*The Roy Lee Rumble Pay Per View begins a little different this year with a quick overview honoring the superstars who won awards in 2004. The WpW logo burns into the screen, all of a sudden you hear the music, “Die another Day” by Madonna begins to play, the crowd dies down to see who will come out to the music, as a small figure stands in the entranceway, the fans immediately pick up the cheers. Lilly makes her way to the ring waving at the crowd, occasionally hugging a fan.

Lilly: Thank you all for coming! It’s so great to be back! Many of you thought I wouldn’t be back, and after I left alot of you thought WpW wouldn’t be back, well guess what? WE ARE! and WE’re here to stay!

Crowd cheers.

Lilly: It’s not our time to go, although it was time for some of the board members to exit this company for reasons we can not speak of, but rest assured WpW isn’t going anywhere!

Lilly walks around the ring and then gets a more serious look on her face.

Lilly: The last time I was on the show I was attacked. I was beaten. The culprit thought they had gotten rid of me, and almost won. I didn’t want to come back. I had second thoughts about the business all together.

crowd boos.

Lilly: Calm down, calm down. I love this business! The more I was away from it the more I missed it. I said to myself, my job isn’t done here, and I guess to those who love me, well here I am, and to those who don’t, sorry you feel that way, but we’re not goin anywhere, WpW and I will have to die another day! Now let’s get this exciting event on it’s way!!!

LIlly exits the ring as the camera’s focus on Candace and Sam Star are sitting at the commentator booth.

CC: Good Evening! And what and exciting night we have tonight. Our first show of the year, our real CEO back, and our first show back is one of the most anticipated shows of the year! Our hearts go out to Allen Rozell this evening as he could not be here due to illness. Please get well soon and return to us, we miss you. Taking his place tonight is non other than one of our Board Members, Samantha Starr.

SS: Yes, Allen please get well, and congratulations on you being inducted into the WpW Hall of Fame! I must say I didn’t expect Lilly to come out here this early, I wasn’t even sure if she was here tonight.

CC: I’m glad she’s back, we’ve missed her! The fans deserve the best and that’s what she intends to give her. You know, not to change the subject, but WpW caught some footage of someone earlier that caught our eye, let’s take a look....

*The scene opens on a highway, its early morning, the sun has yet to rise and rain is misting thru the air as we come upon a figure standing to the side of the road leaning against a tree, he wears baggy blue jeans, brown timberlands, and a baby blue hoodie with the hood shielding his face*

Man: Right here is where I lost my life, here is where my Hart died. But now I have returned to punish the Soul and reclaim my Hart. For you see this Soul has something that was never his, he has something that belonged and STILL belongs to me and have it back i shall. I was going to allow you to have it but since it seems you have neglected your treasure I think its time for me to claim it AGAIN.

*The man throws a single white rose to the ground*

Man: Soon Samus......Soon*

*Scene cuts and cameras focus back on commentators.*

CC: I wonder what that was all about!

SS: I don’t know but I think we should call security if he’s making threats.

CC: You are always worried.

SS: You would be too if you got attacked for no reason, kinda like I did. Did you forget about that?

CC: No Sam, I didn’t, that was awful and maybe you are right, we’ll keep a look out for him, but for now we need to go backstage again, I think one of our guys is coming in the door. I’m not sure but I think they are saying Grendel? Let’s see....

GRENDEL has just arrived at the American Airlines Arena….GRENDEL is dressed to the T with black dress pants and a white dress shirt and sunglasses…..At the sight of GRENDEL on the WpWTron the crowd in attendance gives a huge pop……

GRENDEL makes his way from the parking garage to the backstage area…….Before entering the arena he encounters a few fans who ask for his autograph in which he gladly gives them……As he steps inside he is greeted by several WpW employees who welcome him along with several of the WpW superstars who have already made it to the arena who wish him luck tonight against The Striken….Just as GRENDEL is about to reach his dressing room out from around the corner he notices Monique who’s looking lovely with her hair pulled back and wearing a white dress…..

Monique who also has a mic in her hands walks over to w here GRENDEL .…..

Monique: GRENDEL can I have a few words with you?

Grendel: Sure thing, doll. What you have on your mind?

Monique: I’m sure you are aware that the fans of WpW have voted and have named you Newcomer of the Year for 2004. You were unavailable for comment during the taping of the awards show. So let me present to you the award for WpW Newcomer of the Year.

