The WpWtron shows DVA’s office, where she is sitting at her desk. She’s dressed in a black business suit. Dominique Vanessa Anthony WpW’s new interim CEO addresses the viewers.

DVA: Welcome to GoldPush! This is an exciting time for WpW and our wrestling audience and an especially exciting time for me as I have been named CEO of WpW finally. I will not use this time to gloat as the past CEO, Tyger Lilly was horrendously attacked at Heatwave. Our prayers are with her, however WpW must go on. Tonight WpW begins it’s 2nd annual GoldPush World Tour and to kick things off we are establishing a new championship, The Continental Title Tournament will decide the newest champion over the next couple of months. Our first round matches begin tonight as this is our biggest GoldPush to date to coincide with my becoming CEO. Sit back and enjoy the show as WpW presents 9 exciting matches and there will be one more statement from me at the end of the night. Thank you.

Continental Title Tournament Brackets

GoldPush usual opening begins then the camera pan the sold out arena in Fukuoka, Japan WpW’s commentators Allen Rozell and Candice Callaway are shown at ringside.

CC: Welcome everyone to the first leg of this year’s GoldPush World Tour. We’re coming to you from Japan and Allen we’re also coming off a rather successful pay-per-view event, Heatwave: Minneapolis Meltdown.

AR: My little flower WpW has continued to grow since Wrestival earlier this year and Heatwave was no letdown at all.

CC: Later tonight we’ll be talking more about what went down at Heatwave and even showing some still photos from the event, be sure you order the replay as it runs all month long on pay per view. Allen, We can announce that there is a NEW WPW World Champion!

AR: That is right my little flower, The Striken defeated PDJ in their Tables, Ladders and Chairs Main Event.

CC: And we came so close to a new Big Gold Champion at Heatwave in what many have called the match of the night.

AR: You have to order the reply to witness Rey vs. Lee if you missed it.

CC: So much other action and surprises that happened at Heatwave and I’m sure we’ll talk about them as the night goes on but right now as custom when there is a new WpW World Champion, we will have a ring ceremony and I’ve been told to expect something different than previous ring ceremonies.

"Always" by Saliva hits mid-chorus and the crowd responds just as the lyrics "I just can't LIVE without You!!!!" are sung. At that moment from the backstage area emerges the enigmatic man known as Striken. The Striken wearing no make-up, and all black as he makes his appearance, and to the fans in the arena. They applaud him. He nods to the Japanese crowd as he makes his way to ringside. Dressed to kill in a dark suit, sport coat, slacks, shined up shoes with hand in pocket and mic in other hand The Striken climbs the steps and enters the ring. As the music hits its crescendo streamers come down and flood the ring. the various Japanese ring crew throw more streamers towards The newest WPW World Champion. It makes for an impressive sight as many photos are being taken by the Asian crowd.

[[The man known in wrestling circles as Striken then literally circles the ring strewn with long paper-mâché’ streamers as Japan custom during big cards, before he speaks. he initially pauses soaking in the respectful response of the crowd.]]

Striken: I myself, stand before these Japanese people atop WPW’s mountain top. Oh for you see that is not a surprise by many. They understood months ago this was to be. They understood it far better than these Japanese people here today. I, myself stand here in a foreign country not expecting you people to understand a word of English and here’s hoping the wrestlers in the back do not make fools of themselves and play to the crowds as though it were an American arena. Heh. But my time here at the outset of tonight’s program is specifically to the viewers at home where English is spoken. WPW Heatwave saw a glorious night in wrestling action it even bared witness to Patrick Derek Jefferson if but for one night truly become a main event superstar. Deemed by many as a low level mid-tier player. If but for one night he had to raise his game to the Main Event level. I, myself paid him respect if but for one night. For months, I myself single-handedly carried this man of broken street, hood English to the Main Event level by one simple action. A Chair shot to his back. And four simple words. “I have your back.” At Heatwave he re-paid the favor to fan’s delight with a chair shot of his own. Ahh Yesssssss but...His plan in total was to repay me with a loss. Avenge a loss he suffered to me at the very start of his WPW career. A plan which ultimately failed in its completion. He learned a valuable lesson that soon another contender may have to learn. I, myself only am defeated when I deem it my night to step down!

[[Striken gives a look to the crowd as he unbuttons his jacket to reveal the shiny WPW World Championship title belt around his waist the Japanese crowd “Ahhhhhhh‘s“]]

Striken: This is what is the recognized symbol of WPW’s greatest championship. The WPW World Championship. As you take a look at this title. Let’s mentally take a look at the other titles the ones not so great as this. The Big Gold title to which the winner instantly grows a Big Ego upon winning it. First there was Jesse Williams and his “defend when only I choose to attitude” passed down to the worst Big Man wrestler ever to step foot in WPW. The Hapless, Lost Soul whose ego grew to enormous proportions luckily he did not last long as he merely made it to his FIRST defense before his pre-maturely enlarged ego was deflated. And now the championship rests in the arms of a man who has the worst judgment of anyone in WPW history and just believe me on that, his real-life run ins, make that ego-trips with a man named Soprano and Blazenwing not to mention his choices in stablemates just to give a couple of examples. This Big Gold Champion’s name? Christopher Lee. No, not the famed 70’s Dracula and Star Wars’ Count Dooku actor....but ‘The Icon’ Chris Lee. A man who has conned himself into believing he is the second best in WPW because he is Big Gold Champion. A title to which has corrupted the minds of all who’ve captured that championship. The Championship that goes to EVERY CHAMPION’S head in it’s short history. It’s value? Very little compared to the WPW World Champion and even so in many minds that are not holding the Big Gold title it is below the All-Time Television Champion.

[[A gleem comes to The Striken’s face.]]

Striken:: The Championship I, myself single-handedly made a title that was coveted. A championship to which many wrestlers far and wide finally sought after once my name was etched in it’s history once again shortly before Wrestival this year. A title whose hands now rests in the arms of a man who claims himself a “Legend”, legendary, but the only thing legendary about it’s Mystical holder at this time is his now legendary WPW temper tantrums and cry-baby attitude. Another legacy tarnished by a man’s own words and misdeeds. Ahhh Yesss that statement is for those in the back to enjoy and not for the many minions watching at home. We shall see if it’s Mystical holder can do what needs to be done against a true crop of foes in his defense this week. If he, himself can over come it then he will have accomplished something of legend of say...Striken proportions but until then he is not in my league far below and he himself can only fool himself in believing otherwise. Not in my league but in the same company. My prediction, He will fold under pressure as all the over-inflated egomaniacal cry-babies have in WPW that I‘ve had the enjoyment of watching wilt. Which leads me to the WPW World Championship and it’s history. Ego-maniacal? What wrestler in WPW’s history best suits that anachronism? Of course. The first champion, a man named Dynamic Dynamite! A man who has graced WPW airwaves again over the past couple weeks since Heatwave. Strike that, Disgraced. Is he here tonight? Heh. We shall see later on. A man who carried the WPW World Title I hold however I defeated in the tournament. Hmmm. One never heard any cries from I myself about that and nor shall you tonight. A Striken Earned victory and proud of it. Wonder if Dynamite is proud of his conduct after being exposed for being a lesser wrestler both in ring and out of ring than I? heh. I myself and others know the answer of his famed unprofessional attitude and crying.

[[Striken nods.]]

Striken:: Even below this fennier of evil and viciousness to which I, myself have been characterized since allowing Patrick Derek Jefferson’s back to “meet a chair up close and person” therein lies something to which I was instilled with and that is....Class. Before Dynamite’s grand WPW World Title run there was my victory on him. For his run could have never been. One never heard me complain. Ponder that. Served a bogus suspension after being framed by a WPW Board Member and the rest is history. I bring this up to point out the WPW World Title really has never had a champion to which REALLY earned his place as it’s #1 star....until Heatwave. I shall not rundown Patrick Derek Jefferson anymore than I already have up to Heatwave. He defeated a Dynamite, who by his own admission was not at his best unlike my victory on him. So, we come to WPW’s 3rd World Champion. Third times the charm and WPW’s THIRD World Champion is it’s most grandest and deserved. One need only look at my record in WPW. There are no defeats, only victories and those victories were many cases hard fought but in all cases EARNED. The word “Earned” you will hear a great deal more from me in the coming weeks but for now remember who is Undefeated in WPW. I myself am. Could this be what brought out the masses to try and attain the All-Time TV title when I was champion? Possibly but that is not for me to say. Undefeated Champions can bring strength to championships then again they can also ruin them.

[[Striken pauses before continuing.]]

Striken:: Oh yessssssssss, One last Championship in WPW I refrained from discussing. The Tag team titles. For you see, I myself gave my brother Stryker an opportunity to join forces and stand side by side with him. He decided to go it alone and for that his reward is to be stuck in a land to which he has no more challengers and no peer. After demolishing the lowly Devastation, there literally is no one banging on the door to face Shawn Stryker. A Champion considered by potential foes as so strong they would rather pass on the chance to be humiliated. Possibly a good call on their part. Not a man such as I, my self's place to say. And so that concludes my rundown of the WPW Championships. Those much wiser than this Asiatic crowd know of another. Continents away they know of it’s coming. A New Championship. One to which hasn’t found it’s keeper as of yet. With that I, myself will remain silent about at this time but I, myself am quite sure the CONTENDERS will do their best to win it.

[[At that time Striken unhooks his WPW World Championship belt. He then folds it and holds it to his side.]]

Striken:: In speaking of contenders and now that I have broken down all other titles except the one to which is now UNQUESTIONABLY it’s most valuable I turn to the next World title Contender. In fact, Why don’t I let him begin his own person quest to make a fool of himself by letting him walk out here right now and address me? Ahhh yess The Man Called Grrr....GOOFUS. Fukuoka JAPAN! Let’s hear it for GOOFUS, Come on, say it with me my asian friends.... GOOFUS, GOOFUS, GOOFUS!

[[The Japanese crowd picks up on this and begins saying ‘Goofus’, ‘Goofus’, ‘Goofus’ along with Striken as he chuckles amusingly as they chant. This is a page out of Striken’s playbook to which WPW has never seen before from him. “The Man Called Goofus.” ]]

CC: What is Striken doing? GRENDEL isn’t scheduled to be here tonight.

AR: Don’t you mean Goofus?

CC: No I mean GRENDEL, Striken is calling making a mockery of GRENDEL tonight, when he isn’t even here to defend himself, that is low, even for the champ.

(All of the sudden "More Human, Than Human" by White Zombie begins to blar over the loud speakers….the words "The Man" flash across the screen, followed by "The Myth", then "The Legend", then "The Man They Call" GRENDEL…..Several action shots of GRENDEL follow…..Then out walks GRENDEL onto the entrance ramp with a mic in his hand as he begins to speak….. The Japanese crowd notices GRENDEL and starts to chant "Goofus" even louder to the amusement of the Striken…..)

GRENDEL: Hold up, wait just a cotton picking minute here. Go ahead and live it up Striken, have you fun and games. Start the Goofus and Gallant chants again. I for one will not have it. You thought you covered all your bases, you thought you did your homework. You thought that since I wasn’t booked on the show tonight, that I wouldn’t make the trip to Japan, well you thought wrong. Your match with PDJ at Heatwave was one for the record books. I for one am glad that you are the one standing in that ring tonight to receive your world title ring, cause sooner rather than later you and I will step into the squared circle one on one and that my friend will go down in history. It will go down in history as the day GRENDEL walks away with the WpW World Championship around his waist.

AR: GRENDEL is here in Japan, who knew?

CC: Not I, the number one contender is letting the champ know that he isn’t backing down.

AR: GRENDEL is gunning for the gold, my little flower.

GRENDEL: Don’t worry I didn’t fly all the way over to the land of the rising son to disturb you little ring ceremony. That ain’t my style. Now I know you already know it, but I am the number one guy in this company gunning for you. You are one hell of a wrestler and you know how to play the mind games. That’s why you’re the world champ. So go ahead live it up, enjoy your ring ceremony, cause I’ll have my day soon enough.

(With that being said "More Human Than Human" begins to play again as GRENDEL drops the mic on the entrance ramp ala Chris Rock and turns and walks to the back….)

AR: GRENDEL making his intentions known.

CC: I concur, lets get back to the Champion now..

[[As the music dies back down, inside the squared circle, The Striken smiles.]]

Striken: Thought Goofus wouldn’t be here? Didn’t I,myself just call you out? Didn’t do my homework? There is no question I’ve done my homework on YOU Grendel. The only one dumbfounded is the “Man called GOOFUS“. Patrick Derek Jefferson was elevated to respectable status at Heatwave. Ignore his comic book catch ripped off phrases; It’s time for Grendel to enter reality because in his reality he must not do much to win championships. In WPW and against the world’s best that’s not the way it goes. If you people want to make this villain vs hero. If you,yourselves want to make Grendel the hero. That is your mistake, my friends. Yessssss, Earlier I, myself called you people of Fukuoka, Japan “friends”.

[[Striken then pulls his concealed hand from his pocket showing a huge ring adorned on it. The crowd goes “ahhhhhh”.]]

Striken:: The WPW Championship Ring. Only three men own one. I, myself am one of them but to you...people in this arena and even watching at home...I present you a gift as well...

[[The Striken smirks and one by one pulls down his fingers of the hand his ring is on. FLIPPING OFF THE CROWD with the WPW Championship Ring on his middle finger.]]

Striken:: In the spirit of this GoldPush...I give you a big....




[[The crowd responds with adoration for what they perceive as the WPW World Champion’s mention of their city of Fukuoka, Japan.]]

CC: How despicable!

AR: I thought it was funny my little flower.

CC: You would.

AR: The fans didn’t seem to have a problem with Striken.

CC: They didn’t know what he was saying. Allen, before we move to get to our matches any thoughts on what the newly crowned World Champion just said and Grendel’s appearance?

AR: Striken’s rundown of the championship situation really can’t be disputed very much and I believe Grendel picked himself up a new nickname as a souvenir of his visit to Japan.

CC: As we promised everyone, Let’s take a look at some still shots from Heatwave from the grueling Big Gold Title Draw that occurred between ‘Icon’ Chris Lee and iRey.

AR: It was only the second draw in WpW history.

(A short video package is shown quickly covering Heatwave then the focus turns to the Big Gold title match and still shots of the Hardcore Rules Big Gold Title match are shown but it is interrupted as....)

**The lights go dim and a missile is heard speeding towards it target. A explosion of pyrotechnics explode at the top of the ramp just as the it sounds as if the phantom missile is going to hit its target. The guitar riff to Bad to the bone starts to play and Rick Vaughn walks out to the top of the ramp to an eruption of boos. Rick stands at the top of the ramp and sneers at the crowd with one arm raised in the air. He is clad in blue jeans, rattlesnake skin boots, a AC/DC highway to hell T-shirt and his trade mark leather vest.**

CC: What is he doing out here, for that matter what is he even doing in Japan? He isn’t scheduled to wrestle.

AR: I don’t know, we will need to wait and see.

**The crowd’s jeers towards Vaughn have yet to settle down as the guitar riff screams out the PA system**

CC: **Sarcastic** It seems the love for Vaughn is international.

**Rick walks down the ramp, but instead of going to the ring, he walks around it to the announcers table. Rick grabs a headset and sits down at the table, much to the dismay of Candice and Roz.**

CC: What do you think you are doing?

Vaughn: Well, honey, I figured since I wasn’t in the ring this week, I would come out here and liven up the show. Roz here is what? ……….. 105 and you….Well…’re a blond… I figured I come out here and tell the truth about these matches. I am tired of you two snoring me to death each and every week and I am sure the people at home are to.

AR: My god, you smell like alcohol. Your drunk!

Vaughn: And your ugly, but tomorrow morning, I will be sober.

CC: That will be enough, I am going to have to ask you to leave.

Vaughn:**Looking over at CC** Go ahead, ask me out, ya know you wanna.

CC: Okay, get out!

Vaughn: Oh, your quite the wit aren’t you. Well, maybe only half of that.

CC:**Rolls eyes and looks away**

AR: Would you please…**Cut off by Rick before he can finish**

Vaughn: If I throw a stick, will you leave?

CC: We have a Continental Tournament to begin.

Vaughn: Don’t let me interrupt.

AR: You already have interrupted the Big Gold Title situation we were reviewing.

Vaughn: Won’t be the last time either. I am #1 contender.

CC: Let’s go up to the ring.

RA:– This match is for one fall and advancement to the second round of the Continental Tournament. First, standing at 6’4 at 245 pounds STRYKER GRAFF!

**“Battle Without Honor or Humanity” hits the PA system and as the song picks up, Stryker appears on the ramp with that trademark grin of his as he arrogantly makes his way down to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope and then climbs the corner turnbuckle, making the fans recognize and acknowledge who he is. The crowd lets out a burst of boos.**

AR: Stryker Graff got a rap sheet a mile long.

Vaughn: He’d steal the straw from his mother’s kennel.

(Jesus Walks by Kanye West plays and Rey walks out in his wrestling attire, which consist of black tights with Honor on both sides in red letters. A large black cross is tatted on his whole front torso. He slaps hands with the audience and runs towards the ring sliding head first under the bottom ropes. In the middle of the ring he lifts both arms up and puts his head down soaking in all the cheers.)

AR: These two are set to go at it. Rey is coming off a fantastic match with Chris Lee that went to a draw which we just saw a little of.

Roxy Adams – His opponent the HONOR OF WPW! Standing at 5’11 at 200 pounds Reynaldo “The Honorable One” Sanchez.

Vaughn: I think his father was a boxer.

CC: Really, I did not know that.

Vaughn: and his mother was a Dalmatian.

**Candice just cups her hands over her face and hangs her head down in dis-belief.**

**The ref calls for the bell and the two men lock up. Rey is able to back Graff up into the corner and the ref calls for a clean break and gets it. Rey stands in the center of the ring as Graff circles him. They lock up again and Stryker is able to get a wrist lock on Rey. Rey circles Graff smacking his own shoulder with his free hand as Graff sinks in the pressure. Sanchez manages to get his body up against Graff and push him off into the ropes. Graff comes back with a clothesline, but Rey ducks under it. Stryker comes back and Sanchez drops down tripping to Graff to the floor. Sanchez quickly is on top of him and grabs him into a face lock. Graff gets his foot to the rope and the ref ask for a break.**

AR: Fast and furious in the starting minutes of this match.

Vaughn: 10 miles per hour is fast to you old man. Your so old your social security number is 1.

