GP Opens with a great package showcasing the upcoming Wrestival III matches.

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The video then changes to highlighting GP Bayou & tonight’s upcoming matches that were made. David Capital vs. Firebomb, and Dynamic Dynamite vs. PDJ in a non-title match.

Before showing the crowd or commentators GP goes backstage to Scooter.

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Scooter:: I’m on th’ low-low if you know-know. Top secret mission from th saintly saints or at least on behalf of WPW. About to get the skinny on th straight truth from none other than….

“The Strike-Back Kid” Shawn Stryker walks into view and gets an immediate face reaction then some boos creep in.

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Scooter:: I think you know whoodee-Who. See? Now SBK, You have the contract signing tonight and Wrestival is only weeks away so answer the pressing question of the moment. What’s your favorite candy bar?

SBK:: I’d say Twix. You get two for th money. I’m a cat who likes to double up if you know what I mean.

Scooter:: I think I do. I’m a connoisseur of th finer foods myself. Candy bars, burgers, nachos, popcorn, Sloppy joes, Fritos, Fruit roll-ups, Filet o Fish, Tator Tots, Corny Dogs, Funnel Cakes, Spam, Mac N Cheeeeeeeeeeee.

SBK is counting off with his hands all the things Scooter is naming and the fans are enjoying it.

SBK:: Any other pressing questions? Sounds like you’re dieing to get back to catering.

Scooter:: Tonight’s matches? I want to get the scoop.

SBK:: You would rather have a scoop of ice cream tell th truth.

Scooter:: How did you know?

Scooter then begins throwing his hands around.

Scooter:: OK! Enough of this tomfoolery. To the bottom of this. To this scoop. SBK, WHO do you think will win tonight between Dynamic Dynamooooo and PDJ?


Scooter:: That’s all? Nothing else to say about it?

SBK smirks.

SBK:: Oh I got a lot to say. A LOT but later tonight. Later.

Scooter:: Moving on then, Great Grapple. This one has Gavelon, Trekker and Delilah. Who you want?

SBK cuts his eyes at Scooter to understand the meaning of his question.

Scooter:: Who’re you goin with?

SBK:: Whore I’m goin with? What’d you say chump change!?!


SBK:: Oh yeah man.

SBK then almost phases out of the moment looking upward closing his eyes as he bites his lip and goes “Mmmmm”. As he is pondering it or thinking about something he is really happy about. The All-Time Television Champ Tyger Lilly walks into the Trio dressing room as SBK‘s eyes are closed. The crowd boos. Scooter moves and winks at Lilly that makes the crowd laugh but she cuts him a mean look. SBK then in a turned on voice blurts out…

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SBK:: Mmmmm. I’m all about me some…Delilah!!!

SBK clears his throat seeing Lilly in the Trio locker room for the first time.

SBK: Yeah yeah. Uh uh All about Delilah gettin her butt kicked in Great Grapple!!!

Lilly glares at SBK and gets a pissed look on her face as she turns to walk out.

SBK: Cause you see, Th Trio is in it to win and Lilly is gonna take it right to ol Delilah. I mean give it to her good. Delilah needs someone to give it to her good and Lilly faces her at Wrestival Right hun? Tell em!!!

SBK's tone on Delilah is completely different now that Lilly is in the room.

Lilly: I knew there was something going on. she says under her breath Delilah can not and will not survive me at Wrestival. I mean why would they do that to her? Everyone knows there is only room for one Diva in this company and that's ME!

SBK:: I can't wait til Wrestival seein you and Delilah rollin around..uh goin at it...uh..grabbin...

Lilly smacks Shawn and grins.

Lilly: Yeah I bet. Delilah can't hang with me, unless she brings in her Mann Toy, and that's the only way she'd be able to get one over me. She knows this. I know this. She's nothing but a big slut to the company. Now if you'll excuse me, Shawn, We need to talk.

SBK: Talk? Damn I'm horny let's get these cameras outta here and do a pre-match warm up of our own!!

Lilly: Maybe you should get Delilah for that.

SBK: Really? You're cool with it?

SBK surveys Lilly and realizes he just messed up. Lilly glares at SBK not saying a word.

SBK: I mean I was just kiddin, I don't even know her number. She's not even in our league and you'll show her who's the woman on top in WPW come Wrestival!!!!

Lilly: I'll always be on top. In and OUT of the ring baby.

she gives a wink at the camera as she pulls SBK out of site.

SBK: Not always. Sometimes we do it, you know when I turn you on your...your...uh wait nevermind. GET OUTTA HERE you nosey cameras we got some warmin up to do!!!!

Goldpush Bayou crowd in the arena is shown and the camera pans the rabid fans.

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Signs throughout the crowd include: “Firebomb spells a Kapital loss”, “PDJ explodes DD ego”, “Trio’s Company”, “Miller is Card Filler”, David is a Deckwad“, “Samus is Shameless”, “SBkums2much”, “I‘m Doug‘s Benefactor“, “A new week, a new Tiddy Pee”, “Ruiz gives penny lap dances”, “Delilah is a size queen”, “WpW nightmare come true”, “Forget Henry&Mystic, X is LEGEND”, “What is Sup in Monique?”, “GRENDEL LUVS 3-ways”


Candice Callaway & Toby O are eXcited as the Monroe crowd cheers the cameras.

