Alexander McLelland (1762-1836) and Isabella Futhey (?-?)

McClelland Coat of Arms

Futhey Coat of Arms

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William A. LaBach
311 Duke Road
Lexington, KY 40502
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Ultimate Family Tree, ver 3.10 Patch
LABACH Project Version 1941
February 8, 2002

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Table of Contents

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Barber, Dunn, Fink, Gross-Hutton, Hutton, Kerr, LaBach, McClelland, McCoy, McLelland, Ryker

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First Generation

1. Alexander1 McClelland was born in Sussex Co., NJ January 16, 1762. Alexander McClelland is listed in the 1820 Census for Montgomery County, Kentucky with 1 white male 19-26, 1 over 45, 1 white female 10-16, 1 16-26, and 1 over 45. One person was engaged in agriculture. Alexander died 1836 in Montgomery Co., KY, at 74 years of age.

He married Isabella Futhey in Lexington, KY, circa 1790. Isabella was the daughter of Robert Futhey. Isabella became the mother of Alexander McLelland in Montgomery Co., KY. Isabella became the mother of Robert McLelland in Kentucky, February 14, 1792.

Alexander became the father of Alexander McLelland in Montgomery Co., KY. At 30 years of age Alexander became the father of Robert McLelland in Kentucky, February 14, 1792. Alexander was listed as the head of a family on the 1810 Census in Montgomery County, Kentucky. Alexander McClelland is listed on the 1810 Census as Alexander McCleland with one free white male under 10, one between 16 and 26, one over 45, one free white female under 10, one between 10 and 16, one between 16 and 26, one over 45, and no slaves.

Alexander was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Montgomery County, Kentucky. Aexander McClelland is listed in the 1820 Census for Montgomery County, Kentucky with 1 white male 19-25, 1 over 44, 1 white female 5-10, 1 10-15, and 1 over 44. One person was engaged in agriculture. Alexander McLelland served in the Revolutionary War in Kentucky under Gen. George Rogers Clark. At that time he was a resident of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. He later moved to Fayette County, Kentucky and then Montgomery County, Kentucky according to his pension application. He is listed in the first (1797) tax list of Montgomery County, Kentucky. The 1810 Census of Montgomery County, Kentucky spells his name Alexander McCleland and lists him with one free while male under 10, one 16 to 26, and one over 45. It lists one free white female under 10, one 10 to 16, one 16 to 26, and one over 45. It would seem likely he had 2 male children and three female children. No slaves or other persons are listed for him in the 1810 Census. He died testate but did not name all of his children in his Will. His rejected pension application made in 1834 follows: PENSION APPLICATION OF ALEXANDER McCLELLAND

Alexander McClelland National Pension No. 6620 Application Date: 7 July 1834 Rejected: 22 August 1836 Cause noted in 1858: not 6 months service

State of Kentucky ) County of Montgomery ) SS.

On this 7th day of July 1831 personally appeared in open court before the Montgomery County Court, now sitting, Alexander McClelland, a resident of said county in the State aforesaid aged seventy two years who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.

That he entered the service of the U. States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated: He was a volunteer from Fayette County, Pennsylvania, then the county of his residence. He entered the service as a private under Capt. Edward Stewart of the Pennsylvania Militia on the 1st of July 1781 as nearly as now recollects, and proceeded to the place of rendezvous on the Monongahela river, called in that day the New Store. Our company was a small one consisting of about thirty five men. We had no lieutenant. Our Ensign was a Mr. McDonald. We were also without a major belonging to the Militia, but we had a major of the Regiment by the name of Malis (Wales or Whaley?). Morgan was our Colonel and Clarke of Virginia our General. At this time I do not recollect Morgan's Christian name, but distinctly that he was known in camp by the name of old Cuff Morgan. From the New Store (where the troops remained something like two weeks preparing) we proceeded down the river in boats to M'Key's (Kerr's) Island — opposite the mouth of Shisler Creek about three miles below Pittsburg. We remained here near two weeks and while there three regulars, whilst on the river a short distance from where the Army lay, were killed by the Indians. We then proceeded to Wheeling and were detained there for several days. At that place we were joined by some troops who came by land from the Red Stone Country, but a considerable number of our men deserted about the same time. From there we went down the Ohio to Louisville where we arrived on the 1st of August. While in Louisville Captain Tipton and Captain Chaplain of the Regulars were killed by the Indians. These officers, when attacked, were riding to a station in the neighborhood. They were tomahawked and scalped. I assisted in burying them. By the time we reached Louisville our numbers which when at Miker's Island must have exceeded six hundred men, was diminished by sickness and desertion to such a degree that Gen. Clarke found it impracticable to proceed on his intended expedition which was — as understood by the troops — to penetrate the Indian Country north of the Ohio as far, if possible, as Sandusky, and then to march by land to Pittsburg. The General, having asserted himself unsuccessfully to raise in Kentucky the forces necessary for his expedition, finally abandoned it, and resolved to disband his troops — with the exception of the Regulars. The Officers of the Militia were accordingly discharged about the 1st of October and the privates permitted to return with an understanding that they should draw pay and rations up to the time of their actual arrival at home. The second day after I left Louisville I was taken ill of a fever from which I was compelled to stop. I lay nine weeks about a mile from Bardstown — at a Mr. Thomas Cunningham's from whence I was removed by Thomas Norton to Bardstown where I was confined about the same length of time. This disease ultimately located itself in my left leg —from which I experience pain and inconvenience even at this day. My affliction was such that I found myself wholly disabled from undertaking my journey homewards until about the 1st of October 1782, when I left Kentucky, and reached home on the 29th of the same month. A short time after my arrival at home, I received from Capt. Kannon, the successor of Capt. Stewart who had been killed in Crawford's defeat, my written discharge. This paper, to the best of my recollection, was forwarded to some Virginia Land Office, and has never been heard of by me since. I have no documentary evidence in my possession which will show, nor do I know of any person whose testimony I can procure, who can testify to my service, as above set forth.

1. I was born in Sussex County, New Jersey, about a hundred miles above Philadelphia, on the 16th of January 1762.

2. I have a record of my age now at my house taken from the family record of my father.

3. I was living in Fayette County in the State of Pennsylvania when called into service. A few years after the close of the Revolutionary War I removed to Fayette County in the State of Kentucky. Whence I removed to Montgomery County in the latter State in 1795 — where I now reside, and have resided ever since.

4. As stated in the foregoing part of this statement, I entered the service as a volunteer.

5. I recollect the names of Captain Ben Whaley, Lieutenant James Paul, Major Wales, Captains Tipton and Capt. Chaplain and Colonel Crohith (?) as among the officers on the expedition.

6. I did, as above set forth, receive a discharge, and it was disposed of as previous stated.

7. I am known in my neighborhood by John McCormack and Samuel McCormack, who. can testify as to my veracity, and their belief of my services as a soldier of the Revolution.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the Agency of any State.

Sworn to and subscribed this day and year aforesaid.

his Alexander C McClelland mark

Mr. Samuel McCormack, a Clergyman residing in Montgomery County and John McCormack residing in the same county, hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Alexander McClelland, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration, that we believe him to be seventy two years of age, that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion. (signed) Samuel N. McCormick John McCormick

Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion, after the investigation of the matter and after the interregation prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states. And the Court further certifies that it appears to them that Samuel McCormack who has signed the preceding certificate is a clergyman resident in Montgomery County; that John McCormack who has also signed the same is a resident of the same county and is a credible person and that their statement is entitled to evidence.

