(A small introductory montage is shown promoting the Roy Lee Rumble and then cameras view outside the arena.)

As Titan 3 walks up towards the wrestler entrance of the arena, you see that he is carrying two large duffel bags, one in his hand, and then other draped over his shoulder. He reaches the entrance, and is then stopped by one of the security guards...*

Security Guard: Excuse me but...what do you think you're doing?


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Titan 3: Oh yeah, that's pretty good man. Nice one. You should consider comedy as a side career or something...Hoooooo boy! You're killing me! hahahaha

You notice that the security guard is not smiling, and his demeanor suggests that he's as serious as a heart attack. He then quickly steps in front of Titan 3, and Titan 3 slows down his pace a bit so that he doesn't run right into the guard....*

Titan 3: You see, we here in the Civilized world have this thing called "personal space"....and you are hella violating mine here....back on up chief.

Security Guard: I asked you what you thought you were doing...


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Titan 3: Okay, it's obvious you don't have a clue. Look, I'll speak slowly so that maybe you'll understand....I....am....Titan...3....I...am....wrestling....in...the....fucking....main...event...tonight! Do I need to show you some fucking ID or something? Damn!

Security Guard: You're not getting in tonight. I have orders.

Titan 3: Say what, little man?

Security Guard: You heard me

Titan 3: I heard you, but I didn't understand you because I don't speak the dumbass language. Now get out of my way, prick.


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The security guard reaches behind him, and then produces a retractable ASP baton. He flicks it open, and the hard metal bar comes out. The security guard then starts getting in a defensive posture, as an angry Titan 3 lets his nags fall to the floor...

Titan 3: Oh, you think you're little "baton" is going to stop me? You better get out of my way, kid. Otherwise, I will embarrass you.

Security Guard: Oh yeah? Wel you're STILL not getting in!

Titan 3 lunges forward, shoving the security guard right in the chest with allof his might. The guard flies up and off the ground, crashing back-firs into the wall behind him. The force knocks him senseless and also knocks the air from his lungs. he hits the ground hard as Titan 3 looks down at him and smiles. His smile quickly disappears as security guards start coming out of the woodwork, appearing in every direction and surrounding Titan 3. Titan 3 spins around, and looks at all of the guards. He decides not to fight this time, even though he's done this srt of thing before...he decided to conserve his energy for the main event. Titan 3 spits down on the first guard, icks up his bags, and then walks away....*


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CC: Well It certainly looks as though someone doesn’t want Titan 3 to compete tonight and looks as if they may have succeeded in turning him away.

AR: My little flower the only person keeping Titan 3 from getting his World Title match is himself.

CC: So does this mean It’s pretty much SLR vs DD?

AR: In the last couple weeks from what I’ve seen it’s been that way anyway.

CC: Not high on Titan are we Allen?


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AR: Just calling it as I see it.

CC: WELCOME EVERYONE to this most interesting of events THE ROY LEE RUMBLE Tonight we have the much anticipated Roy Lee Rumble match itself a total of six stellar matchups on paper. Three WpW Championships to be decided. It’s going to be huge!!!!! Predictions before we get started Allen?

AR: I know this going to surprise you but with the events that just transpired at the outset I’m going to pick the man with the initials to walk out as World Champion here tonight.



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AR: I call em how I see em.

CC: Any other big predictions?

AR: No I’d be better not to go out on any more limbs tonight my little flower.

CC: Allen, My earpiece isn’t working where are we going to first off to get this Pay Per View started???

AR: Well we need to go backstage to the lovely Monique who is with the champ....

(Backstage you are in the Hybrid Theory locker room and you see Dynamic is sitting in a chair and he is flanked on both sides by his entourage. Monique is in the room as well and is sitting down also as she begins to talk.)


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Monique: I'm here in the Hybrid Theory locker room, and I am joined by the World Heavyweight champion, "The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite. Thank you for allowing this interview Dynamic.

"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: Don't mention it Monique.. Just remember I scratch your back you scratch mine.

Monique: *Under her breath* anytime...

"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: I bet you saw my movie I shot didn't you Monique?

Monique: Uhhh...uhhh...


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"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: Don't be so shy about it Monique... I'm sure everyone in the locker room has seen it. Hell I have been having some looks from all of the ladies lately. It's natural when you think about it. I mean everyone wants the monster, so they want to watch the movies. Did you pleasure yourself Monique when you watched it?

Monique: SOrry Dynamic, but I am supposed to be the one asking you questions.

"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: I'll take that as a yes then. But anyway why don't we get together after this interview.. I still have a little bit of time before my match.


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(Monique is red in the face from embarrassment as she continues on.)

Monique: Tonight there are several key matches in which Hybrid Theory is involved. Your match of course, and then there is the one between Arson and Jesse WIlliams for the Big Gold Championship, and then the Roy-Lee RUmble that Lady Revenge is participating in. Is this going to be the night that Hybrid Theory finally makes the statement you all have talked about since joining?

"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: You had better believe it Monique. I want to think that Hybrid Theory has been known since we joined together; because we are the talk that is on everyone's lips. As for the matches tonight it will be a dominant Hybrid Theory show; because Arson is more ready for this match against WIlliams than he has been for any other, and the same goes for Lady Revenge in the RUmble.


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Monique: Alright Dynamic, there have been rumors circulating that a couple of key additions have been made in effect for Hybrid Theory. Is there any chance of them showing up tonight?

"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: Monique by the end of this night Hybrid Theory will be bigger and better than ever.... I just wonder why Titan hasn't been let into the building.... I mean he did have all the paperwork done I am sure.

Monique: Do you think he will be able to get inside in time tonight to wrestle?

"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: Vince is Vince. I am sure he is going to try everything he can to get inside the building. Of course if not then I will just destroy SLR since he thinks he is so big and bad.


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Monique: Dynamic, over the course of the last couple of weeks SLR and yourself have had some heated words for each other. How do you think it will play out tonight in the ring?

"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: Well the Slimy Little Rodent may think he has been able to get into the head of "The Franchise" with some of the things he has done over the last two weeks, but Monique you know and the rest of the world knows that when it comes to "The Franchise" that no one can outsmart him. SUre people think they have the upperhand on me throughout the entire time but when the crunch comes that fail ninety nine percent. SO in the end SLR will be just like everyone else who has tried to derail me, and that is down on the mat wondering what happened.


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Monique: ANy ideas as to what you have planned out for the match tonight?

"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: I have plenty planned Monique, but I can't tell you on camera; because I am sure somewhere down the hall SLR is whacking his weed listening to me and watching the ladies. I know he is one of those closet pervs... Hell that was the mission I was on by bringing the things I do out into the open. SLR just needs to come to the ring tonight and be ready to learn his fate; because I am not walking out of the ring with the World Title still in my possession, and that means at any cost that may need to be taken. Now what do you say we do what we were talking about a little while earlier?


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(The scene goes back to the commentators as Dynamic puts his hand on Monique's leg.)

AR: My my, I would think a pro such as our great champion would know not to get into a carnal workout before such an important match.

CC: This is pay per view where anything can happen. As to the carnal knowledge; I hear it’s a good STRESS relief, maybe Jesse Williams should look into it. Hey, if that’s what Dynamic Dynamite wants to do backstage that’s up to him at least he’s back there doing something. They always say It’s up to the WRESTLERS to make the company happen.


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AR: One thing I know is this, our great wrestlers are what make this fed work and tonight is gonna be an example, The superstars are either gonna make or break Roy Lee’s event. If they aren’t pleased they can look to themselves as scapegoats because I know the board have put together some very spectacular matches on paper and if the stars can’t step up then it isn’t the board of director’s fault.

CC: Pointed comments. Anyone specifically you are referring to?

AR: Actually no. It’s a blanket statement to the critics. I firmly believe the World Title and Big Gold Championship will live up to the price of admission alone.


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CC: Roy Lee Rumble? NO mention of it.

AR: The time and preparation I’ve seen put into it so far has been lacking except for 2 people.

CC: I guess they’d be your picks to win.

AR: I’ll save that for when the time comes better still I’ll stick to not going out on any more limbs tonight except my pick to surprise the critics in the World Title match.

CC: The man with the initials SLR..... Good idea cause it’s time for one of our lesser known matches to take place before the big events go down.


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Roxy stands in the middle of the ring and Announces with her trademark smile:

Entering the ring at 5'4" and 125 is Esmerelda!

Riot Girl by Good Charlotte plays and Esmerelda stands in one corner of the ring as Roxy continues:

And Her opponent standing 5'8" and weighing 136 lbs.. Jessie Copeland!

I've Lost My Mind blasts as Jessie Copeland enters the ring and stands opposite of Esmerelda as Roxy exits the ring. The bell rings and the two ladies lock up. All of a sudden the lights go down save one spotlight in the middle of the crowd. Its Lady Revenge. She smiles evily as we see Gabe pop out from under teh ring and smash the ref over the head with a chair. Lady Revenge jumps the metal barackade and climbs over the top rope planting her feet into Jessie Copeland's face. She is sent sprawling backwards and Gabe drags the ref out of the ring. Esmerelda lundges at Lady Revenge but she moves and Esmerelda plants herself into the turnbuckle. Lady Revenge smiles and grabs the chair then rests it against Esmerelda then grabs the top ropes and starts stomping with both feet ontop of the chair, mashing Esmerelda under the chair. The audience counts each time she jumps


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Lady Revenge hops off and exits the ring. As she and Gabe leave her song Numb by P!NK blares over the roar of the crowd She gets half way up the aisle then stops.......

