Co., VA, January 27, 1746. At 56 years of age Robert became the father of William Harris in Virginia, November 15, 1752. The Will of Robert Harris is as follows: June 18, 1765, probated Aug. 8, 1765, "In the name of God, Amen. I Robert Harris of the County of Albemarle, being of perfect mind, and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, in manner and form following: first and principally I recommend my soul to God, who gave it me, not doubting but through the merits of my blessed saviour to have full pardon and remission of my sins, and my body, I recommend to the earth from whence it came, to be buried in such manner, as my executors hereafter named shall see fit. And as touching such temporal estate as it hath pleased God to bestow on me, I give and dispose of in manner and form following. Imprimis: I give and bequeath to my son, Christopher Harris forty acres of woodland, ground lying and being in the County of Albemarle, on a large spur of the Blue Bidge of Mountains near to a place commonly called and known by the name of the "Bear cornfield," to him and his heirs and assigns forever. Item: I give and bequeath to my son, William Harris, after the decease of my loving wife, Morning (Mourning) Harris, all the land which I hold in the County of Albemarle to him and his heirs forever. Item: I leave to my loving wife Mourning Harris, the sole use and benefit of all the lands and plantations during her natural life, which is above given to my son, William Harris after her decease. Item: I leave to the said loving wife, the sole use and benefit during her natural life, six slaves, that is to say, Harry, Peter Dick and Aaron, men, Patta and Nanny, women. Item: My will and desire is, after the decease of my wife, that if my negro man, Harry should be then living, in that case I give and bequeath the said Harry, to my son, Robert Harris, junior, to him and his heirs. Item: My will and desire is, after the decease of my wife, that if my negro man, Peter, should be then living, in that case I give and bequeath the said Peter to my son, Tyre Harris, to him and his heirs. Item: My will and desire is, after the decease of my wife, that if my other four negroes, Dick and Aaron, men, and Patta and Nanny, women, be then living, I give and bequeath them and their increase to my son, William Harris, to him and his heirs. Item: My will and desire is, that if my son, William Harris should die before he attains the lawful age, or without issue, that in that case, he the said William Harris should be further educated, the charges thereof shall be paid out of the estate given him, after the whole being sold, by my executors herein after named, and the remainder of the money arising from such sale be equally divided amongst all my children, or their legal representatives. Item: My will and desire is, that my son William Harris to be under the tuition, direction and government of my son-in-law, John Rodes, until he shall attain to lawful age. Item: I give and bequeath to my loving wife, when all my lawful debts, and funeral expenses is paid all the residue of my estate, be it of whatever nature or quality soever, to her and her heirs forever. I do constitute and nominate and appoint my sons-in-law, John Rodes and William Shelton, to be my executors of this my last will and testament. As witness my hand and seal this eighteenth day of June in the year of Our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and sixty five. (Signed) Robert Harris. (L. S.) Signed, sealed, etc., in the presence of Daniel Maupin, John Mullins, James William Maupin, Courtley Mullins. At a Court held for Albemarle County, the 8th day of Aug. 1765, this will presented in Court, proved by the oath of Daniel Maupin and William Maupin witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of John Rodes and William Shelton, the executors therein named, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof, in due form on giving security. Whereupon they with David Rodes and Christopher Harris their securites entered into and acknowledged their bond according to law. Teste, Henry Frye, C. A copy, Teste, W. L. Maupin, Clerk.

Robert Harris and Mourning Glenn had the following children:

child 21 i. Anna1 Harris was born Louisa Co., VA March 31, 1724. She married John Dabney Hanover Co., VA, 1721. John was born ca 1722. John was the son of Cornelius Dabney and Sarah Jennings. John died 1771 at 49 years of age.

child + 1 ii. Christopher Harris was born February 1725.

child 22 iii. Tyree Harris was born Louisa Co., VA April 8, 1728. Tyree died January, 1787 in Caswell Co., NC, at 58 years of age. He married twice. He married Elizabeth Chapman. He married Mary Ann Simpson 1757. Mary was born 1741. Mary died September 1, 1786 in Caswell Co., NC, at 45 years of age.

child 23 iv. Mary Harris was born Louisa Co., VA February 10, 1729. Mary died 1819 in Albemarle Co., VA, at 90 years of age. She married James Harris in Virginia, before 1751. James was born 1722. James died 1792 in Albemarle Co., VA, at 70 years of age.

child 24 v. Mourning Glenn Harris was born Louisa Co., VA March 27, 1732. She married John Jouett in Albemarle Co., VA, before 1751. John died 1802 in Albemarle Co., VA.