I, Micajah Harrison, Clerk of the Montgomery County Court, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said Court, in the matter of the application of Alexander McClelland for pension.

In testimony whereof, I unto set my hand and seal of office, this 7th July 1834.

(signed) M. Harrison, Clk

From a newspaper clipping probably from an Indianapolis, Indiana newspaper about 1908 we learn Alexander McClelland was a page in the Continental Congress:

George Edward McLeland, who lives at 2526 North Jersey Street, does not have much use for a pen, inasmuch as he is not yet five years old, but he nevertheless has the most interesting pen in Indianapolis. It is the one with which Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence. His grandfather, Capt. George W. McLeland received it from his grandfather, Alexander McLeland, who was a page in the Continental Congress. "Grandfather was a page in that historic Congress" said the youthful George's eight-six-year-old grandfather to-day, "and he was nicknamed 'Sandy' by its members. He gave me this pen which is made of a wild turkey feather, when I last saw him at our home down in Jefferson county, in 1831. You see, I was only a shaver, about as big as young George, there, when he gave it to me. Her told me that all the men who signed the Declaration of Independence did not use the same pen, and that when Franklin signed it he turned to him and said: 'Here, Sandy, you take this and keep it, and now run along and tell the sexton to ring the bell,' and he then, with the pen in his hand, hastened out to the old man at the bell, and the first music of liberty rang out on the air. My grandfather lived to be eighty-five years old and now that I have passed that milestone and my days are numbered, I pass the old relic down two generations. I came very near, however, turning it over to the old liberty bell people when the bell was in Indianapolis a few years ago." George Edward McLeland, the present owner of the pen, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLeland. The McLelands are one of the best known of the old families of Jefferson County.

A transcription of the Will of Alexander McClelland provided to me by Charles Easterberg follows:

Montgomery County Kentucky State. This my last will and testament made this 4th day of June, one thousand eight-hundred and thirty six, being clothed in my right mind. 1st That John McCormick is to have the benefit of three hundred and forty three dollars and forty seven cent money in said McCormick hands, also the benefit of one note on George W. and John W. Tate for one hundred dollars due the first day of March next, for which the said McCormick is to pay six per cent interest on said money during the life of the subscriber and his wife, Elizabeth. Further, the said McCormick binds himself to appropriate the interest of said money to the support of said subscriber and wife during their lifetimes and should the interest be insufficient he is to appropriate such part of the principle as may be necessary for their benefit. It is also understood that the above $343.47 is to bear interest from the first day of March 1836. I do also will and bequeath to my daughter Ruth McCormick one bed and furniture at my decease. I further bequeath my Bible to my son Alexander McClelland. It is also my will and request that my wife Elizabeth is to have my mare her lifetime if she choose and should the mare have a colt next spring, my will is that John McCormick son of Alexander is to have it. Also I will and bequeath all my moveable effects (after my debts is paid) to my wife Elizabeth during her lifetime. In Witness hereof I hereunto set my hand and seal. Att

his Herryman Tomlinson Alexander "C" McClelland Sixan Covey mark

State of Kentucky) Montgomery County)Sct. August Court 1836

A writing purporting to be the last Will and testament of Alexander McClelland Dec'd was this day produced in open court and proven by the oaths of Herryman Tomlinson and Sixan Covey witnesses these subscribed, to be his note and deed, which was examined, approved and ordered to be recorded which is done accordingly.

Att M. Harrison

Alexander McClelland and Isabella Futhey had the following children:

child 2 i. Alexander2 McLelland was born in Montgomery Co., KY. This may be the Alexander McLelland who settled in Putnam County, Indiana. He inherited the family Bible the whereabouts of which are unknown.

child 3 ii. Ruth McLelland. She married John McCormick in Kentucky, 1817. John was born in Fleming Co., KY 1795. John was the son of William McCormick and Sally McClelland. Ruth McLelland may have also been married to Harvey Sydener.

child 4 iii. Jane McLelland. She married Samuel Newton McCormick in Montgomery Co., KY, January 17, 1821. Samuel was born in Fleming Co., KY February 7, 1799. Samuel was the son of William McCormick and Sally McClelland. Samuel died March 6, 1870 in Platte Co., MO, at 71 years of age. Jane McLelland is considered to be a probable child of Alexander McLelland with a high degree of probability.

child 5 iv. Mary (Polly) McLelland. She married Richard Wilson. Mary (Polly) McLelland is a possible or probable child of Alexander McLelland.

child 6 v. Isabella McLelland. She married James Robb. Isabella McLelland is considered to be a possible or probable child of Alexander McLelland.

child + 7 vi. Robert McLelland was born February 14, 1792.

Second Generation

7. Robert2 McLelland (Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Kentucky February 14, 1792. Robert died July 15, 1855 in Jefferson Co., IN, at 63 years of age. His body was interred in Jefferson Church Cemetery.

He married Esther Campbell Benefiel in Clark Co., KY, January 3, 1814. Esther was born in Kentucky January 2, 1793. Esther was the daughter of George Eli Benefiel and Mary Buchanan. Esther died March 29, 1872 in Jefferson Co., IN, at 79 years of age. Her body was interred in Jefferson Church Cemetery. Esther became the mother of Mary Ann McLelland in Jefferson County, Indiana. At 21 years of age Esther became the mother of William Eli McLelland in Jefferson County, IN, September 21, 1814. At 23 years of age Esther became the mother of Isabel F. McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, May 16, 1816. At 27 years of age Esther became the mother of James H. McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, January 7, 1820. Esther became the mother of George W. McLelland in Jefferson Co., Indiana, ca 1822. At 31 years of age Esther became the mother of Robert Newton McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, March 11, 1824. At 34 years of age Esther became the mother of Cynthia McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, March 1, 1827. At 37 years of age Esther became the mother of Eliza Stuart McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, April 9, 1830. Esther became the mother of Martha McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, ca 1834. Esther became the mother of Samuel A. McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, ca 1840.

Robert became the father of Mary Ann McLelland in Jefferson County, Indiana. At 22 years of age Robert became the father of William Eli McLelland in Jefferson County, IN, September 21, 1814. At 24 years of age Robert became the father of Isabel F. McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, May 16, 1816. At 27 years of age Robert became the father of James H. McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, January 7, 1820. Robert was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Jefferson County, Indiana. Robert McClelland is listed in the 1820 Census for Jefferson County, Indiana with 2 white males under 10, 1 26-44, 2 white females under 10, 1 26-44 and 1 person engaged in agriculture.

Robert became the father of George W. McLelland in Jefferson Co., Indiana, ca 1822. At 32 years of age Robert became the father of Robert Newton McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, March 11, 1824. At 35 years of age Robert became the father of Cynthia McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, March 1, 1827. At 38 years of age Robert became the father of Eliza Stuart McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, April 9, 1830. Robert was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Jefferson County, Indiana. Robert McClelland is listed in the 1830 Census for Jefferson County, Indiana with 1 white male under 5, 2 5-10, 1 15-20, 1 30-40, 2 white females under 5, 2 10-15, and 1 30-40,

Robert became the father of Martha McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, ca 1834. Robert became the father of Samuel A. McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, ca 1840. Robert was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Jefferson County, Indiana. Robert McLelland is listed in the 1840 Census for Jefferson County Indiana in Shelby Township with 1 wehite male under 5, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50, 2 white females 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, and 1 40-50. Three persons were engaged in agriculture.

