noki-A / AKINO
Report Last Updated - 2/03
Real Name - Mika Akino
Birthdate - 10/24/73
5'3" 126 lbs. - Tokyo, Japan
Aliases - Mika Akino
Athletic background - Scuba Diving, Track
Teachers - Mariko Yoshida
Professional background - ARISON(`98-`03), AtoZ(`03)
Groups - CAZAI, Re:DRAG
Career Highlights -
- Teams with fellow rookie Ayako Hamada to capture the Twinstar of ARISON titles from Hiromi Yagi & Rie Tamada
- HamaKino defeats veteran tag team LCO in a big shocker
- Defeats Chaparitta ASARI to win the Skyhigh of ARISON title
- Debuts her masked luchadore persona "noki-A"
- Beats Fabi Apache to reclaim the Skyhigh of ARISON crown
Finisher(s) -
- Tornado A (Reverse Enzugiri)
- Rana into Cross Armbreaker
x Huracanrana
Favorites -
- noki-A Bomb
- Tope Con Hilo
- noki-A Backbreaker
- Various Armdrags
- Dropkick
Ringwork Rating -
move set - 9
science - 6
aerial - 9
power - 7
strikes - 6
Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 8
selling - 7
bumping - 7
heat - 7
carrying - 7
push - 7
potential - 5
Outlook - Right alongside her teacher AKINO is the best ARISON has to offer. Mika Akino came into the camp and worked very hard and proved to be a natural talent, which made up for her later-than-normal start. She was a fantastic rookie and while she didn't get the star treatment of Ayako Hamada, she was almost inarguably the better worker. As AKINO, she was able to show some flair. Then she dawned a mask and become "noki-A" adapting a more lucha-based style and she really took off. She's arguably ARISON's best talent right now, perhaps the most well-rounded and better than anyone at working lucha. It's unfortunate Hamada took up so much of people's time and then left ARISON because it took away from the exceptional abilities of AKINO/noki-A, who seems to be battling Yoshida and Fujita for that best worker spot in their own distinct ways.