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CC: Welcome to the final push before Wrestival. I’m Candice Callaway & beside me is Toby O, we’ve got one hot show tonight here.

TO: Dey are ready tonight!

CC: We just heard Scooter get an interview with number one contender SBK Shawn Stryker. He w/Big Gold Champ GRENDEL defend the WpW tag titles tonight against Henry W. Miller & Continental Champ Samus Bellemont.

TO: It looked like SBK better worry mo bout his woman than Samus or Henry.

CC: You may be right.

TO: I wanna talk about Firebomb vs. David Capital.

CC: This match has many talking. This is a case where behind the curtain issues spill out to the ring. Tonight, we will get their heated feud displayed in the ring.

TO: And if it’s heat you want. We got a match tonight between two men who have no love for one another. PDJ takes on DD!

CC: This is a historic WpW match. It will be the first time for a match in WpW that features two former WpW World Champions one-on-one!

TO: And if all that wasn’t enough. The Great Grapple concludes tonight on the muthaship!

CC: It will be a Triple Threat Elimination match, Delilah vs. Drifter vs. Doug Gavelon.

TO: Greg”Great”White is here tonight as is DVA

CC: Our first match will determine who wins the “Great Grapple”. GP Bayou begins in two minutes!!!

GP Commercials


Returning from break the “Great Grapple” graphiX is put up as all three wrestlers competing in the finals are in the ring.

The bell rings and Trekker starts the match off by dropkicking Gavelon in the back and sending him to the floor.

CC: That wasn't very sportsmanlike but we‘re under way!

TO: Da Drifter iz just matchin up wit da weaker of his two opponents.

CC: Delilah is far from weak.

TO: Sez you.

Trekker turns around and finds Delilah right in his face. The two exchange words before getting into a shoving contest. Delilah goes for a scoop slam, but appears unable to lift Trekker. He shoves her off and begins to laugh at her.

TO: I told ya she was weak.

Delilah then proceeds to put the boots to Trekker's midsection before picking him up and delivering a stalling suplex.

CC: No, she's just a great actor. COVER!

1...2...NO! Drifter easily gets the shoulder up.

Delilah picks Trekker back up, then she comes off the ropes and hits a spinning headscissors. Gavelon finally gets back in the ring. He goes to attack Delilah, but gets met with a spinning heel kick. Delilah then kicks Gavelon back out of the ring.

TO: Da only rassler dat matters don't appear to be holdin out too well in dis match.

CC: The other two combatants in this match are being smart by trying to keep Gavelon out of the match and focus on each other. But it's also a double-edged sword as he's getting rest time.

Trekker gets back up, hits Delilah in the back with a forearm, and delivers a German suplex.

CC: COVER! 1..2..NO!

Trekker gets back to his feet and lays in the boots to Delilah's head. He picks her back up and hits a scoop slam before proceeding to the top rope. He comes off for a leg drop but Delilah moves.

TO: Nobody home on that one.

CC: Ta win a 3 way, ya have ta be da better thinker and so far it looks like dat would be Delilah.

Delilah and Trekker get back to their feet and begin trading right hands. As they're doing this, Gavelon climbs to the top rope and hits them both with a dropkick. Doug sets Trekker up on the mat, Doug bounces off the ropes and hits an elbow drop. He gets back to his feet and his another one. He lays in a few boots to the neck of Trekker before concentrating on Delilah. Gavelon kicks her in the gut and sets her up for a piledriver, but Delilah breaks free and hits another spinning heel kick on Gavelon.

TO: Dat seems to be his Craptonite.

CC: I think you mean Kryptonite?

TO: Dat too.

Trekker gets to his feet and goes for a bulldog on Delilah but she moves out of the way. She grabs Trekker's legs, then moves up and gutwrenches him before suplexing him over her head.

CC: Wheelbarrow suplex! COVER! 1..2..NO! Drifter just barely gets the shoulder up.

TO: Dat boy ain't done yet.

Delilah gets to her feet, goes to the top rope, and sets up for a moonsault. But Trekker recovers and sets her up for a belly-to-back suplex off the middle rope. But Gavelon clubs them both in the back with a forearm, sets up Trekker for a belly-to-back, and all three combatants go crashing to the mat. This causes the fans to jump up and cheer in amazement.

CC: Double belly-to-back suplex and all 3 people are down! Listen to the crowd, Toby!

TO: But, wait, dere's 3 of dem. Wouldn't it be a trifecta suplex or sumting?

CC: No, they only set up 2 moves, so it's 3 of...oh never mind. It's like pulling teeth.

Gavelon is the first to get to his feet. He grabs Trekker and hits a few rights before Trekker recovers, kicks Gavelon in the gut and nails a vicious lariat.

CC: Cover on Doug! 1........2..........NO! Gavelon just barely got the shoulder up!