Robert was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Jefferson County, Indiana. Robert McLelland is listed in the 1850 Census for Jefferson County, Indiana as a farmer, age 57, born in Kentucky with real estate valued at $800.00. Also listed are Hester, age 57, born in Kentucky; Martha J., age 16, born in Indiana; and Samuel A., age 10, born in Indiana.

Robert McLelland and Esther Campbell Benefiel had the following children:

child + 8 i. Mary Ann3 McLelland.

child + 9 ii. William Eli McLelland was born September 21, 1814.

child + 10 iii. Isabel F. McLelland was born May 16, 1816.

child 11 iv. James H. McLelland was born in Jefferson Co., IN January 7, 1820. James died August 19, 1836 in Jefferson Co., IN, at 16 years of age. His body was interred in Jefferson Church Cemetery, Jefferson Co., IN.

child + 12 v. George W. McLelland was born ca 1822.

child + 13 vi. Robert Newton McLelland was born March 11, 1824.

child 14 vii. Cynthia McLelland was born in Jefferson Co., IN March 1, 1827. Cynthia died September 29, 1905 in Jefferson Co., IN, at 78 years of age. Her body was interred in Jefferson Church Cemetery, Jefferson Co., IN. She married Charles W. Loring.


child + 15 viii. Eliza Stuart McLelland was born April 9, 1830.

child 16 ix. Martha McLelland was born in Jefferson Co., IN ca 1834. She married William Hamilton in Jefferson Co., IN, May 7, 1851.

child 17 x. Samuel A. McLelland was born in Jefferson Co., IN ca 1840. He married Margaret Caroline Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, February 21, 1860.

Third Generation

8. Mary Ann3 McLelland (Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Jefferson County, Indiana.

She married Thomas Dunn in Jefferson Co., IN, October 29, 1840. Thomas became the father of Mary Ellen Dunn ca 1849.

Mary became the mother of Mary Ellen Dunn ca 1849.

Mary Ann McLelland and Thomas Dunn had the following children:

child + 18 i. Sarah J.4 Dunn.

child 19 ii. Mary Ellen Dunn was born ca 1849. Mary died February 29, 1852 at 2 years of age.

9. William Eli3 McLelland (Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Jefferson County, IN September 21, 1814. William died January 1, 1901 in Jefferson Co., IN, at 86 years of age. His body was interred in Springdale Cemetery, Madison, IN.

He married Elizabeth F. Wilkerson in Jefferson Co., IN, July 19, 1834. Elizabeth became the mother of Thomas E. McLelland 1836.

At 21 years of age William became the father of Thomas E. McLelland 1836.

William Eli McLelland and Elizabeth F. Wilkerson had the following children:

child 20 i. Charles R.4 McLelland.

child 21 ii. William Oliver McLelland. He married Eva Phillips.

child 22 iii. Harriette McLelland.

child 23 iv. Matilda McLelland. She married Caleb Schmidlapp.

child 24 v. Louise E. "Lizzie" McLelland. She married William McCoy.

child 25 vi. Dearborn McLelland.

child 26 vii. Thomas E. McLelland was born 1836. Thomas died 1892 at 56 years of age.

10. Isabel F.3 McLelland (Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Jefferson Co., IN May 16, 1816. Isabel died February 2, 1895 in Jefferson Co., IN, at 78 years of age. Her body was interred in Jefferson Church Cemetery, Jefferson Co., IN.

She married Wesley McCoy May 25, 1837. Wesley was born in Jefferson Co., IN July 20, 1812. Wesley was the son of John McCoy. Wesley died April 14, 1863 at 50 years of age. At 25 years of age Wesley became the father of Mary Frances McCoy May 8, 1838. At 29 years of age Wesley became the father of Sara Jane "Jennie" McCoy October 6, 1841. At 31 years of age Wesley became the father of Amanda Eliza McCoy November 3, 1843. At 33 years of age Wesley became the father of George Thomas McCoy January 8, 1846. At 35 years of age Wesley became the father of Martha Ellen McCoy August 6, 1847. At 37 years of age Wesley became the father of William Newton McCoy October 19, 1849. At 39 years of age Wesley became the father of Louesa Esther McCoy November 18, 1851. At 42 years of age Wesley became the father of James Robert McCoy October 12, 1854. At 44 years of age Wesley became the father of John Charles McCoy November 26, 1856. At 47 years of age Wesley became the father of Edward Henry Harrison McCoy August 6, 1859.

At 21 years of age Isabel became the mother of Mary Frances McCoy May 8, 1838. At 25 years of age Isabel became the mother of Sara Jane "Jennie" McCoy October 6, 1841. At 27 years of age Isabel became the mother of Amanda Eliza McCoy November 3, 1843. At 29 years of age Isabel became the mother of George Thomas McCoy January 8, 1846. At 31 years of age Isabel became the mother of Martha Ellen McCoy August 6, 1847. At 33 years of age Isabel became the mother of William Newton McCoy October 19, 1849. At 35 years of age Isabel became the mother of Louesa Esther McCoy November 18, 1851. At 38 years of age Isabel became the mother of James Robert McCoy October 12, 1854. At 40 years of age Isabel became the mother of John Charles McCoy November 26, 1856. At 43 years of age Isabel became the mother of Edward Henry Harrison McCoy August 6, 1859.

Isabel F. McLelland and Wesley McCoy had the following children:

child 27 i. Mary Frances4 McCoy was born May 8, 1838.

child 28 ii. Sara Jane "Jennie" McCoy was born October 6, 1841. Sara died March 22, 1922 at 80 years of age. She married Francis H. Stephenson December 29, 1864.

child 29 iii. Amanda Eliza McCoy was born November 3, 1843.

child 30 iv. George Thomas McCoy was born January 8, 1846. He married Carrie M. Henry 1873.

child 31 v. Martha Ellen McCoy was born August 6, 1847.

child 32 vi. William Newton McCoy was born October 19, 1849.

child 33 vii. Louesa Esther McCoy was born November 18, 1851.

child 34 viii. James Robert McCoy was born October 12, 1854.

child 35 ix. John Charles McCoy was born November 26, 1856.

child 36 x. Edward Henry Harrison McCoy was born August 6, 1859.

12. George W.3 McLelland (Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Jefferson Co., Indiana ca 1822.

He married Elizabeth Hamilton. Her body was interred Crown Heights Cemetery, Indianapolis, IN.

George W. McLelland and Elizabeth Hamilton had the following child:

child 37 i. Alma4 McLelland. She married Frank McCarty.

13. Robert Newton3 McLelland (Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Jefferson Co., IN March 11, 1824. Robert died August 11, 1899 Van Buren Co., IA, at 75 years of age.

He married Charity Ann Smith in Jefferson Co., IN, September 11, 1845. Charity was born Owen Co., KY November 21, 1827. Charity was the daughter of Archer "Archie" Smith and Cynthia Robins Conway. Charity died March 14, 1892 Van Buren Co., IA, at 64 years of age. At 18 years of age Charity became the mother of Cynthia Esther McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, July 11, 1846. At 20 years of age Charity became the mother of Mary Elizabeth McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, March 26, 1848. At 22 years of age Charity became the mother of William Eli McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, June 5, 1850. At 28 years of age Charity became the mother of Newton Edward McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, March 28, 1856. At 30 years of age Charity became the mother of Martha Fannie McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, 1858. At 34 years of age Charity became the mother of Alma McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, August, 1862. At 36 years of age Charity became the mother of Charles G. McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, 1864. At 39 years of age Charity became the mother of Guy McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, September, 1867.

