Milano Collection AT


Report Last Updated - 4/06 (Spring)
Real Name - Aikihito Teuri
Birthdate - 8/27/76
6' 175 lbs. - San Antonio, TX

Aliases - none

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - Ultimo Dragon, SAITO, Takashi Okamura, Jorge Reyes, Skayde (Ultimo Dragon Gym - 6th Term)

Professional background - T2P(`01-`02), Toryumon(`02-`04), Dragon Gate(`04-`05), Indies(`05-)

Groups - Italian Collection

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- IR II (Arms-Behind-Back Facebuster)
- Wrist-clutch Fisherman Suplex
- AT Lock (Chickenwing Armlock with Headscissors)

Favorites -
- Paradise Lock (La Nieblina in ropes) with Seated Dropkick
- Aramani Shoe Exchange (Quebrada-Spinning Quebrada Combo)
- One-handed Springboard Back Elbow in the corner
- STF(ashion) (Stepover Toehold w/ Full Nelson)
- Step Enzugiri

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 8
science - 8
aerial - 3
power - 5
strikes - 7

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 7
selling - 8
bumping - 7
heat - 7
carrying - 6
push - 8
potential - 7

Outlook - The appointed ace of the T2P class, like CIMA before him, is very similar. Fueled by a deep moveset and a pretty boy gimmick, Milano Collection AT has been pushed very hard. He, like CIMA, has all the tools for his spot, the question is will he stay hungry enough to truly deserve it? After T2P was absorbed into Toryumon, Milano's prestige was challenged by the veteran Toryumon stable. He remained strong and grew better in the ring, but was not really doing his thing as much as he had been. Finally, Milano Collection AT left the company (it was then Dragon Gate) and has relocated in North America, where he competes all over. He is a premier indy talent with a cool gimmick and a style that has grown into something amazing.