Trekker gets up and sees that Delilah is just about to her feet. He goes for a lariat on her but she ducks, sets him up for an inverted atomic drop, but turns it into a sidewalk slam.

CC: POLTERGEIST! Delilah just hit Drifter with the Poltergeist!

Before Delilah can go for the cover, Drifter's wife, Brooke, gets up on the apron and begins to argue with the ref.

CC: Get her off the apron. She shouldn't be getting involved in this match.

TO: Yeah, but I'm enjoyin the view I git from lookin at her.

CC: Shut up, Toby. She's just running interference for her husband.

Delilah walks over and slaps Brooke in the face as Gavelon's benefactor pulls Brooke off the apron. Brooke goes to hit him but he ducks, hoists her up on his shoulder and carries her off to the back.

TO: What's dat moron think he's doin?

CC: Leveling the playing field. Not only is he taking Brooke out of the match, he's taking himself out as well. This way, there shouldn't be anymore interference.

Gavelon gets behind Delilah and gets her in a torture rack.

CC: This could be it. Delilah could give up right here.

Doug continues to wrench on the head and legs of Delilah to put more pressure on her back. But she simply refuses to give up. Gavelon then sets her up for a Burning Hammer, but in the meantime, Trekker recovers and heads to the top rope. When Gavelon drops Delilah for the Burning Hammer, Trekker comes off and nails her with a legdrop. This leads to an explosion of cheers from the crowd.

CC: OH MY GOD! She may be broken in half!

TO: I think I got Craptonit in my pants.

CC: I didn't need that visual. Gavelon's going for the cover on Delilah!



3! Delilah's out!


CC: We're down to two in the Great Grapple Finals.

Trekker gets back up and meets Gavelon with an Ace Crusher.




NO! Gavelon kicks out at 2 and a half.

Trekker picks Doug up, sends him off the ropes and hooks in a sleeper hold. As the life, seemingly, drains from Gavelon, Drifter develops a smile over his face. Finally, Gavelon drops to the mat, completely still. The ref moves in and raises Doug's arm once. It falls. He raises it again and it falls for a second time. He raises it again but Gavelon is able to hold it back up just in the nick of time. He gets back to his feet, hits a few elbows to Trekker's gut, bounces off the ropes, and both men hit a clothesline.

CC: Both men had the same idea and both men are now down.

Gavelon gets to his feet and goes to the top rope. He sets up for a flying clothesline but Trekker nails him with a kick to the gut and hits a Twist of Fate.




3! Trekker wins!


“I’m Back” plays. Greg”Great”White comes to the ring carrying a large white pearl & black marble trophy. He has a ton of heat from this Monroe crowd.

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“Greg suX” “Greg SuX”


Greg”Great”White presents the trophy to Drifter Rhemses Trekker. He holds the trophy up high.

GW: You’re looking at the Great Grappler 2006! Rhemses Trekker The Drifter!!!!!

The Monroe fans boo anything Greg says.

GW: With this great win I think this makes you the “odds on favorite” now going into Wrestival.

Drifter: But I do not have a match.

GW: You do now. You are being entered into the Grab For the Gold Grudge, just think if you win you could get the first World title match after Wrestival!!!

Doug Gavelon is walking up the aisle leaving.

GW: For pinning Delilah & nearly winning this Trophy, Doug? Do not think I have forgotten about you. You will also be one of the six included in the Six Pack Ladder match for the Grab for the Gold Grudge. It’s going to be GREAT! Good luck to you both!

“I’m Back” plays.

CC: There we go. Drifter is the the first “Great Grapple” winner. We now know 2 out of the six participants in the Ladder Match.

TO: Dat match is gonna steal th show bebies!

CC: It might.


DVA is wearing a black evening gown. She is standing by the desk alone on the telephone.

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DVA: Ok, you’re name is what again? Did you say Stephanie?

DVA’s eye bulge out.

DVA: Yes, It is an honor to speak to you. Of course we accept your apology on your father’s behalf that he cannot attend tonight due to a recent injury. You & he both will be @ the next GP? The one after Wrestival. Yes, I will deliver that message to Greg.

DVA hangs up the phone.

DVA: Or maybe I won’t. Hahahaha

Dominique Vanessa Anthony puts her hand on her hips with an evil grin.

CC: DVA already backstabbing Greg?

TO: Why’re you surprised?

CC: I’m not


‘Man in the Box’ by Alice in Chains begins to play throughout the stadium as we see Tommy D. Powers come out in a suit and tie with a microphone in hand. The crowd gives mixed reactions as he stops at the top of the stage and holds the mic up to his mouth.

TDP: WpW has been the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

CC: Really? He hasn’t been that great to WpW though.

TDP: It has raised me up to become a professional wrestler and it has given me hope. When I started here I was nothing but a jobber. I lost four matches in a row and was looking to give up my wrestling career.

CC: What’s changed? He’s always giving up or going on vacation. At least he’s back now & going to prove he can be dependable.

TDP takes the microphone down from his mouth and reflects for a quick second and then brings the mic up again.