At 22 years of age Robert became the father of Cynthia Esther McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, July 11, 1846. At 24 years of age Robert became the father of Mary Elizabeth McLelland in Jefferson Co., IN, March 26, 1848. At 26 years of age Robert became the father of William Eli McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, June 5, 1850. At 32 years of age Robert became the father of Newton Edward McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, March 28, 1856. At 34 years of age Robert became the father of Martha Fannie McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, 1858. At 38 years of age Robert became the father of Alma McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, August, 1862. At 40 years of age Robert became the father of Charles G. McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, 1864. At 43 years of age Robert became the father of Guy McLelland Van Buren Co., IA, September, 1867.

Robert Newton McLelland and Charity Ann Smith had the following children:

child 38 i. Cynthia Esther4 McLelland was born in Jefferson Co., IN July 11, 1846. Cynthia died December 5, 1921 Hunter, ND, at 75 years of age. Her body was interred December 9, 1921 Maple Grove, Cem., Cantril, IA. She married Larkin H. Loring Van Buren Co., IA, December 7, 1865. Larkin died 1872.

child 39 ii. Mary Elizabeth McLelland was born in Jefferson Co., IN March 26, 1848. Mary died November 9, 1906 Van Buren Co., IA, at 58 years of age. She married Milton Alexander Linn Van Buren Co., IA, February 10, 1870.

child 40 iii. William Eli McLelland was born Van Buren Co., IA June 5, 1850. William died February 13, 1918 Milton, Van Buren Co., IA, at 67 years of age. He married Christena Isabella Teter October 24, 1872.

child 41 iv. Newton Edward McLelland was born Van Buren Co., IA March 28, 1856.

child 42 v. Martha Fannie McLelland was born Van Buren Co., IA 1858.

child 43 vi. Alma McLelland was born Van Buren Co., IA August, 1862.

child 44 vii. Charles G. McLelland was born Van Buren Co., IA 1864.

child 45 viii. Guy McLelland was born Van Buren Co., IA September, 1867.


15. Eliza Stuart3 McLelland (Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Jefferson Co., IN April 9, 1830. Eliza died April 16, 1918 in near Hanover, IN, at 88 years of age. Her body was interred in Hanover Cemetery, Hanover, IN.

She married Joseph Holton Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, November 2, 1848. Joseph was born in Jefferson Co., IN October 8, 1826. Joseph was the son of Samuel Ryker, Jr. and Margaret Kincaid Holton. Joseph died July 14, 1880 in Hanover, IN, at 53 years of age. His body was interred in Hanover Cemetery, Hanover, IN. At 23 years of age Joseph became the father of Robert Samuel Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, November 19, 1849. Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Jefferson County, Indiana. Joseph H. Ryker is listed in the 1850 Census for Jefferson County, Indiana, Shelby Township, as a farmer, age 23. Also listed in the same househiold were Margaret Ryker listed as a white female 44 born in North Carolina with $1,770 worth of real estate, William H. Ryker, age 16 (farmer); Sarah A. Ryker, 14 (attended school within the year); Amanda J. Ryker 11 (attended school within the year); Margaret C. Ryker, 9; Eliza S. Ryker, 20; and Robert S. Ryker 9/12. All were born in Indiana except Margaret Ryker who was born in North Carolina.

At 26 years of age Joseph became the father of Cornelia Esther Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, December 11, 1852. At 28 years of age Joseph became the father of William Edward Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, August 7, 1855. At 32 years of age Joseph became the father of Charles Albert Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, January 21, 1859. Joseph was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Jefferson Co., IN. Joseph Holton Ryker was listed on the 1860 Census for Jefferson County, Indiana, Shelby Township, as a farmer, age 34, born in Indiana with real estate worth $600 and personal property worth $2,700. Also listed were his wife, Eliza, age 30, born in Indiana; Robert S., age 10; Cornelia E., age 8; William E., age 5; and Charles A., age 1. All persons listed were born in Indiana.

At 35 years of age Joseph became the father of John Newton Ryker in Indianapolis, IN, April 8, 1862. At 38 years of age Joseph became the father of Margaret Emma Ryker in California, MO, December 4, 1864. At 44 years of age Joseph became the father of Clifton James Ryker October 23, 1870. His biography written by my father, Parker LaBach: Joseph Holton Ryker, the son of Samuel Ryker, Jr. and Margaret Kincaid Holton, was born on the family farm near Canaan, Indiana, Oct. 8, 1826. Joseph Holton Ryker attended Hanover College, at Hanover, Indiana for a time in 1840 but had to withdraw to help his father who died in 1843, and take care of his mother and younger members of the family. He married Eliza Stewart McLeland, the daughter of Robert McLeland and Esther Benefiel, Nov. 2, 1848. After his marriage he remained on the family farm in the Canaan neighborhood until in 1878 he puchased the home on Ryker's Point across the valley south of the college. The Ryker's Point farm which he purchased near Hanover was across a deep ravine below Crowe Falls, and south of the college campus, in Sec. 13, T3N, R9E. Original patent to part of this land was issued to Christopher Harrison by the land office at Jeffersonville on Aug. 13, 1812. A patent to the SO 1/4 of Sec. 13 was issued to George Shannon at Jeffersonville on Dec. 30, 1815. Christopher Harrison sold his part to Capt. George Logan in 1817 and moved to Salem. The old brick house occupied by the Logan family for many years stood a short distance from the Ryker home. The Ryker house was a large brick English Colonial two story structure built by Prof. S. Harrison Thomson, of the Hanover College faculty, who surveyed the first "pike" from Madison to Hanover. The Ryker farm home, located on "Ryker's Point" was noted for having one of the most beautiful views of river and hills anywhere along the Ohio river. Most of the present Hanover cemetery was acquired from the western end of the Ryker farm. Joseph Holton Ryker bought the Ryker's Point farm with the expectation that he could also acquire some good river bottom land adjoining it, but this deal fell through. He found it necessary to spend a good deal of time away from home engaged in the timber buying business in order to support his family. He served in the 55th Indiana volunteers during the Civil War. He served mostly on guard duty in Kentucky, and saw no actual combat service; but exposure and other hadships of army life were too much for his none too rugged constitution and he remained in rather poor health for the remainder of his life, although he continued to work. Joseph Holton Ryker died in 1880. After his death, his widow supplemented her income from the farm by providing rooming accomodations for many Hanover College students, the last being her grandson, Carey Ryker Macdonnell, who stayed at the home on Ryker's Point during one year of preparatory work in the Academy and three of his four years of college, between 1908-1912.

At 19 years of age Eliza became the mother of Robert Samuel Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, November 19, 1849. At 22 years of age Eliza became the mother of Cornelia Esther Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, December 11, 1852. At 25 years of age Eliza became the mother of William Edward Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, August 7, 1855. At 28 years of age Eliza became the mother of Charles Albert Ryker in Jefferson Co., IN, January 21, 1859. At 31 years of age Eliza became the mother of John Newton Ryker in Indianapolis, IN, April 8, 1862. At 34 years of age Eliza became the mother of Margaret Emma Ryker in California, MO, December 4, 1864. At 40 years of age Eliza became the mother of Clifton James Ryker October 23, 1870.