Monique hands GRENDEL a plaque that reads “WpW Newcomer of the Year” “2004” on it….GRENDEL gladly accepts the award…..GRENDEL turns toward the camera and begins to speak…..

Grendel: First off I want to say what an honor it is to receive this award. And if 2004 was any indication of how my career here in WpW will be, all I can say is I can’t wait to see what 2005 has in store for The Man They Call GRENDEL.

Monique: And speaking of 2005, your first match of the year is against Striken yet again, for the WpW World title. Your thoughts on that?

Grendel: First time around, I got screwed by my former manger and friend AJ. This time there are rumors flying around that I’m going to get screwed by a certain group here in WpW. But all I can do is all I can do, and that is go to the ring and give the fans a match against Striken that they will never forget. 2005 is the year of GRENDEL, it’s my time to shine, and believe me when I say this, tonight at the Roy Lee Rumble won’t be the only time I main event a pay per view this year. You can take that to the bank.

Monique: A very confident GRENDEL as he goes to get ready for his match against the champ Striken. Back to you guys.

SS: Thank you Monique. Grendel vs. The current WpW World Champion The Striken tonight along with many other matches!

CC: Our first match tonight, we are going to see many Champions crowned tonight, I can’t wait! It’s been awhile since we’ve had a tag team champion, after SBK exited the belts due to his partner leaving the company, but tonight folks right here we will see our NEW Tag team champions. Who will it be?

SS: Will it be the Jury? Lost Soul and Tresserhorn? or Krisis, Alex Hart and Vampira?

CC: Or the OwO? Denn Mann and Tony Ruiz? Or Devistation, Havoc and Jarvis. It doesn’t matter to me I just know whoever wins it will work to be the best champions ever!

SS: We will also see our frist ever Continental Title Champion crowned tonight. Many of unusual things have happened over the last couple weeks while preparing for this match.

CC: We have learned that Rey Sanchez will NOT be here tonight to be in this match as previously scheduled, however it will STILL be a three-way match.

SS: The Phil, and Delilah we know for sure are here tonight but the third person has yet to be announced.

CC: And last but not least.....Our Main Event has lots of action tonight as 10 of our superstars step into the ring to try and win their chance to be in the Main Event at Wrestival in May. The ten superstars are....

SS: Dennis Mann, Lost Soul, Jarvis, Matt Ward, Angel of Death.....

CC: Paris Rockwell, Hurricane, Ivan, K-shawn, and last but not least the man who drew #10 was SBK Shawn Stryker:!

SS: I can’t wait to see this match, but THAT is the main event! Right now we need to go backstage, as many of the superstars are just arriving and still seems to be lots of action and anticipation!

Scene fades to backstage area where.....

*We see Vampira and Alex sitting on a large metal crate backstage awaiting their match*

Vamp: What the hell has been wrong with you?

Alex: What do you mean?

Vamp: Oh I don't know....The not eating and sleeping, the constant wondering around. Something's wrong.

Alex: I just feel like someone is watching me constantly, and last night in my hotel room I could of sworn I saw someone standing over me in my bed.

Vamp: honey your hallucinating from not EATING or SLEEPING. After this match you ARE going to eat and go to bed

Alex: *sarcastically* Yes Mommy

Vamp: I cant have the other have of the tag champs a wreck or our hard work tonight will be in vein.

Alex: IM Ready! *saying a bit irritated*

Vamp: Good now lets go! We’re up next!

*Alex and Vamp rises to their feet and walk away never noticing the figure watching them as the scene fades back to the arena*

CC: Who was that?

SS: I’m not sure you think we should call security!

CC: I don’t think he’ll be harming these girls, they’ll be coming out next!

SS: Our first match tonight is the fatal four way tag team match. Let’s send it up to Roxy!

RA: This match is scheduled for a one pin fall. Four Teams will enter this ring tonight with only two people in the ring at once. The tag teams may tag any member at any time. The first to pin another team member will become our WpW Tag Team Champions! Let’s wait no longer!!!

"Call of the Ktulu" by Metallica Havoc and Jarvis also known as the tag team Devastation run to the ring.

RA: The first of the tag teams to come to the ring is ......DEVASTATION!

Godsmack-Faceless begins playing and Alex Hart and Vampira stand at the entrance way with their hands on their hips then run to the ring.