** The two men lock up again and this time Graff sends Rey for a ride toward the ropes, Graff goes for a back body drop, but Rey flips over and lands on his feet. Graff looks out into the crowd for approval, thinking Sanchez to be on the mat, but Rey hits him from behind sending him face first into the turnbuckle. Graff stumbles back out of the corner and Sanchez quickly grabs him and from behind and delivers a suplex. Rey quickly grabs Graff’s leg and goes for an ankle lock. Stryker reaches for the robes, but can not reach them. He inches his way over, getting closer…..And closer….But Rey drags him back to the center of the ring.**

CC: He was so close to getting to the ropes.

**Rey lifts the ankle lock high in the air and slams the knee back down into the mat. Then again. As he goes for it a third time, Graff turns and is able to kick Sanchez off with his free leg sending Rey chest first into the corner. Graff, hobbled, waits for Sanchez to rebound from out of the corner and locks in a inverted face lock into a DDT. Graff, pulls himself up with the ropes. Its obvious he is having trouble walking.**

Vaughn: It is the quintessential one legged man in an ass kicking contest.

**Graff, quickly drops down on top of Sanchez and goes for the cover.**






. .

. .

. .

. 2

. . . .

. . . . .

. . .

AR: So close.

CC: Rey was just able to kick out.

**Graff looks at the ref and slaps the mat 3 times asking for a quick count. He is able to get to his feet a little better and pulls Rey up. Quickly snatching him in, he delivers a belly to belly suplex. Standing up, he drops an elbow and again goes for a quick cover.**


. . . .

. . .

Vaughn: Not even close this time. Rey gets his foot on the ropes. He is going for the pin to quick.

**Graff jumps up and starts screaming at the ref. The ref points to the ropes where Rey’s foot was. Mad, Graff picks up Rey and send him to the ropes, looking to deliver and forearm, but Rey ducks under, hitting the opposite set of ropes and using the momentum to carry him forward launches into the air and lands a shoulder block cleanly on the chin of Graff. The force of the blow sends Stryker out of the ring and Rey uses the time to shake off the cobwebs. The ref begins to count.**





. . .

. 3

. . .

. 4

. .

. .

**Graff stands up dazed, turns his back to the ring and waves off, as if to say he is out of here. Rey, slides under the ropes, grabs Stryker by the back of the head and sends him into the steel ring post. The ref begins his count again.

(1) Graff drops down to one knee.

(2)Rey walks over to him and grabs a hand full of hair raising Stryker up.

(3) Graff lands a fist to the jaw of Rey.

(4) Rey lands a chop to Graff’s chest.

(5) They begin to exchange blows.

(6) Rey begins to get the better of the exchange.

(7) Graff, gives a thumb to the eye and rolls in under the ropes to break the count then back out. He delievers a boot to the mid section.

The ref begins to count again.

(1) Graff removes the padding from around the ring and exposes concrete.

(2) He grabs Rey and sets him up for a pile driver.

(3). He goes to lift Rey, but is blocked.

(4) he tries again, but it is blocked.

(5). Rey, counters with back body drop to the floor and slides in under the ropes, and begins to try and recoup.**

Vaughn: Oooouuucchhh!!!..That looks really painful, better him then me.

AR: Concrete doesn’t give.

Vaughn: Nothing gets by you, Sherlock!

**Rey slides back out under the ropes and throws Graff back in As Rey slides in Graff runs towards him with a big running clothesline. Before Graff takes Rey’s head off, Rey rolls out of the way and Graff hits the turnbuckle chest first. Graff turns around and holds his chest in pain and sees Rey fly at him with a big body splash. The big man a bit stunned walks with a limp towards the middle of the ring. Rey bounces off the ropes and tries another splash towards Graff.)

(NO! Graff catches him in his arms like a baby and lifts him into a torture rack. Rey screams, but Graff sets him up for a back breaker. The smaller man drapes over Graff’s shoulders and Graff drops to one knee putting a large impact on Rey’s lower back. The Japanese crowd gives a small applause to the two move combo. Graff points to the foreign crowd and shouts “I WILL DESTROY THE HONOR OF WPW.” The bigger man turns around to look for Rey, but only to find he is gone. He looks at one of the top ropes and Rey waves at him and jumps on top of him for a HURICANRANNA. Rey goes for the pin.)



(Kick out by Graff.)

(The Japanese crowd gives another small applause. Rey jumps back on the top rope and signals he is going to fly. The Honorable one flies the top rope with a frog splash, but NO! Some how Stryker moves out of the way and Rey lands right on his stomach. Stryker gets up and picks up Rey by the head and sets him up for German Suplex. He hits ONE German Suplex. The crowd counts TWO, a second German suplex. THREE and a third German suplex. Looks like Stryker is getting cocky and going for a forth German suplex and HE DOES.)

AR - Rey is knocked out cold after those four devastating suplex.

(The smaller man lays in the middle of the ring lifeless. Graff goes for the pin.)



(To early for the pin fall as Rey easily kicksout.) Stryker picks up Rey and throws him back into another corner. The big man runs towards Rey with a rising knee attack right into Rey’s throat. Rey gasp for air, while holding his throat. Stryker motions that his foot will be hitting Rey’s chin. Under his breath Rey says “Bring it.” Rey smiles at Stryker and Stryker performs his own Super kick or as he calls it the “Persona Destroyer.” Again Rey is too quick and catches Stryker’s foot. He somehow trips Stryker to the floor by sweeping the other leg and gets an ankle lock on the big man. Stryker screams in pain and the Ref asks him if he gives up. Graff gives a head shake NO. The Japanese crowd claps again as they like what they see.)

AR – I think he calls that one “Pride”

(Graff pushes himself up and reaches the ropes. Ref tells Rey to let go and he does. They meet up in the middle of the ring again, but this time Rey runs towards one of the ropes. Graff tries to spear him, but Rey dives under his legs. Stryker looks around for the smaller man and is hit with a drop toe hold right on to the second rope. His arms and head hang and Rey runs towards the opposite ropes and a 619 right into Stryker’s face. Rey pulls the big man into a corner. Rey yells “REY SAULT!” He jumps from the floor to the second rope to the third rope and NO! Stryker grabs the back of Rey’s head and a BRAIN BUSTER FROM THE TOP ROPE. Somehow Graff got up and drove the back of Rey’s head into the canvas.)

(Finally Graff goes for the pin.)



(Kick out by Rey. Stryker picks up Rey and throws him into the ropes and a powerful spear right into Rey’s sternum. )

AR - The big man has taken control once again over the lightning quick Rey.

(Rey breathes hard as Graff sets him up for his finisher the Grave Danger his signature Death Valley Driver. The smaller man goes for the ride and the GRAVE DANGER on Rey. The ref counts.)



(Again kick out by Rey. The Japanese give another small applause for the two men’s great effort. Stryker seems a bit frustrated. He brings back Rey to one of his favorite corners. Stryker puts his large boot to the throat of Rey. Rey holds the boot and tries to break free. The ref counts to four and tells Stryker to let go. Stryker lets go and is met with a big missile drop kick to his chest. The big man falls back a bit. Rey comes up to him and has a combo of chops and kicks to the large man’s legs. Eventually the bigger man falls and Rey with a standing moonsault. He goes for the cover.)



(No kick out by Graff as he lifts Rey off himself. Graff gets up quickly and looks at Rey and simply picks him up over his shoulders for a body press. He walks towards the ropes and drops Rey right on this throat into one of the top ropes.)

AR – That throat of Rey’s must be killing him.

(Graff laughs at Rey’s destruction. Stryker throws Rey into the ropes and tries for another running spear. Rey COUNTERS with a face buster and two laying elbows to the back of Graff’s neck. Rey rolls Graff over and goes for another pin.)




CC: NOOOO! Another kick out in this great match as Graff barely kicks out.)

(Now Rey seems a bit frustrated and picks up Graff into one of the corners. He chops Graff in the chest a few times and kicks him in the back of the legs for good measure. Rey tells the crowd its time for the Honor Sault. He grabs Graff for running 3/4 headlock into a flipping inverted reverse DDT and the pin! )




AR: And we have a winner!

Vaughn: And a new poster boy for birth control!

CC: Will you please……**Gets cut short by Vaughn**

Vaughn: Anytime you want..**Sarcastic grin**

CC: How about never? Does never work for you?

RA: Your winner of this first round Continental Title tournament match....Irey...Rey Sanchez!!!!!

AR: A deserved win by Rey and when he learns of your comments Rick you’ll pay.

Vaughn: Nope.

The scene cuts backstage to the G-Force locker room. David Capital, Curtis Lowe, and Kelly Capital sit in front of The Icon” Chris Lee, who has his Big Gold Title slung over his shoulder. He wears a shirt that says WpWs Most Violent Man. He paces in front of his teammates.*

Lee: Guys, tonight is about unity. We gotta stick together guys! I know we had a tough time at Heatwave. But I retained THIS!

*He taps his Big Gold Title.*

Lee: Next GoldPush, Ive gotta take on Rey AND Vaughn for this title. But tonights about David

*He moves in front of David and puts his hands on David's shoulders.*

Lee: David getting his first win here. Movin on in the tourney. And it’s also about Kelly.

*He points at the Kelly.*

Lee: Its about ya goin’ out there, kickin’ ass, beatin’ Destiny, and movin’ on. Because it's gonna be an ALL G-FORCE CONTINENTAL TITLE FINAL! I'm gonna go out with Kel, Curtis you go out there with David. Were gonna kick some ass today. Now G-Force on three.

*The ensemble gets to their feet, makes a circle, and all four of them put their hands in.*


G-Force: G-FORCE!

CC: The Big Gold Champion is here with G-Force and he is rallying his troops for a big night! We’ll be back!

GoldPush cuts to commercial and returns 2 minutes later.

CC: Bracket A of the Continental Title Tournament continues now on our first night of the GoldPush World Tour.

**On the WPWtron the words "Do you belive in Ghosts?" slowly appear on the screen as all the lights dim. As Whiskey in the Jar starts playing the lights flash and Delilah Ghost stands at the top of the ramp. She walks to the ring, taking her time, grinning and singing along with the music. When she gets to the ring Delilah turns her back to it, grabs the top rope and pulls herself up and into the ring**

RA: The following CONTINENTAL TITLE TOURNAMENT CONTEST is scheduled for ONE FALL, with the winner advancing to the QUARTERFINALS of the CONTINENTAL TITLE TOURNAMENT. Introducing first.....DELILAH GHOST!

Vaughn: She looks like she has spent the day powdering her face for that retro bled pig look!

CC: Do you think you could find atleast one nice thing to say today?

Vaughn: Probably not!

AR: That says more about you Vaughn than the people you are taking cheap shots at.

CC: Allen, I CONCUR. Rick your comments are uncalled for and undeserving of the talent in WpW.

**Whats it gonna be hits the PA as red and white lasers circle the arena. Slow and arrogant, Paul Drake emerges to the top of the ramp and makes his way to the ring.

RA: And her opponent, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 238 pounds......“THE LOVESTER”.....PAUL DRAKE!

Drake gets into the ring as What’s It Gonna Be shuts off. Drake looks down at Delilah and laughs. Delilah lands a boot to the head. The ref calls for the bell**

CC: Delilah may be little overmatched here in some minds, don't you think?

AR: Absolutely not, my little flower.

CC: I’ll go on a limb and pick Delilah to win tonight.

Vaughn: Lovester wins. I beat some sense into him at Heatwave, maybe.

**Delilah quickly lifts Drake to his feet and sends him to the ropes, on the way back he is met with a drop kick. Delilah quickly gets back up and gives a kick to the head. Dragging him up to his feet she, she backs up and takes a full swing with her weight behind it at Paul’s head with her forearm. Drake is able to duck under and quickly grabs Delilah form behind into a atomic drop. Delilah falls into the ropes and bounces backwards. Drake shoulder block her knee out from under her sending her crashing to the mat. Paul quickly gets up and begins to work over Delilah’s legs**

CC: Looks like he is trying to ground Delilah by taking out her legs.

AR: Smart move.

**Drake continues to work over the leg and Knee area, until He pulls Delilah to her feet. Drake throws a punch, which Delilah counters into a cobra clutch slam. Delilah quickly goes for the pin.



. . .

. . .


. . . . .

. . .

CC: So close. He just got his shoulder up at the last instances.

**Delilah quickly goes back on the offensive. Pulling Drake up she send him to the ropes and catches him with a back body drop that sends him high into the air before crashing down on the mat. Delilah is quick to climb to the turnbuckle facing out into the crowd, she looks back to line up her position with drake, raises one hand in the air towards the crowd and sends her self off the top top turnbuckle back flipping into the air and lands on her target. The force with which she lands bounces her off drake, knocking the wind out of her.**

CC: Oh my God!. Did you see that Roz, she had to be 20 feet in the air.

AR: Yes, but I think she may have hurt herself just as much as Drake with that move.

**After a moment, Delilah slowly crawls her way over to drake and goes for the cover.




. . . .


. . . . .

. . . . .

CC: Another close call!

Vaughn: Took her to long to go for the cover. Drake is going to go away easily this week.

AR: You should have lost to Drake!.

Vaughn: Roz, I don’t know the meaning of the word lose.

AR: For the first time today I’ll actually agree with you

Vaughn: Really?

AR: Sure, I bet there are lots of words you don’t know the meaning, decency, taste, honesty, to name but a few more.

Vaughn: I can always tell when your lying, your lips are moving.

Delilah throws a kick that doesn't go high. She nails the Lovester with a low-blow. Lovester falls to his knees then falls backwards.


AR: Inadvertent?

CC: Absolutely!

Delilah looks a little shocked, but immediately heads for the turnbuckle. She climbs to the top as Lovester lies on his back, clutching his crotch.

CC: Delilah up there in no-man's land.

AR: But as she's proved it's one-woman's land up there.

Delilah leaps off and smashes into Lovester's already hurting midsection with a gigantic splash. She lies on top of him for the cover.

. .


.. ..


... ...



CC: Delilah picks up the win here. The low-blow and splash combo get it done quickly here.

AR: The Lovester's New York Strip Steak cost him the match right there.


Vaughn: I think I’m gonna go buy a beer.

CC: Congratulations to Delilah as she advances...

AR: I’m being told my little flower we’re having to go outside right now where someone is arriving.

[[Backstage in the back of the arena the garage door begins rising revealing a man who stands wearing all black.]]

AR: DO you know who that is?

[[The man is none other than “Th Look Th Size” Dennis Mann. He is wearing a plain black t-shirt, black leather pants and black shoes. His hair is long going down his shoulders. He grabs the person who pulled the rope down to open the garage door a diminutive Japanese man.]]

“Th Look Th Size” Denn-Mann:: Chumpsky, Get me a microphone. It’s been too many months since I’ve been on a wrestling show....It’s time for me to do Th’ Talkin!

CC: This man is making his debut here tonight, We understand he was just signed to a contract in WpW and only last night competed in the Federation Cup Battle Royal eliminating Superstar Will Evans and Jake Matthews.

AR: The seven footer was impressive in his first match in WpW and appeared to have no ring rust, Let’s hear what he has to say.

Denn-Mann:: I’m not here to put the “PRO” in WPW, and I’m not even really here to put the “Wrestling” in WPW...but I am here to add to it’s “Worldly” quality. YES ah-Ha! I’m here to make sure you all realize that as of right now....WPW is livin in a whole OTHER WORLD...So I just gotta know...Where’s that Chumpsky who balls like a baby, Mystic Baller? My crystal ball predicts he loses the TV title tonight. How about former Big Goldylocks Champion The Gothic Cleetus of Hazard County Lost Sheep to Shepard, Lost Soul? Or what about WPW’s World Chump A,E,I,O,YOU, Yourself Striken? All of you chumpskies have now got to deal with a whole other world...

[[Denn-Mann steps into the arena a little further.]]







Denn-Mann:: I paid a little visit to the production truck before telling the door man here Open Sesame and, they have their marching orders to make things clearer for everyone here tonight and watching at home. I’ll make this short and sweet, I’m only the first one through the door but next time Goldpush hits the screens, I have another brother who’s going to stand with me because he is here to usher in a whole OTHER WORLD to WPW...







[[Denn-Mann gives a cue and the camera cuts to the arena where the screen goes fuzzy and then up on it appears an “oWo” logo under it reading “OTHER WORLD ORDER”. The Crowd “ooooooooooooooooo‘s“ at the sight of the logo.]]

[[The camera cuts back to Denn again and he rips his plain black t-shirt off revealing an “oWo” t-shirt.]]

Denn-Mann: It’s starting again but this time OWO has meaning....We’re bringing a whole other world to WPW because that’s exactly what this is....A whole OTHER world!!!! My big surprise brother reveals himself next time....YES ah-HA!

[[“Th Look Th Size” Dennis Mann then turns around and leaves back through the garage door.]]

CC: The OWO is coming to WPW?

AR: Well I do know they had many fans in their previous incarnation elsewhere but I really don’t know what to make of this “other world” talk. It is fair to say though. I see where he’s coming from.

CC: Maybe he’s right but I just have to wonder who is the man that Dennis Mann is claiming will be here next GoldPush to wear the oWo t-shirt?

AR: It isn’t me my little flower. This should be a surprise to many. The oWo. Maybe next week Monique can investigate this oWo formation in WpW and see who’s behind it or in it with Dennis Mann.

CC: Right now before we go to break, We’ve dispatched Monique to investigate another matter. The matter of just who attacked CEO Lilly at Heatwave.

AR: Former CEO.

CC: Whatever.

Rick Vaughn sits back down with his beer.

CC: As a matter of fact,**Looks over at Rick** I haven’t even heard you say anything about the lily assault.

Vaughn: That’s cause I ain’t got anything to say.

CC: Why not, don’t you want to defend yourself?

Vaughn: Defend myself? Why should I? Let me tell you something, I don’t care what people think. Maybe I did do it and maybe I didn’t, but the truth of the matter is you, Roz, and everyone else are going to think whatever it you wanna think. I am not saying I did, but if I did, I had a damn good reason to put that bump on that little tarts head.

CC: Either way, Monique will get an exclusive right after this....

GoldPush goes to commercials then returns.

(The scene cuts backstage where Monique is standing by with Micheal Graves.)

Monique: Micheal, as I'm sure you know, our CEO, Tyger Lilly was attacked backstage and left for dead at WPW Heatwave just two weeks ago. There have been alot of suspected named that have come up while trying to figure out exactly who might have attacked her. One of those names Micheal, is yours, where were you when Lilly was attacked?

Micheal Graves: Wow, your straight to the point aren't you? Listen, I was preparing for my match later that night with GRENDEL. I had a chance for a title shot, so on Heatwave, that was my only concern.