TDP: But then the WpW gave me a new hope and I took a new style by coming out with my real name, Tommy D. Powers. The board of directors never gave up on me. Even though there were the times that looked like they were against me, such as Greg ‘Great’ White taking a few title shots away from me, they did it to advance my career.

CC: No one took his shots away. WpW had to come up with something to eXplain his frequent vacations.

TDP: From there I went on to win at the biggest stage of wrestling, at Wrestival.

CC: Toby, he is not telling the complete facts. No one took shots from him ‘before’ Wrestival.

TDP: I won myself a World Title shot and the next week won me my first ever professional title, the WpW All Time Television Title. I held that title for a tied record of three weeks before losing it at November Reign. At November Reign I also had my first ever shot at the highest ranked title for the first time in my career.

CC: He was finally told he had to compete, No vacations of forfeit his shot. Surprise. Tommy appeared.

TO: Shhhh.

TDP: Although this night was not great for my record, I believe it was one of the greatest nights in my career.

TDP pauses once again and looks down with a hint of a tear in his eyes

TDP: But now I must leave the WpW.

CC: Cry me a river.

The crowd gives a louder mixed reaction. Booing begins.

TDP: For all of you who do not know I have been going out with a beautiful woman called Emily for quite some time now and she has fallen pregnant. A few nights ago actually, I secretly proposed to her and we are getting married in August, with the baby due in late September. I am not a man to leave a pregnant woman on her own so I have chosen to leave the WpW.

CC: That is noble but why do I feel this is another excuse since he ran out of frequent flyer miles?

TDP: I have had to quit my wrestling career for good now because I wouldn’t be able to return until my child had grown up. Family is first, my job is second and I cannot wait until I can be called a father. Thankyou WpW for all the good times I have had and I wish to stay involved out of the ring every once in a while. To my fans, thankyou for supporting me this far and thankyou for contributing to the WpW. Thankyou and goodbye.

TDP waves out to the crowd with a tear in his eye as most of them, for the first time in quite some time, clap him on but most boo him out of the building

TO: Well good riddance to Tiddee P. I’m wit you on dis one CC.

CC: Come on Toby, let’s remember him for his contribution to the WpW rather than the last few weeks here. What am I saying? Of course this is ridiculous by Tommy. All of you parents watching @ home, Tommy Powers is basically saying if you work & are a parent to be great & noble you must quit your job until your child is grown up. Goodness gracious.

All of a sudden the lights dim and the titantron shows static. It then fades into a black screen and golden, cursive writing appears.

Coming to a Wrestival near you....

The Power of the WpW may be gone....

But a bigger, better one is coming...

He is...

Jermaine Owens....

A picture then appears on the WpW.

The lights then turn back on to normal as the music fades out. The crowd gives a pop for the site of the huge man.

CC: Haha, Well it looks like we have a replacement for TDP and his name is Jermaine Owens.

TO: Let hope he has more talent in the ring then TDP or else he is toast.

CC: Good job BOD, putting up a promo of a newcomer to steal Tommy Power’s thunder.


GRENDEL is seen walking backstage.......He walks to the Trio's dressing room and sees the door is cracked......He goes to knock but leans in to listen to the strange sounds coming from the locker room.....

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The fans cheer as they watch GRENDEL about to walk in on SBK and Lilly

CC:: You don't think GRENDEL is about to see SBK and you know?

TO:: You mean walk in on em gettin funky like a monkey?

CC:: Well I have learned Lilly has been in a funk as of late.

GRENDEL still pauses at the door, the crowd anticipates this moment.

TO: Funk? I thought she down right stunk!

CC:: Stink? That's your commentary Toby, I wish they'd just rehire Allen already. What am I gonna have to do to get that to happen around here?

GRENDEL finally knocks on the door and makes his way inside the locker room.....

GRENDEL: Am I interupting anything?

SBK and Lilly are sitting on a couch, SBK is holding a radio blaring some song by "Lil Jon".

SBK: Nah man, what you think all I do is have sex? Man, I heard some cats wanted more screwin well yeah I know I'm more than holdin up my end of it but I guess they are lookin for a different kind of screwin. Come on in man!

SBK high fives Gman then sits back down as GRENDEL grabs a chair to sit down nearby.

GRENDEL: I know your ready for our match tonight, but you've gotta be looking forward to Wrestival and finally taking that gold from PDJ.

SBK: Yeah man no doubt about it.

Lilly acknowleges GRENDEL but doesn't say much.

SBK: It's high time we finally move out the lame duck Token Quota boy and let the real #1 talent in WpW and th Straw that stirs the drink have his time in the sun and rightful place as this company's world champ!

GRENDEL: No doubt man. SBK and GRENDEL double champs!

SBK: You got yours...I'm still lookin to ...get mine.

SBK kinda looks down and smirks.

GRENDEL looks over at Lilly who is sitting quitely......

GRENDEL: Your awful quite over there my dear. What's a matter cat got your tounge?

SBK: She does like th tongue in her cat though.

Lilly: Lilly playfully smacks Shawn.

Lilly: You're soooo baaaad!

