Devon & Somerset Wing Air Training Corps
Warrant Officer's and Sergeant's Mess
Forthcoming Events
In June 2007, the Mess Committee elected to open membership of the Mess to all SNCO/WO staff on appointment. Social membership still requires the payment of a subscription. For a few words on the subject : click here
Full Membership is available to all Adult serving Warrant Officers and Senior Non Commissioned officers of Devon & Somerset Wing Air Training Corps.

Associate Membership
Associate membership is offered to Civilian Instructors of Devon and Somerset Wing and to Warrant Officers and Senior Non Commissioned Officers from Other Wings, the Army Cadet Force, the Sea Cadet Corps or the Service Helpers.

Honorary Membership
Is open to retired members, or contacts outside of the Corps

Application for membership is very straightforward, please
click here to download the application forms. Fill out the membership form with EITHER the Standing order form OR the Yearly form, and return it c/o Wing HQ D&S Wing ATC.

Details of recent events can be found from the link on the right.
Past Events
Mess Rules
Devon + Somerset Wing Web Site