Megumi Kudo


Real Name - Megumi Kudo
Birthdate - 9/9/69
5'4" 132 lbs. - Koshigaya, Japan

Aliases - none

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - (AJW Dojo)

Professional background - AJW(`86-`88), FMW(`91-`97)

Groups - none

Career Highlights -
- Beats out over 600 girls to get a break with All Japan Women during joshi's boom period
- Defeats rival Combat Toyota to win the WWA World Women's title
- Proves her abilities by having some of FMW's best matches with the likes of Manami Toyota, Toshiyo Yamada and Mayumi Ozaki
- Remains a strong draw for FMW after the retirement of Atsushi Onita
- Defeats Shark Tsuchiya in an Electrified Barbed Wire No Ropes Double Hell Death Match in her final match

Finisher(s) -
- Kudo Driver

Favorites -
- Thunderfire Powerbomb
- Tiger Bomb
- German Suplex
- Rana
- Hip Attack

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 7
science - 3
aerial - 2
power - 7
strikes - 6

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 8
selling - 7
bumping - 8
heat - 8
carrying - 7
legacy - 6

Place in History - One could make a very good case that Megumi Kudo is the greatest women's wrestler to find success in a non-joshi company. Furthermore in an independent like FMW. One of the many girls who got started in the 80s boom, Kudo was just a fish in the pond back then, but when former All Japan junior Atsushi Onita wanted to start a company, Kudo would become the star of the company's joshi division. What Megumi lacked in typical in-ring skills she made up for in ability to create great drama. She was the perfect babyface type and she learned how to carry numerous opponents of varying skill to tremendously entertaining bouts. Kudo was even allowed to show her wears against the most established women in Japan and the bouts were generally good. After a great run as perhaps the greatest women's wrestler to compete mainly in a non-joshi group, Megumi Kudo retired. Her departure hurt FMW as it meant the end for a serious women's division and she had been amongst their best draws. Aside from marrying fellow FMW wrestler Hido, Megumi has kept a low profile, though resurfacing for a match or two wouldn't be all that surprising.