Welcome to the Dragons Dens Warrior Sec
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Warriors have three stances available:
Battle Stance
Defensive Stance
Berserker Stance
This stance is earned during combat.  Location is South of Ratchet and North of Northwatch Hold, you will find Fray Island.  There is a sand bar that leads out from shore to the island. 

Talk with Macleod to get the quest. Go enter the area for the contest and talk to the master of ceremony once. Wait for contest to start.

Contest will require a shield for you to last.  Toward the end you must be fast to dispatch your opponent or you'll end up in 2v1 situations.  Good luck with the final contestant.
Warrior Race: Orc, Tauren, Undead, Trolls
Type: Primary Tank
Available Armor: Colth Leather, Mail, Plate (40), Shields
Available Weapons: All (excluding wands unless used as a tooth pick)
This stance is good for the following situations:
     > Running solo fighting Elites
     > Life is below half and target close to full life
     > Draw away targets away from Priest using Taunt
This stance is good fighting against most creature the warriors level plus 2
by Dragon Lord Zbec
Warrior Notes
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