Monique: Do you have any witnesses who can prove that you were only preparing for your match, and not say, in Lilly's office?

Micheal Graves: No, I didn't hang around anyone that night, I came in and wrestled my match, after that I took the first flight home.

Monique: Your story doesn't seem to have much credit behind it Micheal, you have no way to prove your alibi.

Micheal Graves: Listen, do you want me to say that I did it? Would that make you feel better to know that Micheal Graves walked right into Lilly's office and jumped her while she had her back turned to me? Do you want me to tell you that I wrestled her to the ground, and then, as I was trying to choke the life out of her, I grabbed a paper weight off her desk, and smashed it right into the back of her head? Is that what you want to hear!?!

Monique: Well... I...

Micheal Graves: I guess next you would want to know WHY I did it wouldn't you!?! Hmmm, lets think for a second, why would I attack our beloved CEO? Maybe because of the first match she ever booked me in, Myself and Vampira vs Lilly and SBK. The match that made me a laughing stock in this company. Not because of the fact that I lost, but because of how BAD I lost that match. Maybe then you would want to know how I have wanted to gain some measure of revenge ever since it happened? How I have sat back and planed my first move, how I knew, exactly the right moment to enter her office, while nobody was around... Well sister, none of it happened, like I said, I was preparing for my match.

(With that Micheal just glares at Monique for a second, and then walks off camera.)

CC: Later tonight in bracket B, Micheal Graves will be facing the returning Vladimir Radinovic who we understand has spent the last several weeks helping train his countrymen back in Russia. Micheal Graves also is related to our next match in Bracket A of the Continental Title Tournament.

AR: Rumors are there is a connection between him and our first Tournament match with Stryker Graff and Rey.

CC: Yes, but Rey won but was unable to unmask Stryker Graff.

AR: One Graves we can assure you is here is Destiny Graves and she is making her WpW debut tonight as well.

The lights fade down as white and gold spotlights, fill the arena, suddenly without warning we hear Destiny's voice ‘You can't run from your Destiny’ come booming from the PA system, followed by the opening sounds of Scandalous. As her video starts to play, she walks out on stage, wearing her signature trench coat and cowboy hat. She looks to both sides of the stage and takes the hat off and holds it up in the air as a gold pyro shoots across the stage. She smiles and puts the hat back on and walks down the ramp. She gets to the ring and hops up on the side and steps over the middle rope. She walks to the middle of the ring and takes the hat off again, getting a loud cheer from the crowd, then turns to the entrance ramp and takes off the jacket and hat.

Vaughn: Those Spandex are so tight you can take her blood pressure visually.

RA: The following CONTINENTAL TOURNAMENT TITLE CONTEST is scheduled for one fall, with the winner advancing into the QUARTERFINALS of the CONTINENTAL TITLE TOURNAMENT. Introducing first, from NEW YORK CITY…DESTINY GRAVES!

CC: Destiny Graves, a newcomer as mentioned here in WpW, looks to make her mark here by beating Kelly Capital here in the Continental Title Tournament. Kelly did much the same thing on the GoldPush before Heatwave, defeating then-undefeated in the women’s division Delilah Ghost.

AR: The only marks Destiny will have when this is done is the marks all over her from Kelly’s beating.

The Girl Can Rock by Hilary Duff hits the PA system as Kelly Capital walks out from behind the curtain. Closely behind her, with his Big Gold Title slung over his shoulder and his head bandaged up is The Icon Chris Lee. Kelly blows kisses to the crowd as Lee looks up and yells something at Destiny. The fans applaud Kelly and The Icon as they approach the ring.

RA: And her opponent, from Washington, DC, accompanied by World Pro Wrestling BIG GOLD CHAMPION THE ICON Chris Lee, representing G-FORCE KELLY CAPITAL!

CC: Kelly Capital certainly has shown her stuff in WpW, defeating Delilah Ghost as was just mentioned in her first ever match.

CC: Kelly works out every day and keeps herself in great shape.

Vaughn: It looks like she ran a 100 yard dash in a 90yard gym.

CC: She is currently single and I think the men would be lining up to take her out.

Vaughn: Are you kidding me, she is so ugly even the tide wouldn’t take her out.

AR: Kelly is in great shape, she’s very skilled, and she’s drawing on the experiences of both a brawler in “Icon” and a technician in her brother David.

CC: Certainly “Icon” retained that Big Gold Championship in that now-famous draw against Rey at Heatwave. So G-Force’s leader still has the Big Gold, and now he’s out at ringside to advise Kelly in her match-up against Destiny.

The referee points for the bell and the match starts. Destiny immediately steps to Kelly and starts taunting at her. She laughs in Kelly’s face and points scornfully at “The Icon”. Lee simply shakes his head and steps away from the ring apron towards the barricade with his hands in the air. Destiny turns and smirks at Kelly. She slaps Kelly right across the face. Kelly leans to the side after the slap. Destiny flashes a smile. Suddenly, without warning, Kelly turns like lighting and lashes out with the Capital K. She connects soundly to the side of Destiny’s head. Destiny falls like a ton of bricks to the canvas, landing on her stomach completely motionless.

CC: Kelly just kicked Destiny into next week.

AR: I think next year would be more appropriate. Destiny is out. Shes done.

Kelly kicks Destiny over and places her foot on Destiny’s chest. The referee slides down for the count. .

CC: Just like that?









AR: Just like that. Kelly Capital wins in dominant fashion tonight. One move, and that move was the devastating Capital K.

Vaughn: I see a lot of potential for her. She could be one of the 10,000 best burger flippers of all time at McDonalds if she starts working at it now.

CC: Kelly showed just how dangerous that move really is. She caught Destiny just right and knocked her completely out.

AR: It helped that Destiny did no preparation for this match and no scouting whatsoever. When you go into a match with anyone that can hit you as quick as Kelly can, you need to be prepared.

CC: And prepared it seems Destiny wasn't. She'll have learned her lesson though. I'm sure we'll see Destiny Graves back and who knows maybe even dropping other opponents with one move herself.

RA: Your winner of this match and advancing in the Continental Title tournament...KELLY CAPITAL!

The referee raises Kelly’ hand and Lee slides into the ring, taking Kelly’s other hand and raising it. With his free hand he raises the Big Gold Title. The two slide out of the ring. Lee raises Kelly’s hand again and hoists her up on his shoulders. She waves and blows kisses to the crowd as he raises the Big Gold Title once again.

CC: G-Force riding high with new-found unity as Kelly Capital advances to the next round of the Continental Title Tournament.

The scene shifts backstage. Coming down the hallway are Alex Hart and new husband, Samus Bellemont. The two enter a locker room. A few seconds later, the voice of Samus can be heard.

Lost Soul: What the...

Laughter drowns out the question.

Voice: Fuck the darkness, Samus.

A loud clanging noise is heard. It appears as if there is a beating occurring inside the locker room. The scream of Alex Hart solidifies this fact.

CC: Not sure what this is all about we’ll be back.

GoldPush goes to commercials then returns to the locker room.

The locker room door flies open with Samus and Alex falling out of the room and to the arena floor. Samus is bleeding profusely from the forehead, and Alex Hart looks to be unconscious.

CC: Lost Soul and wife Alex Hart have been beaten to a pulp backstage!

AR: We've got to find whose responsible for this, CC.

The camera enters the locker room, where no one can be seen. The wall nearest the door has a phrase spray painted on it with red paint, it reads "Death to the Darkness".

AR: Someone has attacked Lost Soul and his wife. I can't believe this!

CC: Looks like we're gonna' have yet another "whodunit" mystery.

Vaughn: Wasn’t me.

AR: Who ever it was they did quite a number to those two.

EMTs rush to the side of Samus and Alex. They notice Samus stirring, and he motions for them to help Alex, whom still rests unconscious. The paramedics lift Hart up and lay her on the stretcher. One of the paramedics helps Samus to his feet, and asks what happened.

Paramedic: What happened to you guys? Lost Soul can't answer as he motions for them to get Alex to the ambulance. The paramedics roll Alex as Lost Soul follows them to the rear of the arena, as the scene shifts back to the Candice and Allen.

CC: I wish Monique was there to get to the bottom of this but she is elsewhere backstage right now standing by with Grendel.

(The scene cuts to elsewhere in the backstage area where we see Monique with mic in hand looking for people to interview about the attack on CEO Lilly at HeatWave……Monique spots the man they call GRENDEL walking out of the locker room and starts to head his way…..)

Monique: GRENDEL, excuse me, GRENDEL can I have a word with you.

(GRENDEL stops and turns to look toward Monique…..GRENDEL shakes his head yes and walks to where Monique is standing….)

GRENDEL: Why of course, what you got on your mind?

Monique:Well first off I for one didn’t expect you to make the trip to Japan, and when you showed up during Striken’s ring ceremony, I was shocked.

GRENDEL: Well Striken isn’t the only one around here that can play the mind games. Striken is a smart man, but I just wanted to remind him who is will be facing down the road for the world title.

Monique: Now that your hear, I’ve been on sort of a detective mission. As you recall at HeatWave someone attacked CEO Lilly and sent her to the hospital. I’ve asked several other superstars and I’m leaving no rock unturned. So my question to you is, did you do it?

GRENDEL: I’m shocked that you even considered me a suspect. But to answer your question, no I had nothing to do with it. I have my own list of suspects, and I like the rest of WpW want to get to the bottom of this. I for one hope Lilly is doing ok, and I know she is watching this as she recoups, Lilly hope you like the flowers I sent ya, get well soon girl.

Monique: That’s sweet. We know that SBK isn’t here in Japan, but what happened to your manger, AJ?

GRENDEL: The hell if I know. Don’t know why SBK isn’t here, but AJ doesn’t check his voice mail often enough. I told him I planned on making the trip, but he never got back with me.

Monique: Maybe AJ and SBK are cooking something up since they skipped GoldPush?

GRENDEL: I doubt that, Shawn can’t stand to be in the same room as AJ. And I think the feeling is mutual with AJ.

Monique: Speaking of Shawn Stryker, he made an interesting speech at HeatWave after his tag team match, now it seems he wants nothing to do with this company. I know you two used to be good friends, what are you thoughts on that?

GRENDEL: Shawn made some interesting points. Points that needed to be made. I understand where he is coming from. I haven’t talked to him since I’ve been in WpW. I think mainly because of my manager. As to his whereabouts, I have no clue.

Monique: Well thank you for you time GRENDEL.

GRENDEL: Sure thing, anytime.

(The scene switches to somewhere else backstage, where we see Vampira standing alone in the locker room. Her eyes are fixed on the television monitor as Micheal graves walks in, closing the door behind him. Vampira turns to look at Micheal, as he walks closer to her with a slight grin on his face.)

Vampira: What's that look for?

Micheal Graves: I was just, interrogated but Monique, if you can call it that.

Vampira: What are you talking about?

Micheal Graves: She wanted to know if I was the person who attacked Lilly, I took over the conversation though, she didn't even get a chance to try and bring my being with you into the mix.

Vampira: That was a smart move, if I were to be brought into that conversation, then you would have became the number one suspect. Everyone knows I can't stand Lilly.

Micheal Graves: Then how can you possibly stand me?

Vampira: I have my reasons for putting up with you.

(Micheal walks closer to Vampira, and places his hands on her hips.)

Vampira: What about Destiny, I thought she was your "True" love?

(Micheal just smirks at that comment.)

Micheal Graves: Destiny means nothing to me, I only used her in XWF to get close to my brother, now with him dead, she is useless.

Vampira: So... are you just using me?

Micheal Graves: ... Maybe.

(Micheal moves in for a kiss, the two lock lips, they share in a passionate kiss)

CC: Interesting turn of events there. Destiny Graves loses and now Micheal Graves has renewed interest in Vampira.

AR: This co-insiding with Lilly being attacked at Heatwave and then Lost Soul and Alex Hart getting attacked.

AR: Here we go, CC, Cam Ferguson will take on The Phil in yet another of our Continental Tournament first round matches.

CC: Should be a good one, AR. Cam Ferguson showed great talent in winning the Grab for the Grudge match at Heatwave.

AR: I concur, now, let's send it up to Roxy Adams.

(The opening drum salvo for 'Harvester Of Sorrow' kicks in violently, & the lights go out. As the guitar riff then begins a single spotlight turns on, focusing on the entrance way. After a lull in the music, the guitars come back just before the vocals start & out comes Cam Ferguson. He ignores the crowd, which causes the Japanese crowd to respond with hisses. Cam walks slowly to the ring with his head staring at the floor. After circling the ring once Cam rolls in under the bottom rope & is just about ready. )

RA: Coming to the ring...from Glasgow, Scotland...CAM FERGUSON!!!

Vaughn: Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, Cam just gargled.

CC: I tell you, Cam really holds some power in WpW with winning the “Grab for the Grudge” match. He can make himself or for that matter any match in WpW of his choosing. I’d call that smart.

AR: But remember it would be non-sanctioned so if it were against a champion it would be non-title.

CC: But still One GoldPush he can announce to use the “Grab for Grudge” contract and the very next Goldpush, that match would happen.

RA: And now, Making his way to the ring at this time, hailing from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma of the United States of America, he weighs in at two hundred and eighty four pounds. His height is six feet and five inches...

(Phillip Shane Abernathy, the WpW's Assassin for Hire!

The well lit arena goes pitch black almost as the echoes of Roxy Adams permeate through the room. Soon, the sound is replaced with the heckling and deaming chants of the Japanese crowd. Even in Japan the crowds boo the name of Phil. Audio finally recovers on the PA track with the the words "So this is what it means to have friends. Hmph. Screw em." The wailing of electric guitar echoes over the crowd with the opening riffs for "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack. As the audio rises the boos eventually drown out in the first five seconds as a wall of pyros ignites at the entrance.)

AR: As much as I despise this man, he knows how to put his paycheck to good use.

Candice Calloway: What do you mean Allen?

Allen Rozell: You really think WpW would put forth this much money for a no name?

Candice Calloway: You make a good point, though apparently The Phil never got the staff a replacement tron video.

Vaughn: I heard he called the suicide hotline the other night and they told him he was doing the right thing.

(Phillip Shane Abernathy steps through the smoke wearing a black T-Shirt with the words Fuck You on front of them, and his typical generic blue jeans and shoes. On the back. The camera crew near the gorilla position gets a good shot around his body, the WpWtron now showing very plainly the scar on the back of his neck from the knife gash. Phil flexes his neck from side to pop it like normal, the scar moving with his motions. Phil finally makes his way down towards the ring.)

Allen Rozell: And that scar will definitely be a focal point of Cam Ferguson in this match.

(Phil finally makes his way into the ring and steps through the ropes, to take his place in the corner normally reserved for challengers.)

(The lights in the arena all turn off as the PA system goes dead silent. The crowd is dead silent. The PA system comes over with the words "So this is what it means to have friends. Screw em." The beginning guitar solo for "I stand alone" starts in as two spotlights hit the entrance of the arena. The man that WPW has come to hate over the last few weeks comes out wearing his standard fair of black T-Shirt and blue jeans. He glares around the arena before he starts walking towards the ring. He slides under the bottom rope almost serpent like. He cautiously stands before making his way to a lone corner. )

RA: His opponent...from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma...PHILLIP SHANE ABERNATHY

CC: As soon as Roxy exits the ring we'll be ready to go.

{Roxy climbs out of the ring and down the ring steps as the bell sounds...ding, ding. Phil and Cam circle each other, waiting for the opportunity to tie up. The Phil extends his hand and Cam takes the cue as the two men lock up. Phil takes the early advantage, simply overpowering Cam to the mat.}

AR: P.S.A. weighs 384 pounds, CC. Cam Ferguson only comes in at 221. Major size advantage if you ask me.

{The Phil tries to drop a knee across Cam's neck. Ferguson rolls out of the way as Phil slams into the mat. Ferguson quickly hops to his feet and backs away into a corner. The Phil also quickly gets to his feet. The Phil once again attempts to lock up with Cam. Ferguson ducks the attempts and delivers a shoulder block to the gut of Phil. Ferguson uses the opportunity to catch Phil with a drop kick. The Phil falls backward, coming to rest against the ring ropes. Cam charges Phil and delivers a knee to the throat of P.S.A. }

CC: The quickness and in-ring experience of Cam Ferguson becoming evident. So Roz, have you gotten out to see the sights of Japan yet?

AR: Yes, I must say this place with quiet lovely. I admire the Japanese culture greatly

Vaughn: I’m not too impressed…First off, sushi..Sorry, but cutting up raw fish and rolling it in rice seems like it was created by a lazy chef. And what is with all these people. They look like they have been stung by bees on there eyelids.

CC: Rick, can’t you please say something nice for a change. Just one nice thing about Japan.

Vaughn: Well, I do hear that Hiroshima gives off a nice glow at night.

The Phil falls forward and lands face first into the mat. Ferguson moves down to Phil's leg. He grabs his left leg and twists it, locking a figure four onto The Phil.

AR: This one may be over quickly..

*The figure four is locked onto The Phil. P.S.A. tries to fight the move off. He uses his sheer size and strength to crawl all the way to the opposite end of the ring, where he grabs the ring ropes. The ref breaks the hold. *

CC: Pure muscle allowed The Phil to get outta' that submission move.

*Cam backs away allowing The Phil to get to his feet. The Phil limps around for a second, trying to get the feeling back into his leg. Cam tries to rush him while his guard is down. Ferguson attempts a spinning heel kick, but The Phil catches his leg. Ferguson then attempts an enzijuri, but The Phil ducks the attempts and delivers a clothesline sending Cam to the mat.*

AR: Nice move there by Phillip Abernathy.

*he Phil begins to tear into Cam with punches while he's down. Cam tries to cover his face as The Phil continues to pummel him. Finally, The Phil gets up and lifts Cam to his feet. He whips Cam across the ring. Ferguson bounces off the ropes and back towards The Phil. P.S.A. grabs Cam up and slams him with belly-to-belly suplex. The Phil goes for the cover. 1 .. .. 2 ... ...KICK OUT! *

CC: This one was almost over.

*The Phil pushes himself off of Cam and gets to his feet. P.S.A. turns and taunts the foreign crowd, causing them to erupt in hisses of disapproval. This allows Cam Ferguson to get to his feet. The Phil turns back towards his opponent, where Cam catches him with a boot to the gut followed up by an evenflow DDT. The Phil crashes to the mat in a heap. Cam bounces off the ropes, hops over Phil, then leaps off the 2nd rope, executing a lionsault on Phil. Cam goes for a cover of his own. 1 .. ..AR: Cam going for the victory 2 ...KICK OUT!

CC: Unsuccessful attempt, though, Allen.

