John Boyd FOUND!
The life of John Boyd is a puzzle that we have worked to solve for a number of years. . . . finally with a little persistence, some great assistance from "internet cousins" and a little document from a library in Pennsylvania, we have been able to learn more about the life of such an elusive fellow. We’d like to tell you the little bit that we know about him in hopes of learning more. . . .


According to the Philadelphia City Directories of 1802 & 1803


Boyde _____________, Sea captain  381 S. Front


Lloyd’s Register 1798 listed the following:

John Boyd was the Master of the Ship Superb originating from Philadelphia and traveling to Cork, Hamburgh, Havanna, Jamaica and other points along the way.  They shipped cargo such as sugar, gum, varnish, and spirits of turpentine.  

Additional log book entries from the Ship Superb 

According to an index held at the National Archives, the Ship Superb was built in Massachusetts in 1788. It was registered in New York, Nov. 12, 1801.

We now know that John was married to Ann Bessonet of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Ann's family lived for a time in Pennsylvania. Her father, Daniel was on the British side of the Revolutionary War, so was forced to leave this country at the end of the war. They settled in Halifax.

According to the Bessonet Cabeen Manuscript, Ann's two sisters died of consumption in the same year, 1796. "Benjamin Etter, the husband of Mary Bessonet, is said to have been very proud of his beautiful wife. After her death in 1796, he was anxious to marry her youngest and only remaining sister, Ann, Elizabeth and Mary having died in the same year. Persecuted by his attentions which were distasteful to her, she desired to leave Halifax. She had a kind and faithful friend in Mrs. Wright, the wife of a clergyman of the Established Church, who not only encouraged her in her desire, but gave her practical assistance. Ann Bessonett, having found a sum of money apparently mislaid upon a windowsill, took it to Mrs. Wright, and was told by her that it was not lost money, but her own. By this means she was enabled to go from Halifax to Philadelphia. She took passage in the vessel commanded by Captain John Boyd, sailing between Philadelphia and Halifax, and afterwards married Captain Boyd in Philadelphia.

After her marriage --- probably immediately after -- she sailed with her husband on a voyage to Lisbon. Three years before his death, which occured in 1805, his health failed and he left the sea and removed with her to Bristol. Their son, John, was born in Philadelphia in 1802, their daughter, Mary Ann, in Bristol, PA in 1803.

John Boyd died in 1805, aged 27 years, and was buried in Bensalem, PA. Soon after she married Robert Cabeen "

We are questioning the age of 27 years noted in the manuscript, as the grave in Bensalem, PA states an age of 38 years. Also, John Boyd was the Master of the Ship Superb in 1797. At age 27 at the time of death, that would have made him Master of a Ship at age 19 years. Somehow that seems very young to be in command of a ship.  

John Boyd's Gravesite in Bensalem, PA 

Ann Bessonet Boyd Cabeen's Family 

John and Ann had 2 children - John, Jr. and Mary Ann Boyd

John Boyd & sister Mary Ann Boyd Bostwick
John Boyd b. April 9, 1802 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mary Ann Boyd b. 1803 in Bristol, PA  

John Boyd with Grandchildren Lucy, Frank & Edith Boyd

Page 1 Original Letter Written by John Boyd to the Family in Pennsylvania 

Page 2 Original Letter Written by John Boyd to the Family in Pennsylvania 

Page 3 Original Letter Written by John Boyd to the Family in Pennsylvania 

Transcription of Letter Written by John Boyd to the Family in Pennsylvania during their Trek West 

Letter Written By John Boyd during the Civil War 

John Boyd's Obituary 

According to Bucks Co. Pennsylvania Newspaper Marriage Notices 1804 – 1834

Mary Ann Boyd m. Horatio Nelson Bostwick, Merchant 4/6/1826 both of Bristol Boro, @ Bristol, Bucks Co. Pennsylvania

John Boyd of Bristol m. Susan Yardley of Lower Makefield by C. Lombart @ Morrisville 10 – 30 – 1828

Susan Yardley Boyd

Inscription on back of photo

John and Susan had 11 children:

Mary Ann Boyd 
b. Oct 25, 1829, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; d. March 11, 1898

m. Richard Cyrus Cabeen Sept. 9, 1851

William Yardley Boyd b. Aug. 6, 1832; d. June 12, 1842

Annie Boyd
  b. Jan. 17, 1834, Bristol, Bucks Co. Pennsylvania; d. April 12, 1914, Cambridge, Illinois

Photo taken in 1891

John Boyd  b. Nov. 6, 1835, Bristol, Bucks Co. Pennsylvania; d. March 20, 1917, Phillips Co., Kansas

m. Emily Warner Welton Nov. 25,1858

George Yardley Boyd  b. April 16, 1837; d. August 1917

m. Sarah A. Matheson Dec. 30, 1869

Olivia Boyd b. March 7, 1839; d. March 7, 1839

Elizabeth K. Boyd b. Feb. 7, 1840; d. April 18, 1882, Hankow, China

Sarah Yardley Boyd b. Feb. 7, 1840; d. Feb. 9, 1840

Susan Yardley Boyd 
  b. July 11, 1842; d. July 26, 1924 

m. Thomas L. Attwater Oct. 5, 1868

Photo taken @ Cambridge, Illinois.
Inscription on back reads:  John "Think of Me"  when you look on the other side of this posterboard.   Lovingly, SYA

Horatio Nelson Boyd  b. July 29, 1844, Wilmington, Delaware; d. Jan. 13, 1930, Norfolk, Nebraska

m. Mary E. Attwater Oct. 7, 1869

Robert Cabeen Boyd 
b. Feb. 7, 1847, Wilmington, Delaware; d. Dec. 20, 1930, Columbus, Nebraska

m. Maria Josephine Briggs Oct 15, 1871 d. Mar 13, 1876

m. Mary F. Smith Sept. 6, 1877 d. 1879

m. Sophia Thornberg Nov. 26, 1880


Robert Cabeen Boyd, Horatio Nelson Boyd, John Boyd

Who was John Boyd?

Authors – S. Schlichting & C. Chester

If you know more about John Boyd or his family, please contact us at woodstock57580 at

Updated 11/07