Tsuyoshi Kohsaka
Current MMA Page of Tsuyoshi Kohsaka
Birthdate - 3/8/70
5'9" 224 lbs. - Kanagawa, Japan
Athletic background - Kodokan Judo
Professional background - RINGS(`95-`01), New Japan(`03), U-Style(`04)
Team - RINGS Japan
Career Highlights - n/a
Favorites -
- Roll into Reverse Achilles
- Heel Hook
- Hip Throw
- Cross Armbreaker
- Front Mid Kick
- Slaps
Ringwork Rating -
technique - 10
science - 9
counters - 10
transitions - 8
diversity - 6
power - 6
strikes - 8
Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 8
selling - 7
toughness - 9
carrying - 8
heat - 6
star level - 6
Place in History - Like Yoshihisa Yamamoto, legit fighting made his shoot-style career, when he made a good showing. TK won a tournament, the 1995 Lumax Cup, defeating Egan Inoue in the finals. Soon after, he began getting his push in RINGS. Kohsaka proved to be a remarkable talent for the post-Maeda RINGS having standout battles with Volk Han, Kiyoshi Tamura and Yamamoto himself. Kohsaka's nack for leglocks on the mat and exciting counters made him a wonder to watch and if he was paired with someone who could match him, he was amazing. In `98-`99, TK became a top heavyweight in the UFC and garnered a 3-2 record there. RINGS itself had switched to limited rules shoots and Kohsaka had varying success. All that fighting broke him down quite a bit and he's not looked the same since the turn of the millenium.