Amy and Lee's personal home page Huang Family website


Adoption process

click here to view LEE'S PHOTO GALLERY

Amy and I have decided to start a family by adopting a child from China. You can follow our steps and pray for us by visiting this page to see where we are in the adoption process. Thanks for your support.

  • Summer 2004 -- research various adoption agencies

  • July 19, 2004 -- initial orientation with Lutheran Children and Family Services.

  • August 11 and August 18, 2004 -- individual and group training with LCFS.

  • August 23 and August 31, 2004 -- home study with LCFS.

  • September and October 2004 -- follow-up paperwork related to home study; approval of home study and instructions on additional paperwork needed.

  • November and December 2004 -- preparation of personal documents for dossier (criminal checks, medical releases, reference letter, et al), which will be sent to Harrisburg for state certification, New York for authentication by the Chinese consulate, and then to China for review.

  • January 2005 to June 2005 -- get the house ready, make financial and legal preparations (insurance, savings, will), read up on international adoption.

  • June 2005 -- created a blog for our kids and for adoption-related musings, called Huang Kid Khronicles.

  • July 2005 -- acceptance by the Chinese government and another round of paperwork, culminating in getting the green light to go out to China to pick up our child (see pictures here)

  • October 7-20, 2005 -- go out to China, pick up our child, fill out more paperwork in China and back in the US to finalize adoption.

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    215 895-4014 (work) (email) (work URL) (personal URL)

    � 2002-2003