SBK: That's right that's right I am th BADD dude in WPW.

GRENDEL looks over to Lilly…..

GRENDEL: I bet your looking forward to kicking Delilah's ass at Wrestival.

Lilly glares at GRENDEL as she appears to get pissed.

SBK sets the radio on a table as he covers his crotch area seeming as though he's gettin excited. "boing!"

Lilly: Oh Delilah has it coming alright. I just hope she survives Wrestival.

GRENDEL looks over at shawn who has a goofy look on his face, and can't help but laugh....

Lilly gets up from the couch and starts to walk away after his initial "boing"

SBK: Gman, Gman Gman, Delilah will get it good I just know it! Let's talk turkey though about the big match they are avoidin!!!

SBK punches GRENDEL's leg in a playing manner.

SBK: Your match! For th Big Gold Title!

As SBK starts to talk about th Big Gold Title match Lilly returns.

G: Not much has been said about it, but I'm really looking forward to it.

SBK: You see in my opinion, you're in one of the best matches of th night and they are afraid to talk about it. You got the chance to take out both DC and Dynamite in one night!

SBK stands up and looks into the camera.

SBK: Let me throw down the gauntlet right here right now and talk some turkey on a subject I've been wantin to cover a LONG ASS TIME!

G: Your damn right. I mean I don't think I can beat DC in seven seconds, maybe eight, but not seven.

SBK pauses then continues.

SBK: I've beaten DC. Punked and Dunked him and now he's showin his respect for me pointin how I should be WPW World Champ over the quota boy, PDJ. What I wanna talk about in your Big Gold Match is the pink elephant in the WPW room.

SBK waits and doesn't say what for a second.

GRENDEL: What's that S-Bee?

SBK: Th man who's in his old stomping grounds tonight. Th man not Firebomb who's here in his former home where he used to use a stable to back him up cause when the rubber meets the road...

SBK gets a fierce look on his face.

SBK: Dynamic Dynamite can't hang with a cat like ME!!!

SBK points to camera,

GRENDEL: Double D has been awful quite as of late, has a chance to step it up a gainst PDJ, the vertict is still out on that one. We'll see if he thinks he can hold a candle to the Big Gold Champ.

SBK: He can't hold a candle to you Gman, He REALLY can't hold one to me and on top of all that, he thought when he left WPW last time, that when he took his candle and left that WPW's light would go out...

Lilly: Yeah the man's ego is bigger than his talent. He thought he WAS WpW. All the threats made from him on how WpW would shut down without him. Oh the many times he begged me to let him take over. The man makes me sick!

GRENDEL: I've watched the tapes of when he was here last, it was a little before my time, but I've heard the stories. Lilly: DD is predictable.

GRENDEL: Predictable is right, I've seen his promos. I just hope he sticks around for me to kick his ass at Wrestival and not run away like a lost sheep.

SBK smirks then changes the subject.

SBK: Now Gman not only is there Dynamite, you get the chance to shut up the locker room lawyer himself...Good ol DC!

GRENDEL: I'm not going to be pleading the fifth when it comes to Lowercase. I've enjoyed his little war of words with the spelling queen FireBomb. But I hope he realizes who he's dealing with at Wrestival.

SBK: Yeah man he's dealin with a whole other picture in th Gman. Not Firebomb!

GRENDEL: Just like Double D, ol DC is predictable.

GRENDEL smiles into the camera....

GRENDEL: And that will cost him the match come Wrestival.

GRENDEL gets up and looks back at SBK and Lilly...

GRENDEL: Come on Shawn we've a match to win.

CC: The WpW tag title match is next!!!


CC: We’re back & it’s time for the tag title match.

TO: Dis gonna be good bebies!

Roxy: Coming to ring first are the challengers Samus Bellemont and Henry W. Miller.

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Samus walks out to the ring first followed a short time later by Henry W. Miller…..Miller is just shaking his head in disgust as the unlikely duo makes their way to the ring….

CC: Looks like Miller isn’t none to happy about having to team with Bellemont.

TO: Miller carried the weight of this duo on his shoulders the days leading up to this bout Candy Girl. Samus most have been lost.

Roxy: Their opponents, and current WpW Tag Team Champions, the team of Power Stryke. SBK Shawn Stryker and The Man They Call GRENDEL!

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The Monroe crowd is split…..half of them are cheering Power Stryke and the other half are booing…..

CC: Mixed reaction from the crowd for the tag team champs. But none the less, this is going to be a great match.

TO: Looks like it will be more of a miss match if you ask me.

