News & Updates

May 07: Scott Cain's single is out today! Go to for more information! Katie Underwood's single, 'Beautiful', with Disco Montego is also out today! You can order these singles at!

May 05: Johanna Landt has left Excellence! The other four girls are continuing without her, and you can see that on their lastest single, there are only pictures of the four of them. You can visit Johanna's official site at

There is going to be a second series of Popstars in Denmark! We won't be seeing the results of this one for a while, though. But if you're over 16 and in Denmark and want to audition, you can go to Copenhagen on the 27th of May! J See the official Popstars site for more details!

And now I just wanted to put some pictures up here! Also: if anyone has any information about VandaVanda or FTD (Follow that Dream), please let me know!

These are the Indian Popstars, who may be called Inka Band Bageja! If anyone has any info on this, please let me know!

This is Scott Cain, the new Australian solo Popstar! We'll be hearing a lot more of him soon! If you're in Australia, watch Popstars tonight to see his new video!

The Bro'sis girls, Indira and Hila, posed for a men's magazine in Germany! I think it was Maxim.

This is Vanda Vanda, the Popstars group from Belgium. More info soon!

May 04: A bit of news to report now! Most importantly, the first ever solo Popstar has been chosen through Australia's third Popstars series. His name is Scott Cain. Personally, I don’t think he's the world's greatest singer, but he has a great personality and I'm sure you're all going to love him! His first single, 'I'm moving on', was written by the New Radicals, and the video will be shown on Popstars this Sunday night! His new website doesn't seem to be working yet, so hopefully it will be soon. But you can hear parts of Scott's songs at J

April 27: I don't know if this is a good idea, but if you want to hear a few parts of some Popstars songs, you can go to: . There are just some short mp3 samples of some songs by Popstars bands, so have a look, if you're interested!

April 22: I tried to make a new news page, but it didn't really work so I'll stick with this one for now!

March 23: I've updated a few of the pages and added some news and links to them. Check out the L5 page especially, but also Hear'say, Scandal'us, and some of the others! I'm creating a few new pages for the site, such as one with quick information about all of the groups, and another where you can search for groups by country. I'm trying to update the main page, but I haven't quite worked it all out yet! But hopefully it will be up soon!

As for Popstars news, Kym has left Hear'say, and has been replaced by Johnny. Liberty's new name is Liberty X. Selwyn has a new single out, and it's a great song! J In the 3rd Australian series, the finalists are down to 7…. That's about enough for a band, but they're only choosing one solo artist this time! The new Canadian and Swedish series should be on now too, I think! More news soon!

March 3: Well, I have heaps of changes to make to the site, and I've made a few already today. I've scanned new pictures of Bro'sis, No Angels, L5, O-Town and Sita that I got from magazines in Europe, as well as updating the info on those pages. I plan to totally re-do the main page of the site, but I'm not really sure what I'm going to do yet, so that will have to wait! There are new pages for Scene 23, Nonstop, Six and Will Young, and I'm researching some other bands as we speak!

As for Popstars news: Liberty have been forced to change their name due to an old band having used the same name first. The band aren't happy about it, but they don't have a choice! The new name hasn't been chosen yet, as far as I know. Kym may have left Hear'say, but I don't know whether that's true or not. Bardot have a new single out, as do O-Town, and Bro'sis. The new Australian series of Popstars has started. More updates to come soon!

February 4: I haven't been able to make any changes to the site for a while, because I'm in Europe right now! But being here gives me an opportunity to find out more about the European Popstars groups! So, in Germany, No Angels have a new single called 'Atlantis' with someone called Donovan, and I think it might be from the cartoon Atlantis movie... Bro'sis have a new single out called 'Do you', and from what I've heard, it sounds like it's going to be a really good song! 'I believe' is still at number two on the charts, and I've seen the video quite a few times so far! No Angels were recently at some kind of awards ceremony called 'Bambi 2001', and I've seen a fair bit of No Angels merchandise around, from hair accessories to postcards... I'll be in Paris later this week, and perhaps the Netherlands as well, so I'll see what I can find about L5 & K-otic! I plan to make a summary page with brief information about the Popstars groups, but I'm not sure when that will be up... Thanks to everyone who has been sending me e-mails! It's great to be getting such a good response to my site! Thanks especially to those of you who gave me information about bands.... Keep it coming, people! I'll update the pages as soon as I can!

January 03: I know there haven't been any updates for a while, but there will be some soon, including new information about some bands, a Popstars Dollz section, and a page about Scene 23, the new American Popstars!

December 04: I'm just making the pictures smaller, because a lot of them are fairly big files, and my site had apparently used up all of the allowed bandwidth or whatever for at least one day last week… I don't know much about that, but I think that reducing the picture sizes should help a bit!

In other news, there's a bit of controversy in Popstars 2 in America, as one of the band members has apparently been asked to leave. But we won't find out who until next week! I hear that it's one of the guys, which is a pity, because it'll turn into another band where the girls outnumber the guys, **sigh**. I just hope they choose a name soon! Their album should be out next week or the week after, too!

We've got a lot to look forward to on the Popstars front early next year, with the second series of Popstars being shown on TV in Canada and also in Sweden, and the third Australian series showing at the same time. Should be interesting! J

December 01: I created this news page! **g** I hope to do a bit of advertising for the site soon, and to maybe update some of the more recently created pages again as well. More soon! J

November 30: Today I finished updating my pages, and created new pages for the groups I just found out about. But the big news today is that USA's Popstars II winners have finally been announced! I've been waiting for ages for this! **g** There are six of them; three guys and three girls. Their names are Donavan, Dorothy, Josh, Laurie, Moises, and Monika. I look forward to hearing some of their music! J

November 29: Well, today I found out about a few more Popstars groups! I hadn't been on WinMX for a while, as I was trying to reduce my downloads, but I did go there a couple of days ago, and did a search for Popstars. And that's how I found out about eyeQ from Denmark, Bandana from Argentina, and Cape from Norway! So I've done some quick research on them, and found some pictures, and the webpages about them will be up soon!

In other news, the French Popstars are called L5, and they have a song out already! I downloaded their song today, as well as 'What's up' by Excellence, 'I believe' by Bro'sis, and some songs by the new bands I discovered. Lots of good new music! **g**