Hybrid Theory's music hits the speakers as Dynamic Dynamite with his worlds title belt over his shoulder, also with him is Arson. Titan 3 is not with them tonight as he hasn‘t entered the building as of yet. the crowd boos the hell out of them. as they all enter the ring and taunt the crowd as the boos continue.
Dynamic dynamite grabs the mic as Lady Revenge wipes her hands over a job well done clearing the ring for her stablemates.


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DD: I am not out here to talk about my title match. Well if i have to. All i have to say is i came into hollywood with the worlds title and I will be leaving Hollywood with the worlds title. There is Nothing that SLR or Titan 3 can do to take my title away from me. Like I was saying I am here to point out that a very good friend of mine is here tonight. This is his home town.

(the camera zooms in on actor Jaxon Payne and he is dress in a designer tshirt and a pair of designer dress slacks. He is talking on his cell phone. He gets off the phone and looks at Dynamic dynamite as the rest of hybrid theory stands in the ring

DD: Hey man, I want you to come in the ring.


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(Jaxon looks a little shock and he accepts his offer and security move the guard rail out of the way so that jaxon can pass. The crowd erupts as the hollywood superstar enters the ring. Jaxon Takes the mic)

Jaxon Payne: Thank you! Thank you DD for inviting me tonight. I just finished a movie over in Japan. I hope that it is release this summer. I am here because i am a fan of WPW and i am proud to be part of the experience that Roy Lee Rumble is. I just want you to all know that i have not been to jail in two years. I dont plan on going back. Prison sucks. It was a long six year fight enough about that enjoy the show.

(Jaxon Payne heads out of the ring as Dynamic Dynamite stops him.)


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DD: Hey man, Come to the back and hang out with us for a while.

(Hybrid theory's music hits the speakers as they all walk to the back as the crowd continues to boo)

(Up on the tron the scene shifts from showing Hybrid Theory exit to the back to showing that of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger , THE CROWD POPS!!! The state of California’s seal is behind him as camera films him from the chest up.)

Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger: I want to WELCOME Vorld Pro Wrasslink to KallyFORNia!!!!! We are very pleased to have this pay per view in our state. I am simply here at this time to again welcome WpW to KallyFORNia and that........I’ll BE BAAAAACK!!!!!


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(The scene with Gov Arnold fades off the Tron and the commentators react as things shift back to the ring.)

CC: ARNOLD here?!?

AR: That is an unexpected surprise.

CC: Allen I don’t think you realize what this means?!?

AR: A sitting governor at a WpW event?

CC: That’s not it.


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AR: You’re right it’s probably on tape. In any event we have another match to get through before the really big festivities.

RA: Coming to the ring at this time from Mesa, AZ

The house Lights drop As "Everything Ends" by Slipknot
plays over the pa. As the Song kicks. Red and Blue
Lights circle around the Arena And than all Meet up at
the Entrance Way. IV steps out through the Certain.
She Walks to where the Stage meets the Ramp and Squats
down and Screams as she Stands with her head back and
her face to the sky. She then Raises her Arms and
flicks off the Crowd. She puts her arms down and runs
Down to the ring and Slides in under the bottom rope.
She Stand Up and Growls to the top of her lungs as the
house lights come back on and the music dies out. I.V.
than turns and waits the beginning of the match.


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RA: Now coming to the ring from Kentwood, Louisiana
Stacy Davidson

Boys by Britney Spears comes blasting from the P.A.
system. The lights flash but no one comes out of the

RA: Stacy Davidson.

Still no one comes out. IV walks over and rips the microphone out of Roxy’s hand. She paces and waits for Stacy but still no one appears at the entrance way. The music cuts out and the lights come back on.

IV: You know this is total Bullsh*t. Stacy I want you
to prance your little ass out here and get the living
crap beat out of you. I have waited for this for to


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IV lean on the ropes and waits for Stacy yet no one
comes out.

IV: Stacy get Your Ass out here NOW!!!!!!

She still waits but Stacy still does not come out. One
of the security members comes running from the back he
slides in and tells the ref something. The ref walks
over to IV and Tells her. Iv looks at him pissed of
than a smile creeps across her lips and she turns and
lifts the microphone to her mouth.

IV: Well fans it seems that Stacy Ms. Pop Princess. Is
Scared cause no one can find her in the back. You know
Stacy this is bullshit all you had to do was show a
little effort and i might of changed my opinion of
you. But you are to stupid to even show up. I warn you
next time we meet Stacy let it be tonight tomorrow or
any time down the rode I will show you no mercy i will
destroy you. I will take all your hopes and fears and
mix them and destroy everything you are. Now the Ref
here says we can ring the bell start a ten count and
than i would win by default. That is not going to
happen i do not want a cheap win. I want to beat
someones ass. Yet you can’t even show the respect to
me to even show up. You can’t even show the respect to
your fans to even show up. You spit in all the faces
of the people in the back by not showing up. So F you
Stacy you and every one like you and the horses you
rode in on.


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IV drops the microphone and walks to the back with a
look of hate and distaste on her face.

CC: IV seems to really mean business.

AR: I concur.

(Scene shifts from IV exiting down the aisle to backstage where The camera finds Dynamic dynamite and Jaxon talking in the back)

Dynamic Dynamite: So man how you been?

Jaxon Payne: I've been Good man i havent been doing any fighting lately been staying out of trouble.


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(he looks at DD and begins to laugh)

DD: seriously.

JP: Dude I been fight every damn night whooping peoples ass left and right. Every Bar, every mall. I kicked this one guys ass at the bar just because he was wearing plaid pants. and then there was the body builder in the gym. That was a hard one nothing would phase him so i hit him with a ten pound dumbell.

DD: Oh God Stop man thats some funny shit.

(ring ring ring ring)
(Jaxon cell phone rings)
Jaxon: Jaxon Payne Speaking.


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Man: Whats the hell are you doing!

Jaxon: Oh Luther Take it easy im gonna stay out of trouble tonight i don't want to go back to jail.

Luther Collins: As your agent and faithful attorny it is imperitive that you do not pick any fights tonight. A few movie companys have called. Fox, Miramax, Universal. They say if you cause one bit of trouble tonight they are gonna rip up your contract. They dont want you embarrassing them on a world wide telecast.

Jaxon: I know I know no fighting.


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Luther: You Promise!

Jaxon: i promise!

Luther: You better, I have kept your ass out of jail for two years.

Jaxon: Good bye Luther.

(Jaxon hangs up his phone)

DD: are you gonna obey him?

Jaxon: Yeah i will got that big movie deal coming up. but whatever happens happens.


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DD: I here ya man lets go get some drinks.

Jaxon: sounds like a plan.

(Knock Knock
DD answers the door and it is none other than wrestler Jamar Matthews)

Jamar: What the hell are you doing here? Your are no wrestler. your just some two bit actor.

DD: yeah jamar and you're just a two bit wrestler.

Jamar: Back off DD i dont want nothing to do with you. It his punk ass i want to talk to.


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Jaxon: Punk ass You better cool it slick.

Jamar: No body calls me slick. actually you're the one they should be calling slick. I heard about you in prison you were a soap dropping shower bitch. You ain't nothing. You pick fights with innocent by standers. mail men, hotel clerks, doctors. That shows you are a coward!

(Jamar pushes Jaxon in the chest)

Jaxon: Hey, back off man. I am not fighting tonight!

Jamar: you wouldn't ever fight me. You are lucky you don't work here cause i would have already taken your ass to the ring. you disgust me!


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(jamar slaps the taste out of Jaxons mouth)

Jaxon: 1. who said i have to work here. and 2 whats wrong with here.

(jaxon grabs jamar and begin to beat the hell out of his hit him with multiple punches and kicks to the groin and stomach. the fight spills out of the dressing room and into the main hallway. He begins to stomp him like there is no tomorrow. Jamar gets up and runs away he is headed towards the parking lot Jamar is running for his car. as he is opening the door and entering the car he kicks the door on him.and then Jaxon mounts jamar and begins to wail on his face. Security comes and pulls Jaxon off of Jamar as Jamar Lies on the cement bloody and motionless.)


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DD: Lets go back to my dressing room. Now!

(The two walk off.)

CC: This is unbelievable!!!

AR: I concur. Tonight was a historic moment. The first ever confrontation between World Champion Dynamic Dynamite and Jamar Matthews!!!! (Allen in a rare moment laughs.)

CC: This is serious.

(Paramedics rush to Jamar’s aid as cameras apn around in the parking lot. Titan 3 is shown again. This time is approached by none other than The Striken. The crowd pops.)


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CC: Striken is BACK in WpW!!!!!!

AR: Excuse me but you just got upset over me hyping a big moment on this pay per view. A confrontation between the #1 wrestler(DD) and Number Last wrestler(Jamar) in the company. Now YOU are the one hyping.

CC: Shhh Let’s listen in.

(Striken points to Titan 3’s bags.)

Striken: So why aren’t you inside getting ready for the World Title re-match you’ve been clamoring for?


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Titan 3: They are keeping me out of the arena.

Striken: Well it just so happens I’m a man ALWAYS with a plan. Just in case Roy Lee barred me from being here tonight.....I made arrangements for a few extra tickets!!!!!!

(Wearing no makeup Striken pulls a few tickets out of his jacket pocket. The crowd pops.)

