Well, Selwyn is a 19 year old guy who auditioned for the second Australian Popstars group, Scandal'us. The judges all realised how talented he was, but it was his attitude more than anything that prevented him from getting into the final group. I think the judges saw his as being a bit immature. But if you ask me, Selwyn was the most talented person to appear in Popstars 2, and I hope he'll have a long and successful solo career ahead of him. He's from South Africa but moved to Perth, Australia, a few years ago. He's basically really cool and I like him! **g** He is one of only a couple of Australian R&B acts at the moment, and it's good to see that we're getting a bit of this kind of music! Go Selwyn!
The Music
Selwyn sounds like Craig David. He's a really good singer, and his first single was released in Australia a couple of months ago. It did okay in the charts, but not as well as it should have. His single is called 'Buggin' me', and it's a pretty good song. But probably not as good as he could do, I think. Like I said, he sounds quite a bit like Craig David, and I think that a really good song would show how talented he is. Don't get me wrong; his single is good! Go buy it! But I just hope to see some more good stuff from him in the future. And I think he could do better than what he's done so far. Okay, latest news is that Selwyn has released a second single! It's a great song! I knew we could expect a lot from him! ^_^ Well, it's called 'The way love's supposed to be', and it's already in the Australian Top 10…. Selwyn will be glad that he didn’t make it into Scandal'us, I think! As a solo singer he really has a good chance of success!
www.selwyn.tv is his official site, and you can hear his song & watch the video there! It's not a bad site, considering that it's an official site! **g**