*Cam climbs back to his feet as The Phil pulls himself up using the ring ropes. Once to his feet, The Phil attempts a running clothesline on Cam. The Phil catches Cam with the clothesline, sending him crashing to the mat with the back of his head landing hard. The Phil stands over Cam. A smile crosses his face as he leaps into the air and hits Cam Ferguson with a standing splash. The Phil hooks Cam's leg as the ref goes for the three count. 1 ..

AR: May be over, CC! *. .





CC: I think it is, AR!





RA: Your winner and moving on to the second round of the Continental Title tournament...PHILLIP SHANE ABERNATHY!

CC: A match that could have went either way but The Phil put in more than Cam on this night to get the win.

AR: I concur.

Vaughn: I’m going for some popcorn.

*The scene goes backstage to find Nicole in her locker room brushing her hair in front of a tall mirror talking to her stuffed duck*

Nicole: Know what Duck, ever feel like you bein watched? I feel like I am bein watched! ooooh who ever is watching me better watch out I am a master in Duck Kung Fu! and I will kick their ass, just like Imma do to all those guys in the ring tonight.

*Just then a gust of wind blows thru the room. Nicole looks around as it stops just a suddenly as it started*

Nicole: Duck did you leave the window open?

*Nicole looks over her shoulder*

Nicole: Umm wait there is no window

*Nicole shrugs a bit nervous but shrugs it off and turns back only to see the reflection of Vampira standing behind her....Nicole freezes and looks like she has seen a ghost. Nicole turns around only to find nothing but the wall, no Vampira, Nicole turns back and the reflection is gone*

Nicole: SH-T! No more caffeine for me Duck, *Nicole laughs a bit nervous and looks around once more as the scene fades*

CC: Was that Vampira?

AR: I think so. Eerie.

*The camera cuts to elsewhere in the back where you can see one of WPW newest wrestlers SuperStar Will Evans walking down the hall. The camera man catches up with him

Camera Man: Mister Evans Mister Evans

*Will turns around and stops so the camera guy can catch up

Will Evans: What do you want can't you see that I am busy trying to score with the ladies of WPW and speaking of scoring there is the lady I have been looking for.

*The camera turns to see who Will Evans is taking about. The camera zooms in on Tiffany. Will starts to walk towards Tiffany who is talking to one of the stage crew.

Will Evans: Well, well look who it is.

*Tiffany turns towards were the voice is coming from to see Will Evan standing only a few feet away with a great big grin on his face.

Will Evans: Did anyone ever tell you that you look so much better in person.

*Will starts to walk around Tiffany eyeing her up like a piece of meat.

Will Evans: Well I can say that your ass looks great in that skirt.

Tiffany: Well, I'd be flattered if you weren't such a prick. *It seems like Will Evans doesn't even hear this comment.

Will Evans: So yea after I am done kicking Clu's ass tonight how about you come to my hotel room for some real loving. Let me get a little drip into the honey pot if you know what I mean.

*A look of disgusts comes over on Tiffany's face but then a smile breaks though.

Tiffany: Why would I let you near my "honey pot"? Will, face it...I've got a man. A man who is more than your little ass could ever be. Trust me, come a little...(puts up her index finder and thumb finger very closely) short, for me.

*Will Evans looks upset for a second, but then his cocky demeanor returns. Will Evans: Remember what I said if you ever want to get with a real man then my door is always opens for someone as fine as you.

*Will walks over to her and forces himself on her and steals a kiss. Tiffany puts up a fight for awhile with Will Evans then she starts to look like she is enjoying it. Will breaks the kiss and wipes his lips

Will Evans: Tiffany I know you want me so you just can give up the act and get with a real man

*Tiffany wipes her mouth, spits on the floor and glares at Will. The she seductively smiles.

Tiffany: Come here I want to tell you something about what I will do to you later.

*Will Evans bents down to try to hear what Tiffany has to say when out of no where Tiffany slaps Will across the face. She slapped him so hard that an imprint of her hand was on his face.

Tiffany: When Clu finds out about this you are going to be a dead man. Trust me, you son of a bitch, you ever lay your disgusting lips on me again and...

*Will starts to rub his face and then reaches out and grabs Tiffany by the shirt. Tiffany looks scared

Will Evans: Don't you ever hit me again or else next time I will not be so forgiving. But before you go I want you to tell Clu all about this and that if he want me then maybe a match at the next GoldPush would be just what the doctor ordered. Now run off I will be seeing you later on tonight and don't forget to give Clu the message.

*Will let's go of Tiffany's shirt as so goes running down the hall towards her and Clu's dressing room.

Will Evans: Clu I hope your bitch of a girl friend remembers to tell you the message because later on to night you will be mine

*The camera fades out on Will Evans still rubbing his face. CC: It’s time to go back up to Roxy as we kick off Bracket B in the Continental Title tournament.

CC: We're moving on to our next match in the Continental Tournament, Allen.

AR: This one features Micheal Graves and Velimir Radinovic, it should be quite exciting.

CC: We'll, let's send it up to Roxy to announce the combatants. RA: Coming to the ring first...hailing from Moscow, Russia...VELIMIR RADINOVIC!

*"Freak of Nature" starts to play as a Russian flag adorns the tron. Kristoff Sterling walks out first, to a mixed reaction by the fans. followed by Velimir Radinovic. Sterling sits on the 2nd rope, pushing it down to allow Radinovic to step into the ring. Sterling walks to Radinovic's corner as the Russian sits atop a turnbuckle waiting for his opponent for tonight.

RA: His opponent...hailing from Parts Unknown...MICHEAL GRAVES!

*Suddenly the arena lights dim out. There is complete darkness filling the arena. Then A bell is heard, and "For Whom The Bell Tolls BLAST over the PA Speakers! Micheal Graves comes out from the back as blue strobe lights begin flashing at an incredible rate. Micheal raises both arms in victory as he receives a mixed reaction from the crowd. Micheal just smirks at the response, and continues his way to the ring. Micheal notices a kid with a sign that reads "SEAN GRAVES IS STILL ALIVE" Micheal rips the sign out of the kids hands and proceeds to tear it to shreds. Micheal throws the sign to the ground, and spits on it before he proceeds to the ring. Micheal looks up at Velimir Radinovic who is now standing in the middle of the ring. Micheal starts to climb into the ring, but instead he walks over to one of the ring side staff, and grabs a microphone. Micheal then climbs into the ring, and stands in one of the corners as he motions for his music to be cut.

Micheal Graves: Whoa there little guy, you just stay on your side of the ring until that bell rings, got it!?

*Velimir stands there blank faced as he does not understand Micheal, while Sterling seems to be a little upset by the comment.

Micheal Graves: Hell, I'm really not sure why you decided to show up tonight anyway, your mouth piece was even smart enough to admit my talent. And while I'm in Japan preparing for this match, I come to find that Velimir isn't hiding, just training with the Russian Olympic wrestling and weightlifting teams? Ha!! That's a joke in itself!

*Sterling stands by his man, looking a little upset, it appears as if Sterling is explaining to Velimir what Graves is saying.

Micheal Graves: You know, I really have to question the worth of a title, when someone like you can be entered into a tournament for it. We have guys in this tournament who deserve to be in it, and then we have guys like you, who should have stayed in Russia, just like the Russian Olympic team! and Just like the Olympic team, I'm going ot make sure tonight, that Radinovic doesn't get the chance to take home ANY gold!

*Velimir and Sterling have heard enough! Velimir catches Graves off guard with a picture perfect drop kick and sends Graves stumbling back, and through the ropes to the outside. The bell sounds, and the match has officially began. Graves jumps to his feet and begins screaming at Velimir and Sterling. As Graves reaches up and grabs the top rope, getting ready to pull himself back into the ring, Sterling decides it is a good time to exit the ring. Graves climbs up on the ring apron, and stares at Velimir, who is standing in his corner with a smile on his face. Graves finally makes it inside of the ring, and the two men begin to circle each other, sizing one another up. Finally the two lock up in an old fashion grapple. Despite the small height advantage Graves has over Velimir, the two put up quite a struggle. The two men break the grapple, and stare down one another again. And again they lock up, but neither man is able to get the advantage, so the hold is once again broken, but this time, Graves dives through the air and hits Velimir with a diving clothesline! Graves then proceeds to wrap both hands around Velimirs neck as he trying to choke the life out of him! The referee warns Graves, and then starts the five count as Velimir desperately tries to free himself from the hold.

CC: Graves should play by the rules, He’s crazy!

AR: He doesn’t suffer from insanity, he enjoys every minute of it

Vaughn: Definitely cuckoo without the clock!.

AR: Not so glad you could re-join us Rick.





Graves quickly releases the hold right before the five count. Velimir holds his throat and rolls over on his belly as Graves climbs to his feet, and looks over to Sterling laughing. Sterling quickly runs to the closest side of the ring to Velimir and starts yelling for him to get up. Velimir, still holding his neck, climbs up to one knee, as graves walks over for easy prey. Graves grabs Velimir by his head, but is met with a low blow by Velimir for his efforts! Graves drops to the ground, holding his mid section, as Velimir climbs back up to his feet. Velimir shakes off the effect of the illegal choke, and then looks down to Graves, who is still on the ground in pain. Velimir grabs Graves right leg, and kicks the back of it. Velimir raises his hands and turns around playing to the fans here tonight. Velimir then turns his attention back to Graves. Once again he grabs Micheal Graves legs, but this time he applies the... FIGURE FOUR!!! Velimir locks in the hold as Graves begins to flop around in pain! The referee slides in beside of Graves, waiting to see if Graves will submit!

Micheal Graves: NO!!!

*Velimir just locks in on the hold, applying even more pressure then before. The side of Micheals face that isn't painted is turning beat red as he tries to fight off the pain from this move. Graves falls back, and lays flat on the mat, the referee counts.


. .

. .


. .



Graves quickly brings his shoulders up off the mat. Only to fall back down.



. .




. .

Graves is up again, this time he is pivoting all of his weight to one side, trying his best to reverse this move, and put all of the pressure on Velimir. Graves has his arm in the air, fighting for the reverse, Velimir begins to lose control of the move, but NO!! Graves falls back to the mat, and loses the momentum he was building.



. . .


. . . .

Graves fly back up, and is digging in his tights for something! Sterling has seen this before, and quickly jumps up on the apron to warn the referee, but the referee sees Sterling, and rushes over to get him off the apron then, with the refs back turned, Micheal holds the zippo light to his mouth and blows a big ball of FIRE BREATH!!! Right into the eyes of the Russian! Velimir quickly releases the figure four, and Graves rolls out of the ring, and begins to try and walk out the pain. Sterling pushes his way past the referee and makes it to the side of his wrestler. Sterling is checking Velimirs eyes, as the referee continues to try and get him out of the ring. Graves on the other hand is still outside of the ring, and seems to be starting to get some feeling back in his legs. He is walking around, but with a noticeable limp. Finally the Referee does get Sterling to leave the ring, and then turns his attention to Graves on the outside.

CC: Velimir really depends on his manager.

Vaughn: This man is so stupid, he tried to count to 10 and got stuck on 1.

AR: Well, he doesn’t speak a word of English.

Vaughn: He was using his fingers!

CC: Hey Rick, was he stuck on this one?!

**Roz grabs Candice’s hand before she is able to lift it above the table and into plain view.* *

AR: Now, now my little buttercup. Lets try not to sink to his level.


. .


. .

Graves ignores the count, as he props himself against the ring barricade and shakes his leg in hopes of making some of the pain go away.



. 4

. .

Graves walks around the ring ignoring the referees counts.


. .


. Graves rolls into the ring, and right back out again. Velimir is now on his feet, and staring down Graves is hatred in his eyes. The referee is forced to restart the count.


. .


. .

The Russian has seen enough! He runs and dives over the ropes, connecting Graves with a cross body splash! The two men tumble to the ground, but Velimir grabs Graves by the hair and throws him into the ring.


. .

Then Velimir follows. Velimir climbs to the top rope, and motions to the fans. He leaps off with the Czar's Flip, but Graves rolls out of the way right in the nick of time! Velimir crashes into the mat, and both men lay there motionless. Sterling jumps back up on the apron and gets the referees attention, so that his man isn't counted out by the ten count rule. The Referee throws Sterling out of the match!!! Sterling looks upset as the Ref forces him to head up the aisle! After a moment, both men start to move, Graves gets to his feet first, but Velimir is up to one knee. Graves limps over to Velimir and grabs him by his bald head. Graves throws a punch, and another, trying to knock the man back down, but Velimir grabs the third punch, and twist the arm of Graves. Velimir climbs up to his feet, and applies pressure to the arm wrench, but Graves elbows Velimir upside the head for his trouble. Velimir releases the hold, and Micheal stumbles to the ropes, and props himself up on them. Velimir grabs Graves, and whips him into the ropes. Graves bounces off the ropes and heads right back for Velimir who hits the Genocide!!! Velimir tries for the pin!

1 .

. .



. .


Velimir climbs to his feet and raises his arms in victory! But before the referee calls for the bell, he notices that Graves foot was on the ropes! The referee tries to explain to Velimir that he hasn't won the match, but he doesn't understand, and continues to celebrate. Meanwhile Graves is climbing back to his feet, without the Russian knowing. Graves stands in the corner, waiting for the unknowing Velimir to turn around. The crowd is in a frenzy, trying to warn Velimir of the impending danger. Velimir finally turns around, only to see Micheal Graves running towards him, there isn't enough time to react, and Velimir is taken down with a devastating SPEAR! Graves picks Velimir up, and holds him across his shoulder as he climbs to the top rope. Micheal Graves repositions Velimir as if to Fall away slam him from the top... but BODYSAULT! Graves hits the Bodysault on the big man! The referee begins the count.


. . .


. . .


Velimir kicks out!!! Graves jumps to his feet looking frustrated. Graves picks the Russian up, as he notices the referee standing in the corner. Graves whips Velimir into the same corner as the Ref, and the two collide. Both Velimir and the referee fall to the mat. graves quickly rolls to the outside, and grabs a chair. The fans begin to boo as Micheal Graves climbs back into the ring with the chair in hand. Velimir is starting to get back to his feet, while the ref is still on the mat, motionless. Velimir is up, and then out of nowhere SMASH! Graves hits him with the chair, and Velimir falls back to the mat! Graves takes the top of the chair and begins to pound it into the mid section of Velimir, and there is nobody out here to stop it from happening! Graves then pulls Velimir into the middle of the ring, and places the chair on his stomach. Graves climbs to the top rope, and 450 SPLASH! Graves smashes into the chair sending both him and Velimir into a world of pain! Graves rolls over and places an arm over Velimir for the pin, but the ref is still out! Suddenly from the back, here comes Vampira! She slides into the ring, and tries to revive the ref! The referee regains awareness, and begins the very slow count.

1 . .

. 2

. . . 3

Micheal graves has done it! Vampira rushes over to his side, and cradles him in her arms. With Vampiras help, Micheal climbs to his feet, and the two leave together. Micheal is still receiving a mixed reaction, but now the boos are out weighing the cheers.

RA: Your winner...and moving on to the second round of the Continental Title tournament...MICHEAL GRAVES!

CC: Well fans coming up, we’re going to see a piece of video tape that was shot earlier today around back in the United States, it should have huge ramifications on WpW.

AR: I’ve heard the rumors before we went on the air, I can’t wait to see what Shawn Stryker has to say.

Vaughn: If he’s doing an exclusive it should have been done on Rick’s Realm. How dare he?

CC: That’s right fans, coming up we will hear from SBK who is back in the US and we will hear from him right after this time out.

*GoldPush goes to commercials and returns with the following...

*[[The scene is South Texas as it is listed in the corner of the screen. Seated is none other than SBK Shawn Stryker. The arena crowd applauds as they are shown the video via satellite.]]

SBK: Fine fans of the World PRO WRESTLING federation, All good things must come to an end. For the past couple of months I’ve stood literally alone on top of the tag team division and the tag teams with exception of a couple have all but hidden under any rock they could find or cave they could crawl into. Well, seeing as I’ve done all that I can do in WPW within the bounds of my contract and held the WPW World Tag Team Titles not only longer than the previous tag champion but also with the win at Heatwave I’ve now set the standard as the LONGEST REIGNING WPW CHAMPION OF ALL TIME. It’s an accolade that’s found me in every company I’ve ever been a part of and I’m proud to accomplish it here in WPW, but as many of you cats know. My contract is a tag-team exclusive deal as you would find out later but I’ll go ahead and tell you know. The WPW Tag Team Titles are now VACANT. Now, now, that can only mean good things for those who’ve been too scared to step out and announce their aspirations for a tag title shot and it can only mean good things for Good ol’ SBK but I said some things at Heatwave that some people couldn’t handle. They were the truth and the truth backs me up on them or I wouldn’t have said them. There’s a huge divide in WPW. An Upside and a downside. I’m proud to be one of this company’s standard bearers but the days of SBK under tag-team only exclusive deal are coming to an end. Now does this mean I’ll be gunning for this cat or that cat or even my own bro who’s got the World Title? Can‘t say yet. I’m not there tonight because as of Noon today August 23, 2004. My contract was opted out of via mutual agreement and with that the Tag titles became vacant. Does this mean a new deal will be signed? Hasn‘t been one signed yet. Does this mean it’s the final time you’ve seen me on a WPW TV screen? It’s a possibility. If so, farewell and you’ve seen Good ol’ SBK for the final time. If not then...I guess WPW still has a significant Upside to it......

*[[The screen goes fuzzy then cuts back to the Goldpush logo.]]

CC: SBK vacated the tag titles?

AR: Yes that was what just happened as I understood it, more importantly we either just lost SBK from the WPW roster or he’ll be back as a singles wrestler no longer tied down by the tag-team only clause in his now nullified contract.

CC: I hope for our sake WPW keeps SBK. He was truly a dominate champion. Carrying the tag titles and even as he mentioned eclipsed the record as WPW’s longest reigning champion ever.

AR: I’m being told the old record of 203 days was by One-Time Big Gold Champion Jesse Williams.

CC: And now SBK has established a new record of 219 days!

AR: A side note SST’s official run was ended at Wrestival when SBK pinned him to get both shares of the tag team titles. But now the big concern is has WPW lost Shawn Stryker?

CC: I hope not.

(Backstage Devastation is shown. Jarvis and Havoc are walking through the backstage area when they come up to a corner and stop.)

Jarvis: Ok, on the other side of this wall is the women's locker room. But guarding that door around this corner is that big security guard from a few weeks ago.

Havoc: Yeah, I know that. So, what's your plan for getting me to meet Kelly?