The referee signals for the bell as SBK converses with GRENDEL as he will be starting the match…….. HWM is standing in the center of the ring as Samus has exited the ring and stands near the corner…… HWM points at GRENDEL and begins to laugh, thinking he’s scared to face off against him……. SBK gestures to HWM to get the match underway……... Both men circle the ring as they stand in the center and lock up. Both men are jockeying for position as SBK gets the upper hand and pushes HWM into the ropes………. The referee warns SBK to break the hold. As he breaks the holds, HWM pokes him in the eyes……… SBK staggers backwards as HWM follows up with an elbow to the back of the head……… HWM grabs SBK’s left arm as he irish whips him into the ropes……. On the rebound, HWM attempts a clothesline but SBK ducks the attempt……. He runs into the ropes as he connects with clothesline that sends HWM to the mat………. HWM gets back to his feet as he is hit by another clothesline by SBK………. HWM once again hits the mat as he gets back to his feet……. SBK irish whips HWM into the ropes as he connects with a powerslam on the rebound………. SBK gets to his feet as he leans down and grabs HWM……… He places HWM’s right arm around his own neck and lifts him up into a suplex position……. He walks over to GRENDEL as he tags his with one hand as he still holds HWM in the suplex……... GRENDEL climbs the turnbuckle as SBK executes the suplex……. As soon as he hits, GRENDEL jumps off the ropes and connects with a elbow onto HWM…….. GRENDEL hits as he goes for the cover……….



HWM lifts his shoulder up as GRENDEL gets to his feet……. GRENDEL runs into the ropes as he connects with a dropkick to the side of the head of HWM……. HWM lies on the mat face first as he tries to get to his feet…….. GRENDEL walks over to him as he grabs him by the hair and helps him to his feet……… He kicks him in the mid-section as he connects with a spinning neckbreaker…….. HWM hits the mat as he is holding his neck…….. GRENDEL runs into the ropes as he connects with jumping elbow drop to the upper chest of HWM……… GRENDEL goes for the cover again but HWM quickly kicks out prior to the referee getting into position.

CC: HWM is in trouble early as GRENDEL and SBK are showing great team work.

TO: Unlike the dynamic duo of Bellemont and Miller.

GRENDEL gets to his feet as HWM is slowly getting to his feet…….. GRENDEL grabs him and places him in a side headlock as HWM pushes his into the ropes…….. HWM works his way out of the side headlock as he irish whips GRENDEL into the ropes…… HWM attempts an elbow on the rebound as GRENDEL ducks the attempt……As he reaches the ropes, Samus places a knee into GRENDEL’s back as he hits his knee……GRENDEL stumbles forward as he is holding his lower back……. HWM grabs GRENDEL’s head and places him into a powerbomb position…….. But GRENDEL blocks it and reverses it……GRENDEL hooks both his hands as he lifts HWM up in the air and connects with a powerbomb…….

CC: What power shown by GRENDEL. He threw Miller halfway across the ring.

TO: Might have been a mistake, GRENDEL tossed Miller to his corner where he tags Samus.

CC: Looks like Samus is ready for action. But what’s this? GRENDEL just laughs and tags in SBK.

SBK is tagged in a receives a pop from the crowd he pauses and looks at the fans and just shakes his head in disapproval.

TO:: Here we go we gonna get to see Shamu vs. Stryker tonight. A whale of a match!

CC:: It’s Samus not Shamu.

TO:: Th Duo is gone beat these two dummies fast. SBK gonna beat this dude in a minute.

CC:: SBK has Samus in a headlock.

TO:: He makin this look easy against th big fella.

CC:: You say that like you’re surprised.

Samus shoots Shawn into ropes, Samus gives SBK a belly to belly suplex but SBK rolls through it with momentum reversing it sending Lost Soul to the mat. SBK is quick to get up.

CC:: Where’s he goin?

TO:: We know he ain’t gonna leave.

Shawn goes up top, Samus rolls out of the ring.

CC:: Is he leaving?

TO:: I think he be scared.

GRENDEL leaps off apron blocks Samus before he can get to the aisle. He grabs him and throws him back into the ring.

CC:: It’s like the crowd wants to cheer Power Stryke in this match and I can’t say I blame them.

TO:: I know it Candy.

Samus goes to other side of the ring quickly and tags in HWM.

CC:: SBK is standing in the middle of the ring and saying something to HWM.

SBK:: You know you ain’t got no chance to beat me Wankman so turn your ass around and tag his coward ass back in.

HWM turns around and tags in Samus and tells him to prove he’s not a coward and actually step up to the plate. Samus reluctantly gets back into the ring.

Samus rushes Shawn, SBK gives Samus a D.D.T. SBK covers.



SBK pulls him up.

CC:: Could that be a mistake?

TO:: Not against these two.

SBK does a neck breaker.

Samus gives him a boot to the face.

TO:: He actually did something for a change.

Samus goes up top, missed a clothesline.

CC:: That momentum didn’t last but one kick.

SBK ducks a clothesline and tries for the cross body block, Lost Soul is able to make the catch.

CC:: Could we see an upset like when Samus captured the belt from PDJ???

TO:: Anything is possible!

Samus slams Shawn down.

CC:: That had to hurt SBK.

TO:: Not as badd as th bad breath Samus just exposed SBK to by breathin down on him!!

Finally SBK jumps with a poke in the eye, Samus Bellemont scrambles on the mat very scared. SBK is yelling at Lost Soul.

SBK:: Get your ass up you big scaredy cat!!!

SBK stomps the mat, moves in close.


CC:: He nailed it!