Striken: There’s nothing holding you back around here Titan! Let’s go.

(They then disappear.)


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CC: Looks like Titan 3 will be here tonight after all for his match.

AR: He didn’t look too pleased.

CC: He had to be. What self respecting wrestler would dodge a World title match? Not T3. NO way!!!!

(The Scene goes back to dynamic dynamites locker room and There is a knock on the door and it is Roy Lee)

Roy Lee: Not to sound like Slingblade but...I like the way you fight. You should work here i have the documents that can make it happen (Roy hands Jaxon the contract)


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Jaxon: Would you expect my line to then be “I like the way you fight tooooo” ????

(all of sudden many many policemen storm into the locker room and put jaxon into hand cuffs and arrest him they haul his ass out of the building and they shove him into the cop car. as the scene fades out)

CC: We need to make sense of all this.

AR: Let’s leave it to the stars. I’m sure in time it will all sort out. Just speculation but it seems Roy Lee is playing both sides. Its clear he’s tried probably unsuccessfully to keep Titan 3 and The Striken out of the arena tonight and it wouldn’t surprise me if he weren’t behind Jaxon being arrested.


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CC: Why would he do that? He’s trying to sign the guy.

AR: One word......”Leverage”. Remember Roy Lee isn’t beyond using the system. Three letters come to mind PDJ.

CC: That’s right. Roy Lee has made PDJ’s life tough as of late with the court system. You may have made sense of this mess.

AR: That’s why I’m here my little flower. That’s why...I’m here.

CC: And we’re grateful for it too.


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(After CC and Allen speculate on what is going on tonight the Tag team title match occurs. Only lasting a little under 5 minutes. As SST and Eric Rodriguez brawl outside the ring, SBK connects on his famed Kick Back superkick to Michael Manetta's chin for the...





Your winners and NEW WpW World Tag Team Champions SBK and SST!!!!!!!!!!!!


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(“Cat Scratch Fever” hits over the PA system and After Manetta and Rodriguez exit the area in defeat SBK and SST hold the titles up for all to see, the duo celebrate the title win when...The lights in the arena begin to flicker as Pantera's "Walk" begins to rip through the PA system. The crowd looks towards the entrance and watches as Thorne, the man who has been bombarding WpW over the last few weeks with his propaganda. Thorne wears all black and a grin as he turns and looks towards the entrance as another man enters the arena. This man has long hair and if possible, an even more evil look on his face...he is the one called Xero. In the ring, SBK and SST look at each other confused and then back to Xero and Thorne, who now stalk down the ramp.)

CC: Who are these two?


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AR: I know but more importantly WHY are these two here?

(SBK and SST watch as Xero and Thorne climb the ring stairs and enter the ring. Thorne smiles at the two as he reveals a mic.)

Thorne: Look at you guys there...tag team champs? What an honor that is, huh? A tough fought victory culminating in your crowning as the top tag team in the business. And with all the hungry tag teams out there shooting for that spot on top of it all. You guys are an impressive unit.

(Xero looks at Thorne confused and grabs the mic.)


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Xero: Wait, are you saying these guys

aren't a couple of douche-drinking retards?

(Thorne takes the mic back, attempting to calm his brother.)

Thorne: Well, Xero, my brother, with all due respect, I think it's possible we took these guys lightly. I mean after all, these guys are more or less the WpW Tag Team champions. Doesn't that deserve some respect?

[[Grabbing a mic from the nearby ring announcer SBK speaks back.]]

SBK: You two cats sure as shit don’t realize what you’re stepping in THATS for shore!!!


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(Out of nowhere, SBK and SST have been jumped from behind by Randall Pierce Gaines, the third hooligan of this tribe, who has entered the ring from the crowd, unbeknownst to SBK or SST. RPG has with him a steel chair that he uses to waffle the two on the back, in which time they are met with stereo DDTs from Xero and Thorne. RPG has left the chair in the ring meanwhile he’s slid out of the ring and reached under it for a table that he slides in. Thorne grabs the table and sets it up as RPG slides in another which Xero grabs and sets up. RPG slides in the ring as Xero and Thorne grab SBK and SST respectively. RPG pulls something out of his pants...it's a can of lighter fluid!!!! He douses both tables with the flammable liquid and then yanks out a pack of matches. With one stroke, one table is on fire! With a second, the other is now on fire! Xero and Thorne marvel at the flames as SBK and SST get to their feet. SBK grabs the steel chair laying on the mat The crowd begins to cheer as RPG Thorn and Xero flee the ring. Xero grabs one of the tag team belts as he rolls out of the ring and picks back up his mic. They begin backing up the aisle.)


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Xero: Yeah Thorne, I guess you're right, these guys do deserve our respect. I mean, I was going to come out here and drive them through a flaming table and then piss on them but since they are so prestigious and what not, I think I'll hold off. But as for these titles...

(Xero looks at the strap in his hand and then spits on the front of it with a disgusted look.)

Xero: They're pretty fucking worthless. Of course, when they come into the possession of the Hell's Children and we melt them down, we may be able to actually get something out of them.

(Xero tosses the belt to the ground. The three men smile and then exit to a chorus of boos as.)


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CC: Well we have New tag champions and in short order we have new tag team contenders too!!!

AR: I concur.

CC: Making quick work of Manetta and Rodriguez is New Tag team champions....SBK and Simple Simon TERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-reeeee!!!!!!

AR: Calm down.

CC: I’m excited. Since he helped beat my former pick Hotshot who hasn’t been much of a hotshot lately. My new pick is Simple Simon.....TERRRRRRRRRR-reeeeee!!!!


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AR: We get the point.

(The backstage area is shown with the Hybrid Theory's locker room. You see that the door is slightly ajar as on the inside of the room the members of the group are talking to on another, and there are a couple of individuals who cannot be seen. You notice that Dynamic Dynamite, Lady Revenge, and Arson are all in their wrestling gear as the meeting continues on. When they notice the camera is watching you see OG go over and he slams the door.)

CC: Sounds like Hybrid Theory is in some serious planning stages.

AR: I concur:


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(Music from the Movie Terminator begins and from the backstage area emerges Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger the crowd pops for California’s Gov.)


AR: I concur. This is historic to say the least.

CC: Just you wait.

AR: You act as if you know something my little flower.

CC: We’ll see.


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(Gov Arnold enters the ring and gets on the mic.)

Gov Arnold: S’ank you very much. I’m here tonight as I said I’d BE BAAAAACK well I am and it is to call out this man who runs WpW. A Roy Lee.

“The Gambler” begins and out from the back walks Roy Lee very happily. He strides to the ring.
With mic in hand Roy Lee begins sucking up to the Gov.

Roy Lee: What can I do for ya? We’re happy to have you at the Roy Lee Rumble.

Gov Arnold: Shut your trap. I’m here to make an announcement.


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Roy Lee: Sure thing by all means.

Gov Arnold: I’m here to announce that since September of 2003 I have been a charter member of WpW’s board of directors.

AR: What?

CC: It’s true Allen. Listen.

Gov Arnold: The board have been mostly anonymous with the exception of a few such as Roy Lee here, Samantha Starr and Lilly.

Roy Lee: And we love having you on the board.


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Gov Arnold: Just a second Lee. However with my run as Governor I have been unable to be an active participant and since winning the Governorship of KallyFORNia I must announce that I hereby resign as of 9 am Monday morning.

(Roy Lee seems surprised and his whole attitude towards Arnold turns.)

Roy Lee: Well in that case, Don’t let the door hit your roid riddled ass on the way out of MY RING!!!!!

Gov Arnold: Here me now and believe me later, You’ll get yours Roy Lee I’ll see to that.


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(Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger leaves the ringand walks up the aisle as the crowd showers Roy Lee with boo’s.)

CC: Roy Lee is such an asshole!

AR: Such talk from you?

CC: Yes, He shouldn’t treat a board member like that or anyone else for that matter.

(Roy Lee seems proud of himself after he thinks he ran the Gov. out of the ring.)

Roy Lee: Let me make something clear. THIS IS MY RING! This is my PAY PER VIEW and this is MY COMPANY!!!! (Crowd is nearly booing so loudly you can’t hear him talk.) I even have a match named after me. Arney wants to think I’m a girlie man well he doesn’t know what I can do....WHO KNOWS maybe tonight I may have to whip some ass to prove I could beat any superstar we have here!!!!! I know it and I’ve yet to SHOW it!!! Make sure you heard me and understand THIS IS MY COMPANY!!!! I am the SOLE reason this place is still around. Whether it’s making deals like “Arson’s Rules” or signing talent like SST and SBK...Good guy or bad guy I don’t give a damn. MY DECISIONS MAKE THIS COMPANY!!! I’m the reason Tubs of goo like Lost Soul aren’t on the shows running off audiences right and left.


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(Crowd boos Roy Lee)

RL: Lucky Strikes like The Striken don’t last as you see while I’m running this show.

(Crowd boos Roy Lee)

RL: PDJ isn’t becoming another Michael Jackson on my watch and if it weren’t for ME an over-paid prima donna like Dynamic Dynamite wouldn’t be champion. You see I MAKE the stars around here. I MAKE the decisions and I’m the reason this place is so successful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“It’s MY Life” by No Doubt hits as the lights go wild from the backstage area walks CEO Lilly live and here in Hollywood Ca. She’s wearing a business jacket and a skirt that rides to show off her legs. She is visibly LIVID!!!! The crowd pops big time for the favorite CEO of WpW.