Jarvis: I'll distract the guard for as long as possible. Meanwhile, you call for Kelly to come out, you two can meet, and then this madness can end.

Havoc: Sounds good to me.

(Jarvis then runs around the corner and to the security guard. They talk for a few seconds and then run off the other way. Havoc goes into action by walking up to the door and knocking three times.)

Havoc: Special delivery for Kelly Capital.

(The door swings open and Kelly steps out.)

Kelly: Yeah, I'm Kelly.


Kelly: Hi...Havoc. So...where's my delivery?

Havoc: Well...there isn't one. This was the only real way I could talk to you.

Kelly: You've got that right. If my brother saw us talking he would kill you!

Havoc: We'll see tonight. So you’re wrestling too.

Kelly: Yeah. Wish me luck?

Havoc: For what?

Kelly: For my match next round, silly.

Havoc: Oh...yeah...I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous.

Kelly: About facing my brother?

Havoc: That and...I've never talked to anyone as beautiful as you.

(Shocked, Kelly looks down at the ground as she begins to blush. She looks back up and sees that Havoc is also blushing. She also notices that he seems to be shaking uncontrollably.)

Havoc: Kelly, if it isn't too forward, would yo-

Jarvis: Havoc, we've gotta' go! That guard is coming back.

Havoc: Sorry, Kel. I've gotta' go.

(Havoc and Jarvis begin to run to their locker room.)

Havoc: So, how did you distract that guy?

Jarvis: I told him that there was a brawl going on at ringside. With all of the fights that go on in pro wrestling, he didn't need two seconds to react.

(As both men leave, the camera moves back over to Kelly, who is still standing outside her locker room. She looks down at the ground, still blushing, and begins to smile before walking back inside.)

CC: Luckily for Havoc his match isn’t next. It’s Jarvis.

AR: I concur my little flower. He’s definitely interested in Kelly. Two weeks in a row Havoc has tried to meet Kelly and this time he succeeded.

CC: Are you ready for our next tournament match, Allen?

AR: I think I am, CC. Chasm seems to be ready to go. This could be the best commentated match of the night so far. Because Rick Vaughn is on bathroom break Maybe he won’t return.

CC: Well, both men should be ready for this one, as the winner moves on and the loser is out of the bracket. Let's send it to Roxy.

*"Toxicity" by System of a Down begins to play. Jarvis slowly walks down to the ring with a big smirk on his face. He gets on the apron, looks to the crowd, raises his arms, and says his catchphrase.

RA: Coming to the ring...from Jarvisville, U.S.A...JARVIS! "Sic" by Slipknot blasts throughout the arena. The Arena goes dark as a bolt of lighting hits the walkway and sets the stage on fire as Chasm walk out of the flames.

RA: His opponent...from Ottawa, Canada...CHASM!

AR: Let's get it started! The bell rings as the two men tie up. Chasm takes an early advantage, using a modified leg sweep to take Jarvis off his feet. Chasm mounts the larger man and lays into him with numerous punches.

CC: Chasm taking the offensive early.

*The ref tells Chasm to get off his opponent. Chasm obliges and allows Jarvis to get to his feet, shaken, but still standing. Jarvis attempts a weak clothesline that Chasm ducks. He sends himself off the ropes and on his way back across, he knocks Jarvis to the mat with a dropkick. Chasm drops to the mat and traps Jarvis in a headlock. Jarvis attempts to fight the hold off, and finally does so by delievering multiple elbows to the chest of Chasm.

AR: Jarvis using his size to power out of that move, CC.

*Chasm releases the sleeper and backs away from Jarvis, who gets to his feet. Jarvis turns and attempts a clothesline on Chasm, who ducks the attempts. Jarvis spins around grabs Chasm up in a bear hug. Chasm begins to tear into Jarvis with right hands. The larger half of the tag team Devastation releases the hold and pushes Chasm back into the ropes. Jarvis charges Chasm, but he ducks and pulls down the ropes so that Jarvis goes flying over the top and outside of the ring. Jarvis lands with a hard thud on his left shoulder.

CC: Ouch!

AR: That looked incredibly painful, CC.

*Chasm smiles and climbs the turnbuckle. Once at the top, Chasm leaps off with a frog splash. Jarvis sees the move and manages to roll out of the way, causing Chasm to land face first into the protective pad outside the ring.

AR: Both these men must be immense pain.

*Jarvis manages to fight to his feet and wonders over to Chasm. He lifts Chasm up and tosses him back into the ring, then follows him in. Jarvis tosses Chasm into the corner and backs away. He starts to run in place, then charges at Chasm, attempting a splash. Chasm ducks out of the way, causing Jarvis to crash into the turnbuckle.

CC: Oh, my, that had to hurt! Jarvis turns and stumbles out of the corner.

*He falls forward, where Chasm catches Jarvis with his finisher, “The Rift.”

AR: “The Rift”, it has to be over! Chasm drops and hooks Jarvis’ leg for the cover.

*1 .. ..

2 ... ...


CC: It is over, Allen!

RA: Your winner...and moving on to the second round of the Continental Title Tournament...CHASM!

CC: More tourney action still to come!

*The scene cuts to backstage before commercials as Curtis "Freebird" Lowe is shown walking the halls of the arena. He wears his trademark jeans and cowboy boots, and a black t-shirt that has a large green G on the front, and FORCE lettered in large green letters on the back. He arrives in front of a door, which swings open just as he gets there. David Capital, clad in a backwards throwback Washington Senators hat, his Lowercase Punishment, Inc. shirt, snap-down blue warm-up pants and his wrestling boots, steps out, holding an unopened bottle of water in his left hand. He greets Lowe with a high-five.*

Lowe:You ready, man?

Capital: Hell yeah.

*Capital reaches down into his right pocket and pulls out a roll of tape from it.*

Capital: Will you hold this?

*He offers the bottle of water to Lowe. Lowe takes it. Capital then begins taping up his right hand.*

Lowe:You gonna give this sucker a beating?

*Capital: After the match baby. I can 't wait to beat the crap out of him. All that stuff he 's said!*

Lowe:Seriously, I know. I mean, some other guy might like her !

*Capital stops taping his hand.*

Capital: What?

Lowe:Oh, nothing, nothing.

*Capital slowly resumes taping his hand. He finishes and tosses the tape back into his dressing room. He snaps the pants off and tosses them into his dressing room as well. His red wrestling trunks can be made out underneath his shirt.*

Lowe:Get out there and beat his dumb ass.

Capital: Done and done.

*The two begin walking down the hall. Lowe pats Capital on the back.*

CC: David Capital is on his way to the ring. The match between Havoc and Capital is next!


*Amnesia by Chumbawamba hits the arena as David Capital walks through the curtain along with Curtis Lowe. He still wears his Lowercase Punishment, Inc. shirt and Senators hat. He carries the bottle of water in one hand, which he takes a swig from immediately as he steps onto the stage!

RA: The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL with the winner advancing into the QUARTERFINALS of the Continental Title Tournament NEXT GOLDPUSH. Introducing first, from Washington, DC, accompanied by Curtis “FREEBIRD" Lowe, weighing in at 205 pounds, REPRESENTING G-FORCE!DAVID CAPITAL!

*As the bass riff pounds the arena, Capital bounces from side to side on his feet, spraying the water out in a fine mist above him. He tosses his hat into the crowd, pours a bit of the water over his messy-haired head and tosses the bottle into the crowd. He and Lowe make their way down the middle of the aisle, Lowe giving Capital advice and patting him on the back. Capital takes off his shirt as the aisle widens to accommodate the ring. He hands it to Lowe, who makes his way over to give it to one of the ring crew. Capital bounces from side to side on his feet a couple more times, then climbs in the ring. He reaches back down over the ropes and gives Lowe another high-five.

RA: And introducing his opponent!

*Call of the Ktulu by Metallica hits the arena!

RA: From Brockway, Pennsylvania, accompanied by Jarvis, weighing in at 185 pounds, ONE HALF OF DEVASTATION!HAVOC!

*Havoc walks to the ring, Jarvis next to him; gets on the apron turns to the crowd, develops a smirk on his face, and puts his index finger and thumb to his chin. He steps through the ropes and looks at Jarvis on the outside. Jarvis yells something. The referee signals for the bell. DING DING DING!

CC: This match gets underway here, and David doesn't seem too happy with Havoc.

AR: And who could blame him?

*Capital immediately shoots for Havoc's legs, taking him down. He slowly stands up and twists him into a single-leg crab.

CC: Capital wasting little time here.

AR: We saw his amateur prowess with that quickness to get the takedown. Now we're seeing that uncanny mastery of holds that he got from being a junkie as a kid.

CC: Is there another guy like him watching this program right now?

AR: I wouldn't doubt it. And as hot as WpW is right now, I think he'll find his way here.

*With a mighty effort, Havoc crawls to the ropes and gets his bottom hand on them.

AR: Impressive strength by Havoc.

CC: You wouldn't guess it from his little frame.

AR: Looks can be deceiving.

CC: You should be glad on that one Allen.

AR: Oh shut up.

*Capital breaks the hold and stands back a little as Havoc pulls himself up with the help of the ropes, clutching his back. As soon as he releases the ropes and staggers backwards, Capital grabs him and pulls him over for a German suplex. A small contingent in the crowd chants "ONE!"Capital pulls Havoc to his feet and yanks him backwards for another German. The same small and quiet contingent counts "TWO!"Again Capital yanks Havoc to his feet, and again he pulls him backwards for a third German. A slightly louder portion of the crowd yells "THREE!"

CC: Impressive by Capital, executing the three Germans early.

AR: Capital won't be denied here tonight.

*Capital climbs to his feet as Havoc lies on the mat. He shakes his head and signals no more by making a baseball umpire-like "safe"sign. He climbs to the top rope.

AR: What is an experience amateur wrestling doing on the top rope?

CC: We've seen him up there before!he can fly!

*Capital leaps off the top rope and comes smashing into Havoc with a big frog splash. Quiet applause comes from the crowd as Capital clutches his midsection and crawls into the cover.









CC: The resilient Havoc isn't done yet.

*Capital swears and Curtis Lowe pounds the apron. Jarvis pumps his fist. Capital rolls havoc into the cover again. "KICK OUT!"Jarvis shouts.








AR: Capital forcing Havoc to expend more energy kicking out a second time.

CC: You know, I don't think I've ever seen a follow-up cover succeed in getting the three-count.

AR: True my little flower but like I said before, it just wears the other guy down.

*Capital pounds the mat. He picks Havoc up by his enormous fro and shoots him into the ropes. As Havoc rebounds off the ropes, Capital folds his arms across his chest. When Havoc reaches him, he blasts the 185-pounder with both forearms.

CC: Veto!

*Havoc's head cracks the mat. Jarvis leaps up onto the apron, yelling something at the referee. The referee goes over as Capital covers Havoc. .

There is no count. After covering Havoc for about four seconds, Capital gets off and taps the referee on the shoulder. Just as the ref turns around, Havoc rolls Capital up from behind. Curtis Lowe knocks Jarvis off the apron as the referee counts.










CC: Capital caught TOTALLY unawares. He thought he had the match won with the Veto, and he almost lost it right there.

AR: Smart by Jarvis to distract the referee, and smarter by Havoc to go for the roll-up.

*As Capital starts to get to his feet, Havoc suddenly charges him, spearing him to the mat and laying into him with punches.

CC: Apparently Havoc isn't too happy with David either.

AR: Clearly no love lost between these two guys.

*Havoc yanks Capital up by the hair and sends him into the ropes. Capital comes back off the ropes and Havoc stops him dead with a boot to the gut. Capital bends over and Havoc applies standing head-scissors.

CC: Shut Up!

AR: I didn't say anything!

CC: No! Havoc's setting up for his finisher, called "Shut Up"!

Vaughn: I’m back! You know, David defies all scientific laws when he gets into the ring, he both sucks and blows at the same time.

CC: Oh joy.

Vaughn: Even Gandhi would want to hit this guy with a bat.

*Capital grabs both Havoc's legs and stands up as Rick Vaughn sits back down at ringside. Havoc falls on his back on the mat. A small cheer goes up from the crowd. Capital steps through Havoc's legs and crosses his boots.


AR: NOW I know what you're talking about.

*David leaps up and kicks his right leg into the space between Havoc's boots, falls back and wrenches Havoc's head off the canvas.


*Havoc taps as fast as possible. The bell rings and the hard bass riff that begins Amnesia by Chumbawamba hits the arena as Capital releases the hold, falling on top of Havoc. He climbs off Havoc and looks down at him. Havoc turns over and looks up at Capital. The bass riff cuts off. Capital stomps Havoc in the face.



*Capital picks up Havoc leg and drags him to the center of the ring. Curtis Lowe boots Jarvis in the gut, grabs his head, and tosses him over the barricade into the crowd. Capital stomps Havoc again and then mounts him, pummeling him repeatedly with a closed right fist.

AR: We saw him taping that hand earlier tonight, and now we know he meant business.

*He pummels Havoc in the head until a little trickle of blood appears from his forehead. Then he gets up and climbs through the ropes, not the ones closest to the aisle, but the ones farthest. He shakes his head and walks towards the timekeeper, who's sitting on a steel chair. He jerks his thumbs up in the air and swears. The man jumps off the chair, which Capital grabs and snaps into the folded position.

CC: Seriously David, stop! Please. I understand being protective, but this is ridiculous.

*Capital beats the chair against the steel ring post and raises it in the air, yelling. He slides into the ring. Havoc raises his hands in front of his bloody face and shakes his head. Suddenly, down the aisle rushes Kelly Capital. She slides into the ring and places herself between David and Havoc. She points at the chair David's holding and then points vigorously to the ground, yelling at her brother all the while.

CC: Good for Kelly. She should've stood up to him a long time ago.

AR: He's standing up for her right now! What do you think he's doing you fool?

CC: Being a full of himself overprotective brother, that's what.

*David places the chair on the ground and puts his hands in the air. He exits the ring and backs down the ramp, Freebird joining him. Kelly hurries after them. Freebird grabs David's hand and raises it in the air. Amnesia by Chumbawamba hits the arena again, and David beats on his chest. Kelly pats David on the back as Havoc regains his footing in the ring.

CC: Well, Capital has advanced in the tournament, but he was thwarted from meting out the punishment he wanted to by his sister Kelly who showed real guts.


*[Upon returning from break we see Micheal Graves walking down the hallway. As he walks down the hallway, he sees Stryker Graff leaning up against a wall, wearing his trademark mask. Micheal stops in his tracks and glares at Stryker who looks up at him. Stryker stands up straight and gets toe to toe with Micheal. Although Micheal can’t see it, Stryker is giving him his trademark grin.]

Stryker: I just want you to know Mikey, there are no hard feelings for the other day. It just shows you are easily influenced by outside forces. Can’t make up your own mind, so you have to turn to others for advice. Trust me, I won’t hold that against you. In fact, I’m hoping to return the favor very soon.

*[Micheal glared at Stryker for a few more minutes before walking off in the direction of his locker room.]

Stryker: See you around bro.

*[Micheal stops in his tracks and just stands there without turning around. After a few moments, Micheal continues on to his locker room. Under his mask, Stryker was giving that trademark smile.]

CC: So is it possible Stryker Graff isn’t who he is rumored to be?

AR: No.

CC: We’ll have to wait and see.

*Backstage, Kelly Capital walks the halls. She passes a door, and a hand darts out, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside.

"Hey!" Kelly lashes out, landing a right hook on the person who pulled her in the room. Delilah laughs, rubbing her chin. "Is that any way to greet a friend?"

"You deserved it," Kelly retorts, "That was rude."

Delilah shrugs, grinning. "Maybe it was. I just wanted a word in private."

Kelly eyes Delilah, distrustful, "About what?"

"I was thinking about Heatwave," Delilah says, "One on one, you and I put on quite the show. But when we work together...well...."

Kelly laughs, "Are you saying we should team up? A tag team?"

"Yes," Delilah grins at Kelly, "A tag team. The good girl, and the bad girl." Delilah puts an arm around Kelly's shoulders. "C'mon, it'll be good for you. Broaden those horizons of yours, Kelly girl. I'll even promise David I won't corrupt you....too much."

Kelly seems to think it over for a moment, her gaze going from Delilah to the closed door. "Well....why not?"

Delilah laughs, heading for the door, "That's my girl. Great things are coming to big smile...biiiiig smile."

Kelly watches Delilah leave, shaking her head. "Oh what did I get myself into?"

CC: How about that?

AR: Coming off of the stunning announcement of the Tag Titles soon to become available the first of many new tag teams has been formed.

CC: I know Allen. With SBK no longer champion, we may see many in WpW think they can win them.

(Scene goes over backstage area where we see PDJ and GRENDEL talking…..PDJ reaches in an ice chest and pulls out a Sapporo beer and tosses one to GRENDEL while he pops the top on his own….)

PDJ: There ya go, dog, I owe ya that one.

GRENDEL: Thanks man, so what's up?

PDJ: Ya know, trying to do this double bookin' thing...figure it's what I need to get me back in tha groove after Heatwave.

GRENDEL: Tough lose man. That was one hell of a match.

PDJ: Thanks, patna... looks like you got next 'gainst him

GRENDEL: Yeah, thought I'd make the trip over here to get inside his head a little bit. I enjoyed the two weeks off. Had some time to take care of some personal business. Got any advice for me for when I step into the ring with Striken?

PDJ: Yeah, man, it's good to get a lil' breather for we hit tha road.

(PDJ turns to GRENDEL and gives him a look…)

PDJ: You sure you want advice from an ex-champ?

GRENDEL: Hell yeah, you've been in the ring with him. I've only watched old tapes. You can give me the inside scoop so to speak.

PDJ: Alright man, I'll tell ya what I know

PDJ: Striken's whole approach is to knock you off yo' game early. Stick to what you've been doin', and take tha fight to him early

GRENDEL: Ok, tell me more.

PDJ: No prob, dog. I got plenty more cold ones out back. Benefits of bein' a spokesman, ya know? GRENDEL: Sounds good.

PDJ: C'mon, follow me, I got my first match in a lil' bit.

(The scene cuts back to the announcers table as GRENDEL and PDJ head to the back…)

CC: When we come back our final first round match of the evening. Chris Bennett vs the man you just saw, former WpW World Champion PDJ.

AR: And then don’t forget the big one tonight. The biggest field ever for the All-Time TV title, some of the names in it will shock you!