child 25 vi. Lucy Harris was born Louisa Co., VA April 12, 1734. She married William Shelton in Virginia, before 1752. William was born ca 1731. William died 1815 in Albemarle Co., VA, at 84 years of age.

child 26 vii. Sarah Harris was born Louisa Co., VA May 24, 1736. Sarah died January 31, 1803 in Albemarle Co., VA, at 66 years of age. She married John Rodes in Albemarle Co., VA, May 24, 1756. John was born in Albemarle Co., VA November 16, 1729. John was the son of John Rodes and Miss Crawford. John died July 15, 1810 in Albemarle Co., VA, at 80 years of age.

child 27 viii. Robert Harris was born Louisa Co., VA March 8, 1741. Robert died 1796 in Surry Co., NC, at 55 years of age. He married Lucretia Brown 1762. Lucretia was born 1746. Lucretia was the daughter of Benjamin Brown and Sarah Dabney. Lucretia died 1806 in Surry Co., NC, at 60 years of age.

child 28 ix. Rachel Harris was born Louisa Co., VA June 24, 1744. Rachel died after 1819 in probably Smith Co., TN. She married William Dalton in probably Albemarle Co., VA, ca 1760. William was born in Albemarle Co., VA ca 1736. William was the son of Samuel Dalton and Anne. William died 1819 in Smith Co., TN, at 83 years of age.

child 29 x. Frances Harris was born Louisa Co., VA January 27, 1746. Frances died 1814 in Columbia District, SC, at 68 years of age. She married Joel Crawford in Amherst Co., VA, 1760. Joel was born Hanover Co., VA October 16, 1736. Joel died October 13, 1788 in Columbia District, SC, at 51 years of age.

child 30 xi. William Harris was born in Virginia November 15, 1752. William died 1776 in Albemarle Co., VA, at 23 years of age. He married Hannah Jameson.

31. Mourning2 Glenn (James3, James4) was born in New Kent Co., VA ca 1702. Mourning died 1776 in Brown's Cove, Albemarle Co., VA, at 74 years of age.

She married Robert Harris Hanover Co., VA, January 13, 1720. Robert was born St. Peters Parish, New Kent Co., VA ca 1696. Robert was the son of William Harris and Temperance Overton. Robert died 1765 in Brown's Cove, Albemarle County, VA, at 69 years of age. At 27 years of age Robert became the father of Anna Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 31, 1724. At 28 years of age Robert became the father of Christopher Harris in probably Louisa Co., VA, February 1725. At 31 years of age Robert became the father of Tyree Harris Louisa Co., VA, April 8, 1728. At 32 years of age Robert became the father of Mary Harris Louisa Co., VA, February 10, 1729. At 35 years of age Robert became the father of Mourning Glenn Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 27, 1732. At 37 years of age Robert became the father of Lucy Harris Louisa Co., VA, April 12, 1734. At 39 years of age Robert became the father of Sarah Harris Louisa Co., VA, May 24, 1736. At 44 years of age Robert became the father of Robert Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 8, 1741. At 47 years of age Robert became the father of Rachel Harris Louisa Co., VA, June 24, 1744. At 49 years of age Robert became the father of Frances Harris Louisa Co., VA, January 27, 1746. At 56 years of age Robert became the father of William Harris in Virginia, November 15, 1752. (See Robert Harris for the children resulting from this marriage.)

At 21 years of age Mourning became the mother of Anna Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 31, 1724. At 22 years of age Mourning became the mother of Christopher Harris in probably Louisa Co., VA, February 1725. At 25 years of age Mourning became the mother of Tyree Harris Louisa Co., VA, April 8, 1728. At 26 years of age Mourning became the mother of Mary Harris Louisa Co., VA, February 10, 1729. At 29 years of age Mourning became the mother of Mourning Glenn Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 27, 1732. At 31 years of age Mourning became the mother of Lucy Harris Louisa Co., VA, April 12, 1734. At 33 years of age Mourning became the mother of Sarah Harris Louisa Co., VA, May 24, 1736. At 38 years of age Mourning became the mother of Robert Harris Louisa Co., VA, March 8, 1741. At 41 years of age Mourning became the mother of Rachel Harris Louisa Co., VA, June 24, 1744. At 43 years of age Mourning became the mother of Frances Harris Louisa Co., VA, January 27, 1746. At 50 years of age Mourning became the mother of William Harris in Virginia, November 15, 1752.