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CC: You go girl!!!!!

AR: Uh oh.

(Standing in the aisle she gets on mic and directs her attention right at Roy Lee who seems quite surprised by her appearance but he doesn’t flinch.)

Roy Lee: Well good to see you again, Welcome to the sh..

CEO Lilly: CUT THE CRAP! You talk about YOU taking all the credit around here. WELL just because you haven’t seen me on GoldPush the last couple months doesn’t mean I’m not working MY ASS OFF FOR THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s MY LIFE!!!!! THIS is MY business. I work day and night making things happen, bringing in talent, making sure this company runs smoothly. YOU may have been in charge Roily, but look at things. PDJ is a respectable talent who’s been wrestling has-beens and never-was wrestlers, and you are holding a grudge against him all because of the last PPV. Is that really how things ought to be run? I DON’T THINK SO. Lost Soul got suspended due to a weight issue? I DON’T THINK SO. This is not how WpW is run. You say YOU are the sole reason this company is going? I DON’T THINK SO, I KNOW IT’S NOT SO. These wrestlers come out here and put up a hell of a show for all these worthy fans, and work their asses off for our company. I work my ass off behind the scenes to make sure shows are scheduled and flights are booked, and things are done right and on time. YOU WANNA DISCREDIT ME? Take a look at YOUR actions. I don’t need to trot out here for air time, I leave that to the superstars of this business to do. They’ve earned that spotlight. And I’ll defend them till my death. THIS COMPANY IS MY LIFE.


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Roy Lee: Well thats sounds like you really mean it Bubble-Headed Blondie but like Timberlake sings “Cry me a River” and more importantly...’The damage is DONE so I guess” YOU “better be leavin!!!!!”

CEO Lilly: No no noooooooooo (She points her finger) That’s where you’re wrong.

(Governor Schwarznegger shows back up again and stands take his place beside CEO Lilly up the aisle.)

CEO Lilly: It’s no accident we brought the Terminator here tonight. He may no longer be on the board but he’s more than happy to support me as I TERMINATE you!!!!!!!!!!!


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(Crowd roars as CEO Lilly announces the FIRING OF ROY LEE!)

CC: YEsssssssssssssss!

AR: How bout that?

(Roy Lee stands in the ring unphased by her shocker.)

Roy Lee: That’s where your wrong darlin.

CEO Lilly: Don’t call me darlin EVER!


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Roy Lee: That’s where you’re wrong. Ya see, With your boy Kindergarden Cop off the board,. The votes are in MY FAVOR and come next week it’s YOU my dear who’s gonna be FIRED!

(Crowd boo’s)

Roy Lee: That’s right. With tonight’s announcement it’s gonna put to a vote. I’m calling for a vote of ‘no confidence’ in YOU and then your WpW “life” is gonna be over! It’s gonna be ME as next CEO of this place just as it shoulda been when you stepped away back at November Reign.

CEO Lilly: We’ll see about that. Cause I KNOW the people want YOU gone!!!!


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(Crowd pops as “Its my Life” by No Doubt plays again and CEO Lilly and The Gov. leave to the back. ROy Lee remains in the ring as Roxy Adams begins to announce the next match which is none other than the Roy Lee Rumble match itself.)

RA: Ladies and Gentlemen it is time for the Roy Lee Rumble!!!!!! (Crowd pops) The rules are as follows The match will consist of ten wrestlers beginning with the wrestlers who drew numbers 1 and 2. Once someone is eliminated via pinfall, submission or over the top rope to the floor the wrestler who drew the next number comes out. This process continues until only one WpW Superstar remains in the ring and thus wins the right to compete for the WpW World Heavyweight Championship within the next 30 days!!!!!!!


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And NOW..... The man who signed in the #1 spot, coming to the ring...... MICHAEL ...... MANETTA

(Manetta runs to the ring and paces back and forth waiting for his opponent, waving at the crowd, playing to the cheers. Roy Lee gives Manetta a look as the two despise one another. Roy Lee exits quickly to the back. )

RA: The man who signed in the # 2 spot, coming to the ring......PERFECT 10 PATRICK DEREK JEFFERSONNN!!

(PDJ bumps into Roy Lee then quickly runs to the ring catching Manetta off guard with a clothesline causing him to go over the top rope.)


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CC: Michael Manetta hasn’t been on his game tonight and it is sure proving that in his ability to wrestle.

AR: I concur my little flower, some men just don’t have what it takes to be consistently good and on their A-game all the time.





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RA: The man, or in this case woman, who signed in the #3 spot, coming to the ring............ESMERELDA.


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(Esmerelda runs to the ring, and does a back flip into the ring, but as she flips in PDJ grabs her legs and flips her back out.)


CC: Sounds like she didn’t do any preparation over the last two weeks for the Roy Lee rumble She is having a bad night too, I mean she’s been beat up and brutalized all night.

AR: I think there are several back there that didn’t do anything for this match tonight my little flower, I believe this match will go a lot faster than expected.


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RA: The man who signed in the # 4 spot, coming to the ring...............KENNY STYLEZZZZZZZ

(Kenny Stylez runs to the ring, but stops half way watching PDJ motioning for him to get in the ring. Kenny runs around the ring trying to find a safe spot. PDJ grabs him and pulls him in the ring hitting him several times with rights and lefts. PDJ backs Stylez up to the turnbuckle hitting him then knocks him over the top rope.)


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RA: KENNY STYLEZ HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!!!!! And our 10 second rest period begins.









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RA: The man who signed in the # 5 spot, coming to the ring.............JOHNNY JESTER!!!

(Johnny Jester steps out from the back and lift his hands the crowd instantly starts yelling YAAAAY! Jester puts his hands down and the crowd stops. Hands back up YAAAYYY!!!! Jester quickly makes it to the ring. PDJ quickly begins to try and pound on him, Jester blocks the blows. JJ slings PDJ to the ropes, and charges full force hitting PDJ, causing him to lose breath. Jester takes that advantage and tries to lift him over the top rope.)


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CC: Jester may eliminate PDJ! Is this the end of his winning streak for the rumble?

AR: He may be tired my little flower but I believe PDJ has some built up tension he is taking out on these wrestlers tonight. Certainly his un-luck of the draw has not caught up with him yet.

(PDJ resist going over kicking Jester in the face, remaining in the ring. PDJ goes for an eye scrape, but Jester grabs his arm twisting it. Lifting his other hand.)

(Crowd: YAAAAY!)


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AR: Jester is playing to the crowd tonight, he appears to be a favorite of California residents.

CC: He’s a favorite all around!

(PDJ swings his leg knocking Jester down to the mat. He quickly picks Jester up slinging him to the ropes causing Jester to go over the top rope)

RA: JOHNNY JESTER HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!! And our 10 second rest period begins.



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RA: The man who signed in the #6 spot, coming to the ring.........SHAUN STEWART!!
(Shaun Stewart slowly struts to the ring, and climbs slowly through the ropes taking his precious time. He pushes PDJ into the turnbuckle giving him an evil look. Shaun then yells something about being above the talent in this match and hops out of the ring, over the top rope, eliminating himself and starts walking up the ramp.)

RA: SHAUN STEWART HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!! And our 10 second rest period begins.



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RA: The man who signed in the #7 spot, coming to the ring SYNN!!!

(Synn walks quickly to the ring, climbing up the turn buckle, and flying off, missing PDJ hitting the mat. PDJ stands grinning as Synn gets to his feet and heads for the other turnbuckle. He starts climbing it as PDJ looks to the crowd grinning. The crowd starts cheering as PDJ pushes Synn over the top, eliminating him. PDJ then turns around resting in the corner for the next opponent.)

RA: SYNN HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!! And our 10 second rest period begins.



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RA: The man who signed in the # 8 spot, coming to the ring MATT WARD JNR!!!!!

(Matt Ward Jr. actually puts up a fight against the wearing PDJ. After a struggle near the ropes 3 minutes into his arrival Matt Ward Jr. is dumped over the top rope to the floor with a hip toss.)

RA: Matt Ward Jr. has been eliminated our next 10 rest period begins.....



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RA: The man who signed in the #9 spot, coming to the ring THESTRIKEN

(Out of the back steps the man of mystery wearing a black trench coat and white mask.)

CC: Striken going for the masked look it seems.

AR: Must mean he means business.

CC: Guess so.

(‘The Striken’ rolls into the ring and is met by kicks from a rested PDJ! ‘Striken’ covers his head to block the kicks. THEN from backstage out steps ‘Striken’ wearing no make up looking as he looked earlier in the night when he was seen outside with Titan 3)


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AR: Then....who’s that?

[[Striken hits the ring and stands over the obvious imposter, PDJ stands ready in case this is some kind of plan to trick him and eliminate him. Striken motions to PDJ to toss the man out, the duo then help up the masked and coated man. They then both dump the man over the top rope to the floor.]]

RA: Striken has been eliminated!!!!!!!????

CC: Is that right?


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AR: I’d think so.



[[Striken then offers a hand to PDJ and the two shake hands as the crowd breaks from the count to pop for them. The imposter runs through the crowd.]]





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[[Striken then clearly wishes PDJ luck and then leaps over the top rope to the floor and begins walking up the aisle.]]




RA: The last person to sign the Roy lee Rumble tonight is........ LADY REVENGE!!!!!


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AR: Well that was quite interesting.

CC: I’m sure we’ll learn more about that another day and time. BUT NOW the final entrant is HERE!!!!!