*The lights dim as AC/DC’s “T.N.T.” blares over the p.a. system. The audience begins to boo and jeer as the attributes of “The Danbury Dreamboat” Chris Bennett are proclaimed by the announcer. As the vocals really begin to kick in the song, Bennett slowly makes his way out from backstage. He pauses atop the ramp and does a couple of jumping jacks. Bennett proceeds to make his way down to the ring, getting into the occasional argument with a booing fan on the way. He slides under the bottom rope and climbs the turnbuckle. He pulls off his sleeveless t-shirt, wipes his forehead with it, then throws it into the crowd. He then jumps down and gets ready for his match.

RA: Coming to the ring first...from Danbury, Connecticut..."THE DANBURY DREAMBOAT" CHRIS BENNETT!

CC: And here he is, The Danbury Dreamboat himself

Vaughn: I think his ship has sunk before it even arrived.

*"The Truth" by Beanie Siegel blares through the arena, as "Vulture" Von Jackson walks out onto the entranceway, PDJ a few steps behind him. Both stride determined to the ring, acknowledging the crowd, but not overly so. Jefferson walks up the ring steps, gives a "pound" to Jackson, and walks into the ring.

RA: His opponent...hailing from St. Louis, Missouri..."THE TRUTH" PDJ!

CC: This one should be fun to watch, Allen! Don’t say a word Vaughn.

*The bell rings...ding, ding...PDJ and Bennett circle each other in the ring, both looking for an opening. The two men met in a tie-up postion. Bennett counters the tie-up with a modified hammer lock. PDJ breaks the hold by sending an elbow to the gut of Bennett. Bennett backs away, thinking of his next move. He and PDJ once again tie-up. This time, PDJ executes a standing switch. Once behind Bennett, he locks on a sleeper hold. The move has little effect, as Bennett is able toss PDJ away.

AR: Both men looking very technically sound out here tonight.

*Both Bennett and PDJ seem impressed by the others showing early in the match. The two go for a third straight tie-up. However, PDJ has other ideas. He ducks and sends his shoulder driving into Bennett's midsection.

CC: Well, looks like the football days aren't completely out of PDJ's system.

AR: A football like shoulder block there. Both these men were at one time or another highly thought of gridiron warriors.

*Bennett is doubled over from the impact of the shoulder block. PDJ uses it as an opportunity to take the early advantage. He hooks Bennett's head and executes a hanging verticle suplex. Bennett comes down hard on his head/neck area. PDJ goes for an early cover. 1 .. .. 2 ...

CC: You think it's over, Allen?


AR: Of course it isn't over, CC.

*Bennett manages to stagger to his feet. PDJ whips him into the ropes across the ring, and waits an opportunity for a drop kick. However, Bennett grabs a hold of the ropes and PDJ slams into the mat, absorbing most of the impact with his back. Bennett takes advantage of the opportunity and begins to tear into PDJ with right hands. The referee breaks up the malee after a few seconds, giving PDJ time to get to his feet. Bennett trys to catch him with his guard down, but fails as PDJ notices the attempt and drops the charging Bennett with a back body drop. PDJ promptly drops a knee across the throat area of Chris Bennett.

CC: Both men going back and forth here in this match.

*PDJ lifts Bennett from the mat and places him in the corner. PDJ draws back and deleivers a knife-edged chop across the chest of Chris Bennett. PDJ repeats this three times, before Bennett falls stumbles out of the corner. He almost falls, but catches himself. Bennett stumbles back towards PDJ, who tries to clothesline "The Danbury Dreamboat." Bennett, however, ducks and PDJ misses the attempt. This allows Chris Bennett to retaliate with a clothesline of his own. Bennett nails PDJ, sending him to the mat at a great force. PDJ quickly rolls to his feet, trying to shake the effects of the move. Chris Bennett prompty catches him with an evenflow DDT, then hooks the leg of the former champ in a pin attempt. 1 .. ..

AR: I'm picking Chris Bennett to win!

* 2 ...KICK OUT!

CC: What was that, Allen?

AR: I said I'm predicting a great match from PDJ and Chris.

Vaughn: As a failure she has been a spectacular success

CC: It’s he, and HE was world champ!

Vaughn: That’s just it…You said it…she ”WAS!”.

AR: You’ve tried to ruined the mood of every match this evening.

Vaughn: In that case, I think my work is done here.

CC: Your leaving, Thank god!

Vaughn: I would just like to say I had a nice time

CC: You would?

Vaughn: Yes, but I cant.

*PDJ managed to get his shoulder up as the commentators conversed, Rick Vaughn leaves the ringside area. Chris Bennett seems shocked that the former World champion was able to kick out of that move. Bennett stands and wonders around the ring, trying to regain focus. PDJ manages to stand during this time. Bennett turns back towards "The Truth", who promptly deleviers a drop kick, sending Bennett back pedaling into the ropes. Bennett shakes off the kick and stands again. PDJ bounces himself off the ropes and charges at Bennett. Bennett leapfrogs PDJ, who was going for a back body drop, and bounds off the opposite set of ropes. On his way back, PDJ catches him cross body block. Instead of going for the cover, PDJ lifts Bennett off the mat and positons his arms in an underhook position. He lifts Bennett from the mat and plants him with his signature underhook brainbuster!

1 ..

CC: Cloud Ten, Allen!

.*. 2 ..

. ..

. 3!

RA: Your winner...and moving on in the Continental Title Tournament...PATRICK DERRICK JEFFERSON!

.*As PDJ celebrates in front of the Japan crowd the cameras switch back to the back where we see Tiffany burst into the lockeroom as Clu is taping up his wrist for his big match looking horrified.

Clu: Tiffany, what's wrong? Where have you been the past hour?

Tiffany: Over at the catering table getting a bite to eat. I’m so furious! That jackass Will Evans is what's wrong! He kissed me!

(Clu stands up, suddenly looking very serious.)

Clu: He what?

Tiffany: He kissed me. Right on the lips. I tried to pull away...

Clu (getting angry): Where is he? I'm going to find his ass and settle this shit right now...

Tiffany: Clu, no! have your first match in WpW tonight that‘s why I didn‘t rush in here. I don't think it would be smart to go off and get in some kind of altercation. You'll have your chance to beat him maybe in the TV title match.

Clu: How so?

Tiffany: He challenged you to match at next weeks Goldpush. You versus him, one on one. But don’t worry about that, it may not happen because you may be the next TV champion, as for have a WpW All-Time Television Match to worry about. Tonight we win, and then another day, you shut him up once and for all if you don’t see him in the Rumble.

(Tiffany gives Clu a passionate good luck kiss. Clu slowly breaks away and smiles.)


(Clu leaves the lockerroom, but Tiffany hangs back, looking a little bit distraught. Then she shakes away whatever is bothering her and leaves after Clu.)

(Sitting down in the middle of a hallway backstage is a man wearing a clack mask and suit. He frantically waves to the camera happily.)

???????: YAY! Hooray for Wpw!

(The masked man pats the wrapped box in front of him.

Hooray: Hello! My name is Hooray. YAY! Hooray for Hooray! Hooray for Wpw!!!!! I have a present for Riot.

(He holds up the box.)

Hooray: He’s next Wpw Champion. YAY! Hooray for Riot!

(Hooray then unwraps the box and pulls out a piece of rope and in the middle of the rope is a big coffee can lid.)

Hooray: See? YAY! Hooray for Riot! He’s the first Wpw Champion!

(Hooray turns the coffee can lidded rope around to reveal the front of it. It reads “Wpw Champ-Worst Pro Wrestler” on the front of it written in crayon on masking tape on front of the coffee can lid.)

Hooray: Hooray for Riot! Boo for not being able to find him. YAY! Here. You give it to him if you see him. BYE-bYe!!!!

(Hooray gets up and skips down the hallway happily)

(Scene cuts back to the arena as...

Metallica's "Enter Sandman" roars through the arena. Out from behind the curtains steps World Pro Wrestling Big Gold champion, Chris Lee, with his championship belt around his waist. Lee makes his way down the aisle to the cheers of the foreign crowd, a sign of the respect he's gained in the wrestling business. )

CC: This is a surprise, AR. Chris Lee was roughed up pretty good in Minneapolis by Rey Sanchez, and he isn't scheduled for a match tonight.

AR: Oh, he did some damage of his own to Rey Sanchez, and he did hang onto that Big Gold championship.

CC: He's getting quite a response from these fans here.

(Lee reaches the ring, where he slides in under the ropes. He walks to the nearest turnbuckle and steps upon the second rope, unhooks his belt, and then lifts it high above his head to the delight of all Japanese fans of WpW's most violent man. Lee hops off the turnbuckle and motions for Roxy Adams to hand him the microphone. )

AR: Let's hear what he has to say, CC.

(Lee grabs the mic as the crowd quiets to listen to what he has to say. )

Lee: It's a damn honor to be in front of you Japanese fans. Some of the best sports fans in the world, hands down. I'm sorry ya'll haven't gotten to see "The Icon" in action, but there has been some pretty damn good matches out here tonight. I gotta' say that much.

(Lee pauses and shifts his Big Gold title higher on his shoulder.)

Lee: One of the great matches tonight featured Stryker Graff and Rey Sanchez. Now, I know great fans like ya'll know about my history with Rey Sanchez. I'm sure ya'll watched the broadcast of Heatwave over here in the land of the rising sun, right? Ya'll saw the draw Rey Sanchez and I battled to, right?

(The mention of the great match on Heatwave, which featured a ton of hardcore action, brings more applause from the Japanese crowd. )

Lee: See, I walked out of Heatwave: Minnesota Meltdown with this belt still around my waist.

(Lee holds his Big Gold title high in the air. )

Lee: That isn't good enough for me, folks. Naw, see, I've thought about it a long damn time since August the first. Hell, I thought about this while I was on my way to the hospital to get my forehead stitched up after the damn match.

(Lee rests his title back over his shoulder and looks towards the entrance way. )

Lee: Here's what I've thought about, folks. I may have kept this pretty piece right here on my shoulder, but I don't feel like I've got my point across. No, see, I want to beat Rey Sanches 1...2...3 in the center of this son of a bitchin' ring. I want to prove, without the shadow of a damn doubt, that Rey Sanchez has no claim at this belt. So, next week at week I want Rey Sanchez in this ring. I'll give Rey Sanchez another chance to win this belt, because I know he can't, because I know he won't win the damn thing. I don't fear you, Rey. You took me to a draw, and that pissed me off. It won't happen this time around, it just won't happen this time around. You can do all you b.s.'n this week about how you're the "Honor of WpW" or whatever the hell you like to say. You can do all your damn training with your new coach, shit son you can do whatever you want. Monday, September 6th, 2004 you're gonna' step into the ring for the second time with WpW's MOST VIOLENT MAN...and the results aren't gonna' be the same, Reynaldo! I'll be walking away with the Big Gold title…MY BIG GOLD TITLE!

(Lee is about to toss the mic down and exit the ring when Vaughn's music hits.

The crowd erupts into jeers as Vaughn walks out onto the top of the ramp. Rick is holding a mic and walks to the left of the ramp, pics up the mic, but the chorus of boos is to loud, he sneers out into the audience as he puts the mic down and walks back to the center of the ramp. He looks to his right for a moment, then to the left and the crowd continues to hiss in hatred. )

CC: So loved.

(The crowd calms down a bit and Rick looks right into the ring at a smiling Chris Lee. )

Rick: Not so fast, porky! Maybe little Rey gave you one to many hits to that fat melon of yours, but if you don't remember I am the number one contender around here. Now I know you don't wanna step in the ring with me. Hell, you been ducking me since I came to the WpW, but your time is up maggot. See, the fact is, your not a booker around here and you don't make matches. You can try and weasel your way out of the ass beating I am going to give you for only so long.

(Lee cuts off Rick before he can say anymore. )

Lee: I tell you what, Rick. You did earn you're shot at this belt, didn't ya'? Hell, I mean you beat twiddle-di, twiddle-do, and twiddle-dumb. We'll see just how good you really are next GoldPush, in a triple-threat match for this...MY...BIG GOLD TITLE! I'm no Lost Soul, and I'm not backing down from any challenge. The end result of my second title defense will be the same as my first. I'll walk away the Big Gold title still strapped around my freakin' waist! Dammit, Japan, 'cause I'm not just the man, the myth, the legend...

(Lee climbs back on the turnbuckle and lifts his belt high. )

Lee: I'm the f-ckin' BIG GOLD CHAMPION! The fans respond with cheers for Lee.

Rick: Whoa whoa whoa, slow down, tubby!

CC: Figures, Rick is always gotta try and have the last word

(The crowd quiets down. Lee steps down from the turnbuckle and returns his attention to Rick.)

Rick: Twiddle-di, twiddle-do, and twiddle-dumb.....Odd, I don't remember beating the G-Spots. No matter, The fact remains, that I am number one contender. Not Rey, He had his chance, and like the rest of the miserable losers in this league, couldn't muster up enough to win. Stamp loser on his forehead and send him home. End of story. Its my turn and its my time. And no worries, After that belt goes around my waist, you can come over to my house and shine it up real nice for me and if you really good at it, you can shine my boots to.

(The Bad to the bone guitar riff hits the PA. Lee and Rick stare each other down, until Vaughn turns and walks into the back. Lee slaps the belt, hung over his shoulder and returns to the turnbuckle holding the belt up in the air. )

CC: Fans does this mean Rey just gets bumped off?

AR: Well he did advance in the Continental title tourney so it may be possible that next GoldPush it will be Rick Vaughn getting a shot at the Big Gold title before Rey gets another crack at it.

CC: That doesn’t seem fair.

AR: After everything Rick has said tonight, you may have a point.

CC: And with that we go to break because coming up next is the Main Event for the evening. The All-Time TV Title Match.

AR: From the names I’ve heard are in this record field you won’t want to miss out.

(Goldpush goes to commercial then returns to Roxy Adams in the ring.)

Roxy Adams: It is now time for the All-Time TV title match. Tonight’s Main event is a 19-Person Royal Rumble where following the first two competitors every 90 seconds a new star will walk out. The only way to be eliminated is by going OVER the TOP rope and have both feet touch the floor. The LAST WpW superstar left in the ring without having been eliminated will be WpW All-Time Television Champion!!!!....And now Ladies and Gentlemen.......Let’s ROCK IT!!!!!! The man who drew Number one. ..............BULK LOGAN!!!


The song rumbles through the arena as the fans of WPW, and all of the Bulkamaniacs jump to their feet!


Suddenly Bulk Logan appears from the back! Logan wobbles down the aisle pointing to the fans and cupping his ear the whole way! Logan jumps into the ring, and rips the shirt from his chest! The fans begin cheering at this awesome display of strength! Logan then proceeds to flex for the fans, and follows it up with a big ear cup to each side of the ring.)

CC: You were right in saying earlier Allen, some of the names in this match would be a shock. Bulk Logan? What? I mean...Who?

RA: And now....the man who drew #2.........ZAGOR!!!!

(One by Metallica begins playing, as Zagor is seen at the entranceway. He walks towards the ring with black robe on and head bowed down in focus stops 20 yards from ring and raises his head up and points to Bulk Logan then snaps both arms down pointing to the floor.)

CC: 19 men will pass through the ropes before we go off the air tonight and these are the first two in it with the All-Time TV title at stake, tonight’s lineup of talent seeking the title will prove people inside WpW as well as newcomers and outsiders all have the same opportunity to win it all, the one who uses the their talents the best to get to the end and be the last one standing will be TV Champion.

(Bulk and Logan circle each other in the ring. Bulk tries numerous times to lock up with Zagor, but he keeps backing away. The fans Japanese fans become angry that Zagor won't lock up and begin to hiss loudly.)

CC: These fans either don’t like Bulk or are getting impatient.

AR: My guess is they probably are wanting bigger names. Zagor and Bulk both signed with WpW right after Heatwave. This is their debut match.

CC: There are several stars that entered tonight, with this being their debut match.

( Logan walks to the corner of the ring and waves his arm around, before making a cup next to his ear. This draws applause from the fans. Zagor finally decides to lock up with Logan. Bulk sends him to a knee simply using his brute strength. Zagor sits on the mat, amazed by the power displayed by Logan. Bulk takes it as another opportunity to play himself to the fans. He turns his back to Zagor and begins to flex his massive biceps. This gives Zagor an opportunity. Zagor attacks Logan from behind with a bulldog, slamming Logan into the mat face first. Logan rolls to his feet quickly, the smile whipped off his face. He grabs Zagor by the throat and pushes him into the corner. Bulk follows him in with a running knee to the gut. Zagor doubles over in pain. Bulk grabs him by the back of the neck and pushes him down, then proceeds to stomp him. Zagor manages to roll out of the way and use the ring ropes to fight to his feet.)

CC: Well it’s about time for our third person of the night to come out. I wonder who it is.

AR: Rumor has it that Dynamic Dynamite is going to show up tonight. I’m very interested to see how that plays out my little flower.

* Zagor turns and faces Logan, who promptly catches him with a big boot. Zagor falls to the mat, allowing Logan to signal for his favorite move, the leg drop. Logan takes a few steps forward then drops his big leg across the throat of Zagor.





CC: We’re nearing #3

* 6







RA: And the person who drew #3.......DUTCHESS OF DUCKS!!

* The entire arena goes dead silent. No music, no nothing. A bright yellow light shines on the entrance ramp as we all wait.......WOO! Suddenly the Dutchess comes skipping out....lalalala skip skip skip....still silence. suddenly we hear a...quack...quack...quack.. BOOM! The Dutchess grins, and starts running to the ring. she climbs into the ring and skips in a circle.

CC: I like this girls enthusiasm! I wouldn’t be surprised if she takes home some gold.

AR: I think she’s a little quacked if you ask me.

CC: Funny Allen, funny.

(Bulk continues working on Zagor as Dutchess skips around in the ring. Zagor is still down from the leg drop as Dutchess skips right by him. Zagor puts his hand out and trips Dutchess. Bulk picks Zagor up and holds him as Dutchess tries to slap him only missing and catches Bulk in the face. Dutchess looks shocked, and quickly skips away. Bulk has Zagor in an arm hold.)

CC: That was close with the Dutchess. Did you see the look on her face?

AR: Quite comical if you ask me.

CC: Well it’s time again.

* 10


Bulk Logan slings Zagor towards Duchess of Ducks she ducks sending Zagor flipping over the top rope and onto the floor.





CC: Zagor is gone and how appropriate by The Duchess “ducking”!

* 4





RA: The man who drew #4..... FREDERIQUE LUDNUTS!!

* "Push It" plays throughout the arena and Frederique makes his way through the entryway. Frederique smiles, waves and blows kisses to the crowd as he walks down the isle to the ring.