Third Generation

32. William3 Harris was born in New Kent Co., VA ca 1672. William died circa 1732 Hanover Co., VA.

He married Temperance Overton in Virginia, ca 1695. Temperance was born in New Kent Co., VA March 2, 1679. Temperance was the daughter of William Overton and Mary Waters. Temperance died February 19, 1710 Hanover Co., VA, at 30 years of age. Temperance became the mother of William Harris Hanover Co., VA. Temperance became the mother of Robert Harris St. Peters Parish, New Kent Co., VA, ca 1696.

William became the father of William Harris Hanover Co., VA. William became the father of Robert Harris St. Peters Parish, New Kent Co., VA, ca 1696. The children of William Harris and Temperance Overton are the ones listed in "Three William Harrises in Hanover County" by Malcom Hart Harris, The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 22, pp. 3-15. I have seen no evidence as to the parentage of William Harris.

William Harris and Temperance Overton had the following children:

child 33 i. Benjamin2 Harris. Benjamin died 1762 Hanover Co., VA. He married Sarah Dumas Hanover Co., VA, June 27, 1737. Sarah was the daughter of Jeremiah Dumas and Unity. Sarah died 1780 Hanover Co., VA.

child 34 ii. William Harris was born Hanover Co., VA. William died 1749 Hanover Co., VA. He married Elizabeth Burnett in Virginia, before 1726.

child 35 iii. John Harris. John died 1770 in Caroline Co., VA. He married Anne? Clough.

child 36 iv. James Harris.

child 37 v. Jemima Harris. She married William Overton. William is the son of James Overton and Elizabeth Garland.

child + 20 vi. Robert Harris was born ca 1696.

38. Temperance3 Overton (William4, Robert5, John6, Christopher7) was born in New Kent Co., VA March 2, 1679. Temperance died February 19, 1710 Hanover Co., VA, at 30 years of age.

She married William Harris in Virginia, ca 1695. William was born in New Kent Co., VA ca 1672. William died circa 1732 Hanover Co., VA. William became the father of William Harris Hanover Co., VA. William became the father of Robert Harris St. Peters Parish, New Kent Co., VA, ca 1696. (See William Harris for the children resulting from this marriage.)

Temperance became the mother of William Harris Hanover Co., VA. Temperance became the mother of Robert Harris St. Peters Parish, New Kent Co., VA, ca 1696.

39. James3 Glenn (James4) was born in near Stirling, Scotland 1664. James died in New Kent Co., VA.

He married unknown. Unknown became the mother of Jeremiah Glenn ca 1700. Unknown became the mother of Mourning Glenn in New Kent Co., VA, ca 1702. Unknown became the mother of Tyree Glenn in Virginia, ca 1715.

James became the father of Jeremiah Glenn ca 1700. James became the father of Mourning Glenn in New Kent Co., VA, ca 1702. James became the father of Tyree Glenn in Virginia, ca 1715.

James Glenn and unknown had the following children:

child 40 i. David2 Glenn. David died 1752 in Lunenberg Co., VA. He married Mary.

child 41 ii. James Glenn. James died 1763 Hanover Co., VA. He married Hannah.

child 42 iii. Jeremiah Glenn was born ca 1700. Jeremiah died ca 1775 Louisa Co., VA.

child + 31 iv. Mourning Glenn was born ca 1702.

child 43 v. Tyree Glenn was born in Virginia ca 1715. Tyree died 1763 in Lunenberg Co., VA, at 48 years of age. He married twice. He married unknown. He married Mary Roe in Lunenberg Co., VA, April 5, 1751. Mary died ca 1784 in Lunenberg Co., VA.

44. unknown3 birth date unknown.

She married James Glenn. James was born in near Stirling, Scotland 1664. James was the son of James Glenn and Elizabeth Mitchell. James died in New Kent Co., VA. James became the father of Jeremiah Glenn ca 1700. James became the father of Mourning Glenn in New Kent Co., VA, ca 1702. James became the father of Tyree Glenn in Virginia, ca 1715. (See James Glenn for the children resulting from this marriage.)

Unknown became the mother of Jeremiah Glenn ca 1700. Unknown became the mother of Mourning Glenn in New Kent Co., VA, ca 1702. Unknown became the mother of Tyree Glenn in Virginia, ca 1715.