RA: The next tag team of this match is ..... Krisis!

Alex and Vampira waist no time. Alex slings Jarvis against the ropes and Vampira clotheslines him. All of a sudden a figure appears on the tron, and the fighting in the ring stops.....

Man: So you felt me last night, and your idiot of a husband never moved, I could of been a killer and he would have never flinched. But no worries I am not hear to hurt you Alex, God knows I would kill myself before hurting you.....

Tron fades as Tony Ruiz and Denn Mann run down the ramp and slide into the ring as Alex and Vampira are going at it with Havoc and Jarvis.

RA: Ladies and Gentlemen..... The OWO!!!

Alex refocuses, and then The OWO and Krisis quickly look at each other and begin to work together to beat down Devistation.

Tresserhorn and Lost Soul, run out from backstage and slide into the ring.

RA: Last but not least...... The Jury!!

All four teams are in the middle of a massive brawl. The referee does his best to break up the chaos, and eventually forces everybody out of the ring except for Alex Hart and Lost Soul, and the bell rings to officially begin the match.

CC: This should be interesting. These two are married.

SS: I bet he isn’t getting any tonight.

CC: He will probably be begging Alex to lick his wounds after the show.

SS: She’s a woman of integrity, I doubt she will do it. This is all business tonight. In fact she may take her anger out on her husband after seeing the message for her over the tron. That was very scary, I’d be nervous too if I were her.

The ongoing brawl continues between Alex Hart and Lost Soul, and Alex Hart whips Lost Soul across the ring, then hits a spinning wheel kick, and follows it up with several mounted punches. Alex Hart hops off of Lost Soul and shouts something at Tresserhorn, then bounces off the ropes and charges at Lost Soul, who counters with a big boot. Lost Soul sets up and hits a pump handle slam, then tags in his partner, Tresserhorn.

CC: That was a quick tag. Lost Soul may have a heart.

SS: Yeah an Alex Hart.

CC: You know what I meant.

Tresserhorn comes in and spears Alex Hart, the pulls her up and sets up a jacknife powerbomb, but Alex Hart breaks out of it. Tresserhorn swings for a clothesline, but Alex Hart ducks, then connects with a dragon suplex. Alex Hart maintains the waistlock and hits another Suplex, then makes a tag to Vampira. Vampira climbs to the top rope, then leaps off and hits a cross body takedown on Tresserhorn, but Tresserhorn rolls through it into a small package,



Vampira kicks out.

CC: I haven’t seen Alex and Vampira work so hard in a long time, I really think their drive is back!

SS: I don’t know what it is but it sure is nice to see them working hard. That was a close call though.

Tresserhorn pops to his feet and goes to pull Vampira up, but Vampira grabs his leg and hits a fisherman’s suplex, then pins with a bridge,



Tresserhorn kicks out.

CC: That was close!

Vampira bounces off the ropes and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Tresserhorn, then covers



Tresserhorn kicks out again.

SS: This woman is determined to end this right here right now tonight!

Vampira goes again to bounce off the ropes, but this time Tresserhorn sidesteps him and counters with a full nelson slam. Tresserhorn hits a fancy elbow drop, then pokes Vampira in the eye and tags Denn Mann. Vampira barely able to see, runs over and pulls Jarvis in the ring. Vampira then climbs out.

CC: Wonder what this is all about. Vampira didn’t tag her partner, but tagged one of Devastation instead.

SS: Smart move if you ask me!

Denn Mann comes into the ring and Jarvis goes after him, but Denn Mann fights him off and puts Jarvis in a headlock. Jarvis tries to counter with a suplex, but Denn Mann floats out, then hits a DDT on Jarvis . Denn Mann stares down Havoc, laughing, then goes to pull up Jarvis , but Jarvis kicks him away. Denn Mann falls into the ropes, then stumbles back towards Jarvis, who spears him to the mat, and now both men are down. Jarvis crawls to a corner and makes the tag to Havoc. Havoc comes into the ring and brawls with Denn Mann, then whips him across the ring. Denn Mann bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Havoc sidesteps it and hits a reverse tornado DDT. Havoc climbs to the top rope and attempts a frogsplash, but Tony Ruiz walks along the apron and shoves him off! Havoc falls to the mat, then hurries up and turns to face Tony Ruiz, but Denn Mann school boys him,



Havoc kicks out!

