Members: Gideon ~ Selene ~ Saul ~ Nicodemus ~ Burke ~ Absalom ~ Crule ~  Cannonball

History: Known as the High Lords, these men and women have existed throughout history as immortal mutants, shaping and changing the face of politics and power throughout the globe. For centuries they have been involved in a game of power unique to themselves.

Gideon, most notably, achieved his goals through guile and coercion. None of his Wall Street peers knew he was a mutant, let alone an immortal External. The most peaceful among the Externals was Saul, a man respected for his gentle wisdom and one of the oldest of their kind. In contrast, the two most violent were Absalom and the aptly named Crule.

Recent events have proven that even Externals can die. In a mad bid for power, the External Selene has apparently killed all the other High Lords, with the exception of Cannonball. It is still undetermined whether Cannonball (who was miraculously resurrected after dying at the hands of Sauron) is truly an External.