Eliza Stuart McLelland and Joseph Holton Ryker had the following children:

child 46 i. Robert Samuel4 Ryker was born in Jefferson Co., IN November 19, 1849. Robert died March 24, 1922 at 72 years of age. His body was interred in Hanover Cemetery, Hanover, IN.


child + 47 ii. Cornelia Esther Ryker was born December 11, 1852.

child 48 iii. William Edward Ryker was born in Jefferson Co., IN August 7, 1855. William died January 24, 1925 in Ripley Co., IN, at 69 years of age. His body was interred in Hanover Cemetery, Hanover, IN.

child 49 iv. Charles Albert Ryker was born in Jefferson Co., IN January 21, 1859. Charles died June 20, 1914 in Wichita, KS, at 55 years of age. His body was interred E. Side Cemetery, Hutchinson, KS. He married Amy Emaline Dickinson in Burlington, KS, May 9, 1883.

child 50 v. John Newton Ryker was born in Indianapolis, IN April 8, 1862. John died April 7, 1928 in St. Paul, MN, at 65 years of age.

child 51 vi. Margaret Emma Ryker was born in California, MO December 4, 1864. Margaret died May 13, 1948 in Galena, MO, at 83 years of age. Her body was interred in New City Cemetery, California, MO. She married Thomas Meade Macdonnell in Hanover, IN, July 31, 1889.

child 52 vii. Clifton James Ryker was born October 23, 1870. Clifton died in Biloxi, MS. He married Elizabeth Cooter in Hutchinson, KS, May 11, 1902.

Fourth Generation

18. Sarah J.4 Dunn (Mary Ann3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) birth date unknown.

She married John W. Barber.

Sarah J. Dunn and John W. Barber had the following child:

child 53 i. Harry R.5 Barber.


47. Cornelia Esther4 Ryker (Eliza Stuart3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Jefferson Co., IN December 11, 1852. Cornelia died September 14, 1925 in St. Louis, MO, at 72 years of age. Her body was interred in Hanover Cemetery, Hanover, IN.

She married James Mayer LaBach in Jefferson Co., IN, June 23, 1870. James was born in Chambersburg, PA June 6, 1845. James was the son of Samuel Harrison Laubach and Anna Catherine Mayer. James died November 1, 1919 in Madison, IN, at 74 years of age. His body was interred in Hanover Cemetery, Hanover, IN. James's occupation: Minister. At 25 years of age James became the father of James Oscar LaBach in Newcastle, IN, April 22, 1871. At 27 years of age James became the father of Paul Mayer LaBach in Leavenworth, IN, October 3, 1872. At 30 years of age James became the father of Anna LaBach in Amboy, IL, February 18, 1876. James Mayer LaBach served in the Union Army from Pennsylvania during the Civil War with the rank of Sergeant and participated in the battles of Gettysburg, Antietam, South Mountain, Chancellorsville and others. After the Civil War he became a Presbyterian minister and served churches in Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio. He was the Pastor of the Crittenden Presbyterian Church in Grant County, Kentucky around the turn of the century. After the Civil War he changed the spelling of his name from Laubach to LaBach for reasons not now known. Copy of obituary notice. Publication and date unknown. Clipping in papers of Paul Mayer LaBach.


Rev. James M. LaBach, D.D., of Hanover, Ind., died on Nov. 1st, after several years of invalidism, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. He was born in Chambersburg, Pa., June 6, 1845, graduated at Lane Theological Seminary and was ordained in 1870 by the Presbytery of Whitewater. His charges were at Leavenworth, Ind., Morris, Ill., Amboy, Ill., Burlington, Kan., Geneva, O., Knoxville, Tenn., Crittenden, Ky., Cincinnati North Church, Cleves, O., and Montgomery, O. He married Miss Cornelia Riker, of Hanover, Ind., who, with two sons and a grandson, survives him. A few years since they went to Hanover to make their home, where, being disabled by a fall, he was laid aside from further active service. He was a lovable, evangelical, useful man and minister, held in high esteem for his faithful and successful labors, and beloved by all who knew him.

At 18 years of age Cornelia became the mother of James Oscar LaBach in Newcastle, IN, April 22, 1871. At 19 years of age Cornelia became the mother of Paul Mayer LaBach in Leavenworth, IN, October 3, 1872. At 23 years of age Cornelia became the mother of Anna LaBach in Amboy, IL, February 18, 1876.

Cornelia Esther Ryker and James Mayer LaBach had the following children:


child + 54 i. James Oscar5 LaBach was born April 22, 1871.

child 55 ii. Paul Mayer LaBach was born in Leavenworth, IN October 3, 1872. Paul died October 24, 1957 in Los Angeles, CA, at 85 years of age. His body was interred in Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, DC. Paul's occupation: Engineer. Paul graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis and later joined the Army. He served in the Spanish-American War. While serving in World War I he was responsible for providing water supplies for railroads in France. He later worked as a civil engineer for the Rock Island Railroad.

child 56 iii. Anna LaBach was born in Amboy, IL February 18, 1876. Anna died September 27, 1878 in Burlington, KS, at 2 years of age.

Fifth Generation


54. James Oscar5 LaBach (Cornelia Esther4 Ryker, Eliza Stuart3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Newcastle, IN April 22, 1871. James died September 1, 1922 in Lexington, KY, at 51 years of age. His body was interred in Lexington Cemetery.

He married Mary Shepherd Parker in Asheville, NC, October 10, 1917. Mary was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY October 1, 1880. Mary was the daughter of Watts Parker and Bettie Burgin. Mary died March 19, 1973 Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, at 92 years of age. Her body was interred in Lexington Cemetery. At 38 years of age Mary became the mother of James Parker LaBach in Lexington, KY, December 10, 1918. At 40 years of age Mary became the mother of Mary LaBach Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, October 24, 1920. Obituary from the Lexington Herald: LaBach, Mrs. Mary Shepherd Parker of 128 South Ashland Avenue, widow of Prof. James Oscar LaBach, died 8 p.m. Monday at St. Joseph Hospital. She was a life long resident of Lexington, daughter of the late Judge Watts and Bettie Burgin Parker, received her education at Sayre College and Nazareth College, was a member of Christ Church Episcopal and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Survivors are a son, Dr. James Parker LaBach, Spruce Pine, N. Carolina; a daughter, Mrs. John H. Kerr Jr, Lexington; a sister, Mrs. Eleanor Parker Hopkins, Lexington; seven grandchildren, Dr. William Anderson LaBach, Mrs. John J. Hutton, James Parker LaBach Jr., Frederick Avery LaBach, John Hervey Kerr III, Mary Shepherd Kerr and Bettie LaBach Kerr; and three great-grandchildren. Funeral 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Christ Church Espiscopal, by Rev. Moutrie McIntosh and Rev. Franklin O. Johnson officiating, burial in Lexington Cemetery. Friends may call at the Kerr Brothers Funeral Home after 4 p.m. today.

At 47 years of age James became the father of James Parker LaBach in Lexington, KY, December 10, 1918. At 49 years of age James became the father of Mary LaBach Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, October 24, 1920. Copy of obituary notice, Lexington, Kentucky, Sept. 1, 1922.

DR. J.O. LA BACH PASSES TO REST Director Of Experiment Station Public Service Laboratories Had Been Ill A Month

Dr. James Oscar LaBach, director of public service laboratories at the Kentucky Experiment Station, with which he had been connected since 1901, died at 1 o'clock this morning at his home, 128 South Ashland avenue, after a month's illness.

Dr. LaBach is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Mary Shepherd Parker of Lexington; two children; his mother Mrs. Cornelia LaBach, and a brother, Major Paul LaBach.

