UPDATE! Now Online "ADC - Exposed"
Your tax dollars being used to fund wildlife killers-for-hire!

Human? Read WOLVES PLEASE!!!
On the pages that follow, You will learn the truth about the wolf species. Not sugar-coated, or violently graphic, but the real FACTS.
Yes, there are some pages with wolf pictures here but NOT of the sort found at vile places such as FoxLake Outfitters. Due to Geocities guidelines, I can not place a link to this horrible site nor can I tell you what I think of them and their hunting and slaughter. You see, I was already given a warning and subsequently asked to remove a previous page detailing their hunting practices.
Due to the immense amount of work and time I have invested in my site, I decided to remove the "offensive" page, rather than have my entire site removed from Geocities.
Hmmm...MY page which did not contain any graphically obscene images or profanity of any kind, just a simple page outlining Fox Lake Outfitters, was considered offensive because the owner of FoxLake did not wish to deal with any negative opinions about his slaughter pictures!!???
Well, so much for the terms "freedom of speech" and "freedom of expression".
I will tell you this, go to any search engine out here on the web and search for this term, including the quotations: "Fox Lake Outfitters"
Go to their site and look at their so-called "trophy" pictures. If you care anything about ANY animal species, you will be horrified! Just as sickening as their pictures is the way in which they were discovered. A child of 10 years old was looking on the web for wolf pictures, not hunting pictures or slaughter scenes but for LIVE wolf pictures. He did a search for the words "wolf" and "images", and among the links returned, was the Fox Lake Outfitters site. The thumbnail pictures first shown looked innocent enough, actually much like some of the same photos of "live" wolves you may find on our sites, but when you click on each image to see the full version, you get a hunter/murderer displaying his kill with pride. Posing with the animal showing it's life gone from it's body, tongue hanging out.
Are their lives so boring that this is the only way they can have their "fun"?
They are thrilled to death to chase these animals for days to wear it down, corner it until it gives up from exhaustion, and then shoot it numerous times...just for the sheer sport. They describe the whole process in detail on their site
DO NOT GET ME WRONG!!...I am NOT against hunting. I am against hunting for SPORT. Native Americans hunt but they do not do so to prove they are mightier than a "lowly animal". They respect, not belittle, each creature as their own kin and only hunted when it was needed, for food, clothing, etc. No part of these sacred creatures are ever wasted. They do not chase the animal down for days, pose for a few pics, sell the coats, and pocket some cash. They hunt to feed and clothe their family.
They respect LIFE and ALL living things

And Now... On with the show, as they say.
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