CC:: He’s covering.




CC:: It’s over. SBK had pinned Samus.

“Cat Scratch Fever” plays, the referee raises SBK’s arm. GRENDEL enters the ring and his arm is raised too. They look down at the beaten Samus Bellemont with disapproval at him.

Roxy:: Your winners and still WPW World Champions Power-Stryke members of The Trio, GRENDEL and SBK!!!!

The crowd is 50/50 split for and against as the tag champs leave the ring.

CC: As we go to break, remember Wrestival weekend is WpW Hall of Fame Saturday Nite & one of the inductees to the ML Hall Of Fame is SBK Shawn Stryker, take a look @ this video & then just wait til you see who will be inducting him into the Hall.


Career highlights of SBK Shawn Stryker is shown & to the tune “Cocky” @ the end graphiX show that inducting SBK Shawn Stryker into the Hall will be Kid Rock!

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Lilly is walking down the hallway as Delilah and Denn Mann pass by. Lilly glares at Delilah then turns her nose to the air and continues walking toward the Trio lockerroom.

Delilah: Someone better give the cleaning crew hazard pay.

Lilly turns around and stops

Lilly: Is the SLUT of the company saying something about cleaning? I sure hope you shower before Wrestival.

Delilah grins

Delilah: Oh don't worry about me, little black pot. This kettle will be all fresh and squeaky clean for you. Cleanliness being next to godliness, and you really needing to go to church, so to speak.

Lilly: Are you saying I'm not holy enough or should I say holey? Yeah, you should know about holes, from what I hear you use all of them. I just wish your talent inside of the ring was talked about as well as your outside talent. Do you even know what you are getting yourself into by challenging ME?? I'm the best damn Diva WpW has ever seen!

Delilah looks back at Denn, trying not to laugh

Delilah: Yeah, yeah, yeah. The best damn Diva. You're beginning to sound almost convincing when you say that. But those of us that know better, know different.

Lilly: Yeah, well when have I flopped at a chance to win the World Title? By the way Delilah good goin there. Where was your mind? Oh wait I know you were thinking about how you were getting your next pay because wrestling and losing isn't good on the paycheck is it?!

Delilah puts a hand to her forehead, trying to look shocked

Delilah: Yes, folks, she finally busted out the 'you choked' card. Long after I admitted it myself. Only thing is, at least I've had a shot at the World Title. Only thing you've had is a...shot...from the World Champ.

Delilah pulls a plastic bag full of gummi bears out of her pocket. She opens it and holds it out to Lilly

Delilah: Gummi bear?

Lilly grabs a gummi bear bites the head off and hands it back to Delilah.

Lilly: This will be you at Wrestival. I hope you're ready for another loss in your career, because I plan on staying on top where I belong!

Delilah pops the headless gummi in her mouth, chuckling.

Delilah: I'll take the loss if it comes, Lil. Because until then? I'm gonna have all sorts of good ol' fashioned fun. With you.

Lilly: Oh well I plan on doing the same Delilah. Just like old times. Now if you will excuse me, There is at least ONE man I know you haven't had and he's waiting for me!

[Lilly tosses her hair and starts to walk down the hall toward the locker room. Delilah watches Lilly go down the hall, popping another bear into her mouth. She turns back to Denn, grinning

Delilah: She's gone mental. Maybe I better be gone before she sees her car tonight.


CC: Well @ Wrestival those two will go to war. The divas will duel but right now Tyger Lilly has a TV title defense.

RA: The following match is for the WPW Television Title. Making his way to the ring is the first challenger….Mystic J!

"I Hate everything about you" by Three Days Grace plays as the stage lights turn a crimson red. Smoke pours from both sides of the ramp way as Mystic J. makes his way out from behind the curtain. Decked out in a crimson red Stetson and matching trench coat, Mystic slowly stalks his way to the ring. Upon reaching the apron, Mystic jumps up on it, then steps over the ropes, getting inside. Once inside the ring, he raises his arms high in the air as lightning bolt pyrotechnics clash down on all four turnbuckles. Mystic then takes off his coat and hat and waits in the corner.

RA: Making his way to the ring is none other than…..TONY RUIZ!

Tipsy” by J-Kwan hits the PA system as Tony makes his way to the ring. Tony rolls under the turnbuckles, and goes to the far corner turnbuckle. He climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arm. Tony then gets down from the turnbuckle and waits for his opponents.

Ra: Next, is the newcomer to WPW. The mysterious Lucid Nightmare…….

All the lights go out, a video begins to play on the titantron, as Voodoo by Godsmack blares over the PA system and a bluish fog builds in front of the ramp.

First there are clips of woods, then a dark figure concealed by shadows and a long hooded robe coming in and out of them. Then lightning flashing through the fingertips of the shadowy long hooded robed figure. Then the face is revealed in the video but there is a mask on the face of …. Lucid Nightmare.

Lucid Nightmare then makes his way out to the ring through the fog right when the words I’m coming back again hits over the pa system. Lucid Nightmare makes his way down the ramp, and it appears as if he is almost floating down to the ring, his feet never touching the ground. The fog vanishes and for the briefest of moments the entire arena is pitch black. When the lights come back on, Lucid Nightmare is standing in the ring without his robe, and has an executioner style mask on.

