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L5 Extras

Click here to see some stills from the L5 videos for 'Toutes les femmes de ta vie' and 'Une Etincelle'!

And to watch the videos, click here!

Coming soon…. Information about other French artists!

The French Popstars are fairly new, and they've chosen L5 as their name. I finally found out that their name means! Five elles, get it?! J I believe they are the first French Popstars, and there is apparently a second French Popstars series planned for the future!

The Band

Their names are Alexandra, Lydy, Claire, Coralie, and Marjorie. They just look like ordinary girls, which is a good thing, really! Most of them don't seem to be too attractive, but from the latest pictures of them, it seems that they've had a significant image change. The girls may not be as young as the Popstars in some other countries. To see the way the girls have changed, look at the image below, and compare it with the next picture you'll see if you keep scrolling down the page! They were just normal girls, and now they look like stars! **g**


They have just released their second single! It's not really surprising to see that they are one of the few Popstars groups to sing in their native language instead of English ;) 'Toutes les Femmes de Ta Vie' is their first single, and it's not a bad song! A bit more…loud/rockish than I would have expected from a group of Popstars! But it's basically just pop, still…. The girls seem to have pretty good voices, and the song is pretty good. The video is not too exciting though, but fairly typical of a Popstars group. It reminds me of Bardot's first video, set in a number of fake-looking rooms! The only difference is that L5's video features a live concert sort of scene as well. The next single is 'Une etincelle', and it's a nice acoustic-pop sort of song. The video is also nice, and shows the girls looking back at their youth, or something! The first album is also out now!


The French Popstars website is at A nice easy one **g** I wish all countries had such simple addresses, and maybe I'd actually be able to find out about them! There are all sorts of claims that Popstars has been in over 20 countries, but I have yet to see evidence of this many! The French Popstars site is not bad. I can't believe I'm saying this, but they actually have too many photos!! But unfortunately, none of them are from proper photo shoots! The site also has the band's schedule, so you can see exactly what they'll be doing every day, which is interesting! :)


Another good unofficial site is at Lots of good stuff here! J

There's also a good site about Lydy from the group at