Both men pop to their feet and Denn Mann goes for a clothesline, He connects! Denn Mann quickly covers Havoc,




Jarvis breaks up the count!

CC: That couldn’t have been closer!

SS: What an exciting way to start off the show!!!

Jarvis comes in the ring after Tony Ruiz, but the referee cuts him off and forces him back to the corner, Outside the ring Alex and Vampira are beating up Lost Soul and Tresserhorn. Behind the referee’s back Tony Ruiz spears Havoc, and both men in the ring are down! The referee turns back around and starts the ten count, and at seven both men start to stir. They stagger to their feet, and Denn Mann kicks Havoc in the chest and hits the Big Boot! Denn Mann covers, one, two, three!

RA: YOUR WINNERS.....THE OWO!!! Denn Mann and Tony Ruiz are your new WpW Tag Team Champions!!!

CC: Our first match of the night and what a way to start the night off!!!!

SS: Let’s go backstage, something is developing in the CEO’s office, I hear, let’s take a look.....

The scene shifts back to Lilly's office. The crowd pops hugely to the sight of the CEO. She paces the floor, a look of worry crosses her face. Back and forth she goes, four, five, six times. She lefts her arm to read the time on her watch. Shaking her head in disapproval she lifts up her telephone. Dialing a series of numbers, she waits for someone to answer?

Voice: ~unrecognizable~

Lilly: Is he here yet?

Voice: ~unrecognizable~

Lilly: He better get here!

With that she slams the phone down and exits the office.

The screen shifts back to the arena with SS and CC.

CC: Lilly is obviously worked up about something,

SS: So far this night is shaping up well. I wonder what trouble is on the horizon.

The scene again shifts to the backstage area, this time to an unmarked locker room. Lilly stands in the center of the room, hands folded across her chest, a look much happier than the one before etched across her face.

Lilly: How do you feel?

A masculine voice perks up. The man the voice comes from is hidden from the camera's view.

??: I'm ready to get back into the ring. It's been awhile. The ring rust will definitely be there, but I'm ready.

Lilly: This'll mean a lot to World Pro Wrestling.

??: That's why I'm here.

Lilly: That...and the Continental Title.

Laughter fills the room.

??: I forgot about that little detail.

The scene shifts back to the arena.

SS: Lilly was talking to the mystery competitor in the Continental Title match!

CC: I wonder who it is?

SS: I don't know, but the match is up next! Let’s send it to Roxy!

CC: The Continental Title match is on tap, Allen.

SS: That's right, however CC I am not Allen, and the big question on everyone's mind...who is the mystery competitor?

CC: Sorry, I'm just so used to him being here with me. Anyways, We'll find in a matter of minutes!

On the WPWtron the words "Do you belive in Ghosts?" slowly appear on the screen as all the lights dim. As "Whiskey in the Jar" starts playing the lights flash and Delilah Ghost stands at the top of the ramp. She walks to the ring, taking her time, grinning and singing along with the music. When she gets to the ring Delilah turns her back to it, grabs the top rope and pulls herself up and into the ring. Still grinning, she stares up the ramp waiting for her opponent....

RA: Coming to the ring first...DELILAH GHOST!

SS: Delilah has proven her worth against the big boys in the buisness, CC.

CC: True, this title shot is much deserved.

The well lit arena goes pitch black. Soon, the sound is replaced with the heckling and deaming chants of the Texas crowd. Audio finally recovers on the PA track with the the words "So this is what it means to have friends. Hmph. Screw em." The wailing of electric guitar echoes over the crowd with the opening riffs for "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack. As the audio rises the boos eventually drown out in the first five seconds as a wall of pyros ignites at the entrance...

RA: Entering the ring next...from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma...Phillip Shane Abernathy...THE PHIL.

SS: We've got the first two competitors in the ring! Who's the mystery man?

CC: Let's send it up to Roxy to find out!

"Jesus Walks" by Kanye West rips through the arena.

SS: That's Rey's entrance music! Is Rey Sanchez the mystery competitor after all?

The song plays for about thirty second before being interrupted by a voice over the PA system.

Voice: Nope...wrong song...try it again.

CC: What's going on here?

This time, "The Truth" by Beanie Siegel blares through the arena.

SS: It's PDJ! He's the mystery man!