(Lady Revenge runs to the ring hitting the ropes as PDJ gets to his feet. Lady Revenge then hits a body press on PDJ. She meets up with PDJ as he gets to his feet and hits a snapmare. Lady Revenge picks him up and hits Another snapmare. Lady Revenge runs to and kicks him in the middle of the back. Lady Revenge picks up PDJand walks him to the corner and slams his head into the top turn buckle.)

CC: Lady Revenge seems really determined to get this done and over with. I think she may have it.


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AR: Don’t count the man out yet, he’s made it this far, but he may be getting tired by now, after all he has been in there since #2.

(Lady Revenge turns hooks PDJ and hits him with a hip toss out of the corner. LR yells at PDJ to get up then charges him and nails him with a big closeline)

CC: PDJ isn’t getting a move in edge wise is he?

AR: If I was the man I would let her think she is tough too. I think it’s a great strategy.

Lady Revenge picks up PDJ goes to whip him to the corner, but PDJ reverses sending Lady Revenge into the corner, hitting her back hard on the turnbuckle. PDJ runs and hits Lady Revenge with a monkey flip out of the corner. PDJ gets to his feet first and Walks over to Lady Revenge. PDJ picks her up by the hair and than Snap mares her. PDJ picks her up, and whips her into the ropes. Lady Revenge hits the ropes and come back and PDJ catches her with a drop kick. PDJ gets to his feet and picks up Lady Revenge. PDJ kicks her in the gut and nails a DDT. PDJ goes for the pin


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Lady Revenge kicks out.

CC: He went for a pin!!!

AR: Yes m’little flower in this match you can either send your opponent over the top rope or pin them to win. This is the first attempt of a pinning in this rumble.

(LR gets up kicking PDJ between the legs, causing him to fall to the mat on his knees. As he is falling LR kicks him in the face causing PDJ to fall backwards. LR quickly goes for the cover....


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Lady Revenge stands up and stomps her. Lady Revenge lifts PDJ to his feet and whips him to the corner. Lady Revenge comes in and nails a closeline. Lady Revenge pulls back and delivers a chop. PDJ holds his chest and stumbles out of the corner. Lady Revenge runs out and nails PDJ with a bulldog. Lady Revenge picks up PDJ sending him to the ropes. PDJ hits them comes back Lady Revenge goes for the closeline PDJ ducks hits the other set of ropes and comes back and takes Lady Revenge off her feet with a leaping closeline. PDJ gets to his feet as Lady Revenge does . Lady Revenge takes PDJ off his feet with a spinning sweep PDJ hits the mat and Lady Revenge nails a stunner . Lady Revenge goes for the pin

3 No!!!!!!!! PDJ kicks out right in time.


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Lady Revenge is very upset she slaps the mat she gets to her feet and picks up PDJ. Lady Revenge lifts PDJ hits a sitdown bodyslam. Lady Revenge rolls and gets to her feet and points to the sky. Lady Revenge gets to the corner and starts to climb the ropes she reaches the top rope and looks back seeing where PDJ is BUT he is already at the turnbuckle where she has climbed.


Lady Revenge is pushed to the floor!

RA: YOUR WINNER and NEW #1 Contender to the World Title...Patrick Derek Jefferson P....D....J!!!!


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PDJ rests against the turnbuckle as the crowd cheers.

AR: Say what you will fans but BOTH Lady Revenge and PDJ put their all on the line in this one. PDJ overcame the odds to get the victory and Lady Revenge used cunning, luck of the draw and hard work to stay right there with PDJ. Make no mistake about it. PDJ may be #1 contender now to the WpW Title BUT Lady Revenge just may have asserted herself at the Roy Lee Rumble as a Main Event caliber star who can compete on any level.

CC: She has been All-Time TV Champion before.

AR: TV champion is small peanuts compared to her effort tonight. Several close near falls and a solid work ethic. Believe me. PDJ earned the victory but Lady Revenge comes out of the Roy Lee Rumble with something to boast about as well. I doubted her ability to even last as long as the slackers. She proved me wrong here tonight.


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CC: One thing is for sure the big two are coming up Allen.

AR: I can’t wait.

(The camera turns backstage and there's a commotion and a crowd gathering. The camera wades it's way through the onlookers to see Titan 3 down on the floor, clutching his right knee, grimacing in pain. Dynamic Dynamite shoves his way through the crowd and gets to T3, looking surprised.)

DD: Vince, what the hell?

(T3 looks up, his face contorted with anger.)


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T3: Some asshole jumped be. He came out of the dark, I didn't see him until I felt him nail my knee with some pipe or something.

DD: What did he look like? Who was it?

T3: I told you I didn't see him. He had a long black coat on and long dark hair, that's all I could see. He was quick, he attacked me and dissappeared.

DD: You gonna be able to go for the match?

(Before another word is said, cameras shift to the ring as Roxy Adams is ready to give the ring introductions for the following match.)


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CC: First he “couldn’t get into the building”. NOW he’s injured. Titan 3 seems to be falling into every possible stroke of luck NOT to be in tonight’s main event.

AR: The question is who attacked him, It isn’t like Titan 3 to stumbled into such misfortune. Several suspects It could be Hybrid Theory taking out their own teammate, It could be any shadow newcomer we have yet to see OR it could be someone like The Striken who helped Titan 3 get into the arena tonight. ANY host of suspects.

CC: Don’t forget Roy Lee. He could be behind it too. Tonight is HIS NIGHT as he claims and his job is on the line.


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AR: Who knows? I do know this the best match of the night could be next Arson and Jesse Williams. Whether you like them or not, two of the best in this industry. I can’t wait for this one.

CC: Well wait no further.

RA: This match is for the Big Gold Championship. First coming to the ring weighing in at 220lbs, from Detroit MI the Challenger ARSON

The arena falls into darkness as the first 10sec of OPENING by Linkin Park begins to play the screen flashes to a news caster who states "Arson is Suspected". A small flam flickers on the stage and the music changes to "Battle Ready" by Otep with out skipping a beat.As the air raid siren screams at the begining of the song a figure is seen entering the stage. As the man drops the hood to his hoody revealing himself as Arson the song kicks and the flickering flames burst into ten foot high flames. Arson walks to the end of the stage and yells for his fans to get up. Arson is dressed in his normal black Kangel hat, Blue sun glasses, Baggy Black hoody, Baggy black plather pants with flames going up the right leg and black boots. As Arson walks down to the ring, balls of flames fly from the stage. As he reaches the ring side area Arson hops up into the ring. The lights come back on as the music contunues to play, Arson hops up on the the second turn buckel and throws up the Devils sign to the crowed he hops off and runs to another corner and hops up on to the second turn buckel and again throws the devil sign to the crowd he pulls the Kangel, Sun glasses and Black Hoody off revealing the wife beater underneith than turns and hops off the turn buckel, he walks over and hands the extra gear to the ring girl.He than turns and awaites the beginning of the match.


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ON the tron CEO Lilly appears

CEO Lilly: Mr. Over the past few weeks you have had free reign over calling your own matches. Injuring stars and trying to end careers. From this match on Roy Lee’s allowance of you to make your own stipulations and matches is deemed unfair and unnecessary and your “Arson’s Rules” clause is hence forth REVOKED!!!!!!

Crowd pops as Arson is not pleased.

CC: Whoa! The CEO has really came back with a vengeance Allen.

AR: But If Roy Lee gets the votes she won’t be around for long.


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(The screen fades before Arson can respond but he isn’t very pleased at ALL as Roxy begins to introduce the Big Gold Champion.)

RA: Now the Champion weighing in at 235lbs from Long Island, New York Jesse Williams

The lights cut out suddenly, we hear the beginning of "My Heart, Your Hands" kick on. And the fans go crazy. As soon as the guitar kicks in the lights come on, and we see Jesse Williams walk out from the back and everybody is going bezerk. He smirks a bit, and makes his way down the ring. Although being cocky, he is very confident and aware of whats before him. He gets into the ring and smirks once again and goes to the corner nearest the camera, he hops up and looks right into it and says something, then hops down, and gets ready for his match. The two men stare at each other across the ring as the bell rings. The start to circle each other than meet in the middle of the ring with an elbow and coller tie up. Arson takes Williams into a waistlock. Williams reverses it into an armbar. Arson rolls on the mat kicks up and reverses it into a wristlock. Willams reverses it into a wristlock of his own. Arson kicks Williams in the knee breaking the lock and hits Williams with and armdrag. Both men are to their feet quickly and Williams hits Arson with an Arm drag. Again both men are to their feet quickly and Arson hits Williams with a japannes Armdrag both men are to their feet quickly again and Williams hits Arson with a Arm Drag again. Both me are to their feet and Arson goes for an armdrag but Williams pulls back and Arson hits the mat. Arson rolls quickly to his feet and he and Willaims circle each other. They meet again in a coller elbow tie up. Williams takes it into an arm ringer he whips Arson to the ropes. Arson reverses the whip and Williams hits the ropes comes back and Arson hits him with a drop toe hold. Arson gets to his feet quickly goes for a elbow drop but Williams rolls just in time and Arson crashs to the mat. Williams is to his feet and goes for a standing moonsault. Arson rolls just in time and Williams crashes to the mat. Arson gets to his feet runs at the ropes and Williams sleeps Arson leaps over him hits the other set of ropes. Arson comes back and Williams is to his feet. Williams goes for a closeline Arson ducks stops throws a right and Williams catches his Arm and turns it into a cradlepin


