Real Name: Unknown or its just Cerise

Powers: Cerise can generate malleable energy fields of coherent light force that obey her will, that is, she produces versatile red force-fields as armor, bubbles, funnels, shields, swords, etc; she once carried an entire Sentinel with a dozen passengers inside across the Atlantic to New York! She can also project force blasts, fly unaided, and hold her breath for six or seven minutes.

History: Cerise was a bored native of the planet Shaskofrugnon, a "Warrior of the Ghrand Jhar and Genestock of Subruki, Zarstock and Kuli Ka" who wound up crash-materializing in the basement of Excalibur's lighthouse. She soon joined the British super-team in their fight against Necrom, proving to be a good team player and a soulmate for Nightcrawler.

