Beckie The Farmer's Daughter

Looks - 9.5/10
   What Pam can't see in her is beyond me ... besides that she's a woman of course.  I mean, if it wasn't for how her character forced her to wear those freakin' pigtails ... The only reason for the .5 deduction here is because of those lame fake freckles.

Wrestling - 10/10
   Beckie can actually wrestle, and it's quite entertaining to watch.  Granted, she does a lot of dropkicks, but it's better than a lot of punches, or a lot of legdrops.  Her powerbomb reversal is still one of the coolest things I've seen on WOW.

Charisma - 6/10
   She can get the fans behind her, but her mic skills are lacking to say the least.  It's the only thing stopping her.

Overall - 9/10
   Very well rounded, with tons of potential.  And she's good looking to boot.


Looks- 6/10
    I know this is an upopular mark on this page, but come on, there's nothing there for her to garner her getting anything higher than a six. Granted, she does look better in person than in these pictures, but even then she pretty freaking ugly.

Wrestling - 6.5/10
     Agreeing with Paul, Beckie is one of the best wrestlers in WOW (yes, I do realize that isn't saying much). The best move I've seen to date is her Farmer's Roll, which is guaranteed to make you laugh like you've never laughed before. Never before has a move been so entertaining, yet so useless in the ring before. I had to lower her mark, because she has a very limited arsonal which relys heavily on a drop kick, which gets tiresome really fast.

Charisma - 4/10
       Somebody PLEASE take the mic away from her before she has the chance to speak! For those of you that have seen her speak, you'll understand, for those of you that haven't--lucky you!

Overall - 4.5/10
     I used to be impartial when it came to Beckie, but after seeing her a few times, I don't really like her. And what's the deal with her bringing "relatives" out with her to her matches???


Looks - 10/10
     She deserves it.   Too bad the pictures here don't do her justice, but she is amazing!  I'd like to see a glamour shot of her done, because I think it would be the hottest picture I'd ever see.  She is that good looking!

Wrestling - 10/10
     She's a high flying, arial athlete, which leads to great entertainment in WOW.   Sure, all she does is a lot of drop kicks, and kicks off the ropes, but they're incredible!!!  And she has the greatest splash in all of WOW!!  My favourite move in all of WOW, is the farmer's roll by Beckie.  She wraps around her opponent with her legs, and then rolls them around the ring, what could be better?

Charisma - 8/10
     Sure, she can't use the mic, but that's no big deal, and when she talked this week it was pretty believeable. And plus, it's great when they have bad acting.  It adds to the humour. ie. "I'm so scared."  And she gets the audience behind her, and she's just the greatest.  And just look at the way she dances in her entrance video.

Overall - 10/10
     Beckie the farmer's daughter is the all time greatest wrestler in WOW!!  She's just amazing, and the best!  Beckie should be the WOW champion.  I think she will go on to great, and better things within WOW!!


Looks - 9/10
    If it wasn't for those damn pigtails and the freckles, Beckie would look super-awesome. As it is, she's one of the best in WOW, although not quite up to Lana Star and Sandy levels.

Wrestling - 10/10
    It's neck and neck between her and Jungle Grill for best wrestler in WOW, although Jungle seems to have more wrestling knowledge, therefore the edge. Still, Beckie's high flying arsenal is unprallelled. The way she jumps on to the turnbuckles and springs backwards into a dropkick or a cross body is amazing. Plus, as Paul mentioned, when she reversed the Riotbomb into a sunset flip I was pretty astounded.

Charisma - 7/10
    She seems to be a happy-go-lucky gal, which is good. She can't talk very well, although her catchphrase is rather memorable. I'll make sure not to mess with the farmer's daughter, that's for sure. Although I found it odd how she was accompanied by some redneck old guy on one episode. I think he was supposed to be her cousin or something, but the announcers made no notice of him.

Overall - 9/10
    Beckie is one of the true shining stars in WOW. Good things are coming the way of the farmer's daughter.