Fourth Generation

45. William4 Overton (Robert5, John6, Christopher7) was born in England December 3, 1638.

He married Mary Waters in Yorktown, VA, November 24, 1670. Mary was the daughter of Samuel Waters and Anne. Mary's occupation: H. Mary became the mother of Elizabeth Overton in Virginia, June 28, 1673. Mary became the mother of William Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1675. Mary became the mother of Temperance Overton in New Kent Co., VA, March 2, 1679. Mary became the mother of Samuel Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1685. Mary became the mother of James Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1688. Mary became the mother of Barbara Overton in Virginia, February 5, 1690.

At 34 years of age William became the father of Elizabeth Overton in Virginia, June 28, 1673. At 36 years of age William became the father of William Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1675. At 40 years of age William became the father of Temperance Overton in New Kent Co., VA, March 2, 1679. At 46 years of age William became the father of Samuel Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1685. At 49 years of age William became the father of James Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1688. At 51 years of age William became the father of Barbara Overton in Virginia, February 5, 1690. William Overton emigrated to Virginia before 1659.

William Overton and Mary Waters had the following children:

child 46 i. Elizabeth3 Overton was born in Virginia June 28, 1673.

child 47 ii. William Overton was born in Virginia August 14, 1675. He married Peggy Garland.

child + 38 iii. Temperance Overton was born March 2, 1679.

child 48 iv. Samuel Overton was born in Virginia August 14, 1685. He married Miss Carr.

child 49 v. James Overton was born in Virginia August 14, 1688. He married Elizabeth Garland.

child 50 vi. Barbara Overton was born in Virginia February 5, 1690. She married William Winston, Jr. William is the son of William Winston.

51. Mary4 Waters (Samuel5) birth date unknown.

She married William Overton in Yorktown, VA, November 24, 1670. William was born in England December 3, 1638. William was the son of Robert Overton and Anne Gardiner. At 34 years of age William became the father of Elizabeth Overton in Virginia, June 28, 1673. At 36 years of age William became the father of William Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1675. At 40 years of age William became the father of Temperance Overton in New Kent Co., VA, March 2, 1679. At 46 years of age William became the father of Samuel Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1685. At 49 years of age William became the father of James Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1688. At 51 years of age William became the father of Barbara Overton in Virginia, February 5, 1690. (See William Overton for the children resulting from this marriage.)

Mary's occupation: H. Mary became the mother of Elizabeth Overton in Virginia, June 28, 1673. Mary became the mother of William Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1675. Mary became the mother of Temperance Overton in New Kent Co., VA, March 2, 1679. Mary became the mother of Samuel Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1685. Mary became the mother of James Overton in Virginia, August 14, 1688. Mary became the mother of Barbara Overton in Virginia, February 5, 1690.

52. James4 Glenn birth date unknown.

He married Elizabeth Mitchell. Elizabeth became the mother of James Glenn in near Stirling, Scotland, 1664.

James became the father of James Glenn in near Stirling, Scotland, 1664.

James Glenn and Elizabeth Mitchell had the following child:

child + 39 i. James3 Glenn was born 1664.

53. Elizabeth4 Mitchell birth date unknown.

She married James Glenn. James became the father of James Glenn in near Stirling, Scotland, 1664. (See James Glenn for the children resulting from this marriage.)

Elizabeth became the mother of James Glenn in near Stirling, Scotland, 1664.

Fifth Generation

54. Robert5 Overton (John6, Christopher7) was born 1609. Robert died 1678 at 69 years of age.

He married Anne Gardiner in England, 1632. Anne is the daughter of Jeremy Gardiner. Anne became the mother of William Overton in England, December 3, 1638.

At 29 years of age Robert became the father of William Overton in England, December 3, 1638.

Robert Overton and Anne Gardiner had the following child:

child + 45 i. William4 Overton was born December 3, 1638.

55. Anne5 Gardiner (Jeremy6) birth date unknown.

She married Robert Overton in England, 1632. Robert was born 1609. Robert was the son of John Overton and Joane Snawsell. Robert died 1678 at 69 years of age. At 29 years of age Robert became the father of William Overton in England, December 3, 1638. (See Robert Overton for the children resulting from this marriage.)

Anne became the mother of William Overton in England, December 3, 1638.

56. Samuel5 Waters birth date unknown.

He married Anne.

Samuel Waters and Anne had the following child:

child + 51 i. Mary4 Waters.

57. Anne5 birth date unknown.

She married Samuel Waters. (See Samuel Waters for the children resulting from this marriage.)

Sixth Generation

58. John6 Overton (Christopher7) birth date unknown. John died 1654.

He married Joane Snawsell in England, 1606. Joane was born Bilton, Yorkshire, England. Joane is the daughter of Robert Snawsell and Anne Waters. She was christened Bilton, Yorkshire, England, December 27, 1586. Joane became the mother of Robert Overton 1609.

