Mr. Wrestling II
Real Name - John Walker
Birthdate - 9/9/3?
??? - Atlanta, GA
Aliases - Johnny Walker, The Grappler
Athletic background - n/a
Teachers - Tony Morelli, Pat O'Connor
Professional background - Georgia(`62-`68), Tennessee(`68-`73), Gulf Coast(`70-`72), Florida(`70-`72), Georgia(`73-`80), Mid-South(`79-`84), Florida(`81-`82), Mid-Atlantic(`84), WWF(`85), Southeast Indies(`85-`8?)
Groups - none
Peak Years - `72-`84
Career Highlights -
- Becomes a success as the NWA US Junior Heavyweight champion in the Southeast
- Is made into "Mr. Wrestling II" and is pushed hard by the struggling Georgia product
- Beats Sputnik Monroe in a tournament to win the Georgia Heavyweight belt for the first of ten times
- Teams with Mr. Wrestling (Tim Woods) and feuds with Gene & Ole Anderson over the Georgia Tag belts
- Defeats Ernie Ladd to become the North American champion during the Tri-State to Mid-South transition
Finisher(s) -
- Kneelift
Favorites -
- Backdrop
- Leg Cannonball
- European Uppercutt
- Front Chancery
- Gut Punch
Ringwork Rating -
move set - 6
science - 6
aerial - 0
power - 6
strikes - 4
Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 8
selling - 6
bumping - 6
carrying - 6
heat - 10
legacy - 8
Place in History - Mr. Wrestling II is a regional legend in the Southeast where he was a top guy for a decade and helped turn Georgia around. "Rubberman" Johnny Walker was an upper midcarder for several years, never really catching on as he wasn't really anything special. "Mr. Wrestling" Tim Woods had become very successful in Georgia, which had been split in half in late `72 by Ann Gunkel. Woods had dropped the gimmick and was working Florida, but he came in to help the company rebound from the split although he couldn't full-time. It was decided that such a good gimmick, so they put the hood on Johnny Walker in 1973 and tagged the two for a while. Wrestling II was more charismatic though and eventually became a much bigger star than Woods had ever been hood or no hood. He was the star that not only saved the company, but turned it into a national powerhouse garning some amazing cable ratings, was a constant challenger to the NWA World Championship and even a favorite of Miss Lillian Carter (and was invited to Jimmy Carter's Presidential Inaguration). While his tenure in Georgia made him a legend, II was a popular star in the Deep South as well until his retirement in the late 80s. Mr. Wrestling II is amongst the most popular and successful regional stars who did it all while in his 40s and 50s, a true statement about his ability. He fittingly went out with the territorial system, but his legacy is still a prominent one as Georgia's greatest wrestling legend.