March 2001:  I'm back at work and finally have health insurance.  The "boss" isn't letting me do my job. (they have me running the switchboard) so I sit all day, everyday.  It's a little stressful.  Everyone seems to be interested in why I am doing this.  okay, it's a lot stressful.  It gives me all day to think about things.   I would like to have the surgery and now would be a good time since I have insurance.  Only, I have no sick/vacation time accrued.  I'm still waiting for "backpay".  I am trying to walk on breaks and have not gained or lost.  I guess a good day is one that I don't gain.  and I'm starting to take one day at a time.  I did talk to one girl in the office about WLS.  She seemed to get uncomfortable so I dropped it.
June 2001:  I was in a (hit & run) car accident and my car was totalled.  Thank God nobody was hurt.  The doctor that took X rays found I have Gallstones.  He wants to do surgery.
September 2001:  Finally, I am getting my "backpay" and there is a bonus.  I am being credited with 2+ years vacation and sick benefits.  Since there is a max to vacation accrual, I will be paid in cash for some of the overage.  Yeah!!!   The only downside is taxes.  Nearly $20K in taxes.  I am still just considering the surgery (WLS).  I'd like to have it done but don't want to give up eating.  I'm going on  a cruise to Mexico in November.
December 2001:  I went on the cruise last month.  I really wanted to enjoy it and pretended that my weight didn't bother me.  I had a hard time with all the pictures they take of you because there weren't many I wanted to spend money to remember.  And then the food.  It's all free and served 24 hrs a day.  I decided that I probably won't go again for a long time and didn't hold back.  I gained about 5 lbs.  I also have scheduled my gallbladder surgery for Jan 3rd.
January 2002:  I had my gallbladder removed.  They kept me overnight at Tulare District Hospital.  I don't recommend that you stay there if you are alone.  The nurse I had pretty much neglected me.  I was glad to go home the next day.  I started having a burning pain in my upper abdomen about a week after surgery.
March 2002:  I turned 33 this month.  I am still getting the burning pain and it seems to be getting worse.  I am seeing another gastroenterologist and he is going to do an ERCP (endoscopy).
April 2002:  I had the ERCP and nothing was found.  This pain is now so bad it interferes with my work.   The specialist (gastroenterologist) is referring me to UCLA for another test.  He says he knows what it is and wants confirmation. 
July 2002:  I went to UCLA and saw the head of the gastroenterology department.  He performed a test on me.  It was supposed to be an in & out procedure and I was kept overnight for observation.  I felt fine coming out of the procedure.  My dad & kids were there.  My mom was on her way down and dad had to leave so my daughter stayed the night with me.  Dad took the boys home.  Sometime during the night, I became violently ill.  I don't remember much about the next two days.  I was kept for nearly two weeks and could not have anything by mouth.  I tried a sip of water and spent the next hour vomitting.  By the third of fourth day, I was ready to die.  I didn't think I was going to recover.  They gave me meds for naseau that hit my stomach hard.  By the 9th day, I wanted to get better and forced myself to walk.  I could barely move but didn't give up.  I was released on the 11th or 12th day.   I still could not eat more than a spoon of broth.  It was during this time, I decided that if WLS was going to kill me, then so be it.  I was coming back from near death and God let me survive.  I decided that life is too short to worry about mistakes.  I need to live for today and tomorrow.  Forget yesterday..... well at least walk away with the knowledge of past mistakes and learn from them than spend time on regret.  I finally called for a WLS seminar.  It's scheduled for September.
September 2002:  I went back to work.  Still quite weak and not sure I'm ready.  I have found two large tumors in my abdomen.  The doctor is sending me to a surgeon.  I went to a seminar for Valley Surgical in Fresno, CA.  The only problem is that the hospital is not accepting my insurance and I have to wait until March 2003 to schedule my consultation.
November 2002:  Since October, I have had back pain that isn't going away.  It seems to keep getting worse.  I'm sure my weight isn't helping.  I am currently 252 lbs.  I had the tumors removed this month and a few days later, my back completely gave out on me.  I had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance and spent four days there (of course I had to fight the ER team that wanted to send me home when I couldn't even sit up).  I was able to get up on the third day and released. 
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