The New Unofficial Mancy A’lan Kane

a little bit about former christian artist mancy alan kane

(This page owes a debt of gratitude to the (original) Unofficial Mancy A’lan Kane, created by Karleen Weitzel. It no longer appears to be a maintained site.)




Label: [The Now Defunct] Pioneer Music Group (or PMG).


Musical Styling: Christian(esque) folk/pop or Christian(esque) alterna-pop.


Albums: Two – Mancy A’lan Kane (1997 EP) & Paper Moon (1998 Full-length).


Other Credits: Sang backup for Jars of Clay; Was to be involved with planned animated MTV

series BURN (never entered production).


Life: She was born in 1979; Became a Christian at age 10 or 11; Is from Nashville, TN.


Misc.: Dropped the apostrophe from her last name changing it from “A’lan Kane” to Alan Kane;

Deeply affected by parents divorce when she was 15; Speaks some Russian; Attended

(and may still attend) a Baptist Church; Went back to college after PMG ceased to exist; Has no

plans to return to professional music.