Wolf BrotherWOLF (Canis lupus), is related to the Jackal and the domestic dog.wolf picture Two species--and a varying number of subspecies--of wolves are recognized: the gray, or timber, wolf, largest member of the dog family, once widely distributed in North America, Europe, and Asia. The red wolf, which occurs only in Texas and the southeastern United States. The wolf is a highly intelligent and courageous hunter. It's remakable powers of endurance are legendary. Althoughit is not a fast runner, it can maintain a loping run for miles, running thrughout the night if necessary. The gray wolf has coat usually of gray to tawny-buff it grows up to 32 inches high at the shoulder and weights up to 175 pounds.
The red wolf (Canis rufus) is smaller about 66 pounds and has a cinnamon or tawny coat with gray and black highlights. The red wolf is somewhat smaller in size and usually darker in color. Coyotes have hybridized with some red wolves; an attempt to reintroduce resd wolves to parts of North Carolina has involved the identification of red wolves that were not part coyote.
Wolvies generally travel in packs and frequently establish territories ranging from 40 to more than 400 square miles (100 to 1000 squaer kilometers). They define their ranges with scent markings and vocalizations as growls, barks,and their legendary howl.
Wolves inhabit prairies, forestlands, and all but the highest mountains. They feed on small animals, birds, and berries. When no live prey can be found, they feed on carrion. The den, or lair, of the wolf may be a cave, a hollow tree trunk, a thicket, or a hole in the ground. In the spring, females have litters of 1 to 11 pups. The pups normally stay with the parents until the following winter. Parents and young constitute a basic pack, which establishes and defends a territory. Although wolves are still abundant in eastern Europe and in Asia, only remnant populations now exist in western Europe. Their numbers in the Americas also have been greatly diminished. The decreasing numbers are the result of encroachments on their territory by humans.

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