Rogue Squadron
Here you will find additional info on Rogue Squadron.
The Rogue Squadron from the movies and the books.
Firstly i will sum the whole story of Rogue Squadron up to a story.
initially, Rogue Squadron was the unofficial name of the X-Wing Red Squadron which assaulted the first Death Star. It became the official title of the snowspeeder pilots on Hoth, and eventually became the designation given to Luke Skywalker's group of 12 X-wing pilots. After Luke resigned his commission from the New Republic, Wedge Antilles was promoted to Rogue Squadron's commander. He took Rogue Squadron into battle at Bakura, and tried to keep the squadron vital in the aftermath of the Galactic Civil War. However, a number of rookies got killed trying to live up to the history of Rogue Squadron following Bakura, and so Admiral Ackbar approached the Provisional Council of the New Republic to petition them to let him restructure Rogue Squadron, from a political tool to a real team of crack pilots. Wedge continued to be the squadron's commander, and Aril Nunb was named Executive Officer. Wedge, however, felt that she was not as good a teacher as she was a pilot, and petitioned to have her replaced with Tycho Celchu. Under Antilles and Celchu, and a few Rogue Squadron veterans, the squadron regained its mystique and became the elite group of pilots it was destined to be.
Following the liberation of Coruscant from Ysanne Isard, the Rogues were awarded the first Coruscant Star of Valor for their efforts. The squadron was then ordered to augment Han Solo's fleet, which was planning to attack the Warlord Zsinj. All of the squadron's members were against the mission, wanting instead to liberate the planet Thyferra from Isard and exact their revenge on the way Isard and Erisi Dlarit had used the squadron. The Republic refused this request, ordering them to report for duty to Solo.
Instead, every member of the squadron submitted their resignation and created their own force with which to attack Thyferra. After the battle to retake Thyferra was decided, it was "discovered" by Airen Cracken that their resignations were never processed, so the Squadron was reinstated to active duty. The squadron served as part of the support structure for the Mon Remonda during the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. It remained under the command of Wedge Antilles until the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn and Prince-Admiral Krennel, when Wedge accepted a promotion to General. Tycho Celchu became Rogue Leader at this time, but eventually gave up the position to Wedge several years later. The Rogues were reported destroyed while supporting a reconnaissance mission over the moon of Distna, during the hunt for Krennel. Ysanne Isard's clone, obsessed with eliminating the Rogues, had laid an ambush for them at Corvis Minor Five. The ambush would have succeeded, if the real Ysanne Isard had not dispatched Colonel Vessery to recover the Rogues. This allowed them to work with Vessery's people to eliminate Krennel and Isard's clone before returning to active duty. A semi-permanent monument to the fallen Rogues was erected in the wake of the failed rescue of Sate Pestage from Ciutric, after Ibtisam gave her life to allow the squadron to escape. It was made up of holograms of those Rogues who had given their lives to the Alliance and the New Republic. The insignia of the Rogues was centered on the blue shield of the Alliance. Surrounding it were the images of twelve X-Wing starfighters with engines burning, flying outward from the shield. Four 12-pointed red stars surround the fighters, signifying the far-reaching strength of the squadron. The number twelve is significant, of course, because it represented the twelve positions of the squadron.

You will find Rogue Squadron in the following books:

X-wing book number 1. Rogue Squadron.
Very exciting book. It is all about who the NEXT leader of the Empire is and who the new pilots of Rogue Squadron are.
X-wing book number 2. Wedge Gambel.
This book is all about the conquest of Coruscant. It is an impossible mission. But how does Rogue Squadron deal with it?
X-wing book number 3. The Krytos Trap.
To me the least favorite. It was exciting at sometimes, But it was too confusing at points.
X-wing book number 4. Bacta War
A very exciting book. I was on the edge of my seet every time. Its all about how Rogue Squadron has to deal with world domination.
X-wing book number 8. Isards revenge.
A very exciting book. they take on an old enemy.
X-wing book number 9. Starfighters of Adumar.
Aaron Aalston has outdone himself again. This book was totaly awesome. realy good. Very exciting aswell, plus very funny.