CC: Wow..."The Truth" is back...

As soon as those words slip from CC's mouth, the voice interrupts the song, again.

Voice: Negative...they always say the third time is the charm. Let's give number three a go round.

A few seconds pass, with the crowd about to burst in anticipation. Breaking through the silent anticipation of the crowd is the opening of the Johnny Cash hit, "Hurt"... I hurt myself today to see if I still feel I focus on the pain the only thing that's real...

CC: What? Who is this?

...the needle tears a hole the old familiar sting try to kill it all away...

SS: Maybe P.S.A. was right, it is just some nobody. ...but I remember everything what have I become?

At that instant, the crowd rises to their feet in sheer pandemonium as "The Icon" Chris Lee appears from the back.



RA: Um...coming to the ring last...from New Haven, New Mexico...former Big Gold Champion..."The Icon" CHRIS LEE!

Lee makes his way down to the ring slowly. Flashbulbs light up the arena, attempting to get a lasting memory of "The Icon's" return. He still sports his signature cut-off shorts and he removes his shirt, emblazzed with "I ain't dead...YET" on the back, as he nears the ring. He slides in under the ropes as Delilah and Phil look on in awe and then asks Roxy for the mic, which she tosses to him.

Lee: So, Phil, you wanna' reiterate what you said about the "mystery" wrestler being an easier schmoe than Paul Drake?

SS: Wow! It's Chris Lee back in WpW, and he's in rare form.

CC: He's making reference to a promo made by P.S.A. during the week.

Phil shoots a smartass smirk back at Lee.

Lee: I've been out of the ring since our last PPV, Phil, but I came back for this occasion. I came back to make sure this company stayed on high ground, and I came back to keep little P.O.S.'s like you away from a championship belt. Lee walks over to Phil and they get face to face. Lee: Boy...they don't make 'em like me...I'm the motherf*cking "ICON" CHRIS LEE!

Lee draws back and delivers a big right hand to the face of Phil.

SS: We're under way!

Roxy quickly gets out of the ring as Phil falls back into the corner and Delilah leaps onto the back of Lee. Delilah, legs wrapped around Lee, begins to tear into him with rights of her own. Phil regaines his composure and comes charging out of the corner. The near 300 pounder spears Lee, who then falls ontop of Delilah in a backdrop style manuver.

CC: Delilah is smashed underneath nearly 550 pounds of man!

SS: I highly doubt that's a new feeling.

CC: Allen! That's horrible!

SS: Uh huh...whore able all right.

Phil lifts Lee up and whips him across the ring and into the ropes. Lee bounds back, ducking an attempted clothesline by Phil. Lee then bounds of the other rope, hitting Phil with a clothesline of his own. During this time, Delilah gets to her feet and prompty nails Lee with a standing sidekick. Lee falls to a knee, and Delilah begins to work on the knee of Phil. She stomps the right knee, then the left knee, between 5-7 times before Lee finally gets his senses back. He moves over and executes a headlock on Delilah.

CC: No one is really standing out here in the early going.

Delilah tries to fight off the sleeper, but Lee overpowers her. The ref moves in to check her arm. He lifts in once, and it falls to the ground. Phil gets back to his feet and breaks up the hold with a boot to the face of Lee.

SS: P.S.A. refusing to stay down long.

Phil then lifts Delilah up in and slams her hard to the mat with a sidewalk slam. Delilah rolls around in pain, and eventually out of the ring. Lee gets to his feet and works his way over to Phil. Lee and Phil begin to trade blows and knees to the gut. Lee takes advantage with a forearm to the throat.

SS: Phil appears a little dazed after that shot.

Phil is stomped repeatedly and then brought up standing. Phil hits Chris Lee with a kick, and Lee returns another knee to the gut. This continues a few more seconds until Lee gets floored with a hammer blow.

SS: Chris Lee is a little weasy now...

CC: He's down, Allen.

Chris Lee is stomped repeatedly and then brought up standing. Chris Lee sends Phil down with a clothesline. Phil gets up but is met with a lariat. Lee begins to tear into Phil with stomps.

CC: Some powerful stomps by Chris Lee here.

SS: You aint seen Phil at his best yet!

Delilah makes her way back into the ring, where she attacks Lee from behind with a running bulldog.

CC: OUCH! Lee's face slammed into the mat on that move.

