Spider-Woman IV
Real Name: Charlotte Witter

Powers: Charlotte Witter currently has no superhuman powers. As Spider-Woman, she had possessed superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. She also sprouted six bony spider-like arms from her back that she could use to enhance her attacks.

History: Charlotte Witter was a fashion designer who was captured by the villain Doctor Octopus for his experiments in gene manipulation. Ultimately, he fashioned a costumed identity for her as Spider-Woman, and bade her to systematically attack the former heroes of that same name.

As Spider-Woman, Charlotte attacked and drained the powers of the original Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, and her successor, Julia Carpenter. Charlotte attacked the newest Spider-Woman, Mattie Franklin, when she was meeting the hero Spider-Man, and the two heroes fled Charlotte to elicit the aid of the Black Cat. Together, all three managed to thwart the villain. Charlotte returned to attack Spider-Man on behest of Doctor Octopus, and succeeded in capturing him, although the hero escaped, destroying Doctor Octopus' laboratories and scattering the villains.

Mattie then joined Jessica Drew, Julia Carpenter, and a recently-rejuvenated Madame Web to track down Charlotte. Ultimately, Mattie was able to steal the powers back from the villain, along with a portion of her identity. This portion of her identity made Mattie briefly believe she was a lackey for the villain Doctor Octopus, but she soon recovered and defeated said villain.

Charlotte soon recovered as well and attacked Spider-Man, knowing of his secret identity as Peter Parker, only to be forced to escape by Mattie Franklin. Spider-Man and Mattie sought out Charlotte, who forced them to flee, claiming she grew stronger the more she fought. Due to advice from Mattie's friend, Maxwell, the heroes' next battle with Charlotte revealed a telepathic link between Charlotte and members of the "Gathering of the Five," an arcane ritual that affected both Peter Parker, Madame Web and Mattie. Madame Web's telepathy had been used by Charlotte to gain strength during battle, and once the heat of battle diminished, Charlotte was ultimately left in a dormant state. They returned her to Madam Web's house, who performed a "psychic surgery" to sever her link and render her powerless. Afterwards, Charlotte was remanded to the custody of the Meridian House, a penitentiary for the criminally insane.

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