Patti Pizzazz |
Paul Looks - 6.5/10 Any of my friends surprised at this low mark? Well, prepare to be even more shocked - I actually based the above mark on her face, and not anything else. I mean, look at it! It's so fake! Wrestling - 7/10 She makes Lana look a little bit better, anyway. You just have to look past the fact that Patti has to be losing for Lana to make a mirror save - which means she's losing almost every match. Charisma - 5.5/10 She tries, but her acting is probably worse than Lana Star's. Overall - 7/10 I have nothing for or against Patti, though she's probably better off with Randi Rah Rah. Pam Looks - 5/10 She's a cheerleader, and one would assume that as such, she would be attractive. That assumption couldn't be further from the truth. Patti Pizzazz (who will always be Patti Pep in my heart) is just another in a long line of WOW wrestlers with creepy mouths. Maybe I'm too judgemental when it comes to mouths? Nope, it's not me, it's definitely them and they're screwy faces that are the problem. Wrestling - 6/10 She's on almost every episode with Lana, but I can't say as though I actually recall her every fighting. Maybe it's for the best though. Charisma - 4/10 It may seem kind of low, but whenever she opens her mouth, I just want to throw my tv (I guess that would be Nathan's tv since we watch WOW at his house. Now it doesn't seem like a problem anymore) out the window! She is possibly the most moronic thing in WOW to date. Her facial expression on the Lana Star Christmas special after Lana told Patti she was going to be an elf, was mint! If you have that episode on tape, I strongly suggest you rewatch it to see what I'm talking about. Overall - 6/10 She gets a higher mark than I wanted to give her because she has that catchy opening song. Mind you if you put that song on loop for too long, after about half an hour of it, it pretty well turns you psychotic--trust me, I've tried. Nathan Looks - 6/10 When I first saw her, I thought she was pretty hot, and then they showed a close up of her face, and that was just wrong to do. Otherwsie, I'd probably give her a higher mark. She looks kind of old in these shots, and for being old, she has a nice body. Wrestling - 7/10 She does back flips now and again, and that's always good! She should use her pom poms as weapons! Now that would be sweet! It'd almost be as deadly as Lana's mirror! And she has to be better than Lana, because as I recall "You have to get through me first!" Charisma - 5/10 And I thought Beckie's acting was horrid, Patti's acting is the biggest piece of crap on WOW! "Didn't you hear what I said, you have to go through me first!" Someone take her out to pasture where she belongs. But she does get points for great music "CUT THE MUSIC!" "P A T T I P A T T I!!! Patti... Pizzazz! Patti, Pizzazz! Overall - 6/10 She's good. Not great, but good. Now I really want to see her be interviewed by Julie Day, because an onslaught of horrible acting would make my day like you wouldn't believe! Steve Looks - 5/10 Patti Pizzazz isn't half bad I suppose, but when placed next to Lana Star, well, one tends to notice Lana's "assets" more than one would notice Patti's. Wrestling - 6/10 It looks like she tries, but when you get stuck being the Road Dogg of your team, you don't get a chance to show what you've got. Also, the fact that she has to get saved by Lana to win matches is a rather disturbing thought, since Lana isn't exactly a technical wizard in the ring. Charisma - 9/10 Patti Pizzazz is the most hilarious part of WOW, bar none. Her super-amazing-awesome-cool theme song (P-A-T-T-I, P-A-T-T-I, Patti...Pizzazz!, Patti...Pizzazz!) is the best in WOW (well, except for perhaps Caged Heat), her little name graphic thinger has animation, and everything out of her mouth is pure gold (no, not Terri Gold). "You have to go through me first!", "I'm in charge of Lana Star's bookings.", " I'm her personal assistant!". Awesome. Did you know that Paul and I met Patti Pizzazz at the Olympic Restaurant? Oh it's true. It's damn true. Overall - 6.5/10 This mark could be higher if she got an opportunity to wrestle, but as it, she plays the role of the bimbo lackey perfectly. Although, why is she still dressed in a cheerleader outfit when she's no longer a cheerleader, eh? |