John became the father of Robert Overton 1609.

John Overton and Joane Snawsell had the following child:

child + 54 i. Robert5 Overton was born 1609.

59. Joane6 Snawsell (Robert7) was born Bilton, Yorkshire, England.

She married John Overton in England, 1606. John was the son of Christopher Overton and Miss Wright. John died 1654. John became the father of Robert Overton 1609. (See John Overton for the children resulting from this marriage.)

She was christened Bilton, Yorkshire, England, December 27, 1586. Joane became the mother of Robert Overton 1609.

60. Jeremy6 Gardiner birth date unknown.

Jeremy Gardiner had the following child:

child + 55 i. Anne5 Gardiner.

Seventh Generation

61. Christopher7 Overton birth date unknown.

He married Miss Wright.

Christopher Overton and Miss Wright had the following child:

child + 58 i. John6 Overton.

62. Miss7 Wright birth date unknown.

She married Christopher Overton. (See Christopher Overton for the children resulting from this marriage.)

63. Robert7 Snawsell birth date unknown.

He married Anne Waters. Anne became the mother of Joane Snawsell Bilton, Yorkshire, England.

Robert became the father of Joane Snawsell Bilton, Yorkshire, England.

Robert Snawsell and Anne Waters had the following child:

child + 59 i. Joane6 Snawsell.

64. Anne7 Waters birth date unknown.

She married Robert Snawsell. Robert became the father of Joane Snawsell Bilton, Yorkshire, England. (See Robert Snawsell for the children resulting from this marriage.)

Anne became the mother of Joane Snawsell Bilton, Yorkshire, England.

horizontal rule



Anne (i6189)
Anne (marriage to Samuel Waters) (i6189)


Bennett, John (marriage to Isabella Harris) (i3566)


Brown, Lucretia (marriage to Robert Harris) (i6163), b.1746-d.1806


Burgin, Nancy (marriage to Benjamin Harris) (i2325), d.1833


Burnett, Elizabeth (marriage to William Harris) (i6203)


Carr, Miss (marriage to Samuel Overton) (i6194)


Chapman, Elizabeth (marriage to Tyree Harris) (i3974)


Clough, Anne? (marriage to John Harris) (i6215)


Crawford, Joel (marriage to Frances Harris) (i6185), b.1736-d.1788


Dabney, John (marriage to Anna Harris) (i3972), b.1722-d.1771
Dabney, Mary (marriage to Christopher Harris) (i3569)


Dalton, William (marriage to Rachel Harris) (i6179), b.1736-d.1819


Dumas, Sarah (marriage to Benjamin Harris) (i6212), d.1780


Gardiner, Anne (i6673)
Gardiner, Anne (marriage to Robert Overton) (i6673)
Gardiner, Jeremy (i6674)


Garland, Elizabeth (marriage to James Overton) (i6196)
Garland, Peggy (marriage to William Overton) (i6192)


Gass, Susannah (marriage to James Harris) (i3557)


Gentry, Richard (marriage to Jane Harris) (i3563)


Glenn, David (i6224), d.1752
Glenn, James (i6218), b.1664-
Glenn, James (i6221)
Glenn, James (i6226), d.1763
Glenn, James (marriage to Elizabeth Mitchell) (i6221)
Glenn, James (marriage to unknown) (i6218), b.1664-
Glenn, Jeremiah (i6223), b.1700-d.1775
Glenn, Mourning (i367), b.1702-d.1776
Glenn, Mourning (marriage to Robert Harris) (i367), b.1702-d.1776
Glenn, Tyree (i6228), b.1715-d.1763


Grubbs, Elizabeth (marriage to Christopher Harris) (i3580)
Grubbs, Nancy (marriage to Robert Harris) (i3576)


Hannah (marriage to James Glenn) (i6227)