Delilah goes for a quick cover on Lee, but Phil breaks it up.

SS: Still to early for that.

Phil grabs Delilah by the throat and tosses her with both hands. He follows her into the corner and begins to pummel her. Lee gets to his feet and charges at Phil. Phil ducks and ultimately forces Lee to go flying out of the ring and onto the mat ringside.

CC: Lee takes chances in the ring, and that one cost him!

SS: Very true, he may have a severe concussion following a hit like that.

Phil points and laughs at Lee, sprawled out ringside. Phil then begins to tear into Delilah with forearms to her face. She tries to fight back, but is overpowered by Phil.

SS: Delilah is getting dominated right here.

Delilah drops to her knees following a viscous forearm by Phil. Phil turns and plays himself to the crowd, allowing Delilah time to deliver a headbutt to the balls. Phil drops to his knees in pain, much to the delight of the crowd.

CC: Great move by Delilah!

SS: Whatever it takes, that's what I say!

Delilah climbs to her feet and delievers a karate style kick to the throat of Phil, sending him crashing off his knees onto his back. Delilah then acsends the turnbuckle.

SS: Here we go, Delilah is going up top!

Delilah leaps from the top rope and crashes down on Phil with a frog splash.


Delilah goes for the quick cover... 1 . .. ... 2 . .. Chris Lee grabs Delilah's leg and pulls her off of Phil and to the ringside area. He then slams her head into the guardrail, and leaves her laying in a pile on the outside. Lee slides back into the ring and lifts Phil to his feet. Lee executes a picture perfect DDT, sending Phil into a flip upon impact.

SS: Great move by Chris Lee!

Lee again lifts Phil off the mat, but is this time greeted by a blow to the gut. Delilah slides back in the ring, and proceeds to deliever a running lariot to Phil. Phil falls back against the ropes, and then bounds forward, tripping over Chris Lee and falling on his face.

CC: That's something you don't see everyday.

SS: Kind of embarrasing if you ask me.

Delilah quickly goes to work stomping Lee. She drops her knee into his throat and he rolls around the mat in pain. Delilah then moves over to Phil, tearing into him with boots to the head.

CC: Delilah taking control!

Chris Lee shakes off the effects and moves to Delilah, whipping her across the ring. She bounces off the ropes and Lee meets her with a viscous clothesline.


Delilah's head slams against the mat and she lays lifeless. Phil begins to stir, and gets to his feet. Lee shoots himself off the ropes and connects with a swinging neckbreaker, sending Phil down again.

CC: Lee's opened it up. Lee drags Phil over and places him ontop of Delilah, and procedes to mount the turnbuckle.


Lee leaps from the top rope with a moonsault, landing ontop of both Phil and Delilah. The impact sends Phil rolling around in pain, holding his ribs, and leaves Delilah layed out flat on her back, still not moving. Lee goes for the cover on Delilah

1 .




. ..



SS: How did Delilah Ghost kick out of that move!?

CC: She's a fighter, Sam you've gotta' give her credit for that.

Lee stands in shock, and turns his attention to Phil. Lee lifts Phil off the mat and places him in the Hellraiser. The ref quickly moves to check Phil. He lifts his arm once, and it falls to his side. Before the ref can lift it twice, Delilah breaks up the hold with a rollup pin attempt. SS: Delilah going for the win!

1 .







CC: Lee's not going down that easy!

Lee rolls to his feet and meets Delilah with a boot to the face, followed by a verticle suplex. Phil finally works his way to his feet and ties up with Lee. Phil delievers a boot to Lee's gut, sending him to a knee. Phil shoots himself off the ropes and delievers a near 300 pound lariot, which appears to break Lee in half. Phil splashes Lee and goes for the pin, grabbing the ring ropes for leverage.

CC: Phil has a hold of the ring ropes!

SS: Not surprising, he's not much for the rules!

1 . ..


2 .


CC: Lee may be done! ...


SS: Lee fought off Phil's cheating antics!

Lee gets to his feet, as does Delilah, and the three combatants go into a complete scrum in the middle of the ring. After a few huge right hand blows by Phil, Delilah goes to the mat, bleeding from her nose. Phil goes for the pin,




. .

. Chris Lee tries to break the pin....


RA: And your winner and New WpW Continental Champion THAAAAAA PHil!!!!!