Professor LaBach was born in Newcastle, Ind., April 22, 1871, a son of Dr. James Mayer and Mrs. Cornelia Ryker LaBach. He was a graduate of Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., and the University of Tennessee, where he received the degree of Master of Science. He was assistant chemist in food nutrition work at the University of Tennessee from 1895 to 1897.

In 1897, Professor LaBach became chemist for the Proctor and Gamble Company in Cincinnati and remained in their employ until 1901. In that year he became chief chemist of the Kentucky Food and Drug Control Laboratories with headquarters at the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Kentucky.

Professor LaBach became head of the food and drug control department in 1916, holding this position until 1918. Since 1918 he has been director of laboratories of the Kentucky State Board of Health.

Professor LaBach was a Democrat in politics, a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was author of numerous reports and bulletins published by the State of Kentucky and by the United States Government.

The funeral services will take place at the residence, 128 South Ashland Avenue, Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, Rev. T.L. Settle officiating. Burial will be in the family lot in the Lexington Cemetery.


The Experiment Station council adopted the following reolutions at a called meeting Friday: "The Experiment Station staff learns with regret of the death of Professor James Oscar LaBach, for many years chief chemist of the Kentucky food and drug control laboratories and later director of the public service laboratories of the Experiment Station.

"Professor LaBach inherited from his Huguenot ancestors qualities of heart and mind which gave direction to life, endeared him to his associates and won for him an enviable position in his chosen profession. Gifted with unusual mentality, he possessed an inexhaustible fund of chemical knowledge which was at all times at the service of his associates. Well chosen reading combined with broad intelligence, a disposition of great amiability and the gift of imparting information readily and clearly made him valuable to all seeking his assistance.

"The Experiment Station staff expresses its sincere sympathy to the bereaved wife and family.


James Oscar LaBach and Mary Shepherd Parker had the following children:


child + 57 i. James Parker6 LaBach was born December 10, 1918.

child + 58 ii. Mary LaBach was born October 24, 1920.

Sixth Generation


57. James Parker6 LaBach (James Oscar5, Cornelia Esther4 Ryker, Eliza Stuart3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Lexington, KY December 10, 1918.

He married twice. He married Mary Webster Anderson in Jeffersonville, IN, February 5, 1938. Mary was born in Lexington, KY January 17, 1920. Mary was the daughter of Matthew William Anderson and Lucy Alexander Humphreys Chenault. Mary died February 1, 1998 in Lebanon, OH, at 78 years of age. At 18 years of age Mary became the mother of William Anderson LaBach in Lexington, KY, December 29, 1938. At 20 years of age Mary became the mother of Mary Ellyn LaBach in Lexington, KY, October 2, 1940. At 22 years of age Mary became the mother of James Parker LaBach, Jr. Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, January 16, 1943. Mary was divorced from James Parker LaBach in Fayette Co., KY, July 9, 1949. Obituary of Mary Webster Anderson written by my sister, Mary Ellyn Hutton: Mary Webster Anderson LaBach, native and long-time resident of Lexington, died Sunday, February 1, in Lebanon, Ohio. Mrs. LaBach, 78, managed rental property in Chevy Chase before moving to Ohio in 1995. An avid gardener, she was an officer and consulting rosarian for the Lexington Rose Society and a member of the Hemerocallis and Iris Societies. She was a member of the Lexington Kennel Club, the Keeneland Club and was a breeder of Shi-Tzu and Maltese dogs, including several champions. Mrs. LaBach was the daughter of Matthew William and Lucy Chenault Anderson of Lexington and a great-great-great granddaughter of Henry Clay. She attended Sayre School, Henry Clay High School and was a member of Christ Church Episcopal. She is survived by two sons, William Anderson LaBach of Lexington and Dr. James Parker LaBach, Jr. of Overland Park, Kansas; a daughter, Mary Ellyn LaBach Hutton of Cincinnati; five grandchildren, Mary Rebecca Hutton Fink of Tipp City, Ohio; John Stafford Hutton of Cincinnati, Elizabeth LaBach Hutton of Cambridge, Massachusetts, Virginia Kathryn LaBach of Los Angeles and Elaine Parker LaBach of Lawrence, Kansas; and three great-grandchildren. She also leaves a sister, Lucy Anderson Jones of Lexington. Interment will be at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati. Memorials to the University of Cincinnati Foundation Geriatics Fund, P.O. Box 670544, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0544.

He married Patricia Anne Avery in Syracuse, NY, November 20, 1951. Patricia was born in Syracuse, NY September 7, 1920. Patricia died August 10, 2001 in Spruce Pine, NC, at 80 years of age. At 36 years of age Patricia became the mother of Frederick Avery LaBach August 17, 1957.

He resides in Spruce Pine, NC. At 20 years of age James became the father of William Anderson LaBach in Lexington, KY, December 29, 1938. At 21 years of age James became the father of Mary Ellyn LaBach in Lexington, KY, October 2, 1940. At 24 years of age James became the father of James Parker LaBach, Jr. Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, January 16, 1943. James was divorced from Mary Webster Anderson in Fayette Co., KY, July 9, 1949. At 38 years of age James became the father of Frederick Avery LaBach August 17, 1957. Parker received his undergraduate education at the University of Kentucky and later earned a Ph.D. degree at Syracuse University. As an educator he has taught students from the kindergarten through doctorate programs. As a composer he has written numerous art songs and compositions for small ensembles. He specializes in theory and literature of music. He is now retired from the faculty of Kent State University.

James Parker LaBach and Mary Webster Anderson had the following children:


child 59 i. William Anderson7 LaBach was born in Lexington, KY December 29, 1938. He married Karen Eugenia Mitchell in Fayette County, KY, February 11, 1999. Karen was born in Lexington, KY August 23, 1950. Karen is the daughter of Sidney Eugene Mitchell and Catherine Delores Stewart.

He resides in Fayette Co., KY. William's occupation: Attorney. Bill is a graduate of Henry Clay High School in Lexington, Kentucky and received his A.B. degree from Transylvania College in 1959. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics from the University of Illinois in 1963 and 1965. He specialized in differential topology and wrote his dissertation under Prof. Stewart Scott Cairns who was Chairman of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois for many years. Bill held faculty positions at the University of Illinois, Northwestern University, Florida State University, Stetson University and the University of Kentucky. In 1968-69 he was a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, NJ where he served as research assistant to Prof. Marston Morse. Bill received his J.D. (law) degree from the University of Kentucky in 1975 and has practiced law in Lexington, Kentucky since October, 1975. Bill has served as President of the Lexington Rose Society, Bluegrass Hemerocallis Society, Fayette County Genealogical Society, Kentucky Genealogical Society, and the Chenault Family Association in Kentucky and as a national officer in the Society of Descendants of Washinton's Army at Valley Forge. He is a life member of the Society of the Cincinnati, Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, and the Jamestowne Society and is a member of numerous other patriotic, historical and family history organizations.

child + 60 ii. Mary Ellyn LaBach was born October 2, 1940.

child + 61 iii. James Parker LaBach, Jr. was born January 16, 1943.

James Parker LaBach and Patricia Anne Avery had the following child:

child 62 iv. Frederick Avery LaBach was born August 17, 1957. He married Sharon Lucile Pigott January 9, 1988.

58. Mary6 LaBach (James Oscar5, Cornelia Esther4 Ryker, Eliza Stuart3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY October 24, 1920.