Ra: On her way to the ring is the WPW Television Champion, Tyger Lilly!

Don't ya," By the Pussycat dolls begin playing as pink and purple strobe lights began to flicker and a spot light lowers to the entrance. Fog fills the entranceway and as it clears Tyger Lilly stand, wearing a white bikini and wrestling boots. The crowd boo's and hisses as Lilly sticks her nose in the air, along with putting her hand up as if to tell them to stop. She then looks at the other opponents in the ring and walks up; she stands there waving at the crowd causing them to boo even more before bending over and going in between the top and middle rope.

The bell rings and the four go at it. Lilly and Mystic J lock up while Lucid and Tony go at each other. Tony gives Lucid a gargoyle suplex.

The camera then switches focus to Lilly and Mystic J. Lilly has dropkicked Mystic J in the mouth. Blood is coming out of Mystic J’s mouth from the hard kick. Then Tony comes for Mystic J as Lilly and Tony team up on him. Tony does a quick back suplex to Mystic J. Lilly quickly proceeds with a leg drop. Lucid comes up from behind Tony and gives an almost instantaneous half nelson suplex. Tony’s body bounces once from the impact of the slam.

Lilly gives a quick inverted DDT to Mystic J. Meanwhile Tony slowly stands up still extremely weak from the demanding slam of Lucid Nightmare. Lucid stands to the left side of Tony waiting for him to get up. Just as Tony is on his feet Lucid does a quick and heavily emphasized standing sidekick to the temple of Tony Ruiz and Tony drops like a brick.

Lucid pulls Tony up from the mat, setting him up in front of the ropes. Lucid backs up to the other side of the ring and then does a jumping side-kick to the face of Tony Ruiz knocking him over the top rope.

Meanwhile Tyger Lilly has Mystic J in the middle of an irish whip. Tyger Lilly gives a commanding clothesline to Mystic J knocking the breath out of hi, and forcing him to the mat.

Mystic J pulls himself up using the rope as support. Tyger Lilly lands a flying clothesline on Mystic J from the top turnbuckle knocking him over the top turnbuckle.

All of a sudden Delilah Ghost comes up from under the ring, jumps on the outside of the ring, grabs Tyger Lilly’s head in a headlock and gives her a back suplex over the top rope.

Delilah then runs around the ring, and into the crowd. The referee never saw the interference as he was calling on medics for Tony. The referee calls for the bell and raises Lucid Nightmare’s hand.

RA: And your winner, and new WPW Television Champion…..!

Voodoo by Godsmack begins to blare over the pa system as Lucid calls for a mic. Lucid Nightmare grabs the mic from Roxy.

Lucid Nightmare: I told all of you that I would hold this title. I told all of you that I would reign as the Television Champion. I told you that an era of darkness was coming. Now, since it seems to be a tradition here in WPW to reveal the man behind the mask I would hate to be one to break tradition.

Lucid turns his back on the camera. Lucid puts his hands to the bottom of the mask and pulls it off. The fans all look in shock. Lucid turns around slowly. Its Sickle!

Sickle: That’s right WPW. I warned you that an era of darkness was coming. I told you I would return. Well, I figured if I was going to return I was going to wait to announce my return until I had made an impact. Unlike Tony Ruiz and Dennis Mann, I waited till I had a title around my waist before I revealed myself.

Sickle drops the mic & Roxy picks it up.

RA: And your winner, and new WpW Television Champion….SICKLE.!

CC: Sickle has returned to WpW!!!

TO: Who?

CC cracks up.

CC: We have to go to break.


Greg”Great”White is writing something down as he sits @ the desk.

DVA: Did you sign this Sickle?

Greg”Great”White: No, I didn’t. No-one did. He entered through the open-door policy of the All-Time TV Title match.

DVA: Not to steal your words but I think it’s great. Lilly lost the belt. That will teach her.

Greg”Great”White: I thought you two had agreed to let your past troubles be in the past.

DVA: Yes, I told her that but you will learn Greggie-poo I have my own agenda but don’t worry. I’m not out to get you. I was just happy to see Roy unseated.

GW: Where is he tonight? He’s not here, Monique’s not here.

DVA: Roy is in Las Vegas @ the VIP Club. Monique is @ home with morning sickness. She will be in Houston however we hope.

GW: Why is Roy in Vegas?

DVA: WpW is promoting Wrestival in all of our cities we have headquarters not just Houston where Wrestival III will be held.

GW: Great. So we have GP Bayou all to ourselves. This is perfect on the night which Vince McMillions will actually step foot into a WpW ring & address our …

DVA interrupts.

DVA: He’s not coming.

GW: What?

DVA: No, I got a call while you were presenting the Great Grapple trophy, he isn’t coming & he will never come to WpW.

GW: Damn him! He can go to hell then!

DVA smiles as the cam goes to fade out Henry Miller is standing @ the door.


Hour Two!