Harris, Anna (i3971), b.1724-
Harris, Barnabus (i3552), b.1779-
Harris, Benjamin (i2326), b.1760-
Harris, Benjamin (i6201), d.1762
Harris, Christopher (i116), b.1725-d.1794
Harris, Christopher (i3579), b.1755-
Harris, Dabney (i3572), b.1745-
Harris, Elizabeth (i3585), b.1752-
Harris, Frances (i6184), b.1746-d.1814
Harris, Isabella (i3565), b.1775-
Harris, James (i3556), b.1770-d.1798
Harris, James (i6205)
Harris, James (marriage to Mary Harris) (i6187), b.1722-d.1792
Harris, Jane (i3562), b.1763-
Harris, Jemima (i6206)
Harris, John (i3544), b.1765-
Harris, John (i6204), d.1770
Harris, Lucy (i6171), b.1734-
Harris, Margaret (i3564), b.1772-
Harris, Mary (i3581), b.1757-
Harris, Mary (i6186), b.1729-d.1819
Harris, Mourning (i3577), b.1754-
Harris, Mourning Glenn (i6180), b.1732-
Harris, Overton (i58), b.1782-d.1827
Harris, Rachel (i6178), b.1744-d.1819
Harris, Robert (i366), b.1696-d.1765
Harris, Robert (i3575), b.1749-
Harris, Robert (i6162), b.1741-d.1796
Harris, Robert (marriage to Mourning Glenn) (i366), b.1696-d.1765
Harris, Samuel (i3560), b.1777-
Harris, Sarah (i3573), b.1747-
Harris, Sarah (i6174), b.1736-d.1803
Harris, Tyre (i3584), b.1751-
Harris, Tyree (i3973), b.1728-d.1787
Harris, William (i810), b.1672-d.1732
Harris, William (i3551), b.1768-
Harris, William (i6168), b.1752-d.1776
Harris, William (i6202), d.1749
Harris, William (marriage to Temperance Overton) (i810), b.1672-d.1732


Jameson, Hannah (marriage to William Harris) (i6169)


Jones, Foster (marriage to Mourning Harris) (i3578)
Jones, George (marriage to Mary Harris) (i3582)
Jones, Miss (marriage to Benjamin Harris) (i3549)


Jouett, John (marriage to Mourning Glenn Harris) (i6181), d.1802


Martin, James (marriage to Sarah Harris) (i3574), d.1799


Mary (marriage to David Glenn) (i6225)


Maupin, Margaret (marriage to John Harris) (i3545), b.1767-d.1859


McCord, Agnes (marriage to Christopher Harris) (i117), b.1740-d.1791


Mitchell, Elizabeth (i6222)
Mitchell, Elizabeth (marriage to James Glenn) (i6222)


Oldham, Anna (marriage to William Harris) (i1260)
Oldham, Elizabeth (marriage to Barnabus Harris) (i1265), b.1787-d.1836
Oldham, Nancy (marriage to Overton Harris) (i59), b.1791-d.1858


Overton, Barbara (i6198), b.1690-
Overton, Christopher (i6679)
Overton, Christopher (marriage to Miss Wright) (i6679)
Overton, Elizabeth (i6190), b.1673-
Overton, James (i6195), b.1688-
Overton, John (i6675), d.1654
Overton, John (marriage to Joane Snawsell) (i6675), d.1654
Overton, Robert (i6672), b.1609-d.1678
Overton, Robert (marriage to Anne Gardiner) (i6672), b.1609-d.1678
Overton, Samuel (i6193), b.1685-
Overton, Temperance (i811), b.1679-d.1710
Overton, Temperance (marriage to William Harris) (i811), b.1679-d.1710
Overton, William (i812), b.1638-
Overton, William (i6191), b.1675-
Overton, William (marriage to Jemima Harris) (i6207)
Overton, William (marriage to Mary Waters) (i812), b.1638-


Rodes, John (marriage to Sarah Harris) (i6175), b.1729-d.1810


Roe, Mary (marriage to Tyree Glenn) (i6230), d.1784


Shelton, William (marriage to Lucy Harris) (i6172), b.1731-d.1815


Simpson, Mary Ann (marriage to Tyree Harris) (i3975), b.1741-d.1786


Snawsell, Joane (i6676)
Snawsell, Joane (marriage to John Overton) (i6676)
Snawsell, Robert (i6677)
Snawsell, Robert (marriage to Anne Waters) (i6677)


unknown (i6220)
unknown (marriage to James Glenn) (i6220)
unknown (marriage to Tyree Glenn) (i6229)


Waters, Anne (i6678)
Waters, Anne (marriage to Robert Snawsell) (i6678)
Waters, Mary (i813)
Waters, Mary (marriage to William Overton) (i813)
Waters, Samuel (i6188)
Waters, Samuel (marriage to Anne) (i6188)


Wilkerson, Nancy (marriage to Samuel Harris) (i3561)


Winston, William, Jr. (marriage to Barbara Overton) (i6199)


Wright, Miss (i6680)
Wright, Miss (marriage to Christopher Overton) (i6680)

horizontal rule

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