Akira Hokuto


Real Name - Hisako Sasaki
Birthdate - 7/13/67
5'5" 130 lbs. - Yoshikawa, Japan

Aliases - Hisaka Uno, Reina Jabuki

Athletic background - Softball, Track

Teachers - (AJW Dojo)

Professional background - AJW(`85-??), CMLL(`93-`94), WCW(`96-`97), GAEA(`96-`97), GAEA(`99-`02)

Groups - LCO (Las Cachorras Orientales), Team Nostradamus

Peak Years - `92-`93, `97

Career Highlights - n/a

Finisher(s) -
- Northern Lights Bomb
- Dangerous Queen Bomb (Doctor Bomb)

Favorites -
- Spin Kick
- Missile Dropkick
- Stranglehold Gamma
- Plancha
- Slap

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 8
science - 8
aerial - 5
power - 7
strikes - 9

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 10
selling - 9
bumping - 10
heat - 8
carrying - 10
legacy - 7

Serious Injuries - Broken Neck, Knee, Arm, Back, Cervical Vertebrae

Place in History - Probably one of the most reckless, yet talented workers of the 90s, Akira Hokuto's style was so that she was forever banged up and never really got her big break. She, like so many joshi wrestlers, was a great talent for Zenjo in the 90s and despite being one of the most popular, they never the shot some would argue she deserved. Hokuto did more abroad than many of her peers seeing a form of success in Mexico and America, which was limited to only the best Japanese wrestlers, men and women alike. She also made history by marrying New Japan top star Kensuke Sasaki. Furthermore she became the first wrestler in history (to the best of my knowledge) to leave to have a child than return, more importantly though she hardly lost a step. Upon her retirement in 2002, Akira Hokuto, the Dangerous Queen, has certainly carved a distinctive niche in joshi and wrestling history.