Real Name: Sally Blevins

Powers: Skids is a mutant with the ability to completely cover herself in a frictionless and super-strong force field. Once she figured out how to use it, this frictionless field didn't affect her ability to eat, breath, or even stand up! Under training with X-Factor, she learned how to expand her field to protect others. For a time, the field could not be turned off, a weakness that turned out to be a psychological instead of mutagenic problem.

History: Sally Blevins is a mutant with the power to create a protective, frictionless force-field around herself and others. She was formerly a member of the Morlocks. While she was being pursued by Freedom Force she was saved by X-Factor, and became one of their students. There she met and became friends with Rusty Collins. Blevins and Collins became members of the X-Terminators, a group of young mutant trainees, and together they fought against N'astirh during the "Inferno" invasion of New York City. When Blevins learned that Freedom Force planned to turn over abducted mutant children to the federal government for exploitation, she and Collins tried to stop them but were captured instead. Blevins was freed from her prison cell by Collins, to help him stop the criminals known as Vulture and Nitro. She was able to defeat Nitro, but was injured and recaptured by Freedom Force. Blevins and Collins were set free by the Mutant Liberation Front and soon thereafter they voluntarily joined the group. Blevins had been a member of the Mutant Liberation Front for a short time when she and Rusty Collins were kidnapped by the Acolytes. During a battle with the mutant Holocaust, Rusty Collins was killed and Blevins was injured. Blevins was taken to the X-Men's mansion for medical attention. While there she left the mansion without being noticed and her current whereabouts are unknown.
