Alright guys, I dont have any pictures really. All I have is what I theived off of other people's pages. (Thanks guys!) But my friends kick ass.
so in no particular order here they are:
Here is a happy group AWWW how cute
In this picture we have, clockwise from left:
Talitha, Huff, Laura, Vanessa, and ME!
Nickolas: my little Nicky Poo! Hand sandwich
Huff: yeah we dont get in THAT much trouble!
Matt W and Jen: so are you two stayin together now?
Brad: Thanks for being there when I was flippin out! Good luck with Liz
Talitha: Sexy trolls! OH! my soul mate!
Aaron: Your children are going to eat styrofoam!
Jason: Um are you alright??? your cars the shit
Will A: Aww you and cindy are so cute, sorry we pissed her off at the mall
Nate: Mullets are sexy! OOOHHHHH
Michael A: I love you! mr moellers a dick
Travis: Yeah you're too cool to talk to me anymore
Vanessa: well we were friends, i dont talk to you anymore either...
Heidi: i havent talked to you in forever either... good luck with grant!
Steph: dont fight with Josh too much!!
Kerry: dont fart too much, you know youngen's sexy... good luck with shaun
Nikki: haha "i dont care who you are... as long as you love me!"
Sara and Jessica: you are brave to put up with us at lunch
Joe & Colt: we used to hang out alot, you dont ask for gum ever i swear
Deej: you are the shit, my littlle kernal of lust in the corncob of desire!
Ashley C: we actually talk again! yay! i will eventually get that book!
Baily: I havent talked to you in forever hottie!
Bob: you are NOT a sex monkey... no matter what you say!
Brandon K: Is that hooker still runnin her mouth... should i destroy her?
Nick W: always makin trouble! always!!!
Brandon H: my brother!! good luck with andrea!
David G: Your a peice of shit! I'll destroy you!
Heather: Beware of the little people... they will pollute your minds... wowzers!
Luke: lukie poo! i never see you anymore!
Will & Tope: you make english so much more fun, stop staring at Holly's ass!
Mal: sorry i puked on you... dont hit your head anymore!
Matt A: Youre the only friend i've kept from kindergarten! wowie 
Matt B: hey what are you up to? I havent talked to you much lately?
Marissa: i havent seen you in ages, how are you
Other ppl. in my lab: Mike, Andrea, Jessi, Rich... doesnt Ken annoy you?
Hannah: isnt youngen's ass sexy??? OOOHHHHHH
Kristy K: the relationship counselor!!!
Kristi S: thanks for giving me many rides home!!!
Dennis: Fine dont email me anymore
Rachel K: your generic, quit theiving my clothes, your little bf and you are sooo cute
Rachel A: good luck with Shawn... or are you broken up again???

If you should be on here and I forgot you I AM SORRY, it doesnt mean that I love you any less! I am just dumb. Let me know.