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Arson kicks out reverses the pin on Williams

Williams kicks out. Williams Gets to his feet as Arson is still on his knees. Arson chops the back of Williams knee and he hits the mat. Arson goes for the cover

Williams kicks out. Arson gets to his feet and Williams chops the back of his knee. Arson hits the mat Williams goes for the quick cover

Arson kicks out. Williams gets to his feet he goes for a spin kick. Arson ducks and delivers a spin kick of his own and it hits Williams in the back of the head. Williams hits the mat. Arson motions for Williams to get up. Williams gets to his feet Arson Charges with a closeline Williams ducks and catches Arson in a waistlock. Arson reverses it into a waistlock of his own. Williams reverses it again and goes for a release german suplex. Arson back flips it and lands on his feet. Arson quickly grabs Williams in a waistlock again. Williams runs forward and grabs the top rope. Williams Delivers two elbow shots to Arson's head to break the hold. Williams goes for a second rope spring board but Arson dropkicks him in the back knocking Williams to the outside. Williams hits the ground and it takes him a bit before he is to his feet. Arson runs hits the oppisite side of ropes comes running back grabs the second rope and does a handstand flip landing on the ring Apron as Williams ducks out of the way. Arson waits till Williams turns around and leaps from the apron onto Williams shoulders going for a huricanrada. Williams blocks it flips him back and throws Arson over his head. Arson lands on the ring Apron. Williams turns and Arson catches him with a superkick from the apron. Williams gets to his feet and Arson leaps up Sringboards off the top rope and hits Williams with a moonsault. As both men are on the ground Arson gets to his feet first. He picks up Williams and chops him knocking him back. Arson picks up Williams by the head again picks him up and hits him with a body slam on the outside. Arson yells to the fans "Wanna See Something cool" Arson picks up Williams for a northanlights suplex, But instead of hiting it he places Williams on the Guardrail. Arson climbs up on the Guardrail so that he is standing on it. He jumps and lands on Williams with a huricanrada. The fans start to chant WPW. Arson picks up Williams walks him over and rolls him into the ring. Arson rolls in and goes for the pin.


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Williams kicks out. Arson gets to his feet and picks Williams up by the hair. He delivers a right hand to Williams knocking him back. Arson delivers rights till he backs Williams into the corner. Arson whips Williams out of the corner Williams reverses it and sends Arson in to the corner. Williams charges in and Arson moves at the last second and Williams hits the corner chest first. Arson moves quicly and delivers a Dropkick to Williams back. Williams drops to his hands and knees, Arson walks up and stomps him. Arson lifts him to his feet and whips him to the ropes. Williams hit the ropes and nails Arson with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Williams picks Arson up and kicks him in the gut. Arson bends over as Williams hits the ropes comes back and hits Arson with a swinging neckbreaker. Williams gets to his feet and shows off for the crowd, he picks up Arson hooks him and lifts him up for a vertical suplex. Williams hold him vertical for a few seconds and than drops back and hits Arson with a brainbuster. Williams gets to his feet and showboats for the crowd before finally covering Arson.


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Arson kicks out at the last second, Williams can't belive it. Williams gets to his feet and yells at the ref. Williams turns around and bends over when Arson out of know where kicks up, his legs landing on Williams Shoulders. Arson Locks and flips him with a huricanrada. Williams hits the mat hard and Arson gets to his feet first. Williams is to his feet and Arson catches him with a kick to the gut. Arson whips Williams to the corner. Arson Charges in and is meet with a boot to the face. Williams charges out and takes Arson down with a big closeline. Williams picks up Arson and Hits him with a northan lights suplex, he bridges it for the pin.

Arson kicks out. Willims sits him up and hooks him in a sleeper. Arson gets to his feet slowly. Arson delivers an elbow to Williams gut trying to break the hold. Arson delivers another elbow than a third and Williams finally releases the sleeper. Arson runs hit the ropes comes back and take Williams down with a tilt-a-whirl DDT. Both me are laid out on the mat. Arson makes it to his feet first and picks up Williams by the head. Arson delivers a knife edge chop to Williams knocking him back. Arson delivers A right and than another till he backs Williams to the ropes. Arson kicks him in the knee and goes to whip Williams but Williams holds on to the rope. Arson kicks him in the gut and goes to whip him again but Williams hangs on again. Williams pulls back and delivers a chop knocking Arson back. Williams goes for a closeline but Arson ducks catches the Arm and takes it into a sunset flip


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Williams rolles back gets to his feet and hooks Arsons legs in a pin.

Arson rolls the shoulder. Williams hooks Arsons legs over his Shoulders. Williams whips Arson up and hits him with a sitout powerbomb.

Arson kicks out at the last second and Williams Shows his anger. Williams Holds Arson's legs and spins him into a boston crab. Arson stuggels as the ref ask him if he gives. Arson yells no. Arson crawls slowly toword the ropes. Arson reaches and grabs the ropes, breaking the hold. Williams stands up and stomps Arson pushing him out of the ring. Arson rolls and hits the ground. Williams rolls out after him. Williams picks up Arson and whips him hard into the guardrail. Williams walks over and picks Arson up. Williams takes Arson and slams his head into the steps. Williams hooks Arson and hits him with a snap suplex. He walks over to the guardrail jumps up lands on the guardrail and hits a moonsault onto Arson. The fans start to chant WPW. He picks up Arson and rolls him into the ring. Williams gets up onto the Apron hops over the top rope and lands a leg drop to Arson. He goes for the pin


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Arson kicks out at the last second. Williams slaps the mat, he gets to his feet and picks up Arson. Williams hooks Arson and lifts him for a suplex but sets him in the middle of the top rope. Williams Walks over to the Corner and climbs the ropes to the top rope. Williams tight rope walks over the top rope till he meets Arson than leaps and hits Arson with a huricanrada. Williams goes for the pin

Arson gets his foot over the bottom rope and the ref stops the count. Williams drags Arson to the middle of the ring. He points up to the sky than walks over to the corner. Williams climbs the ropes and goes for a Moonsault from the top rope. Arson moves at the last second and Williams hits nothing but mat. Arson gets to his feet and picks up Williams, Arson tries to whip him to the rope but Williams reverses. Arson hits the ropes comes back and hits a malinko on Williams and turns it into a bulldog. Arson Gets to his feet and hooks Williams in an wristlock. Arson picks him up to his feet and walks over to the corner. Arson climbs the ropes and goes old school by walking the ropes. Arson leaps off and hits Williams with a head scissors. Arson goes for the pin.


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Williams kicks out. Arson picks him up and Whips him to the corner and than charges in with a big closeline. Williams hits the mat and Arson smiles. He runs out into the middle of the ring than turns runs at the corner and nails the Gasoline Drip on Williams. Arson goes for the pin.

Williams gets his foot on the bottom rope to stop the count. Arson picks up Williams and whips him to the ropes. Williams comes back Arson goes for a hiptoss but Williams floats over and Nails Arson with a sitout hip toss but Williams falls backwards unable to pin Arson. Arson gets to his feet very slowly and Picks up Williams. Arson whips him to the ropes and they both go for a closeline and both of them hit the mat from a double closeline. They both get to their feet slowly and both go for a drop kick and they hit each other and both men fall to the mat. They take even loner but they both get to their feet. They both try for a cross body and they hit hard and fall to the mat. Both men reach their feet very slowly this time and are out of it. Williams trys for a closeline Arson ducks hooks his Arm and hits the Strike-a-match, Arson falls to the mat after the move. Both men lay on the mat they strugel to their feet and Williams kicks Arson in the gut and nails a implant DDT. Williams gets to his feet slowly and calls the end of the match. Williams walks over and starts to climb the ropes.


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Williams gets to the top rope and calls for his finisher. Williams leaps from the top rope and nails the FROM AUTUMN TO ASHES. Williams goes for the pin

RA: Here is your winner and still Champion JESSIE WILLIAMS

AR: Another member of Hybrid Theory falls BUT make no mistake Arson just elevated his game even in defeat. Arson is NOW a WpW Main Eventer.

CC: And that damn Jesse Williams wins again.

AR: Well it’s getting that time now my little flower. Nearing the Main Event....


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Going back to the Hybrid Theory locker room you are looking at Dynamic for the second time in the night, and he is there this time with Scooter. Scooter has the microphone and puts it up to his mouth as Dynamic grabs the mic from him and pushes Scooter out of the room.)

"The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite: You know it really is getting old. Day in and day out I step into the ring and take on any and everyone that the board decides to throw into the ring against me, and day in day out I just beat the living SHIT out of my opponents. So then I turn around and can only hear that people say I suck, and that I blow, and that "The Franchise" doesn't make a good champ. Well let me just clue you all in on one little thing about this..... I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK if you like "The Franchise" or not; because all that is going to matter in the end is that until someone pins my shoulder's and takes the title then I am still the top performer in this business. I could stand here and throw out the list of people I have beaten in the ring, and the people who would love to have the chance to step into the ring against me, but then we would be here all day. WHat I want to make sure each and everyone out there realizes is that I am the champion for a reason, and that is all you need to fucking know. Like it, love it, or hate it; all you need to know is that when I step into the zone I am not going to stop until I show why I am who I say I am, and why I am the best performer in this industry and the other facets of entertainment that I choose to venture into. Tonight when I step into the ring to defend the title against the Spermy Little Retard you had better believe I am going to show him that he doesn't measure to me in the ring. Get ready people, and SLR I want you to look at yourself in the mirror a bit longer; because when its all said and done I am going to still be the champ, and then you can tuck your tail and come up with all the excuses you want; because I have heard them before.


