Tatsumi Fujinami

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Real Name - Tatsumi Fujinami
Birthdate - 12/23/53
5'9" 208 lbs. - Oita, Japan

Aliases - Dr. Fujinami

Athletic background - n/a

Teachers - n/a

Professional background - JWA(`71) New Japan(`71-), UWA/WWF(`75-`81), NWA(`77), WWF(`84), CWA/WCCW(`88), WCW(`90-`92)

Peak Years - `82-`91

Career Highlights -
- Team with Kengo Kimura to win the IWGP Tag titles from Antonio Inoki and Seiji Sakaguchi
- Beats Big Van Vader to win his first of six IWGP Heavyweight championships
- Regains the belt after it is held up following a draw with his rival Riki Choshu
- Becomes the President of New Japan Pro-Wrestling
- Teams with Kimura to win their the fourth tag titles, 10 years after their last reign

Finisher(s) -
- Dragon Sleeper
- Figure-Four Leglock
- Dragon Suplex
- Flying Kneedrop

Favorites -
- Dragon Screw Legwhip
- Cobra Twist Clutch
- Abdominal Stretch
- Dropkick
- Leg Kick

Ringwork Rating -
move set - 10
science - 9
aerial - 4
power - 8
strikes - 7

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 7
selling - 10
bumping - 8
carrying - 8
heat - 9
legacy - 9

Serious Injuries -

Place in History -