She married John H. Kerr Jr. Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, May 17, 1947. John was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY October 9, 1921. He resides Lexington, Fayette Co., KY. John's occupation: Funeral Director. At 27 years of age John became the father of John Hervey Kerr, III Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, July 30, 1949. At 29 years of age John became the father of Mary Shepherd Kerr Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, September 30, 1951. At 34 years of age John became the father of Bettie LaBach Kerr Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, October 25, 1955.

She resides Lexington, Fayette Co., KY. At 28 years of age Mary became the mother of John Hervey Kerr, III Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, July 30, 1949. At 30 years of age Mary became the mother of Mary Shepherd Kerr Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, September 30, 1951. At 35 years of age Mary became the mother of Bettie LaBach Kerr Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, October 25, 1955.

Mary LaBach and John H. Kerr, Jr. had the following children:

child + 63 i. John Hervey7 Kerr, III was born July 30, 1949.

child 64 ii. Mary Shepherd Kerr was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY September 30, 1951. She married Larry Edward Jude in Fayette Co., KY, January 7, 1989.

She resides Lexington, Fayette Co., KY. Mary's occupation: Paralegal.

child 65 iii. Bettie LaBach Kerr was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY October 25, 1955. She resides Lexington, Fayette Co., KY.

Seventh Generation

60. Mary Ellyn7 LaBach (James Parker6, James Oscar5, Cornelia Esther4 Ryker, Eliza Stuart3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Lexington, KY October 2, 1940.

She married John James Hutton in Lexington, KY, June 13, 1964. John was born July 24, 1936. He resides in Hamilton Co., OH. John's occupation: Physician. At 28 years of age John became the father of Mary Rebecca Hutton January 23, 1965. At 31 years of age John became the father of John Stafford Hutton in Lexington, KY, December 21, 1967. At 43 years of age John became the father of Elizabeth LaBach Hutton Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, July 27, 1979.

She resides in Hamilton Co., OH. At 24 years of age Mary became the mother of Mary Rebecca Hutton January 23, 1965. At 27 years of age Mary became the mother of John Stafford Hutton in Lexington, KY, December 21, 1967. At 38 years of age Mary became the mother of Elizabeth LaBach Hutton Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, July 27, 1979. Mary Ellen received he undergraduate education from the University of Kentucky and earned an M.A. degree in Music from Yale University where she was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow. She received a law degree from the University of Kentucky. She is a musician and music critic.

Mary Ellyn LaBach and John James Hutton had the following children:

child + 66 i. Mary Rebecca8 Hutton was born January 23, 1965.

child + 67 ii. John Stafford Hutton was born December 21, 1967.

child 68 iii. Elizabeth LaBach Hutton was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY July 27, 1979.

61. James Parker7 LaBach, Jr. (James Parker6, James Oscar5, Cornelia Esther4 Ryker, Eliza Stuart3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY January 16, 1943.

He married Donna Poore Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, August 2, 1969. Donna was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY February 11, 1943. She resides in Overland Park, KS. At 29 years of age Donna became the mother of Virginia Kathryn LaBach Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, May 19, 1972. At 32 years of age Donna became the mother of Elaine Parker LaBach Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, July 26, 1975.

He resides in Overland Park, KS. James's occupation: Physician. At 29 years of age James became the father of Virginia Kathryn LaBach Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, May 19, 1972. At 32 years of age James became the father of Elaine Parker LaBach Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, July 26, 1975. Parker received his undergraduate education from the United States Military Academy at West Point and at the University of Kentucky where he received a degree in Biochemistry. He received his M.D. degree from the University of Kentucky and is now a pathologist in Kansas City.

James Parker LaBach, Jr. and Donna Poore had the following children:

child 69 i. Virginia Kathryn8 LaBach was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY May 19, 1972.

child 70 ii. Elaine Parker LaBach was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY July 26, 1975.

63. John Hervey7 Kerr, III (Mary6 LaBach, James Oscar5, Cornelia Esther4 Ryker, Eliza Stuart3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY July 30, 1949.

He married Emilie Alston Montgomery August 20, 1977. Emilie was born April 4, 1954. She resides Lexington, Fayette Co., KY. Emilie's occupation: Retailer. At 30 years of age Emilie became the mother of John Hervey Kerr IV Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, March 19, 1985. At 32 years of age Emilie became the mother of Virginia Downman Kerr Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, July 8, 1986.

He resides in Fayette Co., KY. At 35 years of age John became the father of John Hervey Kerr IV Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, March 19, 1985. At 36 years of age John became the father of Virginia Downman Kerr Lexington, Fayette Co., KY, July 8, 1986.

John Hervey Kerr, III and Emilie Alston Montgomery had the following children:

child 71 i. John Hervey8 Kerr IV was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY March 19, 1985. He resides Lexington, Fayette Co., KY.

child 72 ii. Virginia Downman Kerr was born Lexington, Fayette Co., KY July 8, 1986. She resides Lexington, Fayette Co., KY.

Eighth Generation

66. Mary Rebecca8 Hutton (Mary Ellyn7 LaBach, James Parker6, James Oscar5, Cornelia Esther4 Ryker, Eliza Stuart3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born January 23, 1965.

She married Thomas Michael Fink December 30, 1989. He resides in Tipp City, OH. Thomas's occupation: Engineer. Thomas became the father of Kevin Thomas Fink in Tipp City, OH, July 30, 1991. Thomas became the father of Michele Alexandra Fink in Dayton, OH, June 21, 1993. Thomas became the father of Laura Elizabeth Fink in Dayton, OH, September 27, 1999. Thomas became the father of Stephanie Clarice Fink in Dayton, OH, December 28, 2000.

She resides in Tipp City, OH. Mary's occupation: Nurse. At 26 years of age Mary became the mother of Kevin Thomas Fink in Tipp City, OH, July 30, 1991. At 28 years of age Mary became the mother of Michele Alexandra Fink in Dayton, OH, June 21, 1993. At 34 years of age Mary became the mother of Laura Elizabeth Fink in Dayton, OH, September 27, 1999. At 35 years of age Mary became the mother of Stephanie Clarice Fink in Dayton, OH, December 28, 2000.

Mary Rebecca Hutton and Thomas Michael Fink had the following children:

child 73 i. Kevin Thomas9 Fink was born in Tipp City, OH July 30, 1991.

child 74 ii. Michele Alexandra Fink was born in Dayton, OH June 21, 1993.

child 75 iii. Laura Elizabeth Fink was born in Dayton, OH September 27, 1999.

child 76 iv. Stephanie Clarice Fink was born in Dayton, OH December 28, 2000.

67. John Stafford8 Hutton (Mary Ellyn7 LaBach, James Parker6, James Oscar5, Cornelia Esther4 Ryker, Eliza Stuart3 McLelland, Robert2, Alexander1 McClelland) was born in Lexington, KY December 21, 1967.

He married Sandra Lee Gross. Sandra became the mother of Blythe Alexandra Reese Gross-Hutton in Cincinnati, OH, December 22, 1992. Sandra became the mother of Astrid Snow Gross-Hutton in Cincinnati, OH, March 3, 1998.

At 30 years of age John became the father of Astrid Snow Gross-Hutton in Cincinnati, OH, March 3, 1998.