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(As he finishes you see the shower area Monique comes out wearing a towel just as the other ladies do as the scene goes back to the front.)

CC: MOnique!!!!!!!!!!!!

AR: She really got the scoop even if Scooter got the pre-match interview.

CC: That kinda seems like she was fooling around with Dynamic Dynamite earlier doesn’t it?

AR: How naive my little flower. Yea no doubt DD got the Moni-muff!


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CC: ALLEN!!!!!!

AR: Just calling it as I see it.

CC: Sex before a Match....Unbelievable.

AR: If you’ve been following things this last week you’d not be shocked by that.

CC: Its final prediction time. Allen I’m surprised you picked SLR the man with the initials to win this one but hey it’s WpW where anything can happen.

AR: Now it can be told my little flower. The man with the initials is ...DD...Never make the mistake of thinking I’d pick against that man.


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CC: I’ll go with SLR since you didn’t after all. He’s improved and that will put him over the top.

AR: Improvement is nice but it’s overall athleticism and work rate that wins in this business.

(The lights in the arena go out and then begin to flash with strobe lights to the beat of Audioslave's "Cochise" as a thick smoke begins to pour out of the entrance. A figure stands within the smoke, only his outline seen as the lights flash. The figure emerges, his head down, dressed in brown cargo pants, a white wifebeater and a pair of red wrestling boots. His fists are taped and he smokes a cigarette. He is the man they call SLR.)


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CC: Confidently smoking his cigarette as always.

(SLR rolls into the ring and walks to a far corner where he stretches slightly, all the while smoking his cigarette.)

RA: And now weighing 275 pounds, from St. Louis, Missouri....The WpW World Champion.....”The Franchise” Dynamic Dynamite!!!!!!

"Enemy" by Sevendust starts to play over the pa system as different color lights engulf the arena... They meet up at the entrance ramp as a video montage of "The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite starts to play. "The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite walks out dressed in some black pants, black combat boots, and a black shirt. Dynamic confident but slowly walks toward the ring as Dynamic ignores the crowd, as the boos and hisses engulf the arena.

("The Franchise" Dynamic Dynamite, the WpW World Champion, steps into the ring, his aura undeniable, his physique impressive. He looks out at the crowd and snarls before being called to the center of the ring by the referee. It is there he meets his challenger, a man nearly a foot shorter, SLR. SLR refuses to look directly at DD, continuing to smoke his cigarette. The referee barks some last minute instructions to the men before patting down both at the knees and the boots, looking for foreign objects. The ref then directs both men to their corners and as they turn, SLR flicks his cigarette at the back of the champion, who turns sharply, his eyes filled with fire. SLR only returns the glare. The bell sounds.)

CC: This is gonna be huge its just too bad Titan 3 pulled up lame.

AR: Truer words were never spoken in all meanings.

(Both men slowly move to the center of the ring and begin to circle each other, sizing the other up. They both move in and meet for a lock up, which DD quickly takes advantage of and shoves SLR down, who rolls backwards and gets back to his feet. DD smiles realizing he has the clear size and strength edge. SLR moves in again, obviously more cautious this time, faking a lock up and quickly moving behind DD with a rear waistlock. DD quickly breaks the hold with a some rear elbows, only one connecting, but the one being enough to back SLR off but SLR quickly attacks with a quick jab that connects with the jaw of DD, who is only surprised, not hurt, by the blow. SLR attempts a second jab but this time, DD sees it coming and blocks it and sends one back of his own that sends SLR immediately to the mat. SLR pops up quickly but catches another flooring shot by DD. SLR up again, less quickly and this time is grabbed by DD and whipped into the ropes and as he shoots back is caught, directly across the throat with a clothesline that manages to send him to the mat with a thud. DD grabs SLR by the hair and yanks him up, scoops him up and then drives him down with a bodyslam. DD then stands up and drops a big elbow across the chest of SLR. He goes for an early cover, hooking a leg...)


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Ref: 1..-

(SLR kicks out quickly. DD gets to his feet and brings SLR up as well, shoving him into a turnbuckle. DD lays SLR out and begins to drop some massive chops to his chest, tearing off SLR's wifebeater shirt and reddening his chest with every slap. DD then drives his knee into the midsection of SLR...again...again...again...again. DD then grabs SLR by the wrist and with all his force whips hims across the ring, sending him into the opposite turnbuckle and then following him in with a rocking clothesline that sees SLR crumple to the mat.)

AR: NEVER underestimate Dynamic Dynamite. SLR here IN THE EARLY going is NOT putting up a World Championship effort.


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CC: It’s not over yet.

AR: Ah yes but if you get behind early it could snowball.

(DD grabs ahold of the top rope and then drives his boot into the throat of SLR, constricting his air flow. The ref comes over to warn DD of the illegal nature of the move but DD brushes him off and drives his boot deeper. The referee warns again, more sternly this time and DD doesn't approve of his tone. He turns his attention to the referee and gives him a few choice words, intimidating him with his size. The ref, noticeably shaken, stands strong and warns DD, who rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to SLR, who out of desperation, scissors the leg of DD, tripping him and sending him head first into the top turnbuckle. DD clutches his head and attempts to regain his balance but SLR quickly grabs him and school boys him...)


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(DD quickly kicks out this time and quickly gets to his feet, his eyes narrowed, more out of annoyance than anything else. He looks at SLR who is trying to pull himself up by the ropes and stalks towards him with a "How Dare You" attitude and just strait kicks SLR in the face. He grabs SLR by the hair and then by the throat, wrapping one of his big hands around the neck of SLR and then lifts him up with a gorilla press, pressing him once...twice...three times...four...then dropping him, gut first, across his knee. SLR, folded in half by the pain, clutches his midsection and DD meethodically walks around him and then begins to stomp on him. DD grabs SLR and lifts him to his feet and then slings him over his shoulder and walks across the ring, towards a turnbuckle. He shoves SLR onto the turnbuckle and then begins to scale it himself. He throws one of SLR's arms over his head, setting him up for what appears to be a match-ending superplex. DD positions his feet and grabs SLR by the waist of his pants...but SLR suddenly shows life, his free hand dropping rabbit punches into the ribs of DD, making him rethink his footing. SLR then unleashes a headbutt that has DD clutching for balance until SLR gives him a shove, sending him to the mat with a crash. DD is only down for a moment, as he gets up, slightly dizzy but turning his attention back to his prey...which comes flying off the turnbuckle with a missile dropkick that is right on the money, sending DD back to the mat.)


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CC: SLR is on his way back. He’s in this thing Allen YOU MUST admit that.

AR: An upset is beginning to be plausible.

(DD slowly getting to his feet as SLR barely stands, holding on to the top rope for balance. He watches as DD stalks towards him and then charges with desperation, driving a shoulder into stomack of DD, who is surprised by it and doubles over. SLR then nails a short dropkick to the knee of DD, who falls to one knee as he clutches the attacked one. He quicky gets to his feet and turns around where he's met with a standing dropkick right to the kisser that sends him down to the mat. SLR bounces off the ropes and nails a snap elbow drop across the throat of DD.)


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CC: SLR is bringing it!!!!!!!!

AR: It’s true SLR could win this one but I haven’t forecast it.

(SLR now pulling DD up by his hair and then begins to unleash knife edge chops to the chest of the champion in rapid succession and then whipping him into the ropes. DD, however, is able to reverse the whip and whips SLR into the ropes but SLR ducks the ensuing clothesline, bounces off the opposite ropes and comes flying back at DD with a diving forearm that sends him stumbling backwards into the turnbuckle. SLR charges at him and dives in with a splash but follows it up quickly by climbing the turnbuckle and dropping some punches on the straddled DD's face. A small chant rises in the crowd, counting along with SLR, becoming more vocal at about 6...growing stronger by 8...but interrupted at 10 when DD grabs SLR, walks him into the center of the ring and drives him into the mat! SLR lays spread eagle on the mat as DD rolls over, trying to shake loose the cob webs. SLR rolls to his knees and then stumbles to his feet. He charges at DD who at the last second explodes and turns SLR inside out with a clothesline!)

CC: I love this match for the simple fact that both of these men have brought their very best.

AR: Titan 3 is not missed but he most definitely should be out here and should give it a try.

(The champion walks around the ring, regaining his composure and refocusing his gameplan. He slowly walks towards SLR, yanking him to his feet by his hair. He drags SLR to the corner and rams SLR's face into the top turnbuckle a few times before dragging him to the center of the ring and cinching him up for a vertical suplex...but SLR is able to slide out of it in mid plex and lands behind DD...who he rolls up quickly, grabbing an obvious hand of tights...)


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(DD kicks out and gets quickly to his feet and turns to charge at SLR, who ducks his head and back body drops the champ. SLR then drops a leg across the throat of DD and then gets to his feet and nails a wild looking standing moonsault and hooks a leg...)




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(DD kicks out! SLR gets up, showing slight frustration but intense concentration as he pulls DD to his feet, grabs a wrist and steps through with a twist. He twists again and the drops an elbow in to the shoulder of DD, who drops to one knee. SLR then grabs the arm again and steps through with a La Majistral cradle....)


