Songbird/Screaming Mimi
Real Name: Melissa Joan Gold, a.k.a. Mimi Schwartz

Powers: Songbird can transform the sound of her voice for a variety of uses. She can create simple 3-dimensional sound/mass constructions. She shapes and animates these by mental command and they only remain in existence for as long as she wills them to.

History: Taunted by schoolmates and emotionally abandoned by her father, Mellisa ran away from home after her mother was convicted and jailed for robbery. Adopting her mother's maiden name as an alias, Screaming Mimi had a short criminal career before becoming Songbird. She was part of a team of female wrestlers known as the Grapplers, a gang of female wrestlers with enhanced physical abilities. She later formed an alliance with Angar the Screamer. This partnership ended abruptly when Angar was fatally wounded during a bank robbery. Upon his death Mimi let out a mournful wail which lasted for 43 minutes and destroyed her larynx.

Zemo, who was in the process of assembling a new Masters of Evil found Mimi. The Fixer rebuilt her larynx, incorporating Klaw's sound manipulation technology. Now she can use her voice to create solid-sound constructs, including the wings she uses to fly. Adopting the name Songbird, she joined Zemo in his plot to make the world believe they were heroes called the Thunderbolts.

Zemo's planned failed, but Songbird and other members decided they preferred being good guys and set out to make the Thunderbolts a legitimate super-hero team.