John Stafford Hutton and Sandra Lee Gross had the following child:

child 77 i. Astrid Snow9 Gross-Hutton was born in Cincinnati, OH March 3, 1998.

horizontal rule



Anderson, Mary Webster (marriage to James Parker LaBach) (i2), b.1920-d.1998


Avery, Patricia Anne (marriage to James Parker LaBach) (i554), b.1920-d.2001


Barber, Harry R. (i3955)
Barber, John W. (marriage to Sarah J. Dunn) (i3954)


Benefiel, Esther Campbell (marriage to Robert McLelland) (i39), b.1793-d.1872


Cooter, Elizabeth (marriage to Clifton James Ryker) (i3469)


Dickinson, Amy Emaline (marriage to Charles Albert Ryker) (i3464)


Dunn, Mary Ellen (i3952), b.1849-d.1852
Dunn, Sarah J. (i3953)
Dunn, Thomas (marriage to Mary Ann McLelland) (i3449)


Fink, Kevin Thomas (i989), b.1991-
Fink, Laura Elizabeth (i4066), b.1999-
Fink, Michele Alexandra (i1397), b.1993-
Fink, Stephanie Clarice (i6482), b.2000-
Fink, Thomas Michael (marriage to Mary Rebecca Hutton) (i560)


Futhey, Isabella (marriage to Alexander McClelland) (i77)


Gross, Sandra Lee (marriage to John Stafford Hutton) (i1395)


Gross-Hutton, Astrid Snow (i1396), b.1998-


Hamilton, Elizabeth (marriage to George W. McLelland) (i3454)
Hamilton, William (marriage to Martha McLelland) (i3458)


Henry, Carrie M. (marriage to George Thomas McCoy) (i3929)


Hutton, Elizabeth LaBach (i559), b.1979-
Hutton, John James (marriage to Mary Ellyn LaBach) (i129), b.1936-
Hutton, John Stafford (i558), b.1967-
Hutton, Mary Rebecca (i557), b.1965-


Jude, Larry Edward (marriage to Mary Shepherd Kerr) (i569)


Kerr, Bettie LaBach (i400), b.1955-
Kerr, John H., Jr. (marriage to Mary LaBach) (i393), b.1921-
Kerr, John Hervey, III (i398), b.1949-
Kerr, John Hervey, IV (i563), b.1985-
Kerr, Mary Shepherd (i399), b.1951-
Kerr, Virginia Downman (i564), b.1986-


LaBach, Anna (i395), b.1876-d.1878
LaBach, Elaine Parker (i562), b.1975-
LaBach, Frederick Avery (i555), b.1957-
LaBach, James Mayer (marriage to Cornelia Esther Ryker) (i8), b.1845-d.1919
LaBach, James Oscar (i4), b.1871-d.1922
LaBach, James Parker (i1), b.1918-
LaBach, James Parker, Jr. (i130), b.1943-
LaBach, Mary (i392), b.1920-
LaBach, Mary Ellyn (i128), b.1940-
LaBach, Paul Mayer (i394), b.1872-d.1957
LaBach, Virginia Kathryn (i561), b.1972-
LaBach, William Anderson (i3), b.1938-


Linn, Milton Alexander (marriage to Mary Elizabeth McLelland) (i4015)


Loring, Charles W. (marriage to Cynthia McLelland) (i3456)
Loring, Larkin H. (marriage to Cynthia Esther McLelland) (i4013), d.1872


Macdonnell, Thomas Meade (marriage to Margaret Emma Ryker) (i3467)


McCarty, Frank (marriage to Alma McLelland) (i3957)


McClelland, Alexander (i76), b.1762-d.1836


McCormick, John (marriage to Ruth McLelland) (i3588), b.1795-
McCormick, Samuel Newton (marriage to Jane McLelland) (i3590), b.1799-d.1870


McCoy, Amanda Eliza (i3927), b.1843-
McCoy, Edward Henry Harrison (i3935), b.1859-
McCoy, George Thomas (i3928), b.1846-
McCoy, James Robert (i3933), b.1854-
McCoy, John Charles (i3934), b.1856-
McCoy, Louesa Esther (i3932), b.1851-
McCoy, Martha Ellen (i3930), b.1847-
McCoy, Mary Frances (i3924), b.1838-
McCoy, Sara Jane "Jennie" (i3925), b.1841-d.1922
McCoy, Wesley (marriage to Isabel F. McLelland) (i3447), b.1812-d.1863
McCoy, William (marriage to Louise E. "Lizzie" McLelland) (i3948)
McCoy, William Newton (i3931), b.1849-


McLelland, Alexander (i3586)
McLelland, Alma (i3956)
McLelland, Alma (i4020), b.1862-
McLelland, Charles G. (i4021), b.1864-
McLelland, Charles R. (i3943)
McLelland, Cynthia (i3455), b.1827-d.1905
McLelland, Cynthia Esther (i4012), b.1846-d.1921
McLelland, Dearborn (i3951)
McLelland, Eliza Stuart (i19), b.1830-d.1918
McLelland, George W. (i3453), b.1822-
McLelland, Guy (i4022), b.1867-
McLelland, Harriette (i3945)
McLelland, Isabel F. (i3446), b.1816-d.1895
McLelland, Isabella (i3593)
McLelland, James H. (i3450), b.1820-d.1836
McLelland, Jane (i3589)
McLelland, Louise E. "Lizzie" (i3947)
McLelland, Martha (i3457), b.1834-
McLelland, Martha Fannie (i4019), b.1858-
McLelland, Mary (Polly) (i3591)
McLelland, Mary Ann (i3448)
McLelland, Mary Elizabeth (i4014), b.1848-d.1906
McLelland, Matilda (i3946)
McLelland, Newton Edward (i4018), b.1856-
McLelland, Robert (i38), b.1792-d.1855
McLelland, Robert Newton (i3451), b.1824-d.1899
McLelland, Ruth (i3587)
McLelland, Samuel A. (i3459), b.1840-
McLelland, Thomas E. (i6483), b.1836-d.1892
McLelland, William Eli (i3444), b.1814-d.1901
McLelland, William Eli (i4016), b.1850-d.1918
McLelland, William Oliver (i3944)


Mitchell, Karen Eugenia (marriage to William Anderson LaBach) (i3980), b.1950-


Montgomery, Emilie Alston (marriage to John Hervey Kerr, III) (i401), b.1954-


Parker, Mary Shepherd (marriage to James Oscar LaBach) (i5), b.1880-d.1973


Phillips, Eva (marriage to William Oliver McLelland) (i3949)


Pigott, Sharon Lucile (marriage to Frederick Avery LaBach) (i556)


Poore, Donna (marriage to James Parker LaBach, Jr.) (i131), b.1943-


Robb, James (marriage to Isabella McLelland) (i3594)


Ryker, Charles Albert (i3463), b.1859-d.1914
Ryker, Clifton James (i3468), b.1870-
Ryker, Cornelia Esther (i9), b.1852-d.1925
Ryker, John Newton (i3465), b.1862-d.1928
Ryker, Joseph Holton (marriage to Eliza Stuart McLelland) (i18), b.1826-d.1880
Ryker, Margaret Caroline (marriage to Samuel A. McLelland) (i3460)
Ryker, Margaret Emma (i3466), b.1864-d.1948
Ryker, Robert Samuel (i3461), b.1849-d.1922
Ryker, William Edward (i3462), b.1855-d.1925


Schmidlapp, Caleb (marriage to Matilda McLelland) (i3950)


Smith, Charity Ann (marriage to Robert Newton McLelland) (i3452), b.1827-d.1892


Stephenson, Francis H. (marriage to Sara Jane "Jennie" McCoy) (i3926)


Teter, Christena Isabella (marriage to William Eli McLelland) (i4017)


Wilkerson, Elizabeth F. (marriage to William Eli McLelland) (i3445)


Wilson, Richard (marriage to Mary (Polly) McLelland) (i3592)

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