(DD kicks out again and this time SLR's frustrating grows. He quickly gets to a turnbuckle and hops to the top. He dives off with flying elbow smash, connecting exactly on the heart of DD. SLR looks confident as he hooks the leg again...)





(SLR gets up, this time noticeably cussing to himself as he begins to frantically kick and stomp on DD. SLR grabs DD by the hair and pulls him to his feet and whips him into the ropes and then jumps up for a drop kick but DD hooked the ropes with his arms and SLR simply jumps up and then crashes to the mat. DD stumbles towards SLR and leaps up and drives a knee into the face of SLR. DD, showing signs of exhaustion, climbs to his feet and grabs SLR and slings him over his shoulder. He slowly stalks towards one corner and then turns and charges towards the center of the ring and drives SLR into the mat with his shoulder. DD gets up and looks down at SLR and then noticed the downed ref in the corner.)


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CC: His leg too the ref down!

AR: There’s no one to count a cover.

(DD looks at the fallen ref and then back at the fallen SLR and then back at the fallen ref...and he gets a sick look on his face. He steps through the ropes and hops to the floor and stalks towards the timekeeper. He shoves him off and folds up his chair. DD looks at the chair and smiles and the slides it in the ring as he follows it with a roll under the bottom rope. DD gets to his feet and grabs the chair, holding it high for the crowd to see and then turning to use it on SLR...who he doesn't see has gotten to his feet and who drives the chair into the face of DD with a superkick! The crowd pops as DD stumbles backwards and then flips over the top rope and crashing to the floor!)


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CC: A super kick earlier tonight led to a victory for the new WpW tag team champs!

(DD gets to his feet outside of the ring, obviously disoriented...but SLR comes flying out of nowhere with a slingshot plancha that sends both men to the floor. SLR gets to his feet and pulls DD to his. SLR grabs DD and slams his face into the steel guardrail and then whips him face first into the steel ring post, causing DD to stumble backwards into the guard rail. SLR climbs up on the apron and then looks back, waiting for DD to get back to his feet and then hops up to the middle rope and comes flying off with a beautiful asai moonsault! DD crashes to the floor and SLR appears to have his second wind as he is quickly to his feet. He grabs DD and rolls him back into the ring. He follows him in and looks over to where the referee is finally getting to his feet, but still groggy. SLR looks at the groggy ref and then at DD and then at the chair that is laying in the ring from DD's earlier backfire and then back at the groggy ref. SLR walks over to the ref and shoves him hard into the turnbuckle so that he falls back to the mat, as wrestling referees tend to do. SLR then walks over and picks up the chair. He then walks towards DD and begins to whack DD with it, first in the knee and then in the back.)


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(Suddenly, the crowd looks to the ramp as "State of Mind" by 38th Parrellel begins to play and the crowd gets to their feet as Titan 3 enters the arena and limps down the ramp...carrying a chair of his own. SLR turns and watches as he heads to the ring.)

CC: Titan 3 is HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

AR: In WpW, you won’t be seeing a “no-show” and that’s good but after all that’s went on can T3 enter the mix and pull off a win?

(SLR drops his chair and gets on the ropes, challenging Titan to enter the ring, who jaw jacks right back. SLR dares Titan to hit him with the chair and Titan looks ready to oblige as he cocks back with the chair...but the chair is yanked out of his hands from a man who has hopped the guardrail...a man in a long black coat with long black hair. Titan turns around and gets whacked in his bad knee with the chair and falls to the ground, once again clutching his knee.)


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AR: RIGHT THERE!!!!! That man must be Titan’s attacked.

CC: You thought it was Striken, you thought it was Hybrid Theory , you even thought Roy Lee was behind it.

AR: I could still be correct in my prediction.

CC: No none of them are that man.

(The man in the black coat coldly looks down at the grimacing Titan and rams the chair into his knee again. The man in the black coat then looks up and makes eye contact with SLR, who smiles back and nods. SLR then turns back towards DD...who happens to be on his feet weilding that steel chair...and he wraps it around the head of SLR, sending him to the mat in a heap. DD tosses the chair outside the ring and then grabs the referee and begins to shake him into consciousness. DD then covers SLR confidently...)


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(SLR kicks out at the last second! Neither the crowd nor DD can believe it. He gets up and berates the ref before turning and lifting SLR up, who has been busted open, his face covered in the crimson mask. DD looks down at the man in the black coat who stands over T3 and then smiles as he looks at the top of the entrance way...the rest of Hybrid Theory, Arson and Lady Revenge have emerged and they carry with them weapons...Lady Revenge a Singapore cane, Arson a baseball bat. They stalk towards the man in the black coat, who moves backwards in a defensive stance. Arson and LR slowly spit the paths around the ring, one going right, the other left.
There's a commotion in the crowd however and soon, hopping over the rail is...Xero, Thorne, and RPG!)


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CC: Well looks like things maybe about to even up or get really lop-sided.

AR: Some might have you believe Thorne made DD but such is not the case in this journalist’s opinion.

CC: SLR has been the subject of attacks recently. This doesn’t look good for SLR.

AR: Honestly I don’t know anymore what’s gonna happen.

(DD turns and sees Thorne and the two begin exchanging heated words. DD challenges Thorne to get in the ring as Lady Revenge and Arson have now gotten on the offensive, very aware of where RPG and Xero are while still watching the man in the black coat. Meanwhile, SLR has gotten to his feet, blood still pouring from his head, and looks around at all the people who have appeared ringside. He watches as DD and Thorne exchange words. SLR then looks towards Xero...who tosses him a chair?!?)


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CC: Could it be?

AR: SLR has backup!!!!! Now in the late going you might say SLR has “copied” DD by taking a “page” out of his playbook.

CC: What?

AR: What do you mean “what”. I’m referring to having backup. Dynamite always aligns himself with greats. SLR seems to be copying that approach. What’d you think I meant?

CC: Nuthin. Never mind.


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(DD catches the chair tossing in the corner of his eye and turns to see SLR swinging a chair at his face...and it connects with a thwack! DD goes down but meanwhile, outside the ring, all hell has broken loose as Xero, RPG, Thorne and the man in the black coat all turn their attention to Lady Revenge and Arson, stalking towards them. Back in the ring, the referee has turned his attention away from the out of ring antics and back to SLR with a cover...)

CC: SLR has him!!!!!




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(DD kicks out again! The crowd erupts with surprise! SLR can't believe it as he gets to his feet and walks over to the ropes, yelling at Xero to reach under the ring for something and Xero then rolls Titan 3 into the ring. SLR covers.)





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CC: SLR has DONE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

AR: AH but my little flower it isn’t over. Titan 3 however is easily eliminated by SLR.

CC: Good point.

Lady Revenge and Arson continue to fight RPG, Thorne and Xero outside the ring when out from the back comes the big man that has recently been signed to the WPW in "Controversial" Cain Colossus. He slips past the mayhem outside the ring and walks up the steps into the ring, and with a big boot nails SLR hard to the mat who turns around after kicking a defeated Titan 3 to the floor. Cain picks SLR up and nails a huge powerbomb on the smaller man, and in the process wakes Dynamic up as he leaves the ring. DD has gotten to his feet he stalks towards SLR, grabs him...CREATIVE CONTROL!


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CC: This is out of control!!!!

AR: The referee is allowing the mayhem between the two factions.

DD covers SLR and the ref slides into position...)






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(DD rises to his feet. Hybrid Theory members celebrate outside the ring then turn around towards the stage awaiting something. In the ring, Thorne, RPG, Xero and the man in the black coat get in to check on SLR. RPG helps SLR get to his feet and hands him a cigarette and lights it for him. SLR, bloody and beaten, stands and stumbles towards DD...and spits in his face! A melee ensues as the Hybrid Theory members rush in the ring with Cain Colossus with them.

As SLR’s group exit the ring SLR motions for a mic.

CC: SLR is gonna speak.

SLR: You won this match, but it's just begun DD...it's just begun.


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(SLR tosses the mic and he, Thorne, Xero, RPG and the man in the black coat bail and exit via the crowd.
Meanwhile Nearly unnoticed by the crowd on the stage It is Jaxon Payne he must have quickly paid bail and got out, he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a signed contract it is to wrestle in WPW and he holds it over his head and he pulls off his tshirt and reveals a Hybrid Theory Tshirt as the crowd looks shocked he then joins the rest of Hybrid Theory in the ring Dynamic reaches a hand out to Cain who’s also in the ring and then the two slap each other five as the Hybrid Theory theme begins to play over the pa system)

AR: What a night! What main eventers we’ve seen tonight SEVERAL names stepped to the forefront of this company and established themselves as true threats to the WpW World title. PDJ, Lady Revenge, Arson, and SLR and mark my words Jesse Williams reassured any doubters he is ready to be World Champion as well.


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(The scene turns to the broadcasters who seem exhausted.)

CC: But SLR got the last word tonight even in defeat. That group with him seem impressive. All the names you mentioned truly rose to the level but I think SLR has assembled quite the group.

AR: We shall see my little flower.

CC: We’re running out of time but I want to mention it was quite the sight seeing CEO Lilly return tonight.

AR: Cherish the moment because it looks like from the way he spoke earlier Roy Lee NOW has the board members to see a change at the CEO position with the surprise announcement then resignation of Arnold Schwarzenegger from the BOD.

CC: What a night it’s been in California!!!!!

(“Everybody comes to....HOLLYWOOD” by Madonna plays over a video package re-capping all tonight’s action the show ends following the video.)