Dutchess of ducks pulls Frederique in the ring Frederique Ludnuts and the Duchess of Ducks lock up in the center of the ring…Bulk Logan watches on from a corner.…Frederique goes for a show of strength with the Duchess…A minute passes…Frederique tries to overpower her when all of the sudden DoD kicks Frederique right in the nuts…..Frederique hits his knees in pain as DoD just stands there and laughs….Nearing the 90 second mark



Duchess of Ducks grabs Frederique by the back of the head Bulk Logan walks up and swiftly kicks Frederique in the butt.










RA: And the person who drew #5.......C-MARK!!!

* Welcome to the Jungle blares across the P.A. and C-Mark makes his way to the ring.

AR: Who?

* During this 90 second interval Bulk Logan and Duchess team up together working on C-Mark the majority of the time. After 90 seconds....



With Nine seconds to go Frederique Ludnuts gets up but is clotheslined by Bulk Logan sending him over the top rope and onto the floor.




CC: Frederique Ludnuts is eliminated!

* 5

AR: Now it looks like they are going to get rid of C-Mark.

* 4


AR: No C-Mark survived! Now Bulk and Duchess are going to different corners waiting for who is next.

* 2



RA: And the person who drew #6.......SEWASIDE!!!

* The lights in the arena slowly fall black. Next Yukmouth's Last Testament Outro rumbles from the arena speakers and a blue spotlight beams down on the rampway leading to the ring just outside the curtain. Sewaside makes his way down to the ring He rolls in and goes right after C-Mark.

* Sewaside and C-Mark tie up. Sewaside delivers a knee to the gut of C-Mark, doubling him over. Sewaside hooks C-Mark and executs an underhook DDT. C-Mark shakes the effects and rolls to his feet. Sewaside tries to tie up again, but C-Mark sends him to the mat with a drop toe hold. Sewaside lands face first with a thump. C-Mark steps across Sewaside's back and lifts him to his feet. C-Mark wraps his arms around Sewaside and executes a belly-to-back suplex. Sewaside lands hard on the back of his neck/shoulders. C-Mark rolls to his feet and and lifts Sewaside up again. C-Mark tries to toss Sewaside from the ring, but he blocks the attempt and sends an elbow to the gut of C-Mark. C-Mark backs away, allowing Sewaside room to get to his senses. Bulk Logan watches on from a corner not making a move. C-Mark tries to attack Sewaside again. Sewaside sends a boot to the face of C-Mark, which knocks him off balance. C-Mark lands on his back. Duchess applauds the boot to C-Mark’s face as she watches on across the ring. Sewaside mounts C-Mark and tears into him with punches. C-Mark tries to cover his face, but Sewaside continues to lay into him. Finally, C-Mark musters the strength to push Sewaside away. C-Mark rolls to his feet, in obvious pain. Sewaside comes charging back and levels C-Mark with a clothesline. Sewaside lifts C-Mark to his feet and attempts to toss him over the top rope...



C-Mark is tossed over the top rope and onto the floor by Sewaside.



AR: C-Mark left a mark on the floor.

* 6



CC: Yes he did as we near our next entrant.

* 3




RA: And the person who drew #7....... MASTERKILLA!

* “The Big F* * k You" begins playing as Black lights with white fog cover the isle.

Masterkilla quickly makes his way to the ring. Sewaside wastes no time going right to work on Masterkilla pounding him with chops. Duchess remains in a corner conserving energy as does Bulk Logan across the ring.

At the 80 second mark Sewaside does a snap suplex.












RA: And the person who drew #8....... LOU LUDNUTS!

* The lights dim as Purple and pink Strobes start to flicker as Back Dat ass up by Weird Al begins to play. The Big Screen Shows Frederique and Lou doing some pose's and sex sceenes in there Gay Porn Movies. Lou runs out onto the ramp smiling and waving blowing kisses to all the hot Guys. Then he slowly walks down to the ring strutting his stuff being proud to be gay. He Jumps up onto the turnbuckle as starts to ride the pole as he swings up over it landing inside the ring.

Lou Ludnuts enters and MasterKilla gets away from Sewaside to double team Bulk Logan…….They send Bulk flying to the ropes….Bulk bounces off the ropes as MasterKilla and Lou go for a double clothesline….Bulk ducks and bounces off the other seat of ropes…..Bulk takes down both MasterKilla and Lou Ludnuts with a double clothesline of his own…..Sewaside just stands back in the corner taking a breather from the action as Duchess does the same…..




Masterkilla has his back turned near a corner where Sewaside is waiting and he is quick to pay for it as Sewaside easily grabs him sending him over the top rope and onto the floor.



CC: Sewaside has eliminated Masterkilla!

* 5






RA: And the person who drew #9.......JAKE MATTHEWS!!!

AR: We’re already to number nine?

CC: It appears so.

* The lights flicker for a second, then suddenly "Many Men" by 50 Cent starts to blare through the PA system. The fans explode as CrossHairs appear on the JumboTron with the words Verbal Assassin on each side. Pyros explode from the ceiling. When they make impact with the stage area and explode, Jake Matthews is standing in the same spot wearing a pair a baggy Khaki Cargo shorts and a Football jersey. His white K-Swiss shoes are laced up tight and his white hate is backwards, cocked to the side alittle.. The fans explode once more as Jake stands there looking into the crowd. He smirks and walks down the ramp, giving a few high fives on the way. He sprints and slides under the bottom rope, before popping quickly up to his feet. He dashes over and hops onto to second rope of the turnbuckle

Jake Matthews ties up with Sewaside near the ropes in this 90 seconds as Duchess of Ducks and Bulk Logan work on Lou Ludnuts trying to get him out of the ring.

CC: No-one is going out of there here at the number nine spot.

AR: We could be about to see the ring begin to pile up with no-one going out of there right now.

* 10











RA: And the person who drew #10.......RIOT!!!

* Arena goes dark with strobe lights to go with the first part of the song, than as soon as the hard parts hits the light come back on, Riot makes his way to the ring.

Sewaside points at Riot and laughs then steps back shaking his head not believing this is a wrestler in the match. Riot tries not to pay attention to Sewaside and Riot attempts to tie up with Matthews. Jake laughs at the attempt and pushes Riot away. Bulk Logan and Duchess of Ducks continue to work on Lou in the corner. The smaller Riot falls backward and lands hard on the mat. He gets back up and attempts to tie up with Matthews again. Jake once again pushes the miniscule Riot backwards. This time, Riot doesn't fall, and he attempts to tie up with the larger Matthews for a third time. Jake decides to amuse him, and goes to tie up. Riot ducks the attempt and spears the 270 Matthews to the mat. Riot hops off Matthews and celebrates his lone offensive move so far. Jake Matthews sits back up with a shocked look on his face. Riot turns back towards Matthews as he gets to his feet. A standing side kick catches Matthews and sends him back into the ropes. Riot charges Matthews, who's dazed leaning against the ropes. The big man counters by dropping his shoulder, and taking Riot to the mat with a shoulder block. Matthews then drops to his knees and lays into Riot with repeated right hands. Riot tries to cover up his face from the beating, and Matthews finally backs away. He lifts Riot to his feet and whips him across the ring. Riot bounds off the ropes and Matthews catches him with a vicous clothesline taking him off his feet. Sewaside watches on enjoying Riot fall to the mat.

CC: Things have certainly saw focus shift to Riot here.

AR: But not in a good way for the rookie.













RA: And the person who drew #11.......ANGEL OF DEATH!!!!

* The lights go lights hit the entrance ramp and smoke fills the ring and ramp, and red flames shoot out of the ramp. The Angel of Death walks out thru the smoke and to the ring. The red lights follow him to the ring, when he gets to the ring the lights some on him. The camera zooms to his face and as he lowers the hood, the lights start to come up.

Jake Matthews and Riot continue to wrestle during this interval, Sewaside begins brawling with Duchess of Ducks as Bulk Logan hangs onto Lou Ludnuts trying to get him out of the ring in his 90 second time period. 10




CC: What number is this?

* 6

AR: I have no idea I just wish some familiar faces would start showing up

. *






RA: And the person who drew #12.......CLU!!!

* The music starts and the arena darkens. As "Whatever" by Our Lady Peace kicks, the arena if filled with blue light and Clu runs out with a white robe with no sleeves with his manager Tiffany. Clu plays to the crowd up on the ramp, then starts making his way to the ring. He motions for Tiffany to go back, as he runs the rest of the way to the ring.

CC: How bout Clu?

AR: No.

(Clu enters and takes Sewaside down with a spinning heel kick as The Dutchess of Ducks tries to eliminate the Angel of Death. Clu comes up and tries to help the Angel of Death, but Sewaside nails them both from behind. The Angel of Death floors Clu with a clothesline, but the Dutchess of Ducks grabs him and drops him with a DDT. Bulk Logan finally gets Lou Ludnuts completely over the top rope and kicks him until he falls to the floor. Jake Matthews works on eliminating Riot on the far side of the ring.

CC: Lou is gone!

AR: About time. He’s been hanging there three minutes it seemed like.

CC: He didn’t have a chance hanging out there.

AR: No he didn’t.

* Dutchess gets up from the DDT as Sewaside clotheslines Clu over the top, but Clu lands on the apron and nails Sewaside with a spear!


* Dutchess drops a leg across the back of Clu's neck, then stomps on him repeatedly until the Angel of Death slowly rises, grabs her by the neck and chokeslams her to the mat!)












RA: And the person who drew #13.......DYNAMIC DYNAMITE

CC: How bout as a familiar face Allen?

AR: He isn’t here.

("Warhead" by Otep starts to play over the pa system as different color lights engulf the arena...The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite walks out dressed in some black pants, black combat boots. He slowly walks toward the ring as Dynamic ignores the crowd,)

AR: Ok. So he is here. I’m surprised. Dynamic Dynamite is BACK in WpW.

CC: He isn’t under contract as I understand he is competing as an outsider.

AR: If he’s the DD who gives it his all, He is my pick to win.

CC: And if not?

* Dynamic Dynamite takes a hold of the Angel of Death and sends him to the mat a body slam…..DD then picks AoD up and sends him flying into the ropes where The Clu catches him in a frankenstiner…Sewaside and Bulk Logan tie up in the corner…The Duchess of Ducks grabs Dynamic Dynamite from behind and rolls him up in a small package….DoD does her own little three count and gets up and celebrates……DD gets up and grabs DoD by her hair and yanks her down to the mat….Jake Matthews nearly has Riot out of the ring.Angel of Death and Clu work to eliminate one another.

AR: I’m sorry my little flower I was watching this action. If DD isn’t at his best then he could get eliminated.

CC: Well duh.

(Sewaside and Dynamic nod at each other, and Sewaside hits Logan with a missile dropkick, and Dynamite follows it up with “The Industry” underhook into an inverted neckbreaker. Sewaside nails Logan with boots to the face, then Dynamic Dynamite moves him aside, picks up the woozy Logan and hits “Creative Control.” Dynamite and Sewaside pick Logan up and attempt to throw him over the top rope. Halfway over, Logan hooks his foot into the bottom rope and begins shaking violently. They attempt to throw Logan over again, and again he begins shaking.

CC: We’ve seen alot of action in this 90 seconds.













RA: And the person who drew #14.......SUPERSTAR WILL

* The tron starts to flash The SuperStar is Here as my music starts to play and Will walks out of the back wearing a jacket that said SuperStar on the back above a Star.

(Superstar Will rolls into the ring and runs over to help Jake Matthews who has Riot over the top rope. Logan is able to push the two men off him, and begins shaking his finger at both of them.)

CC: Superstar Will and Jake Matthews just last night in the Federation Cup competition had a war against each other, tonight they are hoping to win it all and not take 2nd and 3rd.

AR: They are definitely continuing the assault to eliminate Riot from last night in Tokyo.

* Logan begins hitting both Sewaside and Dynamic Dynamite with big right hands, flooring them. Logan grabs Sewaside and throws him into the ropes, and hits him with a big boot. Logan then does the same with Dynamite. Duchess of Ducks takes a series of chops from the corner from Angel of Death. Clu slips away to an open corner. Bulk bounds off the ropes and hits a leg drop on Dynamite, and falls on top of him. He looks around briefly to a ref, but is hit in the head with a double axe-handle from Sewaside.)



CC: Riot is gone!



AR: Credit Jake and Will for getting him out of there and now the two of them are going at each other.





Sewaside moves across the ring surveying Duchess.






RA: And the person who drew #15.......PDJ

CC: The former WpW World Champion! He’s my pick to win.

AR: I haven’t decided mine yet.

* "The Truth" by Beanie Siegel blares through the arena, as "Vulture" Von Jackson walks out onto the entranceway, PDJ a few steps behind him. Both stride determined to the ring, acknowledging the crowd, but not overly so. Jefferson walks up the ring steps, gives a "pound" to Jackson, and walks into the ring pointing to someone.

AR: I think I know who PDJ is pointing at.

(Sewaside pushes Duchess of Ducks into the corner. Angel of Death uses this opportunity to save himself from elimination and takes time to rest safely but Superstar Will is right there waiting for him as is Clu. The three lock up near the ropes as Sewaside grabs Ducks by the chin and hits her with a big forearm shiver. He follows that up with two more as Jake Matthews stands watching the action Sewaside turns around to yell at the crowd, and when he turns back around, Duchess of Ducks kicks him squarely in the groin. She runs out towards the middle of the ring to do it again, but Sewaside moves to the right, then takes her down with a short-arm clothesline. He hits her with a belly to back suplex, and attempts to throw her over the top, but Duchess hooks her leg over the bottom rope, and struggles as Sewaside continues to attempt to hoist her over.)

AR: This could be all for Duchess!

(In the opposite corner PDJ has rolled in but Dynamic Dynamite is quick to work over Jefferson. Dynamic hits Jefferson with a big boot to the face, nearly perching Jefferson on the top rope and sending him over. Jefferson hangs on though, and reigns three punches in fast succession to the top of Dynamite’s head. Jefferson is able to hop off the ropes and hit Dynamite with a dropkick, sending Dynamite to the mat. Jefferson pulls a groggy Dynamite up, and hits a DDT. Jefferson grabs Dynamite and attempts to throw him over, but Dynamite slides back underneath the bottom rope, avoiding elimination.)



CC: PDJ thought he had Dynamite!

AR: But he didn’t. If DD can get by this assault from PDJ then the former WpW World Champion might can make it through the rest of this field.




CC: Remember PDJ is a former WpW World Champion too. *




Jake Matthews counts with the foreign crowd who are now chanting the numbers as they appear on the tron.





RA: And the person who drew #16.......ROSIE LUDNUTS

* "Push It" plays throughout the arena and Rosie makes her way through the entryway and quickly to the ring.

CC: This means only 3 more are left to come out and look at this ring who is still left in it. DD, PDJ, Jake Matthews, Superstar Will, Clu, Duchess of Ducks and Bulk Logan.

AR: Don’t forget Sewaside.

CC: I didn’t but also there’s Angel Of Death.

* Superstar Will finishes off dumping Angel of Death the rest of the way over the top rope and eliminating him to the floor.

CC: Nevermind, He’s gone now.

AR: Maybe next time he’ll do better.

* Dutchess sticks her tongue out at Rosie, prompting Ludnuts to lick her lips. She enters the ring. Dutchess shakes her head violently and charges Rosie. Dutchess delivers a drop kick knocking Ludnuts to the mat. The remaining wrestlers then all step back and watch these two women go at it. Dutchess gets to her feet and proceeds to skip across the ring, shoot herself off the ropes, and execute a liontamer on Rosie Ludnuts. Dutchess lifts Rosie to her feet and attempts to toss her out of the ring. Rosie, however, counters with an elbow to Dutchess' face. Dutchess releases Rosie and rubs her cheek in pain. Rosie slaps Dutchess and procedes to slap her on the ass. This infuriates Dutchess, who spears Rosie into the mat. Dutchess then grabs a handfull of hair and jerks Rosie's hair back and forth. Dutchess finally releases Rosie's hair and lifts her up. Rosie staggers around the ring in a daze, prompting Dutchess to spin around like a ballarina in the center of the ring. Rosie notices the opening and tries to attack Dutchess, however, Dutchess notices the attempt and while still spinning, she catches Rosie in the head with a heel kick, sending Ludnuts back to the mat.



CC: That was unique Allen.




AR: I concur. The men just took time out to watch those women display their talents.









RA: And the person who drew #17.......DARREN ZIRADO

* Darrens face lights up on the big screen. With a stern face he shouts , "I WILL BREAK YOU!!!"! Right then his theme music kicks on and the letter D burns into the screne as Zirado walks out from the back, and stands on the entrance ramp looking around to the fans. Next the letter Z burns into the screen right beside of the D. Darren runs down to the ring and quickly hops onto the ring apron. Darren runs down the apron and jumps up on the turnbuckle as he raises one arm in victory!

Everyone commences battling one another again. Sewaside is tied up in the corner now with Superstar Will, Bulk Logan waves Zirado to come into the ring and to enter via turnbuckle. DD and PDJ are back at it again trading punches, Jake Matthews and Clu are trying to get each other out of the ring and Duchess of Ducks has Rosie on the ropes as the 90 second interval comes to a close.





CC: Duchess of Ducks has eliminated Rosie! * 6

AR: No surprise there. * 5






RA: And the person who drew #18.......MYSTIC MAULER

* "I Hate You" plays as the crowd starts to cheer. Mystic walks out from behind the curtain and stops midway down the ramp. He does a complete 360-spin on one foot and throws a 'raise the roof' gesture, complete with pyros. He continues down the ramp and slides in the ring

Clu charges Mystic, attempting a swinging neckbreaker. Mystic tosses Clu to the side with ease. Mauler follows the challenger and lifts him to his feet. Mystic delivers a couple of punches to Clu, then lifts him up before burying him with a scoop slam. Mystic turns his back to Clu and plays the Japanese crowd, allowing the newcomer to get to his feet. Clu comes back on the offensive, as he delivers a drop kick to the back of Mystic, sending the champion flying over the top rope. Mystic manages to grab a hold of the second rope and keeps his feet from touching the floor. Mystic attempts to crawl back into the ring, but Clu responds with a baseball slide, knocking Mystic backwards. Mystic manages to grab hold of the ropes again, and yet again keeps his feet from touching the floor. This time, Mystic successfully gets back in the ring. Jake Matthews laughs and points out how close Mystic came from elimination from the other side of the ring. Duchess of Ducks and Sewaside are tied up in a corner tangling with one another. Dynamic Dynamite moves to the other side of the ring away from PDJ momentarily.

CC: This ring is full of action but Allen only one man remains to come out if there are 19 who have entered tonight.

