Spider-Woman III
Real Name: Martha "Mattie" Franklin

Powers: Mattie has many of the same powers as the previous Spider-Women including that of the Evil Spider-Woman in that she possesses psychic Spider Legs that she is slowly learning how to use...She also has the power of flight as well as Super Strength and Agility.

History: Growing up with a strict father and no mother, Martha was more of a tomboy and even took the name Matt. Over the years Mattie and her father had serious problems that resulted in Martha running away several times. It wasn't until Martha over heard a phone call between her father and Norman Osborn, that Matt learned about the Gathering of the Five.

Taking her father's place in the cermony Martha gained the gift of power. Giving her super strength and flight, after receiving her powers Spider-Man disappeared. Being a huge Spider-Man fan, Martha took his place, until a battle with the villain Shadrac caused Peter Parker to become Spider-man again. Still wanting to be a hero, Martha became the new Spider-Woman, but she lost her powers to an evil Spider-woman. The evil woman was Charlotte Witter, a woman transformed into a blood thirsty creature by Dr. Octopus. Doc Ock gave her the ability to steal the powers of all the other Spider-Women and add their powers to her Charlotte's. The only problem was that Martha took her powers back from Charlotte. However the price for victory was high, and Mattie took all the powers that Charlotte had stolen. Now Martha must come into her own as a hero while trying to control her many powers as the new Spider-woman.

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