AR: I’m changing picks #19 will win it!

* (Superstar Will Evans whips Bulk Logan into the ropes and hits him with an inverted atomic drop, them comes off the ropes again with a clothesline. Mystic Mauler takes the opportunity to drop an elbow on him, but PDJ hits Mystic with a DDT. Dynamic Dynamite watches on from a corner resting. Meanwhile Darren Zirado hits Will Evans with a dropkick, sending him back into the ropes. Darren Zirado tries to capitalize, but out of nowhere PDJ drills Zirado with a stiff clothesline! Superstar Will Evans goes right after PDJ, tossing him into the corner, climbing on the second turnbuckle and starting to give him "the 10 punches", but PDJ lifts Evans and SLAMS him to the mat with a one-man flapjack!)

CC: Wish Duchess would have saw that. I hear she likes flapjacks!

* Sewaside and Duchess continue trying to get the better of one another in a corner as Bulk Logan and Darren Zirado now lock up as Logan sends Zirado flying to the ropes…….Zirado bounces off the ropes and runs right into the big boot of Bulk Logan…..Logan starts to celebrate ala the hulkster when Superstar Will connects with a double axe handle right in the square of Logan’s back…..PDJ then grabs Superstar Will and sends him to the corner of the ring where DD is waiting…..PDJ runs towards Will for a clothesline but Superstar Will moves pulling Dynamic Dynamite in the way.












RA: And the FINAL person to enter the ring tonight... .......KORE WRECKED!!!

* Lights turn off and the “Got a Question for Ya” – Living Legends plays. Kore makes his way down the aisle.

Kore Wrecked takes his time getting to the ring…DD has shaken off the clothesline and whips PDJ into the ropes and goes for a clothesline of his own, but PDJ ducks and counters with a drop toe hold take down….Bulk Logan sees the DD is down and drops the leg drop straight across the throat of DD….PDJ see Darren Zirado and the two lock up…..PDJ gets the upper hand and drops DZ to the mat with a belly to belly suplex….PDJ picks ups Zirado and throws him hard into the turnbuckle……PDJ follows with a clothesline to Zirado……Zirado stumbles out from the corner and falls face first to the mat……Bulk Logan picks DD up and drops him again with a massive DDT….

Clu, Superstar Will and Jake Matthews are all on one side of the ring.

Sewaside climbs to the top rope……Sewaside surveys the ring below and jumps off the top turnbuckle and lands a dropkick right up side the head of Kore Wrecked sending him backwards into where PDJ is picking up Dynamic Dynamite, they lock up…..PDJ and DD break their lock up and both start to beat the mess of out Kore Wrecked….Until Sewaside grabs DD and takes him down with a body slam….PDJ moves in just as Dynamic Dynamite is getting up, PDJ pushes Sewaside out of the way and sends Dynamic Dynamite flying over the top rope and onto the floor.

CC: Dynamic Dynamite is eliminated.

AR: I‘m picking Kore now to win it like I said before #19 entered and He‘s #19.

* Bulk Logan atomic drops Darren Zirado and then finishes him off by tossing him over the top rope and onto the floor.

CC: There goes Zirado, If PDJ hadn’t been eliminating Dynamic Dynamite he may have saved his fan Zirado.

AR: I doubt it.

* Another minute passes as the various wrestlers struggle with one another before Clu and Mystic are able to successfully get Jake Matthews up and over the top rope and onto the floor.

AR: Jake Matthews has “rapped” up the next elimination.

CC: How funny Allen!

AR: He doesn’t think so.

* As Sewaside has Duchess of Ducks up on the turnbuckle trying to get her over and Kore Wrecked and Mystic are battling on the otherside of the ring while PDJ is now resting, Clu sees Superstar Will Evans out the corner of his eye and charges for him. Will turns around a nails Clu with a right hand, sending him crashing to the mat.

CC: And Will Evans just decked Clu with that right hand!

AR: I like this kid Will Evans, he's got potential?

CC: Well, what about Clu, he's not to bad either.

AR: Yeah, well, let's just say I'm slightly more interested in seeing his girlfriend every week than that jerk.

(Will Evans picks Clu up and whips him into the ropes and tries for a clothesline, but Clu ducks it, bounces off the ropes and NAILS Will Evans with a flying forearm! Clu kips up and gets a decent little pop as Will Evans stumbles to his feet. Clu hits the ropes again, but Will Evans nails him with the back body drop. Tiffany looks concerned as Will Evans grabs Clu by the head and yanks him up, setting him up for a big suplex, but Clu blocks it and counters with a suplex of his own, much to Tiffany's happiness. Clu stands up and smiles into the crowd as Clu picks Will Evans up again, whips him into the ropes and nails him with a big powerslam.)

CC: And a kickout by Will Evans. This is a very interesting rivalry developing, you saw that as soon as Clu caught sight of Will Evans he charged after him, probably after the comments will made about Clu's girlfriend Tiffany, and right now these two young guns setting out to prove which one of them is the best.

AR: I'd say that Tiffany has bad taste in men. I mean, she's picking this run down surf punk a man with as much potential as Will Evans?

CC: Shows that you know absolutely nothing about love.

AR: Hey, wrestling ain't about love, but even it were, nothin' could bring me to love Andrew Phillips, a.k.a The Clu.

(Will Evans stumbles over to the turnbuckle. Clu charges in but Evans nails him with a boot to the face and follows it up with a stiff clothesline. Will Evans stumps on Clu, then drops an elbow . Will slowly "helps" Clu to his feet, the nails him with a big standing dropkick. He goes for the cover, but the cockily pulls up Clu's head. Will instead picks him up and shoots him into the ropes, and lifts Clu up for a back body drop, but Clu counters into a hurricanrana! Will looks frazzled as he stands up and gets a kick to the stomach from Clu, then a clothesline. Clu comes to off the ropes, then does a little dance before sending a knee directly into Will's face.)

CC: And Will Evans and Clu, showing that they deserve to be in WpW.

(Will Evans gets his vertical base back and nails Clu nails chop to the chest, but Will Evans comes back with a chop of his own. Will Evans his a big uppercut, sending Clu crashing to the mat. Will Evans picks up Clu and drills him with a snap suplex and the quick cover, but Clu kicks out after one. Will keeps the momentum and starts working on Clu's leg, driving the point of his elbow into it. Will goes for the half boston crab, but Tiffany jumps up on the apron.)

AR: What a second, what's she doing?

CC: Tiffany just jumped up on the ring apron...

(Tiffany winks at Will and motions him in with her finger. Will Evans smiles and walks towards her. As he does, Tiffany lifts up her shirt, too a huge pop from the fans.)


CC: Oh will you stop it!

(Will looks stunned as Clu comes up behind him AND NAILS WILL with a Diving Reverse DDT! Clu kips up with a much bigger reaction from the crowd as he points to the turnbuckle.)

AR: Hey wait a second, what's the lunatic up to?

CC: Clu's climbing the turnbuckle!

(Clu motions to Will on the matt and prepares for the Swanton, but out of nowhere Bulk Logan comes and THROWS CLU OFF THE TOP ROPE! The crowd goes insane as The Bulkster hypes up the crowd.)

CC: Bulk Logan just tossed Clu from the top rope!

AR: Great, now we have this moron to deal with too...

(Bulk picks Clu up and powerslams him, the picks him and powerslams him again. Bulk punches Clu a couple times, then launches Clu into the ropes and nails hit with a forearm to the forehead. Bulk Logan looks charge and springs off the ropes for his LEG DROP OF DOOM, but Will Evans smashes him with a big clothesline. The crowd erupts in boos as Clu lifts Bulk to his feet and both he and Will Evans start drilling Bulk Logan with right hands.)

CC: And now, Bulk Logan being attacked by both men!

AR: Hey, that Clu guy might have some brains in the big head of his after all!

(Will Evans and Clu whip Bulk Logan into the ropes and drill him with shoulder block. Then they pick him up and nail him with a double suplex. Then both men start stomping the hell out of Logan, but Bulkster just eats it up. He's getting pumped, he's getting charged...)

CC: And Bulk Logan makes it to one knee as Clu and Will dish out the punishment. I dare say...

AR: Don't you say it!

CC: I think Bulk Logan...

AR: You'll make a mockery out of every man in the business!

CC: I think The Bulkster is BULKING UP!

AR: Dear God...

(Bulk Logan stands, shaking his head and arms wildly as Clu and Will look on in astonishment. They both nails him with one more big punch, but Bulkster shakes it off and points at the both of them. Will Evans moves out the way as Clu tries one more right hand, but Bulk blocks it and returns with 1, 2, 3 BIG PUNCHES OF HIS OWN! Bulk Logan whips Clu into the ropes and DRILLS HIM WITH THE BIG BOOT! Bulk Logan comes off the ropes and hits THE LEG DROP OF DOOM! But before he can capitalize, Will Evans nails HITS THE SHOWSTOPPER! Will Evans pops up and celebrates hitting his finisher on the fallen Bulk Logan, but Clu kips up, spins him around and NAILS HIM WITH SURFER BOY MUSIC! Clu falls back to the mat and now all three men are down in the ring.)

CC: And we just saw three finisher in about the span of a minute! These men putting it all on the line to become the All-Time WpW Television Champion and if they don’t win there’s always next week for the ones who don’t win tonight.

AR: Look at this two WpW Champions squaring off.

* PDJ and Mystic tie up in the center of the ring. PDJ executes a standing switch, getting postion behind the TV champion. PDJ drops Mystic quickly with a neckbreaker. Mystic hits the mat hard, but gets up quickly. PDJ charges Mystic, who delievers a big boot to the face of the former World champion. The boot knocks PDJ to the mat. Mystic follows up by executing a leg drop on PDJ. Mystic lifts PDJ from the mat and whips him into the ropes. PDJ bounds of, as Mystic ducks for a would be back body drop. PDJ makes Mystic pay for telegraphing the move, as Jefferson delivers a kick sqaure to the chin of Mystic. Mauler drops to the mat with his hand holding his chin. This allows PDJ the opportunity to bury Mystic with his signature "Cloud Ten" DDT. PDJ rolls to his feet and grabs Mystic by the hair. He drags the larger man to the ring ropes but is drop kicked by Kore Wrecked, Kore hops up and then eliminates Mystic near the ropes.

CC: Kore Wrecked has eliminated the All-Time TV Champion so we will see a new champion crowned tonight!

AR: Yes we will and it’s my pick, Kore.

CC: We shall see, many stars are still in this Sewaside, Bulk Logan and Clu might disagree on Kore Wrecked winning tonight. We just missed Sewaside clothes lining Superstar Will over the top rope eliminating him, must have been at the exact same time as Kore Wrecked eliminated the Champion.

* Kore Wrecked turns around only to find Clu ready to eliminate Kore Wrecked.

CC: There goes your pick Allen

AR: Nooooooooooo!

* Kore Wrecked goes over the top rope but lands on the outside apron then does a headscissors to Clu bringing him over the top rope and onto the floor as Kore slides in the foreign crowd applauds the elimination.

CC: Clu is now gone and we’re down to the final five. Dutchess of Ducks has been in there since #3.

AR: So what, Bulk Logan drew #1 and I don’t think anyone in the history of the All-Time TV Title match has drawn #1 and won.

CC: Don’t forget Sewaside and PDJ are left in this with Kore Wrecked who almost just got eliminated.

* As Duchess of Ducks ties up with Bulk Logan and PDJ stands on the far side of the ring, Kore shoots himself off the ropes. Sewaside attempts to catch him with a boot to the face, but Kore slides underneath his legs, getting behind Sewaside. Kore hooks his arms around Sewaside and attempts a suplex. Sewaside counters with a back elbow and then a standing switch. Once behind Kore, Sewaside executes a belly-to-back suplex of his own. Both men quickly roll to their feet, Kore rubbing the back of his head hard. Sewaside tries to catch Kore with a running forearm, but Kore ducks and drops Sewaside with a leg sweep. Kore fights to his feet, then executes a backflip on Sewaside who's still laying on the mat. Kore lifts Sewaside from the mat and tosses him over the top rope. Sewaside lands on the apron and rolls back into the ring, where he is meet with a baseball slide by Kore. Once again, Sewaside holds on and fails to be eliminated. Kore backs away, shaking his head in disbelief that Sewaside has avoided elimination twice. Sewaside rolls back into the ring, and Kore once again charges him. This time, Sewaside pulls down the top rope and sends Kore flying over but he jumps to the side of the apron and PDJ runs over and kicks at Sewaside but can’t get him to go to the floor. Kore Wrecked on the apron to Sewaside’s right leaps onto the top rope then does a spinning heel kick to PDJ!

CC: Unbelievable!

* The crowd roars in applause.

Sewaside still on the apron begins to get back into the ring but Kore Wrecked now inside the ring dropkicks Sewaside sending him feet first to the floor for elimination.

AR: Sewaside is out of this one. So close. Kore Wrecked is on a roll.

* Bulk Logan now sets his sights on PDJ who was just kicked…..Logan grabs PDJ from behind and takes him down with a belly to back suplex….On the other side of the ring the Duchess of Ducks gets her hands on Kore Wrecked…..DoD sends Kore Wrecked flying across the ropes…..DoD connects with a drop kick that sends Kore Wrecked flying to the ropes…..Kore Wrecked gets his arms tangled in the ropes as DoD takes advantage and starts in with hard lefts and rights to the gut of Kore Wrecked but then the crowd begins to come alive again as from behind Bulk Logan grabs Duchess of Ducks and tosses her from the ring eliminating her….

CC: Duchess of Ducks places a respectable 4th.

AR: But no All-Time TV Championship for her this week.

CC: We’re down to three.

AR: Amazing Bulk Logan made it this far. He was considered a joke when the names started signing up for this match a couple of weeks ago.

CC: It just shows you, that people have to take everyone with some talent seriously.

AR: And my pick Kore Wrecked is still in this one and these fans here in Fukuoka have really taken to him tonight.

CC: You only picked him because he came out last.

* PDJ is now pounding away on the face of Kore Wrecked…..PDJ takes Kore Wrecked down with a DDT….. PDJ pounds the back of Kore Wrecked’s head on the mat a couple of times before he picks him up and sends him to the ropes……Before PDJ can do anything with Kore out of now where Bulk Logan drop kicks PDJ in the back……

CC: PDJ is gone!

AR: Just about.

* PDJ slides back through the ropes escaping elimination and re-enters looking for vengeance. He approaches Bulk and tries to get him out of the ring.

CC: Bulkamania may be getting tired.

(PDJ struggles to get Bulk Logan over the top rope. Kore Wrecked comes up under him and together they try and use all their strength to get Bulk over, but can't. Bulk nails them both with big right hands, sending them both to the mat. PDJ stands up and gives Bulk Logan a kick to the stomach, then whips him into the turnbuckle. PDJ mounts Logan and starts nailing him with right hands, but Kore Wrecked comes up behind PDJ as he‘s mounted the turnbuckle punching Bulk and pushes PDJ off the top!

CC: PDJ is out!

AR: And this time...

* Bulk Logan turns around and reaches out at PDJ who has one foot on one side of the apron and the other around the corner post on the other side of the apron.

PDJ is hanging onto the corner post from the outside as Bulk is trying to get to him by climbing to reach out at him .

Kore Wrecked pushes Bulk and lets his momentum send him over the top and to the floor.

CC: Bulk Logan is gone!

AR: Bulkamania is dead.

CC: For some reason I don’t think so. He’ll be back in WpW.

* PDJ swings around to one clear side of the apron to enter but Kore Wrecked is there to meet him. Kore is inside the ring and PDJ is on the apron outside the ring. PDJ pushes Kore Wrecked back so he can get back in the ring but Kore grabs a hold of PDJ.

CC: It’s come down to this.

AR: I like Kore‘s chances still being in the ring.

* PDJ then grabs a front facelock of his own on Kore and lifts him up. Over his head and Kore Wrecked lands on the floor.

CC: It’s OVER! We have a winner and new champion!

AR: Awesome night and fantastic effort by not only PDJ but the wrestlers who were there in the final 5.

* PDJ slumps through the middle ropes back into the ring.

RA: Your winner and NEW All-Time TV Champion....PDJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* The Fukuoka crowd cheer the match and the victory.

CC: As we watch on seeing PDJ’s hand raised in victory and PDJ’s long-time friend Von Jackson entering the ring to celebrate with the new champion and his belt, we’ve got to show this from our interim CEO. Its just too bad we can’t stay with this celebration.

AR: I’m interested in hearing this.

The WpWtron shows DVA’s office, where she is sitting at her desk. She’s dressed in a black business suit. Dominique Vanessa Anthony WpW’s new interim CEO addresses the viewers.

DVA: An unbelievable night of action and suspense. The Continental Title tournament has begun and we’ve seen the end of a record WpW reign with Shawn Stryker vacating the WpW World Tag Team Titles and that sets up some announcements for next GoldPush when we go to the land down under, I will personally be there and begin signing tag teams for our future tournament to crown new Tag Champions, I will also be on hand to witness the Main Event next GoldPush as it will be for the Big Gold Championship, A Three-Way Elimination Match. iRey vs #1 Contender Rick Vaughn vs Big Gold Champ ‘Icon’ Chris Lee. That should make for a fine Main Event and I expect everyone to tune in as the WpW GoldPush World Tour continues....

* Scene shifts backstage to Rick Vaughn’s locker room because of the fine print in Vaughn's number one contender match. i.e. it says that he gets a shot at the title, not how he gets a shot and DVA just announced a Three-Way Elimination match with the Big Gold title on the line.

* In Ricks locker room. Vaughn is pacing back in forth, cleary mad. Rick: (Extermely angry) Damn it! What is it with this place? That bitch DVA and that tart lilly have had it out for me from the get go. Fatal four for number 1 contender. I win it and then I gotta face drake to get the shot. I kick his ass from one side of the ring to the other and now I hafta step in the ring with both Rey and Chris.

* Rick grabs a chair and flings it against the wall.

Rick: They can stack the odds against me all they want. But at the end of that match one name will be said in the same sentence as big gold champion, that name will be Rick Vaughn!

* Scene fades back to ring one final time to Candice and Allen.

CC: What an exciting and very fitting that Rick Vaughn after all his big talk all night wasn’t too pleased with the match he’s in next GoldPush.

AR: I concur.

CC: Many surprises and probably the most action we’ve ever seen on a GoldPush. A Record number of matches and record number of entrants to the All-Time TV title hunt. Congratulations to PDJ for winning the title and for Allen Rozell, I’m Candice Callaway and we’ll see you down under in Austrailia next weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!
